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Mar 2022 · 117
Our Mind needs Freedom
We are in this life on Earth,
To find our true self in our soul.
We are each an individual searching,
For our earthly survival roll.
This life is a dream, day, by day,
As it is to everyone else, floating on this planet,
Spinning, circling the sun, as time slips away.
Its up to each of us to keep focused, on ourselves, each day,
Mixed with negative and positive people, their habits, beliefs,
And attitudes, its easy to get pulled away from our own experiences,
Inspirations we feel we should live, in this short stay.
Everyone has different Ideas how to live each day,
Do not waste your life, expecting others to change
Our mind needs freedom, notice signs, do not waste time.

                                     The Original; Tom Maxwell © 3/10/22 AD
                                                         9;36 pm
Mar 2022 · 577
Is your Life one big Excuse
The more we practice, the effort we put in,
The better we get over time, then at some point,
We shape how old we are, in our life, and mind.
Keep putting the thought in the air, repeat it,
Convince yourself, your old, you will soon be there.
Age a number no attachment, connection to our body,
Many in their sixties, can outwork, and think many,
Half their age in years, that refuse to lay down the remote,
And stop adding to their mind, excuses and fears.
If you always think you need that extra couple snacks a day,
It becomes a daily routine, if you eat and believe you need,
Less at each meal, more time to get up move around,
It’s convincing yourself when you make the deal.
Many professional excuse-makers, around every day,
Convincing themselves they are fading away.
Most people you ask, say they do not want to die,
We are the only ones, that can motivate ourselves,
To think positive, keep active, eat right, be healthy,
For the few short years, we are alive.
                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/12/2020 AD
                                                                                                11:45 am
Mar 2022 · 128
Picked the final Hour
What news is being disguised
By the worlds, Dictators, & Hierarchy,
The tales the rest of us hear, each day,
Why wars, conflicts, each of us will die,
Soon enough anyway.
What’s the real urgent reason,
So many innocent people,
You **** along the way,
Why can’t us possible targets,
Know the truth, if you plan to make our day.
Being Rulers of countries A gig
Ninety-nine percent of us normal minded people,
Will never imagine or see, You, have money, power,
Or is it some crazy bet, and you have already,
Picked the final hour.

                                           The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/7/22 AD
3:00 am
Mar 2022 · 1.1k
People & pets
Humans love their pets,
In many different ways,
Building a bond that is strong,
Until either one dies, no matter how long.
People remember the good happy times,
With their pets, bragging every day,
They can make a mess in the house,
Their humans clean it up,
Forgotten, in a fast way,
Why can’t humans treat each other the same way,
If the toilet seat is left up, easy to put down,
From some, you hear complaining for days.

The original: Tom Maxwell© 3/6/22 AD
1:46 pm
Feb 2022 · 277
A Trippy Place to See
Sitting in my home, with a pencil in hand,
Thoughts to letters, then words is my plan,
Often interesting impressions, appear in my head,
Then I ramble on until the story fades to dead.
Inside I can feel myself floating, places, voices,
Sometimes, as if the words are handed to me,
A journey into my mind, a trippy place to see,
Everything, the highest mountains, to open valleys,
Always peaceful, like standing in the sand, staring at the sea.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 2/27/2022 AD
7:30 pm
Feb 2022 · 624
Another thought to Ponder
People are one of the most important ingredients,
In each other’s life, to survive every day,
Many we never meet, although their work and services,
Keep us alive, and comfortable in this life, many ways.

We never know in the morning, how often plans will change,
We find ourselves in another place, at the end of the day,
Knowing anything can change, or happen, at any time,
Who we may need advice or help from, during this life’s stay.

We each should appreciate others, more than material things,
That we often save and collect, not knowing why with our time,
Hoarding objects, knowing we will never use again, in this life,
Then look for reasons, we do not want certain people around.
A thought to think about in our mind.

The Original; Tom Maxwell ©
2/22/2022 AD
4:20 pm
Feb 2022 · 551
Show Appreciation
Everyone likes to be noticed,
Appreciated for things they do,
It gives them courage, and confidence,
When they help another from turning blue.
Stay friends with thoughtful people,
And always try to pay back, what is due.
The pace of human life, get’s faster day by day,
A little recognition can go a long way.
When you make someone smile,
It is a reflection, back at you.

The Original; Tom Maxwell ©  02/21/2022AD
Feb 2022 · 523
Unplanned Obstacles
We make many decisions in this life,
Such an unperfect world we live in today,
Depending on what we value, at the moment,
Our plans can be rearranged, at any time, on any day.
Our schedule will often be altered,
As we approach new cross roads , unplanned obstacles,
Can suddenly, block our way.
We learn with time and age, that in this life greed, often changes,
Our ideas of values and needs,  sometimes we have to let free,
Our ego, beliefs, so a more positive future, our eyes will see.
Certain dreams we vision as foolproof,
As  our thoughts led us to believe,
Will change to past memories, out of our control,
We have no choice, but to let them be.
Our deepest feelings and emotions, we can reminisce
The what ifs and whys, as we journey through years,
With vital information that we lack,
All we can do is sit back, as we wipe another tear.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/04/2022 AD  11:52 pm
Feb 2022 · 830
Hypnotizing Every Eye
I stare at the white ice crystals,
As they fall, so peacefully to the ground,
They travel so far, floating free,
When they land, never making a sound.

Like an artist painting a picture,
They are slowly turning everything, the color white,
They can shut down airports, and roadways,
With little effort or might.

The peaceful atmosphere they create,
Seems to catch and hypnotize, every eye around,
Bringing back memories to the older people,
As the children, run up the hill to slide back down.

The air temperature controls their destiny,
How long they will be in our town,
As the warmer rays of the sun, come our way,
They slowly melt, into the thawing ground.  

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/29/2022 AD
7:45 am
Feb 2022 · 455
The Best Day
As we travel farther on this trip, every day,
Following our decisions, without a clue,
Hoping we are heading the right way.

Never knowing if we discovered our purpose,
So many detours, and bumps, that can alter plans,
We can only hope we are heading the right direction,
Some- times we feel like we are floating, others,
Like we are sinking in quick sand.

Never give up thinking, the best part of your life,
Has passed, you never know the best day of your life,
Until you have lived your last.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/01/2022 AD
5:00 am
Jan 2022 · 234
The future – will it be
Who is the captain, of our ship,
The engineer of this train,
The person in the director’s chair,
The ones that make the most gains?
Our vessel,  a round mass of dirt,
Rocks, the center full of fire,
Water and sand, knowing,
Our lives are limited reservations,
We never totally own our land.
The people should be happy,
It seems like old history,
Many welcomed strangers, to their town,
Introduce themselves, invite them for vittles,
A shot of moonshine, truly kind, not a plan,
To rob, or hurt them, they enjoyed company around.
Every generation, learns, from what they hear and see,
Those at the wheel, need to change direction, a different way,
Robots are we trying to eliminate ourselves, the future will it be.
By The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/30/2022 AD
There is much good in the world how does the media miss it?
Jan 2022 · 251
Our Active Mind
Does it seem like a hundred thoughts a minute,
Often race through your mind, often worried about,
Getting somewhere on time?
Doubting, your thoughts, some things you do,
Thinking others are watching and wondering about you?
Feeling, like your body is running a fast race inside,
Uncontrollable, as if riding a scary carnival ride?
Speaking before others finish, what they have to say,
Or thinking of something else, as if they were in the way?
Taking time to criticize, what others say or do, only quick,
Complements, or positive statements, come from you?
When talking to others, often telling them what you think,

If any of these rings a bell in your mind, you’re not alone,
Millions are the same, in this life, this time!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/28/2006 AD
Revised 1/7/2022 AD
What we learn, and see, then believe,
Is how we live our life each day,
Our life, a maze of situations,
Our thought’s, actions, and ways,
Decide, if we move forward,
Change directions or stay.
Our experiences, from our past,
Along with watching others, work, and play,
Creates, who we are, along with setting up,
Our home where we stay.
We are each on an individual, limited tour,
A piece of this unlimited universe,
Your spirit inside, honest advice, along your way,
My soul remembering, the first Christmas day,
Our savior Jesus Christ, born, animals in the manger,
Sharing their bedding, a bright star, guiding the way,
Everything, peaceful, calm, strangers gathered.,
Listening to feeling, the message, in their souls,
True, positive thoughts, guidance, for all of us,
They were all, lit up, by the guiding light,
Shining on everyone’s, face, a gleam in each eye.
We are losing touch with the true meaning of Christmas.
Still the best wireless communication today,
Lay down your phone, stop and say a prayer,
Thanks for the first Christmas day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/17/2021AD
Jan 2022 · 521
The Most Powerful of All
The rays of the sun,
Shining straight at me,
As it falls, to the southwest,
A beautiful scene, a gift from nature,
The most powerful, over the rest,
Through leafless trees, two days before winter,
Up high & alone, I can see many squirrels’ nests.
When out of my sight, the burning out star,
Will still shine, bright, as we see the reflection,
Off the moon and stars at night.
As the big ball of fire grows closer, to the horizon,
As for as, my eyes can see, looking out my window,
It reminds me of a ship lowering its mast, out in the sea.

The Original: Tom Maxwell
12/19/2021 AD
4:20 PM
Jan 2022 · 437
Is There More To This...
As I stare through the glass,
I can see raindrops hanging on
Then falling one by one, from the rail of the deck
On this damp day, outside,
Raising my head, looking over, the red-painted wood,
My mind starts to journey, over the creek in the valley,
Up to the row of trees, on the other side.
Brown is the dominant color, of the leafless trees,
A cold morning, a light breeze, moving branches of those trees,
As I stare are they sending a message to me?
The sky a grayish-white is there more to this, than raindrops,
Falling between the sun and planet earth, as we are taught to believe?
There is so much around us we never hear about in our time,
Many things we are taught, we will never understand, or see,
A list of questions, we each will carry till the end in our mind.

The original: Tom Maxwell ©1/10/2022 AD
Jan 2022 · 361
Stay With the Flow
It’s five minutes to six am,
I have been receiving messages,
Then writing, I finished one poem,
At four fifteen, another at five-fifty am,
I’m tired, thinking of bed, with,
Twenty years, of experience, I have to,
Stay with the flow, it’s exciting,
When different thoughts, visit my head.
I have to catch them when they appear,
In my mind, without notes, or writing,
The subject can vanish, what a bind,
Never written, or said, always take time,
Listen to those voices in your mind.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
6:02 am
Jan 2022 · 509
As Our Soul Travels…
The moment we are in is all we have,
The past is over, the unknown, tomorrow,
The few seconds, you have been reading this,
You can not replace, or go back and, borrow.

There is a soul inside of each of us, who we are,
On a journey through the universe,
Now a stop-over, planet earth this time,
Every soul living a different phase of life,
Why, we all think differently, within our minds.

As the soul travels to reach perfection,
Learn discover, as much as possible,
During your visit to earth this time,
Always be prepared, for your, next travel,
Another place, unknown to our human mind.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
5:50 AM
Jan 2022 · 308
What Keeps You Alive
what is the most important thing,
Keeping all of us alive today,
Love, children, our parents, a job,
Food, water, beer, drugs…
Everyone has a different idea to say.
Most answers, could be swept under a rug.
Go outside, in the afternoon,
Look high into the sky, that burning out star,
The sun, without the warmth it provides us,
Very quickly, every living thing on earth,
Would freeze and die.    The End

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
4;15 am
Our attitude, and what we believe,
Is a big part of this life, every day,
How we react to certain situations,
Can lead us forward,
Or leave us where we are to stay,
It’s the same, for everyone,
No matter where you’re from, your work, or how you pray.
Our beliefs, will always change,
Examine both sides of each situation, every time,
Rules, laws, along with many other circumstances,
Were created, to keep negative thoughts and fear, within our mind,
We have to have trust and faith for ourselves,
Have confidence, and always watch for positive signs.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/10/2022AD
7:45 PM
Jan 2022 · 269
You’re Not Alone…
Does it seem like a hundred thoughts a minute,
Often race through your mind, often worried about,
Getting somewhere on time?
Doubting, your thoughts, some things you do,
Thinking others are watching and wondering about you?
Feeling, like your body is running a fast race inside,
Uncontrollable, as if riding a scary carnival ride?
Speaking before others finish, what they have to say,
Or thinking of something else, as if they were in the way?
Taking time to criticize, what others say or do, only quick,
Complements, or positive statements, come from you?
When talking to others, often telling them what you think,
They should say or do, It's an insult if they do it to you?
If any of these rings a bell in your mind, you’re not alone,
Millions are the same, in this life, this time!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/28/2006 AD
Revised 1/7/2022 AD
Wrote in 2006 some things never change...
Jan 2022 · 412
Writing my Purpose in Life?
We are traveling, caring for our soul inside,
As we search for, what we should be doing,
Our personal purpose, in this short life,
To help the soul get closer to perfection,
So, it can move on, at the end of this ride.
None of us will know if we discovered,
Our purpose, until after our body dies.
I never was a reader, never planned to write,
It was August 31, 2002, twenty years ago,
A friend called crying, a friend of his, died,
Some voice inside was saying write a poem or song,
To help my friend, relieve his sorrow inside.
I remember arguing with myself, I cannot write,
I tried, it only took me about two hours, to finish,
Jamie’s Song, it seemed easy, I was on my way,
Now, around 2,000 complete, hundreds, I started, let lay.
Often it seems so easy, they just appear in my mind,
All honest stories, messages, for the future, my purpose,
I will never know, till after my heartbeats, the last time.
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/4/2022 AD 7:50 AM
Jan 2022 · 708
Always be You in 2022
Alone, in front of your computer,
Or with your phone in hand,
Looking at pictures on the screen,
Many are cute, ****, honest nice,
Always beware, some devious plans,
Is the person in the picture, the same,
As they say, wanting you to believe,
If you never have a meeting plan,
It’s just a fantasy, in your hand.
Wherever your thoughts, or decisions,
Take you, stay cool, don’t feel blue
Keep a good attitude in 2022
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/1/2022 AD
4:20 AM
Dec 2021 · 148
My Thoughts Are for Others
All the words, I print out of letters,
I do not read over… to impress me,
I’ve experienced the visions, in my thoughts,
The best feeling inspiring others, as they read.

This life is not, a selfish journey in space,
Sharing positive thoughts along, each day,
Helps others and myself process this life,
As we travel on our paths, in different ways.

None of us would survive, on this planet earth,
Without the ideas, from past, and recent times,
Now mixing our knowledge, and suggestions together,
New generations, will sort and separate in their minds.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/16/2018
Dec 2021 · 420
Working to be a memory
This journey has taken me, through the woods,
I have passed along, countless miles, of streets,
I could not begin, to remember, all the faces,
I had the pleasure to meet.

Many are now, just dreams, when I sleep,
It’s not all smooth, and easy,
I’ve had my share, of sore feet,
I am still searching forward,
After admitting, many days, I was beat.

Some days seemed short, others long,
Hopefully, we made the right decisions,
Now that our life, has moved on,
Some day, we will all just be memories,
Like the words, of an old love song.

The Original; Tom Maxwell ©
12 / 21 2021
5:00 PM
Dec 2021 · 535
The first Christmas Day,
What we learn, and see, then believe,
Is how we live our life each day,
Our life, a maze of situations,
Our thought’s, actions, and ways,
Decide, if we move forward,
Change directions or stay.
Our experiences, from our past,
Along with watching others, work, and play,
Creates, who we are, along with setting up,
Our home where we stay.
We are each on an individual, limited tour,
A piece of this unlimited universe,
Your spirit inside, honest advice, along your way,
My soul remembering, the first Christmas day,
Our savior Jesus Christ, born, animals in the manger,
Sharing their bedding, a bright star, guiding the way,
Everything, peaceful, calm, strangers gathered.,
Listening to feeling, the message, in their souls,
True, positive thoughts, guidance, for all of us,
They were all, lit up, by the guiding light,
Shining on everyone’s, face, a gleam in each eye.
We are losing touch with the true meaning of Christmas.
Still the best wireless communication today,
Lay down your phone, stop and say a prayer,
Thanks for the first Christmas day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/17/2021AD
Dec 2021 · 339
More - Confusion
We never know when it will happen,
It does come around, often too many times,
We are sorting through many questions,
Thought’s circling, in our mind,

We each have our  ideas, emotions,
Inner feelings, then others, try to pull us,
Their way, they could lead us the wrong way,
Confusing, us the rest of this life’s stay.

Sometimes, you have to juggle them around,
We have to evaluate the situations,
Some we may be able to see live now,
Others empty promises, and dreams are never found.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/8/2021AD
Dec 2021 · 456
Dreams…We Remember
It was January, twenty - four, in the year 2019,
I was hurting from an infected, tooth, it was 2:00,
In the morning, I saw myself in A dream.
My image was standing, in the corner,
Looking about, 30 years younger,
In clothes, I use to wear, I could not believe,
I had to get up, and walk over there,
I was not afraid or scared, more curious,
Excitement, flowing in the air.
I remember, saying you are me, I reached,
To shake hands, only A blank face,
A motionless, body to see, The sound, of a vacuum,
Distracted me, I thought, it was early, for the maid,  
What could this sound be, I saw an image of my maid,
With her glasses, hanging, down from her head,
Then I woke from my sleep, I was lying in bed.
Was the infection, that bad, I was about to fall,
Then my subconscious, said, not your time,
Then gave me a wake-up call
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/10/ 2021 AD 7:00 AM
Dec 2021 · 391
To be happy in this life,
A question, with different answers,
Coming from every which way.
If you always looking for something,
Different or more, or comparing, with others,
Satisfaction, will, be here and gone, a short stay.
Always look for the positive, in others,
Hard in this negative, world we are in,
People are loud about, what they do not like,
Afraid to release, their true self, from within.
If we are serious, about exploring, in this life,
We must be open minded, willing to change,
Many talk their whole life, to impress others,
Wasting time in this life, wishing to rearrange,
We each have a purpose, individual mission,
We get hints, and advice, we can, explore,
The longer we wait, the choices start to fade,
Every year, fewer open doors.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2021AD
Dec 2021 · 868
Always Try before you Die
This life, we are traveling through,
Our classroom, to learn, respect,
Very important, accept, be thankful,
So much to explore, always try,
Different ideas, at any age
Your best talent, maybe,
On the
Other side of the door,
Even if a garage, is center stage.
Our body and brain, are to be used, they need movement,
They give us signs, aches and pains,
Then negative thoughts, passing through, a board brain,
Do the same, start forgetting, can’t concentrate then insane.
Our fuse is lit, we never know, when we will go,
Forget, the sayings, I can’t, I wonder, what if, …
Take the time, be proud, even if you’re slow.
None of us know, the best day of our life,
Or when we will die, until our last, goodbye.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/21AD 5:45 PM
Dec 2021 · 519
Christmas Wishes & Thoughts
As Christmas day will soon be here, our journey,
This life, has taken us through, another year,
Enjoyment during the season, full of cheer,
Take time to think, why are we here?
So much talk, commercialism, starts earlier each year,
We all hold memories, of the holiday, in different ways,
Always remember the first Christmas day.
Much talk about gifts, colorful, decorations,
We need to look at our life, the roads we travel,
Our special, inner inspiration.
Many plan for weeks, to create, a special day,
We all need to arrange our life, remember,
Our final destination, be prepared, every day.
Our travels in this life, will soon enter the year 2022,
Share, help others, this world is for all to learn.
Look for, talk about the good in others,
As you would want them to do to you.
The Original Tom Maxwell ©12/06/2019 ( original 2002 )
Dec 2021 · 178
Creating a stronger, smarter, human is fading,
Look at evolution today!
Raising children, no respect, or manners,
Thinking cell phones, and video games,
Are the path, to a successful life today.
No common sense, making rules, as they play,
Some get too deep, then the gray bar motel, they stay.
A lot of crazy talks, not a clue what they mean,
A bunch of words, no job, they can’t afford a cone with ice cream.
Spending, their grandparents, and parents, retirement away,
Not showing, any love or compassion,
To those who care for them, every day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
12/04/2021 AD
7:00 AM
Under the light blue morning sky,
in the wood’s, I can pick out the oak trees,
Their leaves, brown, always last to fall,
As I turn my neck, two deer walk by.
The new grass, natures carpet, beautiful green,
Looking over the rails, of my back deck,
A beautiful nature scene, my ideas I brought to life,
Over the years, I lost my siblings, parents, and wife,
During long hard - working hours, I dreamed,
Of retiring, to happy days, I had a plan to travel,
Across the USA, in my dreams, A couple of houses,
Then to explore, a new RV.  Everything paid,
No credit cards, or any loans, it’s a beautiful,
Saturday morning, I’m living all alone, no one,
To share with, or call on the telephone.
It’s hard to see, wiping tears off my face,
Like a lost puppy, they follow me to every place,
As I ride on planet earth, around in space,
The only real dream, for now, I have, waiting for God,
To call me home, from this life, in the human race.
The Original Tom Maxwell 12/4/2021 AD
Dec 2021 · 236
Think before, You Decide
As we float in space, riding on our planet,
We will have to make choices, many times,
For the wrong reasons, at the moment,
We think is ok, in our mind,
Are you a positive or negative, thinker?
Our you, an open, honest, sharing person,
That would help a stranger, on the street,
Or you always on the move, looking for,
Another victim, to try to defeat?
Everything, we say or do, depends,
On our personal attitude, in our mind,
Which can change, often very fast,
When making decisions, watch, listen for signs.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 12/01/2021AD  3:45am
Nov 2021 · 190
Nothing is Perfect
Tomorrow, will soon be yesterday,
It won’t be shorter, or longer, than any other day,
When your thoughts drift, to the future,
After the excitement is over, what do you see,
Straight up honest friends, and security,
Or hanging from a broken branch, falling free.
We can change, adjust to any situation, if we try,
This negative society, everyone, looks, judges,
For the worst, what is not perfect in their mind,
We cannot pick, who will be in our dreams,
When or how, they may come true,
Remembering nothing is perfect, in this life time.
Never walk pass an open door,
Your true purpose, and happiness,
May be there for you to explore.
The Original: Tom Maxwell 11/29/2021 AD 7:00am
Nov 2021 · 274
Time & Memories
The life we are in today,
Keeps moving at a steady pace,
None of us can change time,
Not even if your thoughts, do race.
Time is all we have,
Memories, is all we leave,
We are all the same
With different thoughts, we believe.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/29/2021 AD 2:00 am
Nov 2021 · 707
We each have Limited Time
We all have moments of confusion,
The right answer, direction, we search to find,
There is no perfect trail, through this life,
With an unknown, amount of time,
Situations, give messages, look, listen, for signs.
Often, we can forget, we are individuals,
Caring a soul inside, during this short stay,
Our spirit and angels, guide us to certain people,
To teach, help our soul to grow, in different ways,
We often make the wrong decisions, choices,
Worrying, what others may think, on different days,
We end up judging many, by clothes, race, age…,
With the right people our soul, gives us the feeling,  
Peace, security, in line, positive vibes, remember,
Never knowing, we must keep exploring, for,
Some live long, others short, lives,
We each, have a limited time.
The Original : Tom Maxwell © 11/25/2021 AD 4:20am
Nov 2021 · 243
Making Words out of Letters
I am sitting, at my table,
Armed with a pencil, in my hand,
Making words, out of letters, that is my basic plan.
Then my thoughts, started to appear,
One word, at a time, as I search through my files,
So many memories, in my mind.
The subject, can be about anything, from rain, to a sunny day,
To an all-night party, years ago, or the special words, I do Pray.
Never knowing, what will inspire me, I can’t, just plan to write,
Ideas flow in from every direction,
It could be morning, noon, or night.
Thoughts come, and go in a fast way
, Many writings, I have started,
May never see, their final day. never planning ahead,
watching for signs, then at one moment, I decide,
This will be the last line.

                                                          ­The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/21/21 AD 8:20 am
Nov 2021 · 258
Real Dreams are Natural
A dream is a fantasy,
They can come true, at any time,
Often, not at the moment planned.
Usually, we never noticed, when they arrived,
We had different ideas, and projects, at hand,
Later in our journey, we look back, and understand.
Real dreams come naturally,
Not those greedy, I want thoughts, in our mind,
They are personal, for us to learn,
As we never know, when they will fade in time.
The same as when A dream starts, or when their over,
We will always remember, those moments, and signs.
I’ve seen myself, in a dream, one night,
A calendar, mirror or clock, never in sight.
Original Tom Maxwell © 11/21/2021AD
Nov 2021 · 158
?? How are You ??
Do you accept others, for who they are,
Along with things they do, you ever think,
How would you be, walking in their shoes.
Have you ever disrespected, anyone, owing,
Them an apology, in some way, any old friends,
You would like to contact, what’s stopping you, today.
Do you pressure, yourself, and others, why,
Are you happy with your relationship, with God,
Are you spiritually connected, or need to try.
Do you hold in anger, you should release from your heart,
If you could begin this life over, how would you start.
If you had an extra hour every day, how would you,
Spend the time, are your priorities in order, what are,
You neglecting, inside your mind.
Do you think, why did God, give you this life, are you,
Working, to get near, are you healthy, and active,
Do you love who you are, so dear.
Who do you look up to, as a hero, why,
Are you considered a hero, to others,
Do you help, or even try.
Do you waste a lot of your time, worrying,
About things, you cannot change, control,
Or understand, what, is the best part of you,
No one ever talks about, or seems to notice,
How do you share it, what, is your plan.

Give it a thought?
This is our only turn, in this life,
We cannot renew, our reservations’,
Live, Learn, Leave, good memories…


The Original: Tom Maxwell© 11/08/2021AD 1:00am
Nov 2021 · 311
You Decide
The longer we are allowed,
To live, in this life time,
There are many decisions,
We will make, for reasons, in our mind.
Some we will investigate, and explore,
Before we finally decide, others so fast,
Not thinking, into the future, what may,
Flow back to us, later like a high tide.
Some decisions happen for unknown reasons,
Time with a friend, has faded away, no reason,
You both head different directions, never realizing,
Your last visit, was your final day.
The decisions we make, each day,
create memories, of us after our stay!
The original: Tom Maxwell © AD 11/07/2021 6:50am
Nov 2021 · 282
Some Dreams Fade Away
Before we realize, the possibility,
We may be close, to a dream,
There is fantasy, in our mind,
We think in many directions,
Trying to perfect it, for when our dream,
Begins, to appear, in real time.
Sometimes, no fault of our own,
They disappear, one cloudy day,
At first, we are saddened, like, a lost puppy,
A stray, still carrying emotions, feelings,
We wanted to share, live and stay,
Always, keeping, an open door,
So many thoughts, pass through,
As we sit under a tree, in the shade, confused.
Why our dream, faded away.
The Original: Tom Maxwell 11/01/2021 AD
Nov 2021 · 408
We should All be Thankful
We hear about
The warming of our planet,
The rising water in the seas,
Pollution, in the air,
It must be A mystery,
That we can breathe, or see,
Everything, for survival
Earth reproduces, for free,
Oxygen, water, and food,
Our three basic needs,
Fear, is A way to control, people,
The gift, of this onetime life,
We should all be thankful for,
And happy, as we can be.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 9/20/2021 AD 5:00 am
Nov 2021 · 258
The Warmth of the sun
A round ball of fire,
Our planet earth,
Revolves around daily,
The bright sun, in the sky,
Without its warmth,
We would, quickly die,
We take the sun for granted,
Never stare, at the sun to long,
’Within A few minutes,
It would blind our eyes.

The Original: Tom Maxwell 10/01/2021AD
I've known her for many years, I have made her laugh, and wiped,
Oh so many tears, from her dreams, that disappeared.
She always comes to me when she's down, because I've never,
Played her love, like all of those other men in town,
That give her the run around.
She never has stayed long with me, her safe place, with everything,
She wants, all of her needs, her eyes, never seem to see.
She always goes back to the ranch, finds another tree,
Hangs on from a broken branch, she might see tomorrow, by chance.
Only when the branch starts to break, she'll give me a call,
Before it's to late, I'm the only one who ever catches her falls,
And makes her feel so tall.
She always feel's safe, when she's with me, my spirit inside,
Makes hers feel free, that's what she craves, and needs, is the,
Feeling of her spirit, to be free...
Nov 2021 · 538
Lost Virtues
We have traveled to this life,
More clues, to discover our soul,
Also, to make the human being,
Smarter, wiser, in this earthly roll.
People complain, global warming,
Pollutions, experiments, at a fast pace,
In schools, computers, teaching children,
Not to think, will that better, the human race.
The important virtues, Love, trust, caring...,
That helped, bring our society
To these modern times,
Lost today,
They are priceless,
It seems today, no one cares,
Unless something has,
A large dollar sign, that stares.
The Original Tom Maxwell © 10/24/21 AD  8:00 am
Nov 2021 · 187
My Last Family Memory
The day light was getting shorter,
A beautiful October day,
It was after dark, I was at the cemetery,
At my dad & moms, and my brother’s graves,
My sister and the lady I married, are buried,
In cemetery’s, about 80 miles, different ways.
I was there for my final, last family function,
Burying, the ashes of my parents, yellow lab, Ginger,
Mom’s final request, before she passed away.
Thirty- four & thirty- three years, the last time,
I saw my sister & brother, ten for dad and four,
For my mother. After burying the ashes, I spread,
Grass seed on the graves, including mine,
Where my ashes, will lay.
I look at people different, than most,
Who just take those who love them, for granted,
Every day. I know I’m next in line, everyone.
Who truly loved me, passed, when I die,
No one left, to pray, or cry.
                                            Tom Maxwell 10/12/2021 AD
honestly this is true, I just have to keep pushing on...
Nov 2021 · 355
The Beauty of Leaves
I sit on the deck, staring in A trance,
Watching the leaves, take their last dance.
They twist and turn, as they fall to the ground,
Landing so gently, never bouncing, up and down.
A few, still hanging on branches, with beauty, so bright,
Showing true colors, as our days, grow longer at night.
They have all turned, red, yellow, gold, or brown,
As the wind blows, they fall, one by one, to the ground.
Leaves provide shade, from the suns bright ray’s,
Breaking the wind, on A breezy day.
Each one different, in shape and size,
They show us their shadow, when the moon light, rises,
Leaves stay, for only one growing season,
So much beauty, in such A short time,
Leaving colorful memories, Pictures, in our mind.
So, fast we forget, the beauty they gave,
We all have choice words,
As we rake, them away.

© Tom Maxwell 12/13/02
Oct 2021 · 383
A lesson Learned
No one has a perfect life, on planet Earth,
During this journey; period of time,
For our Soul, is here to learn, many lessons,
As we travel, through good, and bad signs,
We have to look at, negative situation,
As one of life’s experiences, when were in a bind,
A mistake, we repeat, at least twice,
If we change after the first,
It was a lesson learned, within our mind.

                        The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                    10/22/2021 AD
Oct 2021 · 323
Ideas, Ideas
A big part of who we are,
A major ingredient of our life,
Without, ideas, we would always be the same,
Something needs to be adjusted, in our life
Only ideas, with plans, and the right resources,
Can create, positive change, we never know,
The value of our ideas, until we release them,
Take action, play with them, like a game,
As we examine a situation, with an
Attitude, to rearrange.

                                                               The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               10/21/2021 AD 4:20 am
I had an idea, wrote about it..
Oct 2021 · 879
A Journey of our Soul
No one knows for sure,
Where we are, in our journey today,
A puzzle for our soul, along the way,
Some live under lights, others, in the darkness of night.
Life, is all about our soul, making it perfect,
Like snow at night, falling under a street light.
Most roads we explore, have been traveled down before
We are to discover, creating, learning, and seeing new sights.
We each are here for a purpose, our roll,
To find, Peace, Happiness, & love, for our Soul,
None of us are to know, before, our time to go,
This life, one short stop of our travels,
As we prepare our soul, for our final goal.

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                            Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                         10/14/2021
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