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Poetria Aug 2017
Maybe we're making ourselves upset,
sitting in cubes of air
conditioned to make us feel sick,
racing back and forth
in our poisonous bugs,
and I'm thinking

One day you'll find me sitting
in a green field on a busy motorway,
singing the blues and talking to clouds, looping dead daises into a chain,  
thinking about gypsies
in their little world of colour,
trapping their secrets inside caravans,
laughing at the rest of you who
race to the end of the world, daily,
eyes to your cars and the concrete.
I'm thinking

One day I'll be standing
in the middle of that field again,
under skies black, void of mercy,
wondering why everyone left so soon,
taking in gulps of poisonous air,
flashbacks to the pieces of history
I'll have to keep to myself.

*Maybe we're making ourselves upset.
Poetria Mar 2016
My stomach feels like deadweight.
My arms are about to fall off.
My lungs feel like they're paper frail.
My teeth hurt from smiling.
My mind has gone on overdrive.
    My heart's functioning automatic.
Lately I haven't felt anything but
the air that I'm breathing.
Theres a whole world revolving right now and I'm just sitting here wasting water.
People want a taste of death but
I want to feel alive again.
There are things I have to do
but I lie awake unnmoving for hours.
I lie to everyone I make contact with,
every ******* day.
Deep down I feel the tremors of an earthquake that may never surface.
**I'm waiting.
Poetria Jan 2016
Undercover, Spy-like
Wondering if I'm your type
Take a quick guess to
Figure out this mess;
You simply cant-
My words are overdressed.
You can never tell.
Features adorning a mask
of pure  insincerity- Alas!
What I am or what I may be
The lies are always some kind of me.
You don't know me, Nobody does
For I've never known
How to blindly trust
Leaving it behind
Every ******* time
The past continues to turn to dust
A path of ashes
trailing behind me
Lingering at
my frozen feet
I am suspicious mystery-
Incognito history.
You'll only ever know
The things I choose to expose.
Poetria Jul 2019
through text, reflect,
this horror set,
was all inside my head

a million moons were changing,
they were spinning like a top

the sun a little scalding,
and the cats were getting lost

my summer suffered silence,
but my colder winds were soft

and i am breeding guilt
for the things this mind begot

these worms are only eating,
and the worms were made by God

my heart, with little beating,
barely breathing, blood would clot

a lack of light, adjusting eyes,
and laughter half forgot

'neath July skies, i realised,
in living, i was not
i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost
the room is on fire, invisible smoke
i'm drowning but quiet, on oceans i choke
help me hold onto you
(T.S, The Archer)
Poetria Dec 2017
Let me ensnare you
here in the spaces
between these lines
pouring desire from
the recesses of my mind
let my words flow like
ice water down your spine
for in script, you are now mine
Incomplete, but I didn't like the second verse much so it is what it is :P
Poetria Mar 2016
I've started talking to the insects
crawling along the bedroom floor.
They scuttle away
when there's nothing to say,
but I still talk some more.
I find myself conversing with
the paint on these four walls.*
They stare back at me
without expression,
but I continue much like before.
I text myself
inside my head at night
before I close my eyes
I find that these conversations
can get lonely sometimes;
atleast I get replies.
I woke up this morning to find an insect on my bed. I reprimanded it for being there, and dropped it off outside. I forgot to say goodbye.
Poetria Mar 2016
The hungry beast.
She left me alone
For a couple of weeks;
She had left me in liberty

She has now set herself free

She's the invisible spider
Crawling all over my body.
She's the magical monster
Climbing inside of me.

I dread the nights,
I put up a fight;
Insomnia likes to cheat

She promises an hour
That hour becomes *eight

The sun leaves me blinded
I'm not ready for today...
I've been denied my right
To a peaceful, wonderful sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Inspired by Olufunke Kolapo's take on insomnia.. and ofcourse, a wide-eyed night.
Poetria Jan 2016
You're screaming at me
and I don't understand
but all I can see
is the blood on my hands
Regrets splattered colourfully,
an array of guilt
A constant reminder
of the walls that I've built.
I needed somebody
to show me the way home
Now that you're not around
I feel dangerously alone
Dear future memories,
welcome to my danger zone.
It's irresistible,
now my nightmares have grown.
My life is starting to **** altogether. It's actually pretty funny.
Poetria Mar 2016
Shutters down,

No windowlight,

Not a single sound.

A scratching quill,

A windowsill;

A couple of flyaway pages.

Scribbling down

My Incoherent muse',

Desperate attempts

At a poem or two.

Trying to find

A you and I

In this world

I've created.
Poetria Jul 2015
Your compassion for art
Led me to think I loved it too,
But it wasn't art I grew to love
**It was the memory of you.
I wonder when I'll see you again...
Poetria Jan 2017
When it is light
their creeping eyes
won't stop peering
through cracked lenses
and narrowed pupils;

Perhaps the dark
can offer kindness
in it's solitude.
A toast to me, myself and I; a glass of sweet solitude.
Poetria Feb 2016
Missing you tastes like death,
if it had a flavour.
Lately I've been getting bad breath,
and my conscience is unstable.
I haven't been able to find a solution,
put a conclusion  to this sadness,
this madness the distance has instilled
inside me-
It hurts.
It burns.
Forces my brain to take a wrong turn,
churning up the bad thoughts
like mouthwash-
more like dirt.
Over and over-
until the mouthwash starts stinging
my gums and the dirt begins to rot my teeth.
Missing you might taste like death, however
I don't know how death tastes;
**I haven't tried it yet.
I can't even write properly anymore.
Poetria Jan 2016
Let's stay shadows
dancing in the face of light

Let's masquerade at a ball for two;
A private venue just for me and you

We could really let go,
work something out
We could stay timelessly young
Sing until out lungs give out

Shut down our minds,
just for tonight

We could really do it

*If I was at the right place,
if you had the time.
My one minute poems seem to really ****.
Poetria May 2016
Here I am a thousand miles away
Writing you letters I burn every day
Dreaming about the words you don't say
Waiting it out until moments too late.
Burning matches just to swallow up the flame.
Poetria Aug 2016
I see you liked my poetry,
how do you like my brain?
Does it seem like it's original,
or another 'stain 'pon the page'?

No, tell me in all honesty
How'd you end up here?
Make it a grand story
(Even if it's actually lame)

Wait, did I mention honesty?
Bah; not like I'll see the lies.
And here's my small philosophy:
lies make for real fun times

So this won't get many likes
I figure that now, I just don't mind.
Bah; who do I look like I'm kidding
Be nice and give me a like!
*Something witty and follow-worthy*
Poetria Jan 2016
...I lose control.

Like a volcanoe that's centuries old,
I unexpectedly blow.
The only thing my spitting rage does
is singe your ironed clothes.
I fight not to cry,
*it gets annoying sometimes.

I can't stop my body from beginning to shake with rage;
though my inability to cope seems more like an e a r t h q u a k e
I choke on my comeback,
like there's this thing stuck in my throat, holding me back.
I don't know why I can't just puke a rainbow of colourful vocabulary on your boiling head.
How immature,
let me rephrase my poor attempt at a metaphor.
While my love & hatred continue to co-exist,
you can enjoy my silence; your bliss.
The urge to leave burns bright inside me. I want that fire colouring your features when I finally do.
Poetria Feb 2016
Unroll me like an ancient scripture.
Flick through my pages,
a creased-binding book.
Boring descriptions
you choose to overlook.
but in retrospect,
I've got you hooked.
Caress the frail pages
that once used to be bark,
watch out for papercuts,
my edges are sharp.
Absorbed in the middle,
you almost forget
there are 142 pages
that you've left unread-
and yet you read on,
though some pages are torn,
but what matters to you
isn't my physical form.
It's the miracles born-
those thoughts you adore,
written down with such care
that you're scared to read on...
But Alas!
Time passes so fast!
there are three pages left
but you want this to last,
so in your own mind
you'll tirelessly write-
yes, thats right,
you don't want to end this-
you'll stand up and fight.
And as you hug me tight,
and re-read me on sleepless nights,
I'll keep your thoughts safe
bound between my own pages
until our lives
entwine once again.
Poetria Jan 2017
Do not be afraid;
go ahead, like my page,
because oftentimes sad is
the only thing I am,
and if it is in sadness
that I am solely literate,
I shall be sad,
and when you happen
to give it a like,
*I will be unspeakably glad.
Like it up, if you really must.
No please, I insist.
Poetria Jun 2016
Left to stumble alone,
a mockery of happiness.

Limping over broken twigs,
paws stained a dark red: I cry.

Shadows of sin chase me,
and I howl to the stars above.

Nobody looks twice
at the sad wolves that cry
into the blackness of night.

Stepping on thorns,
pushing through brambles:
A lone tear leaks through
the blue of my eyes.

I am only pieces
Of what my pack left behind;
*They stole my pride.
Poetria Sep 2017
brighter than
the white of lightning
sharper than
the frosty Ocean gales
darker than
the darkest red of sin,
in the corners of my mind,
you hide.
red is everything difficult, and red i loathe
Poetria Jun 2015
I've never understood
What this really meant...
So I'll tell you what I've gathered
From all the ones I've seen
Hand over their hearts
To "The One" of their dreams.
Love is a ray of sunshine
On a lonely, hopeless day.
Love is that immense joy
That can never be portrayed.

Love is that rush of adrenaline
The surge of aliveness in your bones
The craving for skin on skin,
The lust for the one, deep within.

Love is a promise
An oath of "together forever".
But love is a coin with two sides,
And here's the reason why.

Love is a weakness,
You depend on another.
Love is destruction,
When that person leaves, for some other.

Love is desperation,
When you blindly trust.
Love is the need
To find someone to lust.

Love is agonising
When you're not good enough.
Because love never lasts long
But is left as ashes and dust.
That is why
On the subject of love
I'm thoroughly confused
I've explained why, above.
Honestly, it scares me.
Poetria Jun 2015
Your eyes
Your hair
Your captivating stare
Our similarities
Our differences
Our moments we share
The thought of you
The thought of me
The thought of what is meant to be
My universe
My time
My energy
All stand before me
The fireworks  in your eyes
In my stomach are butterflies
What we have is explosive
Dangerous yet breathtaking
Our hearts entwined
In this fragile web.
The spider is fate
And it brought us together
*To destroy us forever.
"To love is to destroy."
Poetria Oct 2021
hearts are pounding on my window
i sit in my skull, miserable smoke
there is no real thunder anymore
just my machinations, crippling the doors

i have choked on this poem too many times
i have loathed it each night since the sting of July
i am leaping through time to find someone to love
without stabbing my way through their skin to feel something

would you wait a few years for somebody so stuck?
would you sit with the shell of a girl you once loved?
i pay in patience for this world, a cost that always comes
i can't disinfect these splinters without smothering the Sun

a dull fog, a dark cloud, an omen that grows
the more that it swells, the less i seem to know
i miss my own love with an ache i can't date
i miss the story of the girl that i could have been
i sat down to write because i felt the need to. i didn't expect to realise that i am so scared to be close to anyone, to love anyone in any form as truly as i know i can because i have never recieved in my relationships the love i give back to myself so freely, every forgiveness, every kindness. i also realised i cannot love anyone truly until i learn to love myself better. but i am so lonely. i am isolating from everybody i know with a dull awareness about it all. i can feel my friemdships slipping between my fingers. i am watching, letting it happen, pushing for it a little because only i know how to hurt myself best. why am i doing it? a thousand reasons and not one i can name. bottling and not sorting and living here in this house hoping to write something that strays from the topic of me, and my hurt, and those who hurt me, and the hurt in the world, and the hurt and the hurt and the hurt. i want to write a poem so rich in flavour but i write a variation of the same thing every time. i think i want to disconnect from feeling like this but i am so scared of becoming the people i live with. i think i don't know what i want. this poem is nothing special but i'm surprised to find myself liking it.
Poetria May 2016
Reader, lover, pioneer.
Lover of words,
Conqueror of fears.
An almost haiku- sigh. Technicalities.
Poetria Mar 12
kaleidoscope of jagged shards
create this face, forever changed
against all possibility
imperfect pieces rearranged

where light is twofold magnified
and shadows waltz within the light
and waves of light, of liquid gold
now break behind unseeing eyes

then fleets of doves assail the skies
in graceful waves, untethered flight
toward my vacant heart they glide
my thoughts unowned, now occupied

one string of fate, two counterparts
diminished light, a distant star
your presence, through the fog, is felt:
a lighthouse in the dark
a poem!!! a poem!!! the drought! is! over! and! out!!! R E J O I C E !!!
Poetria Nov 2021
mama, i am waiting for the sun to fall out of this picture
i am waiting for your laughter's collapse
when you go, what happens to the dream?
the one in which you don't burn everything you touch,
the one in which i don't have to run from your love

when you go, take this dream
to lie with you forever
and i will watch as wildflowers grow around your stone
a garden born from you
of children who won't run,
one final, beautiful redemption

mama, i will meet you where the ground keeps us sweet
under the sun's golden glow, i swear i won't run from the heat
promise me a smile when it's time to take your leave
and i promise i will honour you in loving memory
my love for my mother and my need to protect myself from her is a conflict i can never win. what would winning that even look like?
Poetria Sep 2020
this is real

you look
and look
and look

please speak

these birds, do you love them?
they said this path leads to greatness
i am walking towards you with every step that we take
i want to run, but you lead the way

i decide on a metaphor, and this is real
if you are a stone, i am a river
i am, always am
so then you too must be

you analyse plums as you pick them
i memorise your sweet confusion
there is a story here that is yet to be writ
so tell me this is as real as it feels

swear by the fish, the tadpoles, and blue dragonflies
by the orchards, the flowers, and ancient brown eyes
swear by your history, your land, your glittering sand
by everything here that i see, that is real

you look
and look
and look

but you speak in song, and not a word to me
someone tell me to write a poem about the northern areas that doesn't center around a CRUSH man this is excessive
Poetria Jun 2016
What if** your brain
was just a small packet of popcorn
that desperately needed
a microwave.

What if it refuses
to operate
until you show it some love-
Let it open itself up.

What if all it wanted was
to feel a little more lightweight-
'pop' away the pressure of being
confined to a head-cage.

What if our brains
Were just raw popcorn pieces
That needed some heating
To melt away the pain.
Popcorn before heating looks so suffocating- it's no wonder that when energy is provided they just blast open into pretty little flowers.
Poetria May 2019
secrecy, is it crime?
i keep mine, they stay untried
is it wrong, is it okay?
spun of spider silk, delicate

still, a whisper of what can be
but whispering is hard to hear
of worlds i stole, this honeycomb
is saccharine, forbidden fate
sweet like sugar on your tongue,
not molasses from a cane

dispel my drowning now
i wouldn't know what to do with molasses anyway
Poetria Aug 2016
Today I made a memory
It sits upon blue flame
Today I changed my destiny
Life is a memory game.
Moments catch fire. Memories burn out.
Poetria Feb 2017
Our heads
will hurt,
Our bones
will break.

We ******
Our hearts,
they ache.

So dance
with the shadows
your candles

Learn some
and make
some mistakes.

breeds love,
and flames
create hate.
Utterly lame. The critics are laughing. [The non-existent critics, that is.]
Poetria Aug 2020
i lived those years inside my head:
held together by bits of masking tape
so young, with the smallest slice of life
in love with oceans my childhood had never seen

it all comes back to those years i lived outside:
little heart beating fast for so many things
innocent, lonely, sinless, unholy
sad girl with nothing to hold but a heart on two sleeves

now my parents don't have luggage space for me

heavily, i exist; being is the burden i carry

the first time i spoke to God i said please, please, please
i want a horse, a pool, and to meet my friends in heaven
He said heaven is for the martyred, the right, and the young

the last time i spoke to God, i told Him i would improvise
i am tangled in a web of my own making, and i cannot cry
the sky is a lightweight blanket, and i do not sleep at night
i have tried to find ways to be bright like the Sun-

-but i am tired of trying to be

the black hole i visit is a land of thoughtlessness
a cosmic ocean of feeling and sleep
you tell me what His poetry means
my heart interprets it in the ways it is made to believe:

the smallest slice of life is to know everything is nothing,
and once i eat these three hands, nothing is all i will be
self-sabotage is a bad way to end a perfectly sweet month
Poetria Mar 2017
She poses
as a poet
to get noticed,
to be heard-

but really,
she writes novels,
forces poetry-

Oh, she wants to be
so many people,
she wants
to take their souls-

and if you look
a little closer
there is jealousy
in her bones-

yes, she writes
and yes, she dreams,
but she struggles
to compete-

and only when she
is the better one
does she feel
accomplished, free-

and she tries
to act innocent,
but is that
an act of innocence?

She is only
her capabilities,
and she sets standards
nobody can meet-

she's taken lives
and ran free
but she is always where
she wants to be.
edit: wrote this about my sister but this sounds much more like me at the time of writing this
Poetria Jul 2016
We were old friends
Playing the part of strangers.
We were close friends
Experimenting with emotions.
Time stopped for a few moments;
There wasn't enough time.
You smiled, I smiled.
Poetria Dec 2015
Rapid changes colour the days
Time rushes forward, weeks become grey
Moments don't last & memories fade
Next year I'll wonder how this one passed

Trudging along this endless road
Stuck at the end; a T-junction
I read the map just yesterday,
Despite my efforts, I've lost my way.

Make more mistakes; I never learn
As the winter bonfires fight to burn
Mistakes have paved my path so far
Next year should be just as bizarre!
I loathe this poem, simply because I saved a draft, or rather was in the process of saving one but the wifi died at that exact time, and I lost the entire thing. It was so much better, I swear. But this is all I could remember -.-
Poetria Jan 2018
You'll come to find
my mouth is filled with
almosts & maybes
with unspoken hellos
forgotten goodbyes
no matter how I try

I wish I could tell you
to ignore the things I say
listen to the colours in my smile
the expression of my eyes
language fails to communicate
no matter how I try
the battle with anxiety continues. it's not as romantic as all this.
Poetria May 2016
Nostalgia burns behind her eyes.
So many faces, too many lies.
// Stuck in the past but I'm having a blast. //
Poetria May 2015
When I was younger,
from the age of four.
I ran to my room,
Barricaded the door.
I would go to my corner,
And sit on the floor.
Myself, I would remind
Of my supposed crimes.
And I would cry;
I would drown myself in misery galore,
Until I couldn't take much more.
And during this time
Once you came inside,
Looked around the room
Then turned off the light.
You didn't see me,
Didn't look hard enough
For the girl breaking herself,
For the crimes she'd never done.
It's not a matter of caring,
Or maybe it is
But you never tried hard enough.

Now let me tell you this,
in the midst of my 'teens
In this new life, it seems
You would never have thought,
Or could never believe
When I do something wrong
And you punish me,
With knives from your mouth
Far worse than before
I go to my room,
Barricade the door
Telling myself,
Could I take this anymore?
I thought things would be better,
Since the worst of it stopped
But I sit by the wall,
On the right of the room
Hoping that right
Would embrace me soon

But I hear them carry on,
With their time passing ****
Forget my existence!
Stay in your bubble of bliss
But know that I love you...
I don't have a choice
When you'll be gone
In your grave, you'll rejoice
Or maybe you'll mourn, the daughter you hurt
You'll notice, as a spirit, the girl internally burnt.
Because even in your grave
When you're dead and gone,
I'll never forget
How you left me torn.
How you walked out of my life,
And turned out your light
And never noticed
Your Girl in the corner,
Out of sight.
And thanks to you I can endure pain
Yet I could never endure you
And this may sound insane
But thank you for these walls you helped build;
For all the blood that you spilled.
Because I've learned my lesson
Never to love
You caused this fear
Due to the above.
// Straight from the heart to the screen. //
Poetria Oct 2016
I am in love with
the winter,
like I am in love
with you.

I am in love with
chills down my spine,
and I am in love with the cruel.

(My heart,
it stays open
only to be frozen,
but nevertheless,
I can breathe.)

I am in love with
the way the snow melts,
a chemical transfer of heat.

I am in love with
the way summer felt,
But winter is bitter, like me.
Poetria Sep 2019
i am the silt of the ocean bed
falling into places i am not meant for
swept away from where i would like to be
floating, drifting into scene
sinking, falling back to sleep
pun intended
Poetria Aug 2015
Falling for a poet
is like swimming in an ocean
of warm, blue water,
with currents that never cease
and waves with a constant flow.

Natural, the water is,
though some would call it
*****, unfiltered* & dangerous-
and dangerous it is, absolutely!
Swim in too deep and
you'd probably drown in its volume!

Oceans cannot be tamed,
Oceans cannot be blamed,
Oceans can be changed.

But if you do get out of the ocean alive,
if you do manage to conditionally survive,
you would be leaving the water
*****, poisoned & polluted.  

Hence, the poet shall write.
Poetria Mar 2017
I want to run through green fields
screaming at the sun;

I want to climb a mountain whole
and swim free in the ocean;

I want to dance among the trees
and sit somewhere cosy,
pondering over love.

I want to walk through this city
and listen to my music,
slowly falling apart.

I want desperately
to breathe in
the madness of nature.

I've never known falsehood
like the empty laughter at a party
or when the people dance
inside the limitations of
what is normal, what is preferred.

Nobody decided dance
had to be executed a certain way.
All you need to do is sway.

I will not accept the pollution
of the people around me.
Inspired by an abundance of trees.
Poetria Jun 2015
You'll never see souls
Spray painted with pink
You'll never know stereotypes
Or make judgments, too quick
You'll watch how each soul floats
With a grace of their own
And the presence of everyone
Will always be known
Because if we were all just souls
Floating around, all alone
With no bodies to define
The beauty that's shown.
Everyone would be beautiful
In their own magnificent way
And tomorrow would always
Be a beautiful day.
Beauty lies within.
Poetria Sep 2017
I stand here waiting
for the stars to adopt me
waiting for the clouds
to engulf me
in their embrace- humid,
waiting for the ground
to crack wide with a smile,
tempting, crooked; cruel.

I will drink your falling tears,
please dry your eyes, blue
and do not burn me with your acid,
they aren't good to you, fools;
*but how do you breathe
their pollution?
Inspired by acid rain...
Poetria Jul 2023
these are old bones, bones of the dead,
bones that don't belong inside a body

bones that decay, abandoned first aid,
and forgotten calcium supplements

Baba, in life you took my soul, I thought,
so I held my heart away from your hands

Baba, I have no use left for it now,
bury it deep under great piles of dead land

I've been told by the birds that you're not in the sky but in fact, just beyond my eye's reach

I've been told by the cemetery stones and old trees that the earth houses empty bodies

Some days I think you are trapped in the clouds,
but they pass to reveal mirthless blue

Some days I think you'll walk right through the door, but the foyer is clean of your marrow

Baba, these bones have aged too soon, with unlived years I dreamt to share with you

Good years, after the last of the wars, in which love surely wins, triumphant over all

Years of peace, filled with the light of the sun
I witnessed warming you in your grave

That sun, over sands of sandspit beach,  painting us, bathed in gold this December

4 months, and these bones creak along to your song, it goes:

I miss you, I love you, come home
I miss you, I love you, come home
Poetria Jun 2016
Got two poems up for plating
Lines in layers, piled in waiting
Even if they've been outdated-
That never stopped me baking.

A chocolate-centered senryu
A haiku pastry, maybe two
I'll throw in a little freestyle verse
To feed some hungry youth.
Sitting in a posh cafè;
sipping on a white hot chocolate;
Fudge cake in my stomach: I got inspired.
Poetria Nov 2017
the composer, the symphony
the poet, the poetry
the artist, the masterpiece

the poet
is no poetry.
the artist
is no masterpiece.

the instrument,
until played,
carries no melody.

these conflicting qualities
could never meet.

I'm a poet, so I could never be the poem.
Poetria Sep 2016
Echoes reverbate inside
this blue satellite,
signals of sadness and
ashen butterflies.

It's the little things
that bring nature to life,
smaller still are
the things that **** light.
Poetria Nov 2017
quiet, stolen brightness
oh, it doesn't belong to me
but this sky is your black ceiling,
I'm just trying to be seen
and I see you-
I see you-
I see you shying away, yes
every few days, there's less,
every month the same cycle,
over and over again
and you don't know
how much is too much
and you don't know
when you'll be enough
and you're stuck
cutting those pieces
and you struggle
to bring them back
back to largeness,
back to circular-
phases of the moon,

and the Sun does smirk
in the morning blue.
write this whole thing solely for the last two lines? does that make sense?
Poetria Aug 2020
if you do not love me, i do not exist

visit my meadow and only see a way to leave through it

feline, are you not curious?

blue roses grow here like nothing you know

if you do not want to know, i am not worth a single ****

shining for you, i am a million shards of scattered star

won't you come swim in these midnight waters?

for the glitter, for the gold

sweet wanderer, your words hold my soul
"validate me" said the artist to the people
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