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 Sep 2015 Yume Blade
I don't understand why
people hesitate
to compliment others.

Have we all not had those days
where we really felt like
all we needed was some appreciation?
Those days where our efforts
were nothing but invalidated and dismissed?

The universe has presented itself to you
in an ethereal way that is unique to you and solely you.
Let the cosmos influence and inspire you
and let your words and your work elate and embolden others.
Admit your awe and affection and maybe
you can be that one piece of inspiration
that someone else needs that day.
Remember to breathe, remember to smile.
 Sep 2015 Yume Blade
 Sep 2015 Yume Blade
Looking back at the old days,
Seeing your sweet smiling face,
Tracking down each memory,
It has become my remedy.

At some point you became my world,
I still thank you; a dozen fold,
You made me stronger,
You made me a lot better.

I believe that people come and go,
It’s a way for us to grow,
But my door is always open,
For our friendship not to be broken.

Seeing you smile with no more pain,
At last I saw a rainbow after the rain,
We are better off this way,
I hope now you’ve decided to stay.
Sometimes it's best to choose friendship over relationship
 Sep 2015 Yume Blade
Your love is...

like a wind that enters into my skin,
like a rain that pours down my soul,
like a drugs that entices my body,
like a songs that plays inside my head,
like a story that binds my entire being,
and like a poem, so revealing...
 Aug 2015 Yume Blade
Earl Jane

You are a firefly,

That goes into the infinitesimal holes of me,

Holes that leads to my pitch-black self,

Then you gleam me up.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I am really so glad, you just made a big difference in my life.. you just brighten my life... you made me happy a lot, encourages me when i feel so down in life, you are just my everything, my all!!! <3 <3 I AM SO MUCH BLESSED GOD GAVE YOU TO ME. :) <3

i love you so much king,, a lot... me moosst!! <3
 Aug 2015 Yume Blade
Hanna Kelley
You are my light
And I can't live without you
Please don't leave me in the dark
When any ugly war breaks out anytime,then                                                       There will not be any pretty hope,but                                                                         Instead there will be a hopeless hope ...                                                                  Wars only bring disorder and chaos                                                                      To all of us anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                Hope only appears when all ugly wars stop                                                          For ever and ever ...                                                                                                 ____________________حي­نما تنشب اية حرب قبيحة في اي وقت                                                                             فعندئذ                                                                                                                      فسوف لن يكون هناك اي امل رائع                                                                                    و لكن                                                                                                                       بدلا من ذلك                                                                                                                سيكون هناك امل بلا امل ...                                                                                            تجلب الحروب فقط الفوضى و الاضطراب                                                                           لجميعنا في اي وقت و                                                                                                    في اي مكان و                                                                                                              في كل مكان ...                                                                                                            يظهر فقط الامل عندما تتوقف كل الحروب القبيحة                                                                  الى الابد ...                                                                                                                __________________­__
I am an outline of my life
White shapes made by black lines
Waiting to be colored by light bursting from your eyes
Oh how it shines through your glasses like a prism
Exploding into every color imaginable, and then some
When it hits me I cannot help but feel like I'm floating
Drifting with the softness of your spoken breath's speech
Like a thousand butterflies fluttering in me
Take me now; I'm yours
Don't be afraid if the colors clash
Or to stay within the lines
I want to be your most beautiful mistake
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