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1.6k · Oct 2015
Bittersweet little pills
I'm referring to actual medicine -

They say the best medicine tastes bitter,
So you have to take it to get better,
How I wish the word was sweeter!!
As in "the best medicine tastes sweeter",,
So what happens is;the little pill,
Goes into my blood stream with great thrill,
Unlike me when taking it in ; with no zeal,
But we thank God
For the brains that create those precious pills of "gold".
An instant thought of writing about medicine.
1.6k · Oct 2015
is a
With no
specific key.
We define success differently,so I figured perhaps success does have different keys..I really don't know of one specific key really
1.6k · Jul 2015
Body and Soul
My soul wills,
But my body gets weak,
Sometimes I wish they could always work together,
My soul wants what's right
My body;what's wrong,
But the body usually wins because it carries the soul,
Maybe the soul wishes to leave the body at times,who knows?
But despite all this,life goes on
Maybe one day I'll learn to put my body and soul in harmony.
1.6k · May 2015
Let's nurture nature..
1.6k · Jul 2016
A year older
As wine gets better with age,
I hope time makes me better.
Growing older happens to all,
However growing up is not the easiest task.
Birthdays don't mark growing up,they mark growing older.
I hope to take age as a stepping stone,to more integrity and maturity.
1.5k · Aug 2015
None of our experiences are painted or engraved on our faces or bodies for people to see,
So we shouldn't judge by what we see and we shouldn't be judged for what they see.
But again,you have to have the right cover that is the right attitude,make it right.
You*  were  born  beautiful,
From  your  head  to  your  toes,
Your  hair  to  your  nose,
And  your  complexion  to  your   supposed   "flaws",
You  don't  need  to  bleach  your  skin,
Just  ­to  fit  in ,
Flaunt  what  you  own ,
Let  the  doubts  about  your  body  be  gone ,
Beauty  is  in  your  nature ,
You  just   have   to  build  it , nurture  it .
Remember - it starts from within.
No matter how many compliments you may receive,if you don't acknowledge your beauty,they won't'll probably just take them as sarcasm.
Accept and love you.
1.5k · Jun 2015
#Curiosity indeed
I was told to try it out,
That everyone was doing it,
That it was awesome and the sweetest thing ever,
They told me the risks behind it were a myth,
I did it!
My very first time,
Used no protection,
Was drunk and couldn't recall how it even felt,
What a waste,
It was supposed to be awesome,
But it wasn't,
I decided to think for myself
And change my ways after that day,
I went for ***/AIDS testing,
Lo and behold,I was given a second chance,
I was negative,
Though I'm not so sure yet,it could be that I tested during the window period!
PS:Nothing of that sort happened to me,just a thought..not a true story.
1.5k · Mar 2016
If I die young
Lord make me an angel,
To watch over my loved ones,
Give me a rainbow robe to shine bright for the hopeless,
Adorn me with a crown to give light to those in darkness,
Give me wings to rescue the helpless,
And a voice of gold to sing to those that need comfort,
Don't bury me till I get my first kiss,
Till I **** a serpent at first hiss,
And I'm no longer a miss.
If I die young,
Still make me live.
1.5k · Oct 2015
Self Belief
Believe in yourself so much that even when there's no one to back you up,you'll still stand firm,
Do you know of the sweet pleasure of doing something people say you can't do?
Wow its soooooo pleasurable!!!,I'm lacking better terms here,
But believe me,it is.
Inspired by the Walter Bagehot quote which says "the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do"
By the way,Greater is He who's in you than he who's in the world.
1.5k · May 2015
Time brings all things to pass,
Time waits for noone,
Time is an asset,
Time is the most common yet important thing.
Time heals wounds,
It heals broken hearts,depending on how its used.
Time is fair,it rushes for noone and stops for noone
If there's anything that we all have in equal amounts;its time..
Time let's everyone use it,
Either for success or failure,building or destruction..
Time is to be treasured and used rightly,
As common as it may be,a day will come when you will no longer own it.
1.5k · Jan 2018
Don't be sorry
For being right.
For knowing more than you are expected to know,
For doing what is right.
For knowing who you are,
For knowing your worth.
For taking pride in your being,
For not being ignorant.
For being innocent,
For holding on to your beliefs,
For being hopeful and having faith.
For being loyal.
For being different.
For being an introvert,
For being an extrovert,
For being an ambivert.
For not being understood.
For choosing your own path.
For being your own best friend.
For loving yourself.
For leaving behind things and people for your own good.
For choosing to put yourself first.
For listening to yourself.
For being a woman,
For being a man.
For crying.
For believing you deserve the best.
For accepting who you are.
For being a cheerful person,
For being a quiet person.
For being beautiful,
For being confident.
For being realistic.
For being optimistic.
For being blessed.
For making yourself happy,
For taking yourself seriously.
For loving someone.
For being a human being.
If it is who you are,the only person to be sorry is the one trying to change you.
When you have nothing to write about,
But you want to write anyway,
Guess you can even write about having nothing to write about,
Like I'm doing right now.
So ideas creep in when you begin to write something even when you had nothing in mind,
Be patient with your head,its not a machine,
Its not always that ideas have to be well lined up,
Let the mind wander sometimes,
Its good.its alright
1.5k · May 2022
The more you chase love, the more it evades you.
1.5k · Nov 2015
If my principles
It has to be
Never before me.
1.5k · Jan 2016
I was once full of damnation,
But you called me and gave me salvation,
You saved me from evils' manipulation.
Anger was my motivation,
And desire for wrong things;my inspiration,
I had no hope for a future heavenly nation.
All I knew was condemnation,
But Christ,you took my hand and swept me off my feet,
Taught to me how to dance to your beat,
And my life is no longer under "the heat".
1.5k · Jun 2015
Define your WORTH.
Know who you are and let noone degrade you,
Don't let anyone define who you are,do it yourself,
Don't lower your standards to fit the standards of others because if someone loves you they'll definitely respect your standards and limits!
You deserve respect,respect yourself first to enable others to do the same,
Know your worth!if someone doesn't respect your values then its plain and simple,they don't love you,.
Just write about writing about having nothing to write about.
1.4k · Oct 2015
God loves you,
When He allows hard times,
He never forgets you,
He knows you can make it,
And He gives you what you need to survive it all,
He wants us to love Him through thick and thin,
Always hold on to Him,
Your prayers don't go unanswered if you align them with His will,
Don't give up on God.
He'll never give up on you.
1.4k · Feb 2016
The soul
The soul knows of
Things untaught.
1.4k · Jul 2016
I believe in GOD
And I praise Him!
His greatness can not be understood.
No matter where life takes me my hope lies in Him alone.
I'm hopeless without His grace and mercies.
I thank Him daily because He's worthy of all the praise.
There's no one like Jesus Christ.
1.4k · Mar 2021
What better way to love someone than intentionally?
Not because you have no choice but because you chose them.
1.4k · Jul 2016
What Jesus Christ looks like
Jesus Christ;
              Faith and peace,
        Selflessness and purity,
      Understanding and gentle.
Beautiful in soul non judgemental,
         All wrapped up in love.
            In a nutshell
                He Looks like
1.4k · Jul 2016
Be grateful
Be grateful,
For as long you eat and have clothes on,count yourself opportuned.
No matter what you get in life,you'll never count it enough until you become grateful for the little things.
We envy money so much not realising it can't buy happiness nor a spot in eternal life,it can't buy love nor peace.
All that money can buy is vanity.
Money is important,its a need. But putting it as priority and counting yourself nothing when you don't have much of it is not a good thing really.
1.4k · Jul 2015
I feel my dreams from within,
When I want to take hold of them,
They feel so far away,
Yet so close to my heart,
And the stars in the night sky always remind me that no matter how far something is,it can still brighten your life,
My dreams give me the drive to live,
And the hope to one day touch them;take hold of them and live in them.
1.4k · Mar 2016
Wildest dreams
In my wildest dreams I can sit on a cloud,
Watch how the world is moving and paint pictures of my view,
In my wildest dreams,the earth is heavenly,
Everyone is even,
In my wildest dreams we live forever,
In my wildest dreams;there's no competition and no ones trying to be like the other,
In my wildest dreams,good dreams come true.
1.3k · May 2019
Inflammed ego
Unless it is chronic,
Inflammation does not last.
Be humble.
1.3k · Oct 2015
The power in womanhood
The power of a woman is  not  to be underestimated at all,
Maybe that's why men are physically stronger than women,
Because a woman doesn't require that much of physical strength,
All it really takes is her mind and how she uses it,
She can create love or hatred,
Make you love sin or detest it.
She can build you or crash you to crumbs if you're not careful.
Women - use your power wisely,to make lives better;to empower.
Men - be wise enough to know how that power is working in your life,is it in a good way??
Yes you may be her head,but she's in your head (get it??).
Men have great power too but in this case I was focusing on my fellow ladies ;) . For any questions - inbox. Peace!
1.3k · Nov 2015
Locked up
Two years of age,
Supposed to be playing,
But stuck in a "cage",
Doesn't know how,but she's praying,
Tears running,eventually drying,
But starting all over again,
She can't stop crying,
She's locked up for no gain -
Just because she's an albino,.
She's so innocent she doesn't even know,
Its not her fault!
Just at two she's been through a lot,
More than anything,she needs love,
She deserves love,
The amount of melanin has nothing to do with levels of being human,
Because in the first place there's no level of being human,
We all inhale and exhale oxygen and carbondioxide (respectively),
We were all born,
And we'll all die,
No one is more or less important.
Watched the news yesterday,after a really long time..and I saw a very sad story of a girl who's  two years old,before she got rescued she was crying so much,her family leaves her alone,locked up just coz she's an albino,fortunately she was rescued by some police men after a man reported the issue.sad sad sad. :'(
1.3k · Jul 2016
Eyes gentle and not crooked,
Lips sealed in truth and not bitterness,
Heart kind and loving,
Mind intelligent and wise.
Body confident and joyful.
Its beauty,it starts from the mind.
1.3k · Jun 2015
Dumb ass type of love...
You catch them cheating,they tell you its not what you think and you believe it,
They abuse you,they beat you up and you decide to think that they are simply trying to show you their love,huh!!!!!are you kidding me??how's that love?
They tell you things like you can't make it,you're ugly and you agree with them,that's just wrong!
They tell you the only reason they are with you is because they simply pity you,come on!!,you can do better than a pity party.
We know love can make stupid but let's not shut our minds just because we've opened our hearts to love.
1.3k · Jan 2016
We dream
We dream,
We dream because,
We dream because there's hope in dreams.
1.3k · Jan 2016
No matter how small you think something is,someone somewhere wishes for that very thing,
No matter how bad you think your life is,someone somewhere can't even breathe independently,
As you're hating on your body remember that someone somewhere has no limbs,sight nor hearing ability,
Its easy to take our families and friends for granted,but we must
Appreciate them.
For others wish they had even just one friend.
We take so many things for granted,perhaps its our nature,but gratitude is definitely something worth pursuing.
1.3k · Nov 2015
High hopes
place high
hopes on low grounds.
High hopes must be connected to high grounds(reasonable basis),
Eg, if one wants to become rich but doesn't work hard enough and still hopes to become rich,that's an example of placing high hopes on low grounds..coz the chances of winning the lotto jackpot are pretty slim(sadly)
Build a solid ground for your hopes,
Also if one is in "darkness" today,hope needs to be placed on a high ground even just in the future itself and life itself and faith.
life = hope
1.3k · Nov 2015
Reality check
Any great aspiration,
Requires perspiration,

In order to be establised.
We need to work hard for the dreams we believe in,nothing great and long lasting comes easy.
Edited -» 01-12-15
1.3k · Nov 2015
You're beautifully unique,
No need to envy anyones physique,
Afterall beauty isn't  specific.
It varies,if not;the world would be boring hence pathetic!
Someone somewhere finds you perfect,flawless
So don't stress.
For everyone ;)
Don't change for the world,
Be bold enough to be yourself
And watch the world bow to the real you,
Let it change to accomodate you,
You can't change to accomodate the world.
That's almost impossible.
Be the real you,keep your standards high and let nothing stop you.
You're beautiful,no beauty standard should rule your life.
If you're on the right track don't let anyone move you to the side. Keep moving.

Poem inspired by the song scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara.
1.2k · Jul 2016
Growing up
As time goes by we realise that only a few things matter in life. We realise that being liked by everyone is not possible so its not something to take as an ambition,we come to learn that trends are just trends.  And that self love is not selfishness,
Its something we all deserve.
1.2k · Nov 2016
Inferiority compleX
A disease,

Luckily its curable..

When with great people,its never at ease,

To it,its invisible.

And everyone else invincible.

Its all about looking at what everyone else is doing,

And forgetting its own work.

Doesnt know where its going,

All it does is want to break.

Its hard living with that disease,

So lets give ourselves some remedy;

A piece of self acceptance to put your mind at ease,

A table spoon full of self love to revive your energy,

And big dreams to ignite your fire.
1.2k · Dec 2015
As blood drips,
Pain grips,
Sharp stings and bubbly feelings,
But it is one of the normal dealings.
Clues in the tags
1.2k · Nov 2015
Never give up on your dream
Never give up
on your dream...
because you never
know what the
Lord can
bless you with.
Kelly Rowland quote.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Life is entirely made up of choices,
And in making these choices,there will always be different voices,
All possible but holding different consequences
And not making your own choices when you grow up may lead to regret,
The realisation may even seem too late,
But in the long run,
We end up knowing that learning from mistakes is the best though not always fun.
So as you make your choices,
Analyse their consequences.
1.2k · Jun 2015
Little things..
Little things aren't exactly little,
They have a deeper meaning,
More like they have a life beyond our discernment,
That's why its hard to really appreciate them,
But we have to,
Because its them that create big things,
Great things are actually a sum of little things,
Small daily efforts and actions,
They lead to great things..
1.1k · Mar 2016
Beauty of the physique is but an illusion,
It leaves in awe but its not everlasting,
Its fascinating yet quickly fades,
It grabs attention,
Brings forth attraction,
But goes no further than that,
Beauty is a phase,
Enjoy it while it lasts; if you can.
Inner beauty?,,
Well inner beauty is forever,
It attracts and maintains the attraction,
It never fades,
It keeps the soul awake!
Its beautiful,
Beautiful beyond what the eyes can see,
Its real,its not an illusion..
Its true.
Its who you are,its beautiful.
Good day! :)
1.1k · Sep 2016
The Grace that is sufficient
No matter the pain,
There is always gain.
It may not be obvious now
Because everything seems so dull,
But realise that life isn't a race,
We live here by grace*.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Dear Lord
How you love me Lord,
I can't explain,
I love you but my life isn't enough evidence Lord,
Be the centre of my life,
I want to love you as much as I did when I first received you oh Lord,
Awaken my zeal for your word,
Make me thirst for your presence Lord,
I'm empty without you,
I'm lost and I'm nothing Lord,
Jesus be in my heart,
Rekindle our relationship.
You're the only lover I have Lord,
Thank you for loving me despite my faults.
1.1k · Nov 2016
New month,
Ordinary start,
Very hopeful though,
Every great thing starts small.
Manage the little youre blessed with,
But dont stop trying to get better.
Earlier this year you made it,
Remember to use your history for strength.
Happy new month,
A sign of hope and new beginnings,
The year is coming to an end and youve made it this far,congratulations!
Life is funny,
No matter how we try to control things around us,
Something just turns up that reminds us that we may have control over our lives but we have no control over life itself.
Its funny like that,
Uncontrollable nature of life.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Respect people,
Don't think you're better than everyone else,
Keep being open minded,
That way you'll learn even more.
And treat people the exact same way you'd love to be treated,
Its natural to be nice to people and expect them to be nice to you too but unfortunately that's not always the case,
Don't forget self respect,
Reflect what you admire.
1.1k · Sep 2015
Your companionship is an inspiration,
The love you share has groomed me to live rightly in my generation,
Your hardwork and care rekindles my lifes passion,
I hope to be like you,and be less of a fool,
I don't mind being called old school
If what I'm doing is what you know as genuine and true,
God has blessed you,
You've come this far because you need to testify,
And they need to see the two of you and verify,
That indeed true love exits and edify-
Us and make us realise that the new immoral "laws" of society we can defy.
Anniversary poem to my parents.written way back though.
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