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1.1k · Dec 2015
Amanda Dec 2015
I would like to be that girl;
the protagonist that doesn't cry.
Where she is able to push aside fears and tears, like fog on a mirror.
Her hands aren't afraid to be ***** and ******.

But bitterness and anger drool stickily on mine.

Right now, I am what I am.
This is all you get.
And it's not up to myself
for you
want me.
Good night starlights!
ex & ohs.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Newspaper Ink
Amanda Sep 2014
There is an inexplicable magic
- sweet & short; the bitten back lips sort of pain-
something imbued with time.

For it survived through the silent deafening tick-rocks.
Little silvers and wisps of yellowed newspaper ink tailor itself in your cold coat pockets.

Oh yes,
dust-motes, blood & teardrops lay between its spaces.
But, it is still there.
Right between your seemingly fragile fingertips.

You're here now, make it count.
Hey you, you and you!
How are you doing today?
I watched The Other Woman, again, today. :') Sigh, I love chick-flick comedies. Do you? ;)
Good morning sunshine/Good Afternoon/Good night & Sweet dreams, where-ever you are.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Just to let you know,
Amanda Aug 2015


at dawn.
Hihi you, you & you!
I really wish I could incorporate drawings for this.
1.1k · Feb 2015
10 Fingers
Amanda Feb 2015
And he held her hand so tight, she could feel how hard bones are. Even against flesh and blood.

She thought her bones may crack.

But it never quite occurred to her, he had been broken and is still *breaking.
It will be all buttery yellow sunshine very soon.
I pinky promise.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Amanda Apr 2015
And his kisses on her skin felt like wisps of butterfly wings,
then to a slow inferno.
Hello you,  you & you!
I miss doing ceramics with my two chickadees. Ahaha, I feel like every single day, I learn something new. Whether it is about myself or my friends, or the kind of world we live in.
You get the good, you get the bad, the things you wish to hear and the ones you don't. Everything in between.
1.1k · Aug 2015
& Vice-versa
Amanda Aug 2015
She lit up the unfound constellations of sweet syllables
the recesses of his mind.
Hey you!
1.1k · Sep 2014
Chapter #1
Amanda Sep 2014
The way your voice sounded 357 pages ago,
a sweet cut across on wintry darkness; flitting out were all the stars.

The little husky notes living in the
b r e a t h i n g s p a c e s
your lungs and mouth to lips are like bookmarks.

I never quite lost the page I stopped at.
I dare not read on.
Hey you wonderful soul!
How are you doing today?
I just watched my school production, Grease. I am blown away. :")
This was typed to Breath Again- Sara Bareilles.
Oh, and if you are feeling a little blue, chin up, sending you a big hug.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Blue Pajama Sleeves
Amanda Sep 2014
I'll like to think that we are all glass figures, people, whatever.
We are fragile, delicate, malleable when heated, at times we can be coolly transparent.
But the undeniable truth that we always come back to is that we can all
Under pressure- the sort that splinters pieces of wide-eyed innocence and hope, the kind of disappointment so pale, you can see it in their skin- it results into little fissures of weaknesses spidering out into ugly cross-roads. Which I think we will inevitably walk on.
And suddenly, with those gaping cracks,
we are no longer quite so impervious to
the bad or the good.
Frankly, as sickeningly cliche this may sound, it is universally accepted that it is the very inside that will start to bleed into those crossroads.
So, yeah, it is the inside that counts.
And I wish I could have learnt that without cutting my hands
red and raw
on these broken shards of glass.
Hey you, isn't your soul looking gorgeous today?
How have y'all been doing? :')
The above is the beginning of my short narrative for my English assessment. It is by far one of my more gritty and raw stories.
Definitely more challenging and emotionally draining sort of writing.
Typed to: Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars
P.S My heart crumbles into little piece when I hear the beginning.
Take care, okay?
1.1k · Aug 2015
Smiley Face
Amanda Aug 2015
It's time to be happy,

happy to the tip of my toes & flicks of my rather short eyelashes.
What I need is to stop repressing my real thoughts for the possibility of your approval.
- Frida Kahlo
One of the best quotes I have ever read and it is time to live by it.
1.1k · Dec 2013
The Faceless Clock
Amanda Dec 2013
Imagine how utterly terrifying would the whole universe be if there was a faceless clock.
Just faceless clocks.

That dictated the way earth shall be lived in the most minimalistic sense.

No hour hand, no tinks, no tick-tocks and no numbers.
That will allow us to regretfully or mercifully go on.

The gears and everything are in place.
But there is

Just silence that will deafen your ears.
Silence that your screams cannot pierce.

Yes, that is me now.
I have no bearing, no sure sense.
Simply lost.

Just some nonsensical writings on blank pages with Mont Blanc pen.
1.1k · Apr 2014
16Little Things I know:
Amanda Apr 2014
I blush far too easy. Oh, I fall easy too.
2. Aha! Being short is quite okay.
3. Oh My, I hide behind my hair & hands if my cheeks go crimson.
4. A little thing I always do: I kiss my teddy-bear Good-bye before       I leave my bed.
5. Most people, no everyone has something to teach me.
6. A fact: I am blessed. I should never ever let that slip away between my fingertips.
7.Never give up.
8.Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. You have to make one.
9.A quote I adore: "The Soul is dyed by the colour of its thoughts."
10. Hair is often unconsciously twirled in my fingertips.
12. I Look funny when I daydream.
13. Let the people you truly adore etch their names on the edges of your heart. There, they cannot never truly be gone.
14.Oh my goodness, isn't he a sweet-heart?
15. ! You've got to be brave. Don't let your lips be bitten back by those hesitating, silenced words.
16. Stories like ours don't quite end. Not yet, anyway.
Hihihi!! I hope that didn't sound too narcissistic.
I got the idea for this poem from a fellow poet on this site. I've been searching for that particular poem but I cannot seem to find it. If you are the one who wrote something similar or a poem about turning 16, please tell me so I can credit you lovely person! x

I guess, you guys know a little more about me, hey?
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday where-ever you are!
1.0k · Dec 2015
Amanda Dec 2015
In the crook of their necks,
the two thieves fell in love.

Hi sunshine!
1.0k · May 2014
Past Tensed
Amanda May 2014
there are those memories that ****** away at our crinkled hearts.

Some pull & tug in the same way,
eyelids close  
slowly and sleepily on Sunday mornings.

A few and a half dust-motes on memories are like paper cuts.

Short, sweet, stinging.

A handful are incredibly blurry, is it for the best?

Whether, my fingertips are trying to paint a lie white,
even, my mind is not too sure.

I keep living and breathing past tense.

I  liked the way your lips turned downwards before that smile,
the roughness of your fingertips against mine.

Of course, it is all gone now.

You are gone now.

And I have not even forgiven myself
forgetting how it             *f e l t.
Hello there lovely soul!
Good morning Sunshine/ Good Afternoon/ Good Night & Sweet dreams where-ever, you, you and you are!
1.0k · Feb 2014
Amanda Feb 2014
Let grateful, itself kiss your skin.

Let it twirl and wisp around those fingertips you can tweedle with,
write, draw, make unimaginable,wonderful
untitled somethings.

Slowly but surely,
that effervescent feeling bubble into your body;
sparks of bliss lighting those dark, dark oblivions.

I don't care!
Let those words
carelessly snuggle
the lines of your fingerprint.

Bare those pearly whites
How are YOU today?
This universe needs more smiles, so bare yours.

P.S I am a cheeseball/ hopeless romantic. What can I say?
1.0k · Jan 2015
Close the doors.
Amanda Jan 2015
A single eyelash, one orchird petal and a flannel shirt button.

She kept them in an old shoebox sandwiched against old sneakers with laces knotted like lovers, old yellowing papers and letters. All of which had dated back 5, seven, 11, twenty-1, 29 years ago.

All of them incongruous objects, but they all belong in the past.
I outgrew them, my mind memorized all the words on those pages.
Once from a person I knew.

I don't love him.

I loved him.
past tense

I had loved him.
still past-tense

I love him.
*Present tense. It's now.
Happy New Year to you, you and you!
I am excited, nervous and eeek about what this year will bring.
P.S The phrase "Knotted like lovers" is a quote from Jodi Picoult's Handle With Care.
P.P.S It is a beautiful novel.
1.0k · Jan 2018
Amanda Jan 2018
I learnt what 17 meant: recklessness, glassy eyes and a firestorm in someone else's chest.

19: a smile carelessly left in the crook of my neck, an hour shy of a sunrise and a firestorm in my chest.
1.0k · Feb 2015
Amanda Feb 2015
The scary, bold whisper of a truth is that pinning blame is careless.

You feel the slow *****; a smart of pain.

A sweet sting.

Just enough to draw blood to the surface, but not enough for a bandage.
Hey you, you & you!
How have you all been??
I have a blocked nose and a sore throat. :')
Swimming in 20 degree weather and no towel to dry off is not a good idea.
1.0k · Feb 2014
Amanda Feb 2014

Coincidental; little mistakes
that make us
oh, so very

A stroke or a little flick of ink that makes that dizzying difference
between what your lips wants to say
what is starkly conventional.

But trust me,
when I write
I love you
at the
very end of
coffee-stained and red lipped marked

It isn't quite a mistake.

Hush those slightly alarmed eyes.

Perhaps, it's just my white heart painted red's
Hi Hi Hi!
How are you today, lovely?
I hope you enjoyed this little daydream I've written into words.
P.S This one is for you, Sabina.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Amanda Jun 2014
The distilled silence are like dusty mirror reflections of
my breaths
slow heart beats
in this terribly empty room.
It is 1:18am, 1st July here in Melbourne.
Where has all the time gone? :')
Have a lovely, lovely day & night to you, you and of course, you.
1.0k · Mar 2014
Old; Old scars
Amanda Mar 2014
Be careful*
when you hold my hand.
As much as my winter-bitten lips refuse to say

"I am fragile."

Don't worry, spring will kiss them.

Between my wrist and fingertips, bear a gossamer web of time's sewing, see that criss-cross there, yes, it's still mending.

Little threads of fine, fine alchemy.

Above all, be very careful & wide-eyed
with my heart.

The space between my ribs and my white heart painted red
old, old scars
that never quite
s l e e p.

Creased memories still peek-a-boo here & there
threads and thin lines of time seam them away.

It is scary, I know.

But, I promise,
I'll do the same for you, sweet-heart.
Hi Hi Hi!
Hope you enjoy this little nonsensical writing!
1.0k · Apr 2014
Lemon & Sugar
Amanda Apr 2014
it took a little time.

A handful ,
Make it a teacup

dash of sugar.


A twist of lemon.

One tap of the silver spoon.

It took a while
patient waiting
for me
blushingly admit
precisely how much
I have
your *gravit
Hello Hello there! x
How are you doing?
I hope you are having a lovely sunday!
Bring on Monday!
I am currently living the dream right now.
I am on my bed with my duvet, writing book + laptop. Oh, wearing a ****** mask too. HAH! :')
I know, rather pathetic, but hey! It makes me happy!
Now, don't laugh! ;)
P.S *Hugs* for you, you and of course,you!
1.0k · May 2015
Amanda May 2015
What if flowers bloom in fire & glass-jars?

Perhaps, in muted sunshine, melding with peaks of incandescence & fire-flies, something indestructible will be left.
Hello you, you & you!
1.0k · Dec 2015
Never mind the doubts,
Amanda Dec 2015
let her staunter through twigs, broken leaves and buds of cigarettes.

{Nothing will bloom from them.}

Let her know the difference between the innocence of a white dress and white flowers.

Let her realise the uselessness of a lighter with damp, soggy cigarettes.

{You never needed the latter.}

Let her feel the nervousness of a stranger bandaging a wound,

& then the shyness of the fiftieth kiss.

There is a difference.

Let her know she never needed you, but

The big but is that

she loves him
he loves her.
Hihihi gorgeous sunshine.
Today has been one of the most memorable days of my 17 years.
I got the results I wanted and needed for university.
*fingers crossed*
I hope it's enough in the very end.

// you're always enough in the very end.
1.0k · Mar 2014
Knook & Crannies
Amanda Mar 2014
Goodness, how many are there in my very heart & soul?

Even I am not entirely sure myself.

What makes me gasp with undiluted surprise and widened eyes is that
manage to find each and every single one of them.
You say a shy 'Hello' and nudge the not-so-good softly.

You see me bare & human.
HiHiHi! How are you today, lovely reader? x
I hope you had a great week.
My hands and back hurt from ceramics BUT, it's worth it.
One fact about me: Easy Blusher.
One fact about you, you and you?
Good morning sunshine, Good Afternoon Madam/sir or Good Night & Sweet dreams where-ever
996 · Feb 2016
Weather forecast:
Amanda Feb 2016
I saw my days in your eyes,

the flecks of gravel, a little grey cloud
a deep warmth between the hazel specks.
through rain & sunshine.
996 · Mar 2014
Hello & Hi?
Amanda Mar 2014
So, a crooked smile led to one shy hello.

Hello met Hi.

Scuffed shoes nudges patented heels;
whilst fingertips whisper their balmy warmness into one another.

Witty, sweet nothings filled the little empty spaces from his lips to hers.
Which may have led to coffee with a raised eyebrow and crimson cheeks.

Two plates of risotto
4 forks
1 plate of strawberry cheesecake
2 dessert forks.


I fell met *in love.
Oh my goodness! Hey you, you and you! :')
How is your day going?
P.S *whispers* This just might be my personal favourite out of all the poems I have written. Hohoho.
What's your favourite poem Y-O-U have ever written?
Do tell!
995 · Aug 2015
Amanda Aug 2015
I ran out of vanilla beans & rock sugar.

The porcelain bowls were left with this peculiar mush of bitterness.
An odd sharpness shuddering down into my empty stomach.
My fingers slipped:
I added a pinch too much of regret
a tablespoon
of sadness.

One day, airy concoctions that taste like summer memories will flit in and out of the kitchen window.

It's okay, & maybe if I am lucky someone's knee will playfully bump against mine.
Flour on noses & cheeks.

One day.
Starting the cookbook series!
(I don't get the opportunity to cook often, but I plan to do so asap. The first thing I want to cook is creamy pumpkin + garlic bread.)
What do you like to cook?
993 · Jan 2016
Amanda Jan 2016
He said he liked her hair long.

She just had a pixie cut.

So, she put down the kitchen scissors.
Letting spring and summer warm her bones.

And then he dared to say
"I miss your high cheekbones and the nape of your neck."
You do you.
P.S There's a drawing that accompanies this nonsensical piece.
992 · Nov 2014
Curious minds
Amanda Nov 2014
Blurry strangers in empty photographs are oddly infuriating.
Not for the reason you may think of.
I wonder far too much about their name, the exact colour of their eyes, the eleven.5 ways their lips shiver & twitch upwards right before a laugh.

Perhaps, because, I am falling in love with one.
Pixels.Carefully choreographed ink.
Enough blank spaces between for curiosity to make a home in.

*Who are you?
Hello hello there!
How are you today, lovely?
:') I am so tired from this week.
I hope you, you and you are well.
984 · Dec 2013
Far, Far, Away
Amanda Dec 2013
Once upon a time, on a blank page, out of pure wide-eyed wonder,
I began to etch everything I know and have yet to realize
on it.

One thing is for certain,
the end is
As I stare down at my notebook, it is just writing everywhere. On the corners, down the centre and around the sides.
So, here is my take on what writing is like to me.
981 · Aug 2014
Wild Flower
Amanda Aug 2014
Oh look, there goes a little bit of my mind,

where is it off to now?
Hey you lovely soul!
How are we doing today?
Hope you have a brilliant day & night.
973 · Nov 2013
I Forgive You
Amanda Nov 2013
Don’t say sorry.

I reach down to the grass and snap off the stem of a daisy.

The sweet tang of it seeps into the air.

I give it to him.

“See, can you understand now? I cannot sew this.. daisy back. I simply can’t. I cannot put it back together or let it wander into its niche; its sun dappled world.”

Unforgiving silence fills in the blanks of all the words we wish to say.

I step closer to him.

“But you know what, when Spring comes in 365 days, after 525600 minutes of rain, grey skies, ice, hail, sun, blue skies and clouds, it will come back alive."
967 · May 2014
Amanda May 2014
"Please don't leave me."

One of, no, the few truthful words that will softly & slowly pull your mind into ragged edges and creases, like a promise.

For, it is those silent words finally speaking aloud.

It is the confession that has etched onto the inner wrists,
all of those midnight,
                                         2am,          then
                                              ­                             11am thoughts.
I can breath.
Just slightly, sure, oxyegn does fill my cells. Perfectly. Carbon dioxides escapes through my raw lips. In & out, easy.

My heart works just fine.
It falters now and again.

My damp fingertips are intact, despite the tears.

My soul is not.

But, I still want you

967 · Dec 2013
Amanda Dec 2013
I was happy yesterday, but I am happier today.
The -ier abbreviates for porterhouse steak, red wine, damp suede shoes, red lips, witty banter, petrichor and most of all, *her.
What does your -ier stand for?
Yet another excerpt from my on-going nanowrimo novel. Frankly, it is one of my favourites!

Enjoy! x
963 · Nov 2015
Amanda Nov 2015
" But then again, life itself is a paradox. All in betweens and slow dances between yes & no.

Maybe what I would like is certainty and promise.
I want a sunday morning, 2:49pm phone calls,
unwashed dinner plates in the sink, two towels needing a tumble-dry.
Two tooth-brushes. Grocery bills worth two & a half stomachs.

To know the taste of someone's laugh.
Something that started as butterfly kisses
that burned into
                   a slow bloom of an inferno.

But Monday will come and life continues."
I can finally write & continue mini novellas.
So, the above^ is the very start of a new short story I wrote today.
Eeeek. I cannot wait to write without the pressure of school work. I have missed this very much.
Typed to: Youth- Troye Sivan
Night night lovely.
962 · Feb 2014
tip & toe
Amanda Feb 2014
I daydream f a r  too much.

My eyes must have been kissed by the starry sky  

& ampersand &

the wispy clouds are tickling the very tip of my nose,


I am on my tiptoes.
Hi there!
I hope *crosses fingers* that you, you and you enjoyed this little nonsensical writing!
Eeek. I get so excited and happy share these little writings. Perhaps it's the fact, I am shyly showing you bits and stitches of my heart on the other side of the earth?
Much Love,
Song of Monday: If you Stay- Joseph Vincent
961 · Mar 2015
Amanda Mar 2015
My words fall out

bolder {bigger and bubbled as if bee-stung},

then I meant.

Perhaps, that is why promises get broken.

Pinky finger bones crinkle and crumble like egg tarts and raw sugar.

The words, the lies, the truth are all bigger than my hands, heart can give you.
Chin up and smile.

You look lovely.
Good night y'all!
961 · Mar 2014
Heart Letters
Amanda Mar 2014
You know the beat of songs slows and matches your very heart-beat.
Its notes speaks all your unspoken wishes and words.

Sweet-heart, that's what your voice does to me.

Each word is like this little letter of emotion,
a little piece of you that melds into my mind.
They inexplicable etch themselves without my permission of 'yes!' across the edges of

Slowly and surely,
you became a lot of my favourite things.

Hoho! How are you doing lovely reader? I hope you are having a great day where-ever you are!
Song that this girl is loving: Smoke Clouds- James Arthur
His husky voice. Ah.
961 · Feb 2015
Amanda Feb 2015
Hold on a little longer.

Your veins need a pinch of time + a few more starry nights to become a little more impervious.

Oh, you are still fragile, but the kind of soft and all raw edges.

A bruise of a reminder that you have waltzed on broken fractures & bones of wishes hollowed out too soon.

And you are still here,

blood burnt out into alchemy.

You are quite like magic.

*We all are.
Just in case you didn't know.
961 · Jul 2014
Mind You
Amanda Jul 2014
The  tenderness of your words melded into my mind,

-I could pinky-swear that I heard jigsaw puzzle pieces fitting,
a rusty key into that untouched lock clicking softly.-

And frankly, I wish to think of it all over again, just like that first time.
Hey there lovely soul! x
960 · Jan 2014
Scrape-your-knees L-o-v-e.
Amanda Jan 2014
It's . . .                                      
the scrape-your-knees,
yet simple misconstrued concept
of why is the sky blue sort of fancying.

It's silly, it's sweet as cherry pie and honey, this liking to him.

The type that lights up this warm hue in your eyes.

Which is by the way, the sort of effervescent feeling that curve your lips upwards so softly,
it slips past your lulling conscience and dazed & starry-eyed gaze.

Yes, its kissing stupidity; tickling with giggles.
Yes, your cheeks are hued crimson, to the tops of your ears.

But then, he simply says 'Huh, do I look like that too?'
it's a little unspoken
your lips.
Hiya lovely!
So, today I present to you a poem that frankly is one of my favourites that I have e-v-e-r written. Tomorrow I shall be starting school again, hopefully I will still be able to write nonsensical writings at least once a week. Eeek!
P.S Alright before I say 'Good morning sleepy-head, Good Afternoon sunshine or Good night, sweet dreams' to you, you and you! I just wanted a show of hands who has experienced that lovely feeling above? ^
Now, don't be shy. *wink*

P.P.S. I've got both hands in the air.
x x x
960 · Mar 2014
Tickled Hearts
Amanda Mar 2014
"Not everything about you, sweet-heart, is weird.
A wink flits into a mind; this gorgeous upside-down moon crescent.
It does not matter, (like a comma, his fingertips said a shy hello to hers.)
if one's eyebrow is slightly more arched than the other
there are freckles dotting your skin
Don't you ever think it is a defect.
It is not.
Please do not protest.
If you wish to go down that way, hm, then
the most imperfect, lovely perfections
that has
nudged & tickled
my heart once,
twice & ∞

To finish his sentence, he kissed the tip of her nose like a full stop
Hi there lovely! How was your day?
Oh, *rubs eyes* I am tired. :')
Question for you, you and you: What is your absolute favourite pet name, if you have one?
P.S Yes, I know, the above nonsensical writing is crazy cheesy, but hey! ;)
P.P.S This song Crazy Beautiful- Andy Grammar is. Oh. Please just check it out.
956 · Dec 2013
Him & Her. Her & Him.
Amanda Dec 2013
Messy fishtail braids tickling your collar bones
as we both lie on this secret place; only our hearts know.

No stranger; no-one will ever whisk it away from our lips.

For, this map, atlas, bearing
is etched and inked
on the edge of
our bruised and loved hearts.
*Fingers crossed*
Hope you enjoy this!
940 · Nov 2013
You & I
Amanda Nov 2013
Eyes glowing fleet with a sweet, tender smile,
Warmth ruffles my naïve heart, a spring bloom.
Red ringlets of blush tickle for a while,
Unfurling petals whisper, panic looms.

A veil over sight all is crystal clear,
My destiny is right in front of me.
You smile, a thousand memories appear,
Each steady step, one hand; love flutters free.

A puff of white hair, which you stroke gently,
Crinkled fingertips laced, a soft glow gleams.
Your eyes slowly trace my face differently,
Clouds of shyness and a scarlet blush beams.

If this were true love, judgment speaks of lies.
My lovely fairytale has no goodbye.
Tah-dah! It is a sonnet.
Yes, I am acutely aware it doesn't precisely follow the Iambic Pentameter. ;)
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy it! x
937 · Mar 2014
Sweet Please?
Amanda Mar 2014
Please just carefully pick up the jigsaw pieces of my heart on the floor.

Yes, I can put it back.
No matter, how much time etches into my very skin.

I just feel that if I can see the dust-motes on my shoes, I won't be able to get up again.

Just, please?

Please, also,
look at the little pieces too.

See your finger-prints on it; that was from the first time your fingertips kissed mine.

See that little memory crumpled and creased saying 'Hello?'

soft good-bye.

*Please, sweets?
Hello there!
Lovely to meet you, you and you!
How's your sunday going?
930 · Dec 2014
Amanda Dec 2014
The slight, vague outline of your lips still
sting like nettles- short & sweet- on mine.

You taught me different kinds of hurt.
And it's the most valuable lesson of all.
Hello there, lovely!!
I really missed posting here..
I hope you, you and you are having a fabulous day!
930 · Mar 2014
Rhymed Paper
Amanda Mar 2014
Blank pages, first it was Miss Her that began the first words.

"Mister Him at the corner of that dusty pavement.

                     Autumn balmy hues mingled with coffee's bitterness.

One kiss on a forehead, an inward gasp."

Then, Mister Him began to dot the dots on her (i)'s,
punctuating it with little smiles, crinkled eyes
and sometimes,
though he will
    n e v e r

a slight crimson painted on cheeks.

sweet heart,
that is a
love story.

My words become yours.
    Yours became mine.
Oh, it does seems like our heart-beats
Hello there, lovely!
Eeek. I am rather excited to share this little nonsensical writing with you, you and you.
Have a wonderful week everyone! Yes, let's make this one count.
This song: Stay- Hurts is. Goodness. Check it out but prepare your heart. I warned you. *wink*
929 · Jul 2014
X Cross Outs X
Amanda Jul 2014
Ink infuses into the depths of these blank, slightly creased pages.
Within it are little intangible but ever so omnipresent
pockets of bitter sweetness; just like fizzy,freshly squeezed lemonade
starry-eyed innocence x shy crimson cheeks

Dotted by moments of those cheeky upside down crescents; winks.
Strings of old time flit between dots and rusted locks.
As I read back old works in my notebook, I feel a wash of memories and forgotten memories. It's one of the most disorienting and rueful feelings.

Anyhoo, how are you doing today, lovely?
Do you have a little time?
If you do, could you please check out this link and possibly support me?
It would be absolutely brilliant if you do.
*Hugs to you, you and you, where-ever you are!*
926 · Apr 2014
Dialogue #2
Amanda Apr 2014
I keep my fingers crossed
that one day,

your lips

"I missed this,
my mind still flickers back
the stars
your wide eyes
on that very night."

It sure does in mine, sweet-heart.
Hello there lovely!
First week back at school and it is absolutely busy.
Time to write and read on this fine saturday night,
just to keep my soul happy.
AHAHA! :')
I hope you, you and of course you do something that makes YOUR
924 · Nov 2014
Construction Site
Amanda Nov 2014
Home is full of secrets.
The first laugh and all the laughs in between the last of a baby muffled itself into the bedroom walls. His mother sometimes sit in front of it, hoping, hoping it could live in her ears again.

The nervous movement of lip to lip, neck to neck, heart to heart in the wardrobe, in between jeans and cotton button-downs.
Getting dressed is still achingly difficult. And it is getting truly ridiculous now.

Those holding-too-tight-yet, you-are- still- not- close- enough sort of hugs under tired doorways.
You were enough, you are always enough.

Within swelled up throats, the unsaid words hid themselves in odd drawers, cabinets and a handful of knooks & crannies.
I opened a drawer today and I very nearly cried.

For I heard your voice, your breaths, then brushed again with the warmth and coldness of your wrists. All of which were in different dimensions of time and memories.

And I try and am still trying to keep my pen on the page. For, its to keep you alive, again.
A few words has already slipped and tip-toed off the page.
I'll find it someday.
(Putting something far, far, far off the horizon eyes can possibly see is the sort of thing, humans are terribly good at.)
Hello there lovely!
Hope you are well.
If you're feeling a little blue, here's a hug.
P.S It has already been 1 whole year since I joined this place. :")
I cannot quite believe it.
How about you, you and you? How long have you been here?
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