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 Feb 2015 Zoë
Dust Bowl
 Feb 2015 Zoë
Dust Bowl
I want to fall in love again,
But only with you.
 Jan 2015 Zoë
James Jarrett
I am bleeding words onto the floor
Spattered puddles
And random pools
In patterns that make no sense
At all
Because I have no cuts
No wounds that issue forth
It is simply nonsense
And nothing more
Because I have gone.....
Well, you know.
Day 5 no smoking. Stacey told me that I am batshit crazy and not fit for human companionship today. My wife agreed and they both left. Now I have no one to throw pens at. ****…
 Jan 2015 Zoë
IsReaL E Summers
T** is for trials,
Tribulations & torment...
Terrorists trippin
Totalitarian governments
Two cents just spent.
Teachable yet I'm still
Take it in, just because I, can.
Thought that I told you,
to tell me to take it tonight!?
Tomorrow will, totally be alright
Tormented by
temptations of drownin it all... in alcohol &
Through the valley I rest
Tested by fires inside of my chest
Toast to the Ghost close eyes &
Then welcome rest.
^-^ Thanks! ^-^
 Jan 2015 Zoë
Rachel Herrmann
These words are an expansion of myself.
With every letter my pen forms on paper,
My heart joins it.
A written contract,
Formally bonded
When the ink sets.
I write not for the recognition,
But for the sake of my sanity.
For without this action
The emotions flowing through me
Would have no place to go.
Backing up until they could no longer course through me.
Stopping still.
They must move
Or else they'll solidify.
Turning me into stone.
A statue whose visage
Does not smile nor frown
For there is no sculptor
To define it's countenance.
It simply goes with the fate
It was handed-
A girl lacking the emotions
Only her pen can form.
 Jan 2015 Zoë
 Jan 2015 Zoë
your arms held me
so when you let go
and walked away
i fell apart
a million pieces of
confusion and pain
as time went on the pieces of me
became sharper and more jagged
nobody would dare try
to put me back together
for everyone i touch
gets cut
it is a lonely thing
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