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Nat Lipstadt Oct 2013
for Angelique, who found it (at) last,
and who, loved it best

first, I read,
thus educated,
became addicted to
the musicality of word~notes,
enamored with
the artistry of
singing language,
the power to
lift, imagine,
evoke, touch
your skin,
so far away, yet
mine thru smoke,
scribed, now
mine to stroke.

explore, uncover,
the secret interiors of
what was placed
inside of
each of us,
at inception,
without exception.

the keys,
the word picks to
unlock the freedom
to be fearful,
yet courageous.

we, start, all of us,
at the same
starting line,
we, all feel
we, all believe in
the primacy,
the rightness of

but then, one must
began to
observe others.
crossed over the boundary
of mine own
preemptive prepositions,
superseded the need to be
saw different truths
in the eyes
of others.

listened to the soul songs
of the R&B; breezes of
scented strange,
coming to open
ears, nostrils,
eager to learn how
wind chimes sound in
Nepal, Berlin and the Florida Keys.

standing up, stopped lying,
both up and down,
committed to be
uncommitted to the unjust
accursed ego,
rejected the sophistry of

then changed directions.

went back inside
to relish the passion of
pleasure of both
affection and hatred,
receptors on wavelengths
that varied, in sine,
in in side in in the
co of mr. me.

that the only way out,
to responsively accept,
that to close
the distances within,
to realize real synapses
of words,
there was only
the pathway of
the existence of
outward bound.

kindness, warmth
and generosity,
cruelty, inhumanity,
utmost selfishness.

needed to choose.

made my-choices.

thus provisioned and endowed,
voyaged to a place
where there was
no cover, no excuses,
only mirrors that exposed
what lay neath every artifice
conjured up by man to
mislead, deceive, and obfuscate.

There, this place,
where I was
neither the smartest,
bravest, saddest, or wisest,
I sat down and said,
said out loud
words directed to
give yourself away,
myself and anyone
who cared to listen:

”my tongue and my eyes are
one and the same,
my fingertips and my voice,
my combination of words,
special even if not original,
they are as original to me
as the first prior writer and
the next,
who will create them
anew one more tme,
after he, like me,
leaned to
write them effortlessly,
and to
give yourself away...”

with out fear,
I selected a single word,
a solitary glance,
saw the poetry of an
open window's enchantment,
a head lifted momentarily
from a pillow,
then struggled mightily,  
wept for days with no
verbiage to effect,
make visions entrancing,
no skills,
butterfly net
to capture
the magic of
your loving
my signs.

disgusted by mine,
mine mediocrity,
with the greatest
of effort,
yet, yielded no results

except scraps of phrases,
that I retrieved
from crumpled sheets
that decorated the
wasteland of my first efforts.

took those phrases,
ran them over my tongue,
over and over again,
intrigued by
their lily lilt,
their unity,
the sensuous pleasure they gave.

how one word
coupled a tune,
the notes of this
new contiguous,
contagious alphabet
rang truer than most,
and moreover,
led me to another that
somehow phrased forward,
sallied forth in rhyme,
like those wind chimes,
now making perfect sense
with the one that followed,
from varied places
so distanced, but now one,
and a couplet was born.

of what did I write?
of what I knew.

no complexity,
nor trickery employed,

no matter that plain words
are my ordinary tools,
with them I scribed
the small,
the little,
what I saw.

grabbed the middle,
held onto the
gravity of the center.

simplicity my golden rule.
write they say,
about what you know best.

rely on and in the
diurnal motions,
the arc of
daily commotions,
in which
do we not all excel?

this poem flew
off my fingers,
twenty, thirty,
maybe sixty minutes,
in the skies above
these United States
of mine,
on American Airlines.

one of my
chiefest blessings
that luck threw onto
my punched ticket,
being born here.

was it effortless?

If you sat beside me,
what would u have seen?

flying fingers urgent unbidden,
neither struggling nor stopping
for the chimes were mine,
once I heard the first verse.
but first ringing was give
unto me by a reimer,
asking how,
I write so effortlessly?

the question innocuous sorta and
sorta knot,
a challenge to
my poetic essence.

I looked inward,
to look outward,
started where
all poems start,
in the quiet places
where you and
I think and thought.

unsure of the answer,
began to begin,
sing and sin,
my fingers,
simple secretaries,
transcribing lyrics
that those
selfsame wind chimes
tuned me up,
turned me on
simple thoughts,
simpler truths
herein recorded and
sworn before you,
most writ on this day that
the Americas have chosen
to recall another kind of
explorer, Columbus.

explore, explore
and then again
explore s'mores.
no matter if it is
covered ground,
covered it once more,
till you see that land
differently, colored so
no one has ever seen
them quite your way.

be an ocean pacific,
that cannot be pacified.

relish the chance,
relieve yourself
of that urge to burst,
put on paper,
gift to me and to
everyone else,
so someday,
we can say
we saw *together,

through one
single set of eyes
upon a ship of
foolish words,
a real child born
in a mind!

new places re-discovered,
yet now storied stored,
living in our
Siamese chests,
to forever keep.


"With or without you,
I can't live,
And you give yourself away,
And you give yourself away....
Only to be with you,
But I still haven't found
what I'm looking for..."
October 14th, 2013,
Taking the Northern route,
between the bear and the empired state,
between and over states where
coal is mined, automobiles built.

if you deem these words poetry swells,
I smile, for they are simple product of
waves of looking, seeing out, out,
an oval airplane window
what lay below,
preparing it
for storage
upon your
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I've been broken and fallen to prices,
I've tried so hard,
Tried to make it work,
Get you to love me,
Been the sweetest most romantic guy,
I've delt with your problems and imperfections,
But you break me and I've had enough,
Enough of you and your ****,
You will never be mine and have ignored me one too many times,
My feelings have fallen back to numb and you're the one that made them emerge,
So I'm over it all and back to the way before we met,
Before you crushed me,
Not feeling, no want,
Nothing but anger that I controll with ease,
You won't break me again but I may you,
Because when you come back,
Wanting me,
Wanting my protection,
Wanting me to make you feel happy,
I'm gone and out of your reach,
You will never know how much you missed.
Natasha Smith Jan 2014
Oh how I wish we lived in a fairy tale story
where there is no evil
and no one will worry

No pollution
A place where love is the solution

Somewhere there is no guns and war
A place where we can get along

Without thinking about differences
Like color or race
Where no one will feel out of place

Because in my fairy tale book
There's always a happy end
Where you can find true love
And see the kindness in everyone

Each story would start with once upon a time
My world will be one without hate or crime
Richard Riddle Jan 2016
5:30 a.m:

Been awake for an hour, can't sleep, can't relax the brain. Came up with this. Just something to do at this tme of the morning.

I don't know how many times, never counted them, when investigating a motor vehicle accident, a participating driver said to me: "I wouldn't have hit that parked car if that "little brown dog" hadn't run out in front of me!", or "I had to swerve to keep from hitting that "little brown dog!" If in a tree-lined neighborhood, substitute a squirrel. Squirrels add more crediblity, simply because their reputation for running out in front of moving vehicles at the 'last second" is universal.

Why do squirrels do that? I don't know. I don't know anyone that knows. I don't know anyone who knows anyone that knows! It is truly, one of "natures mysteries." And, it's hard to prove that it didn't happen, for these little beasts always seem to disappear,  never to be seen again.

Why a "little brown dog?" Dogs come in different colors, different sizes, but in vehicle accidents, it's always the small, "little brown dog".. It makes no difference that the blood alcohol level in the driver may be two to three times over the limit, or talking on their cell phone, it's always the fault of the creature with the furry little ****.

This will probably generate some comments on collisions with deer, moose, perhaps a rhinocerous, but that's a different level. I interviewed one driver who claimed the bright lights from a UFO blinded him moments before he "ran into the ditch", then sped off into "nether space." That UFO was probably piloted by a "little brown dog" and a squirrel.

lynn tester Feb 2011
Hold on, hold on
It could all be gone
With a sweep of the hand of tme
What was yours , what was mine

Hold on, hold on
To those you hold dear
Show love ,show kindness
Keep them near

For this life is too short
And too soon it is gone
This life this love
So hold on, hold on
Infamous one Aug 2013
Once you loved me if you hated me it wouldn't bother me
What hurts most is you forgot about us
The tme we share laughter everywhere
We share moments together in the heart forever
Heart of gold times get cold without her
Thought of forgetting leave the heart regretting
Hard to trust the worse is when its lust
Good times bad times remember time together
Massoupial Oct 2012
Perhaps your brief memory lingers
hanging in the air
the light, reflected in each breath
capturing the warmth of your smile
In this place where tme has suspended,
even the briefest of moments,
your memory lingers.
the last time i checked..
i wasn't at all perfect..
but do you think that i care?
that's not me..
never was;
never will be..
i don't want to be perfect..
because in my book....
perfect is fake.
and fake isn't me..
so can we all get over it?
this is reality..
and if you think you're perfect..
you might want to change your name to barbie;
live in your pretty little house,
with the family you had to buy.
sorry but..
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
contentious retraction of a failed
      happy schizophrenia,
                      my money is "biased"
in metaphor:
           little people, little needs,
          the rest remains a gargantuan
               little fool, little fowl:
                                  and from a grain of
sand, a unit, to conceptualiße
       the breadth and depth of tme....
little people: you know:
         belittle differences,
market the gains...
                      trip and attempt to fall.

       oh, i took the noun confusion to be
an artefsact associated with your, profession
                         being taken seriously?    
my bad...
                   because aren't
lawyers the only, "true", readers,
of a thesaurus?
                    nibbling qusi-vermin,
you could almost squash
them with an ****** impetus at
spotting a cockroach...

                         thing with rats...
esp. of a certain ethnic disposition
that is hardly an allowance...
            anglo goorl with a ****-
                    how's that 'elping
         good? **** the rest and
confiscate the retired nearing death....

i'm bothered though...
  about jurisprudence without a thesaurus...
i don't think it would be
applicable, let alone passable
to pass a blah,
     without a thesaurus....
let alone the rule of: thumb...

    i already presuppose the dictionary
  but i suppose you don't,
given that the thesaurus is
contaminated with a higher
status when compared to a dictionary....
   in most instances
                  the fabric of the kantian
gensis  0 = negation
           doesn't even qualify as (a) genesis...

in the fabric of: the "inconvenience"
             of stating law...
              we have to resort to
"demanding" metaphor...
                god forbid this childish prank
of permanently effectuating a posit of nuance;
given the leverage,
              that demands a portion of
                    the living: to speak for the dead.

yes, perfected "imperfect" english
can sometimes spot a chance to avoid
using articles, given that there are only two
to mind...
           but jurisprudence is as much
about excavating past the prime from
a thesaurus, as it is about reading a,
******* dictionary...
                  gnome language...
              the square: isn't a square type of
            can't help but imagie a hellish
dentistry session...
    bleeding gums, healthy teeth being
pulled out without anaesthetic...
you know,
          the atypical sort of sadism, and dada.
Arlene Corwin Jun 2019
This is actually a spontaneously inspired message of love and appreciation, to new found Facebook friends from all over this varied globe.  
kylie Sep 2017
you’ve been damaged from your childhood
from the fighting your parents
the way they call you names
and tell you things that are engraved into your soul

but now i’ve sacrificed everything from my happiness to my innocence
and i’m still falling through tme down with you, falling faster than i did for you
i want to stay but the pain tears me from you
tell me you love me because all i want to do is love you. . . again
Simba Aug 2019
Life is very strange
I'd say.
This is where
I'll begin.

I play this scenario over and
over again.
I play it over in
my head.

I'm  writing these words
not looking for sorrow.
  Tme is short.
Time is
What is here today is
gone tomorrow.

People come in your life
for the moment or
for years.
Sometimes you wonder
why they appear!

They will change your direction
from what it
once was.
To now what it is.

Time changes people as
you know.
People come.
People go.
Situations will make
you grow
if you let them!

Never go backwards.
Keep moving
forward, that's
chapters are

Be careful what you say!
Be careful what
you do.
Because, they have a way
of coming back to
haunt you.

The tongue has no bone
this is true!
What you write with
your fingers.
Can hurt you, too.
Do this, do that in
this world today.
It can be very misleading
in many ways!

For I am the misfit,
of Misfit Island.
The one that
you see.

An outcast. A survivor.
The one out to sea!
A lesson that came across
the sea breeze.
For it filled up
the sails
and put it before me.

when a heart is broken in pieces on the floor

pick all the pieces and start again once more

put them all together till your heart is whole

give it tme to mend put love back in your soul.

love it will return. to your heart once more

you can learn to love again as you did before.

forget about the past start again a new

with the new found love there inside of you.

— The End —