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Feb 2019 · 145
You Are Worth It
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You are an undiscovered gem
Rare and beautiful
Your worth does not depreciate
Just because people didn't find you yet
Feb 2019 · 224
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You were born to live...
Not just exist
Feb 2019 · 156
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
There's so much I want to say to you but when I'm with you
All I have is words unspoken
Some times there's conversation that you would love to have, but when you do get the chance to do so, all those thoughts evade you
Feb 2019 · 173
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Kissing you is like consuming a cuppa hot chocolate on a winters day - needing and wanting
Your lips on mine is life's guilty pleasure
Feb 2019 · 184
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Your voice is like music to my ear
Serenading me, removing my fears
But how do I remove the fears
Emanating from you
Feb 2019 · 84
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You entered my life
An unpredictable storm
Filled it with strife
Now my soul is torn
Feb 2019 · 80
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
There's a void within me
Nobody can see
A dark abyss
I cannot miss
There's no end to what I feel
My heart feels like it's made of steel
With the full moon rise
I'm taken by surprise
I feel the transformation
The fear within me has dissipated
I feel myself become elated
I am a coin with two different sides
Just going along this rough ride
We all change in life to accommodate circumstances and situations
Feb 2019 · 373
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
The water flowed
In a beautiful way
I just wish I could stay
Feb 2019 · 192
The Scare
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I saw a crow, sit upon a tree
It glared right back at me
It gave me a frightening caw
A huge pointy beak and sharp claws
It's blood stained claws gripped the branch
I could feel my throbbing heart
It was such a scary site
Just like a movie scene shot at night
I turned and walked away
Thinking to myself, gosh! What a day
Feb 2019 · 207
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Do not judge me by my looks
I am a bottomless hole
A desert storm that can consume your every being
Without whom you'd be left forlorn
Feb 2019 · 256
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You glistened like gold
When I first saw you
I was elated
T'was as if I had found a pirates treasure

You brought with you high promises
So high that even you were unable to reach it
You pursued me to help you for your own
selfish needs
Yet you failed to observe I was a smoldering piece of coal
Almost burnt-out
Burning yourself to brighten someone else
Feb 2019 · 236
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Even the damaged and broken
Need to breathe
Feb 2019 · 202
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I became the water that quenched his thirst
Unbeknown to me - his lips were poison
Feb 2019 · 358
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Just because I'm not like you - doesn't make me strange
I may be wired differently but definitely not deranged
I am a glow worm emitting a light when I'm at my best
But for that to come into sight I need my antisocial rest
I blend in like a chameleon when I'm in a crowd
But feel a reckless need to leave when the voices get too loud
Makes me feel like an addict in need of narcotics
Though I'm perfectly normal I get looked upon as psychotic
Just because I'm not like you - doesn't make me strange
I am a normal human being - definitely not insane
I connect with people that are non judgemental
Their place in my life is definitely instrumental
If I don't like you - you'd be sure to know
Coz I ain't the type to put on a show
We all have different personalities. We should accept it instead of making judgments about a person
Feb 2019 · 312
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
"Would you burn for me?" said the Candle to the Flame
Sometimes we burn ourselves for others
Feb 2019 · 475
Perfect Imperfection
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You are the best version of yourself
Perfectly beautiful with your scars
Accept who you are
A priceless treasure
A masterpiece by far
Feb 2019 · 184
Be Fearless
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Be not dependent like a scavenger
Instead be a survivor, a worrior that fights for survival
Be strong. Fight for what. Do not depend on anyone
Feb 2019 · 181
The Endless Journey
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
O traveller, O dear wonderer
You have walked this gravelled road barefoot
Pierced by these jaggered stones
Leaving behind your coloured marks like a carefully decorated poem
Your legs wish to give up, your eyes wish to shut
But the voice in your head says don't give up
You need to keep walking - keep walking you say?
How much longer till I can end this journey?
How much longer till I find my way?
This voice pushes on rentlessly without a care to spare
Yet all I want is to break free from this shackles that bound me
How is this even fair?
We all need the strength and courage to go on and pursue what we want
Feb 2019 · 185
My Love & Enemy
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I gave you my heart and soul to hold
But you let it break
My heart was as pure as gold before
And now it feels fake
I knew it was you I shouldn't trust
Coz now my heart is covered in rust
Rust that can't be removed
Guess I'm left feeling fooled

I knew I should have trusted my gut
But it was out of my control
All my senses had become shut
As I had been cajoled
Why had you pretended to be mine?
You pathetic, obnoxious cold-hearted swine
You brought with you a promise of love
Yet all I received was a cold heartless shove
We have experienced what this felt like and always wondered why me? What did I do to get this?
Feb 2019 · 164
E v o l v e
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I am not the same anymore
             I was once a caterpillar
       Now I'm a butterfly
We all change, grow, evolve
Feb 2019 · 211
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
He was a breath of fresh air
         controlled with ease
and she was a wildfire
          that could ignite only with his
Feb 2019 · 223
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
They were different but
           A force that nobody could
Feb 2019 · 193
Our Demons
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
We all have demons within us that look for opportunities to let themselves out.
The simple anger fueled misunderstandings, assumptions and conclusions.
They use that as their fuel to grow stronger and emerge out into the open as our alter ego
They devour all in its path just like molten lava that leaves behind no room for explanation
But we are in control and need to put out the flames that can consume us
Feb 2019 · 221
How Much Do I Love Thee?
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
How much do I love thee you may ask?
I love thee with all that I am - it ain't a farce
I love thee by being unapologetically me
I love thee because it sets me free
I love thee with a flame that burns so bright
A flame that could rob the day of light
A flame that only thou can ignite
A flame that can withstand any fight
I love thee with all of my heart
Even at the times when we're apart
Just coz I love you
Feb 2019 · 192
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Change just like death is inevitable
How we cope solely depends on us
We decide if we want to live in the past; let it haunt us or we embrace it, accept and move on but bare in mind - it does not mean that we forget what led us there.....
Feb 2019 · 296
Shine On
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Countless stars fill up the night sky
They sparkle just to brighten it
Seeing it makes me wish I could fly
But I'm afraid that I'll just trip

The sky and stars cannot survive without each other
They complement each other in a marvelous way
Their relationship is just like ours, we make each other better
We know that together we will stay

You are my night sky, I am your star
I shall burn to give you light
Whatever you do, wherever you are
I'll be your beacon shinning ever so bright
Special relationships and priceless
Feb 2019 · 303
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Alone at last I feel free
It's like a light has shone straight out of me
I find peace in solitude
Yet they say there's a problem with my attitude

My senses seem heightened when I'm alone
I could draw a picture of a story untold
A story that has a protagonist of time
And an antagonist I cannot define

Being alone keeps me sane
It removes all my stress n'd pain
If only more people could understand
There's only so much I can withstand
So don't judge what you don't know
Coz you will only ruin the show
Having time to yourself is important
Feb 2019 · 136
A Rainy Day
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
There's such beauty on a r a i n y day
The sound of the r
hitting the ground
As if they trying to make musical sounds
The patterns I see as they drop
Just makes me want to stop and watch

There's such beauty on a r a i n y day
If only more people could say
They don't stop to take notice of this beauty
Coz they are all in a rush to perform their duties

If only one would stop and say, "what a beautiful day hooray! "
If only they would rejoice to see
This natural beauty that comes for free
Nature appreciation
Feb 2019 · 13.3k
The Magician
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
We all are unique magicians

From a painter to a nurse
To a poet that writes a verse
We create it in our own way
To brighten up somebody's day

We may all not have mind blowing tricks
Though our goodness still sticks
Our efforts never go unnoticed
And we don't make use of hypnosis

We all are created for a specific use
Each with our own personal muse
We all are unique magicians
And we will fulfill our missions
We all have a little magic
Feb 2019 · 98
S o u p
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Our   life   is   like   an   alphabet   soup
Made   up   of   scrambled   letters   that   we   can   decoded   and   give  
meaning   to
We   can   create   anything   we   want
We   just   have   to   believe   and  
pursue   it
Feb 2019 · 142
The Shadow
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I feel it hanging over, calling out to me.
Enveloped in my feelings, the answers I can’t see
I try so hard to get away; crying when I begin to pray

Coz we have a talent inside;
A strength that we don’t know;
A strength that’s untried
One to call on, when times are low
Feb 2019 · 120
Just You and Me
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I was wondering. Pulling on my heart strings
And there you came, and Ignited the flame.
You brought with you, an addicting scent. A scent That made me heart ascend

My soul soared as high as sky and I knew it's coz of you I can fly. You are my life line my silver lining and it's coz of you I am shinning

But everything good thing doesn't come easy
And just like us, it made us feel queezy.
Every good thing comes with a cost and there were times we felt so lost.

There were issues that threatened to tear us apart, but we knew we would make it coz we live in each other's heart

We have broken down many times together but there's no storm that we cannot weather.
We were meant to be... just you and me
Nothing good comes easy
Feb 2019 · 317
My Quote on Kindness
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Kindness makes a huge difference
It's something that comes for f r e e
And truly is P R I C E L E S S
Just coz it doesn't cost anything to be kind to people. Any simple act of kindness is appreciated
Feb 2019 · 139
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You were once a stranger that became my friend;
I felt somet'n I couldn't comprehend
Your smile lit up my life like wildfire
I instantly felt my soul rise higher
I was drowning in feel'ns of love and care
That if you left me I wouldn't bear
You became my priceless treasure
And baby I love you beyond measure
For my special someone
Feb 2019 · 150
It Was You
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Do you know me as I am or do you see all that you can;
Too quick to pass a judgment without knowing what is true.
Where were you when I was down and blue?
You could've seen me you could've knew.
You chose to walk away n' watch me suffer from afar,
While leaving you left the door ajar.

Why did you do it? You could've stayed. You could've helped me, I would've changed.
My soul would have been glowing without even knowing, but it was you , it was you

I rise like an ocean tide, swelling up no place to hide.
I know that I am better, I know that I can.
And what is this life if I can't take a stand?
Coz we all have had certain issues that we have overcome. We all have had anger bottled up inside
Feb 2019 · 146
My Lifeline
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I lie awake, unable to put my thoughts at rest.

Visions of you fill up my mind
I smile just thinking you're one of a kind
You have stood by me through times of unrest
Even though I wasn't at my best

You encouraged me, motivated me, held me when I cried
And told me "It's okay at least you tried"
"We can get through anything" is what you always say;
"As long as we have each other, believe and pray"

I'm only strong coz of you
You are the only one that helps me through
My pillar, my strength, my shelter from the storm
It's coz of you we can face it all
For the special person in my life
Feb 2019 · 243
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
A little kindness will live on
Long after you are gone
This will keep your memory alive
And help the wounded to survive
People remember how you make them feel
Feb 2019 · 368
Our Hero
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
He was a man who stood tall;
He knew he was destined to face it all.

From scholar to lawyer to freedom fighter;
He knew in the end it would make this country brighter

He tried his best to fight for equality;
Coz he knew all people would get equal opportunities

Everyone was equal in his eyes;
And it was this trait that made him rise

He was born to perform a duty;
And he did it to the best of his ability

He was someone we will forget never;
Our Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
He truly was a man of great stature
Feb 2019 · 616
My quote
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
You are a work in progress
Stand tall and be proud!...... WordsFlow
My quote. We all are imperfect in some way
Feb 2019 · 129
Darkness Can Be Comforting
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
In silence I hear the words creep through my mind;
Latching onto my thoughts like a parasitic vine.
Darkness surrounds me with no room for light;
Yet I somehow feel quite alright.
It has a warmth, a comforting that only I can relate too;
Something that makes me feel like I'm going to make it through.
A safe haven built just for me to escape;
From life's dreaded escapades
Sometimes all you need is the lights turned off and some quiet time with your thoughts
Feb 2019 · 551
A New Adventure
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
Farewell my dear friend is what I have to say;
though I wish from my heart that you could stay.
You have been an amazing friend thus far;
A true gem, a shinning star.
You have been there in the littlest of ways;
Just to show that you care always.
Here's a message from me to you;
Just remember my words are true.
The worlds your oyster as they say;
So you just go along and play.
My wish for you is all of lifes best treasures;
Coz my friend you are truly special beyond measure.
Always remain as you are;
A perfect masterpiece by far.
Feb 2019 · 160
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
The skies the limit, so they say, so I try to reach it every day
I drop to my knees fold my hands to pray
And hope to God for my strength to stay.

I never thought that I would see this day
When all my fears come out to play
I tried to hide them deep inside
But it's forced itself to the outside

How am I to put them back away?
Do I just dig a hole bury them in clay?
Do I close my eyes hope they go away?
Or do I stand tall and vanquish them away?
We all face difficulties. Each with their own way of dealing with it but we have one thing in common and that is our strength to push forward
Feb 2019 · 2.3k
Time of Darkness
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
There once was light where I stand;
Now I'm unable to even see my hand.
A time of darkness has dawned upon us;
Just makes me want to scream and cuss.

Loadshedding is what they call it;
Unable to see I sometimes trip.
It happens at times when we are hard at work;
Or at home while making dessert.

It's something that's beyond control;
Or at least that's what we are told.
The energy grids struggle to take on the pressure;
Thus reducing our times of leisure.

It's something that drives us insane;
Yet there is nobody we can blame.
How long long will this dampen our spirit?
Even they don't know it.

What are we to do in this dire straights?
Well nothing, just sit and wait.
Loadshedding has once again dawned upon us. A huge inconvenience.
Feb 2019 · 171
Waves of Bliss
Akshi Hargoon Feb 2019
I sit upon your shore; marvel at your beauty
Your cool breeze, pearl like glistening water; makes my heart beat faster.

Peace and tranquility is what I suddenly feel,
Gosh! I sometimes think it's unreal.
Watching your waves, puts my mind at rest;
A temporary relief from life's dreaded tests.

In your depts lay many hidden treasures,
Some that are priceless beyond measure.
You are both beauty and despair;
So one needs to take extra care.

You are a force more powerful than any,
Even to those that have tons of money.
You are my beauty, my waves of bliss;
Without whom I'd be in a dark abyss.

— The End —