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Jesse stillwater Mar 2018
A pair of lily white wings
   dangling in the dappled moonlight esprit;
hang entangled as silken spider web
   draped in the sweet Magnolia tree

From beneath there was no way of knowing
   why a pair of abandoned wings lodge mislaid
One could not help but wonder how high
   one might fly with cherub wings

But these callused feet tread far below the treetops
   too high up from roots to climb
No telltale tiptoe prints cavort to be the talebearer
   No feathered traces scattered all around

A hearken say, tickle-footed as a ladybug,
   hold forth in a breeze brushed ear
Not completely undoubtable heed spoken;
   a language bestow from another ether
softly breathe a whisper'd sigh:

"Behold the wings of a fallen angel;
   uplifted by love's amazing grace
Lost alone in a moonstruck blindness
   an angel flying too close
           to the ground


            08 March 2018
Star Girl Mar 2014
It's sad really.
How your name still pulls at my heart strings.
The thought of you upsets and excites me.
I never mattered to you, but you became special to me.
You became a man who entranced me.
You became a man who earned my trust.
I wanted to share things with you.
I wanted to be me around you...
That wasn't in our cards.

You wanted me for far different reasons than I wanted you.
You used me for far more dangerous acts, than I did you.
You affected me so much more than I could ever affect you...

That's the sad thing.
I'm left with "what if?"
A few confusing questions...
And the undoubtable truth, that you touched my life...
Simon Soane May 2013
Sign in the staffroom at work.
Stay positive they said,
Stay positive I read,
Stay positive in the work you despise,
Turn a blind eye as your life goes by,
Leave your thoughts at the door,
Don’t think they implore,
Pretend there is no sun,
Look out of the window at your life on hiatus for eight hours,
Can’t get rid of the smell of this jail even after a thousand showers,
Take solace it’s for the money that I didn’t even want to use,
The books you could be reading now will only get you confused,
The songs you could be listening to now won’t speak to you anyway,
Silence your mental jukebox and toil for your pay.
Stay positive today,
The cash they flash,
I can see on my face a fiscal rash,

They can say put down your pens,
Strip your pencils of lead,
Tell creativity to slumber,
Put your canvas to bed,
But can’t stop us drawing in our heads,
Stay positive,
Like don’t start on that waitress and treat her with chagrin,
Cos she doesn’t bound over with your pie and chips with a leap and a grin,
“We’ve paid for this food, she better start smiling,”
Or the tip it is non and the polite police I’m dialing “
Have a word with yourself shes working,
And more than that she could be hurting,
Cos John in the kitchen isn’t flirting,
Or she could be wearing that frown,
Cos shes realised she only got £30.00 for her night out in town,
That’s not much when you consider the taxi back,
Plus after shes done serving you shes got dishes to attack,
But no she has a grimace,
Shes finished,
We have all felt like that, bit lonely and that,
Stay positive.
Stay positive,
Cos sometimes words cling to the air,
Like candyfloss to hair,
And birds sing for their bread while the cat bosses just stare,
At the endless charade of hierarchy,
John then Paul then George then Starky,
But star key unlocks the door to the skies,
Hope is life, I summarise,
There’s beauty in your summer eyes,
Don’t count the calories in pies,
Dietary information often lies,
Distracting from the truth with garish rides,
That only seek to compromise,
Our promise and delightful ties,
Forged from friendship not to buy,
Feel your waist and touch your thigh,
Dietary information often lies,
Love is all,
No chance to take,
No dast to cie,
Be brilliant and hear them sigh,
Stay positive.
I feel like,
Tintin going exploring,
Paths opening up, new days dawning,
I’m done with yawning it’s a waste of breath,
I don’t feel lethargic, I don’t feel bereft,
Heads down dive me a test,
About anything cos this beat in my chest,
Means I’ll beat Kasparov at chess,
Armani couldn’t make a sexier dress,
Allivate stress quicker than Prozac,
Cut the beanstalk down faster than Jack,
I can stretch my mind more than that guy on the rack,
Cos I think if our lips locked together we could throw away the lucky heather,
No more boring days of monotony,
Fingers crossed watching the national lottery,
Not just waiting around thinking I’ll chill,
But striving for the horizon over the hill,
Stay positive.
But the best thing I saw recently,
Was when I’d just finished my tea,
And I saw these two old folk who live near me,
One about 89 the other 93,
Twilight of their lives to say the least,
Real hunched and stooped over, all false teeth,
But the way they held each other’s hands the tenderness was palpable,
Cradled and soft the care undoubtable,
Cos some things are not withered by age,
They stick through this life to every page,
Decrepit vocal cords that would have a job to sing,
But there demeanor hit the high notes bellowing loves the greatest thing,
And whatever they think the next life is, earth, air or above,
At least the opening gambit can be, “we ended that one with love”
And everybody wants that, everybody,
Everybody with this life to live,
Peace be with you and bless you
And stay positive!
James Tyler Jul 2013
I do not mean you as a metaphorical you, however "you" as in an undoubtable "you".
"You" may not see the panes it break. When "you" say my name my heart does wince with sweet, sweet soliloquy. When you hark my name, I turn away from the audience of strangers, and direct my speech unwavering toward "you". Now "you", with unwavering focus, hear my words back, ringing in "your" ear. "You" are the one. "You" my new-soul does love to hear speak. In silence "you" are a beautiful picture: with "your" hair long and brown, "your" eyes glowing green, "your" lips like pillows for my lips to dream. And when my dreams do meet their reality, "you" will fill my soul with sweet, sweet music.
Syllables leep and frolic off "your" tongue as children do play, in adolescent beauty and wonderment, in the fields of sping-time. They seem to adhere to "your" mind in both articulation and in reckless abandonment; they flow from "your" mouth like sweet, sweet sound in waves unbroken by thought (though I know "you" think before "you" speak).
Other me's may not hear the sounds that I do when "you" laugh, and giggle, and emote your beliefs. They may not believe me when I say I hear, no feel, "you", but if they would open their hearts, no minds, to true beauty I believe that they would, too, feel. Now I mean feel as in the most unbridled sense the senses can bare.
"Your" voice pangs on the strings of my heart's neck, the curvature of my being. It, "your" voice, still plays fluently in the drums of my ears; like a beautiful symphony "your" ways of speech. "Your" patterns they flow like notes on a staph. I will never know another human who can, through speech, evoke such emotion from I as "you".
I would give everything I owned to hear "your" voice play for hours, days, months, years; until "your" voice grew outdated and changed with the seasons. However, "your" voice will never grow outdated or change to me. It, "your" voice, will remain as beautiful as it was in its prime in my ears. Just to hear "your" chords play my name once more I would give it all. My heart longs to feel "you" again.
Michelle S Jan 2013
You know those houses built over cliffs? Top halves built on stable ground, then wrapped over the edge to hang over oblivion- held up by the thickest, strongest, most trustworthy beams for an undoubtable support?

Replace the house with the "weight of the world," fill it with "emotional baggage," and nickname the whole thing as "the one who always gets away." Last but not least, those beams that hold it all together, that act as the anchor between the world and demolition? Make those dowel rods that we'll call faith, held together with what might be masking tape. They tremble with what we'll point out as fear.

This picture haunts my dreams, and I'm sure that it shows sometimes, but what I can see if I inspect real close is a strengthening faith. The broad  support of your love is being nailed in beside my growing faith, the nails are of trust replacing the worn through bits of tape and giving fear no place. Everyday it builds stronger.

I'm replacing misconceptions with what I know as truth, I'm not the one who always gets away, I've always been pushed or thrown away, and all I've got as my foundation now is hope that the same won't happen again. While strength is building with more faith every day in new beginnings, in you, truth is cleaning house. Useless baggage thrown out, and a remodel to bring life back to what was dilapidated. How ironic and beautiful that the more strength is built up, the lighter I'm becoming.
Luna Mar 2011
Another word of passion to fill a dream, tiring of the
Lost in pursuit of happiness schemes, itching at a chance to
Call for the virgins soft gleam, undoubtable fall
Upon forgotten gods crumbled skin, is nothing but
Desolate hope to endless means.
I really dislike rhyming like that..
Ksjpari Aug 2017
One of the resourceful books unbeatable;
Children’s love, care and comfort biddable
Is none better than Reader’s Digest – capable.
Articles, reports, jokes and anecdotes audible;
All are present in it; all are undoubtable.
Changing the mindset of students capable
Is a new, systematic thing coachable.
Changing the world and its cannibal
Into the virtues and values bindable.
Explaining itself if anytime culpable;
And so is famous for being countable.
Teachers, parents, students ennoble
Reader’s Digest for not being enfeeble.
Leaders or followers who are like a crucible
Change their minds and be bendable.
Behaviour and conduct – key undoubtable
Will keep you atop, elevated, lofty and able.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
The sickest happiness.
Sick because most don't know the feeling,
But an undoubtable bliss.
Comfortable while being comforted
The highest level of platonic
Those people, those are the ones worth keeping.
Not because they make you happy, but because together is when you are at your best.
friendship is the dosage of humility and sanity. An influence that doesn't change you, but helps you maintain you.
Kendal Cooper Sep 2015
but darling, tis not this weight you should be concerned with
bearing weight means strength
strength translates into courage

each cell within your painted body  
recreating pictures within moments
so you can adapt to the world's mysterious colors

the gradient of your eyes
a scale model of the cosmos surrounding us
you and I

a collision of rocks in space
given the grand most title of a comet

I may be this "brilliant comet"
but a comet cannot exist alone in this void of infinity
maybe I am this comet
but it is undoubtable that I need gravity

but darling, tis not the weight you should be concerned with
it is the strength of your gravity that yearns for your focus

so maybe I am your brilliant comet
but you are pulling me
my miraculous gravity
Samuel Apr 2012
there is no breath when
you join my world, only
snug bundles of air ******
   between smiles

one of these days, I'm
living here
             listen (for me) like
people once read and
found reasons to grow
another few inches

(and to know) you
are the (fire's silver)


nobody is masterful
to the undoubtable "I
have a word for this", no
          someone should try


there is no breath, (no
pause) when you join my
              only a warped sense
of direction, a shift in gravity
joining, warming faces

do you feel me?
filled with verses, lost in words?


will we go together?

dream how the
days flame when you
join my world (and
    when you
            remember it)
warm and fuzzy feeling
I'm reeling this evening
in on a thread
of hope
Sam Oliver May 2010
I know I'm not the best.
Not the best at
Loving, fighting, living, giving.
Living a life hidden in shyness
And a lack of courage.

And I know I don't deserve you.
You are perfect,
Like an Angel

And I know you don't deserve me.
You deserve something more.
One who'd die for you,
Like myself,
But exists on your higher plane.

And I know I am stuck
here, down on Earth,
Getting what I do deserve,
Harsh, threatening words from those I pass.
I walk on
As if I don't hear them,
But I take all their slings and arrows
Unarmored and exposed.
If I truly deserve anything
I deserve something less.
It is only by God's grace I am

I have undoubtable proof
There is a God;
Without him,
I'd be an ant
Trampled upon by all above me.

You are so far above me
I can't see you clearly,
Which just shows
You deserve something more.

Something more than shy
Something more than a coward
And something more
Than a human
Exposed to the slings and arrows of bitter fortune.
Daisy Chain Nov 2013
Changle changle, Chain chain.
Jingle like that loose brain
The sounds of coins, full and dense
Tasting all that decadence.
Inertly, following I not must
allow that gentle heart to rust
The hole, may not of course be true
but it's reality brings
terrible news.
If this book, which it is just that,
is not fiction, but after all, a fact
That is the worst, yes, indeed
For we are all bound by our greed
We must obey, the words, the facts
Those undoubtable, untouchable
unseeable artefacts.
Yes, hell for you. And you. And you.
Heaven for me and those who agree
That some-man-in-the-sky-decided-that-he-wanted-us-to-be
Ryan Galloway Apr 2014
How can you cause such confusion in me
I mean this situation isn't unique
But then again maybe it is
What I mean is that it's not odd
For me to fall
With the gentle push
Of the possibility of hidden intentions
For me to read into a simple sentence
As if it was a grand romantic epic
Highlighting the points at which your voice rises and falls
And how that illustrates your undoubtable interest in me
That is enough to send my mind into motion
Writing the novel of our lives together
But I end up pleading for the lines on the page to come to life
And play out in front of my eyes
Yet they never do
And I realize I never really wanted them to
But here is the oddity with you
My mind is quiet
As if anticipating the first sentence of a beautiful story
Its not filling the spaces with fiction
To satisfy the hungers of my heart
It is waiting in contentment for the wonder
Of what it knows is to come
So now I will wait
Wait for the door to open
Wait for that first sentence to start
For the racing of my tiring heart
This is why I am so confused
That all of this odd waiting is for you
Lori Jean Dec 2010
For a moment there, I held you
Your touch was perfectly unique.

Your voice was peaceful in my ear,
although we did not speak.

Your presence was undoubtable
Our spirits soared as one.

Though, the interlude now over
the warmth is still undone.

In our acceptance of each other
the experience couldn't cease

and time stood still for two souls
for just one moment, brief.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 12.26.96
Chloe Dec 2015
My love for you crosses the seas,
Fills it with the tears of my passion,
Which fall from the skies heavenward,
Pure as the angels I imagine there to be.

My love for you is untouchable,
Invisible and delicate as the wind,
Powerful as a raging hurricane,
Destructive and beautiful as it spins.

My love for you is fiery as a flame,
Burning, alive with the throes of adoration,
An everlasting blaze through the night,
Illuminating everything within.

My love for you is undoubtable,
So when you ask me how much,
My love for you is in numbers or scale,
Know I love you more than you'll ever know.

Quick jot in five minutes, listening to Ailee and Wheesung's "That Woman".
Ameliorate Jun 2016
Uniluminated room,
Unsure of my surroundings,
Faint white light deliberatly creeping forth brining life to atmospheric tranquility as I begin to release the fear of my unknown and feel safe.
Growing conscious of hands slowly beginning to cradle my waist
I don't have to turn around to know it's you.
We stay like this for a moment just breathing until the silence is broken by very distant music.
"You came", you say, pulling me close.
Smirking to myself I reply with "You didn't think I would?", i can tell you sense the implication of a joke within my voice.
Quickly I find myself spinning around to face you as you twirl me ever so delicately.
"Hello Sweetie", I breathe.
Our movements while minimal, were perfectly timed with our slowly beating hearts.
Music creeped through the distance finally reaching and joining us as we swayed.
At first I couldn't recognize the song playing background noise to our little two-step.
Suddenly as a flash of a mempory, it dawned on me, the soundtrack was our life.
Through distance, through impossibility.
Breathtaking music which was perpetually repeating.
For once in my life, undoubtable clarity.
My eyelids fall closed while your fingers sweep delicately across my face.
Single tear rolls away and I too return my hand to rest upon your body.
Lifeforces entertained my soul wrapped within yours.
Stepping towards forever, eternally.
Ally Samonte May 2015
Different dimensions or just another visual perceptions,
Of a hollow surroundings of vivid words and inevitable actions,
Peeking through a hole in one’s eye of revolution,
Are feelings that have been kept in the longest duration.

Forsaken minds and undoubtable griefs,
Clashing and crashing and mindless beliefs,
Thoughts and emotions is like a passing point of view,
Any day or two is like passing through you.

Never in me, neither in you,
Is a mutual understanding of between the real and the true,
Real is what eyes are seeing and true is a mind’s point of view,
Of one’s self destruction of being muted blue.

Individually is us marked by fated mistakes and white lies,
Inked permanently with my upper bones and your lower ties,
Hopelessly falling in reverse with a thought of a happy life,
While never in a heartbeat nor a in a millionth time.

We are humans, created in the false timing of mind and illusion,
Story telling in the mid of our perfect desolation,
In which we created in our minds and soulful emotions,
And there it lays, hiding in a dark corner of our guilt and accusations.

Exchange of hollow words and admirable being,
We are humans and that is all I’m saying,
In another dimensions, just as I’ve said before,
Are we alive or eaten by the thought of being so much more?

Keep telling me this, keep telling me that.
Keep telling ourselves we’re still the same in the aftermath,
When it wasn’t the same in the first place before of our downfall,
Because it was always about them and not us after all.

Javi Claycombe Apr 2018
I am most happy when I live life fully and ambitiously. When the pursuit of my goals are met with accomplishments, and when you have undoubtable faith in not only yourself, but in us as a team.

I love you endlessly and passionately, so much so that at times it frightens me how much I love you, but with that being said all you need to know is that I happily embrace the fear.

You are both a mystery and lifelonged companion to me. You amaze me as much as you frustrate me, and I without question, would give up the world for you.

I love you and I'm very sorry.

So **** tomorrow and every tomorrow that may come after it, but know this, I will live today and every other today is happily as I possibly can, with you.
Daan Jan 2017
Outcomes used to rule,
inconvenience smiled,
they reconciled in the unsafety
of a pool, used me as a tool.

Eager, desperate for compatible
masses, as time passes
in this changing state.

Games, denied of their existence,
yet with undoubtable resistance
against persistence took away
the passion solely based in joy.
From now on
life will be my toy.
Ollie Jul 2018
Once I read about a student.
I think it was in Afghanistan,
who hugged a suicide bomber;
so that they died together.
And no one else had to die.

Sometimes I think that I'd like to do something similar.
To go out in an act of selfless glory.

But I only think that for selfish reasons;
for the undoubtable validation,
that perhaps I was a good person after all.
Katie Miller Mar 2019
Sometimes I doubt
The undoubtable things
As if the sky is never blue
And time is never passing
Like why does he care about me?
Why does he choose me over every other girl?
Why does he only ever see me in a crowd?
My hair isn’t long like them
And I don’t have scrunchies for him to hold
I don’t have the best body
I don’t have the right curves and edges
My eyes aren’t as bright blue as some
They don’t strike you like a lightning bolt
My words don’t make sense
They just swirl into incoherent tumbles
I don’t love myself or have an ounce of confidence
I walk around wishing to live as someone else
I don’t have the most optimistic mind
My will to live is lower than the rest
I’m almost never truly happy
And when I am, I’m terrified that it will shatter
I’ve never had someone feel the same back
Because I’ve simply never been good enough
And somehow, though I am convinced of very little
He sees me as enough
And I don’t understand
But I guess it helps that he understands me

— The End —