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judy smith Jul 2016
The 9.6 million followers who tune in to watch Miranda Kerr having her hair done on Instagram — for this is how models spend most of their time — were treated to a rather more interesting sight last Thursday: a black and white photograph of a whacking great diamond ring.

Across it was the caption “Marry me!” and a twee animation of the tech mogul Evan Spiegel on bended knee. Underneath Kerr had typed “I said yes!!!” and an explosion of heart emojis.

A spokesman for Spiegel, founder of the Snapchat mobile app, who is 26 to Kerr’s 33 and worth $US 2.1 billion to her $US 42.5 million , revealed “they are very happy”.

At first, the marriage seems an unlikely combination: a man so bright he founded Snapchat while still at Stanford University, becoming one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires by 22, and a Victoria’s Secret model who was previously married to the Pirates of the Caribbean star Orlando Bloom (she allegedly had a fling with pop brat Justin Bieber, leading Bloom to punch Beebs in a posh Ibiza restaurant).

Perhaps the union indicates that there is more to Kerr than we thought. More likely, it reveals something about Spiegel — and the way the social status of “geeks” has changed.

Since Steve Jobs made computers cool and Millennials started living online, nerds are king. Even coding is **** enough for the model Karlie Kloss, singer and actor Ashton Kutcher to learn it. Silicon Valley has become the new Hollywood, as moguls and social media barons take over from film stars and sportsmen not just on rich lists, but as alpha men.

Being a co-founder of a company is this decade’s equivalent to being a rock star or a chef. And, if their attractiveness to models and actresses proves anything, then being a Twag — tech wife or girlfriend — is a “thing”. Sources tell me Twags are also known as “founder-hounders” because they like to date the creators of start-up companies.

Actress Talulah Riley was an early adopter. She started dating the PayPal founder Elon Musk in 2008. Riley, then fresh from starring in the St Trinian’s film, met Musk in London’s Whisky Mist nightclub after he had delivered a lecture at the Royal Aeronautical Society. I interviewed her shortly afterwards and she told me they had spent the evening talking about “quantum physics”. A month later they were engaged. Their on-again-off-again marriage lasted six years before she filed for divorce again in March. Currently Musk, worth an estimated $US 12.7 billion and focused on Tesla cars, is said to be “spending a lot of time” with Johnny Depp’s estranged wife, Amber Heard.

Model Lily Cole dated the Twitter founder Jack Dorsey in 2013. Later she had a son with Kwame Ferreira, founder of the digital innovation agency Kwamecorp. Actress Emma Watson is going out with William Knight, an “adventurer” who has an incredibly boringly sounding job as a senior manager at Medallia, a software company. Allison Williams, Marnie in the HBO television show Girls, is married to Ricky Van Veen, co-founder of College Humor website.

Could it be that these women are onto something? Dating a bro certainly has its appeal. They are innovative: how else would they invent apps that deliver cheese toasties or match singles based on their haircuts? They are risk-takers who must be charismatic enough to inspire investors and attract crowd-funding. They may not be gym-fit, but they are mathletes who can do your tax bill. They are animal lovers: every start-up is dog friendly. And they are fun: who would not want to date somebody with a ball pool in their office?

There is a saying about dating in Silicon Valley: the odds are good but the goods are odd. Nerds are notorious for peculiar chat-up lines and normcore clothes. Still, if geeks can be awkward, that is part of their charm. Keira Knightley, complaining that Silicon Valley was all men in hoodies and Crocs, described how one gave her his card, saying she should get in touch if she wanted to see a spaceship.

One Vogue writer recalled a Silicon Valley man messaging her via a dating app, in which he noted: “In 50 per cent of your photos you’re holding an iPhone. It may interest you to find out that I invented the iPhone. More accurately I was an engineer on the original iPhone . . .”

Most promisingly, some guys are astoundingly rich. It is suggested Kerr’s engagement ring is a 2.5-carat diamond worth around dollars 55,000. She has already moved into Spiegel’s dollars 12m LA pad. Between his money and her Victoria’s Secrets bridesmaids, no wonder sources claim they are planning an “extravagant wedding”.

It might rival even the Napster founder Sean Parker’s $US10m performance-art bash. He married songwriter Alexandra Lenas in a canopy among Big Sur’s redwoods decorated to look like an enchanted forest. Some 350 guests wore Tolkienesque costumes created by The Lord of the Rings costume designer Ngila Dickson. They sat on white fur rugs and were given bunnies to pet. Presumably rabbit babysitters were on hand when the disco started.

If such fantasies inspire you to become a Twag, the great news is you do not have to be a supermodel to be in with a chance. Such is the dearth of single women in Silicon Valley that one dating site, Dating Ring, crowdfunded a plane to fly single women to Palo Alto from New York.

Be warned, though: guys are single because they are married to the job.

No wonder most meet their partners at college or work — the Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg met his wife, Priscilla Chan, at Harvard.

The Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom met girlfriend Nicole Schuetz at Stanford. Melinda met Bill Gates when, in 1987, they sat next to each other at an Expo trade-fair dinner. “He was funnier than I expected him to be,” she said.

Kerr began dating Spiegel in 2014 after meeting him at a Louis Vuitton dinner in New York. You can bet he was networking. Shortly after Louis Vuitton showcased their cruise collection in a Snapchat story. Last season Snapchat went on to become the biggest new name at NY fashion week.

If you want to meet tech guys, you might catch them at Silicon Valley parties, which is how the Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick met his partner, Gabi Holzwarth, a violinist hired to play. Or they might be schmoozing clients downtown in a swanky Noe Valley club in San Francisco or a boring Union Square hotel in New York. In London you find them around Old Street, aka Silicon Roundabout, in bars, at hackathons, or start-up meet-ups. In the day they are coding at Google Campus or practising their pitching in a co-working space.

Some tech boys date the old-fashioned way: on Tinder. Airbnb founder Brian Chesky met his girlfriend of three years, Elissa Patel, through the app. When I interviewed Instagram co-founder Systrom he admitted that when he had been single he had signed up.

Dating agency Linx — presumably a play on operating system Linux — is dedicated to making Silicon Valley matches. Amy Andersen set it up in 2003 after moving to Palo Alto and being “flabbergasted” by the number of eligible men. She claims her clients are “extremely dynamic and successful individuals’’: tech founders, tech chief executives, financier founding partners of large institutions and “tons of entrepreneurs”.

Andersen says tech guys make “fabulous partners”. Romantic and chivalrous, they write love letters, plan dates, “even proposing on Snapchat!” If you want to marry a tech billionaire, she says, “you need to bring your A game.” Her clients look “for women who are equally, if not more, dynamic and interesting than he is!”

There are drawbacks to dating tech guys. Before Google buys your amore’s business, he will be living on *** Noodles waiting for the next round of funding — and workaholics are dull.

Kerr says Spiegel is “25, but he acts like he’s 50. He’s not out partying. He goes to work in Venice [Beach], he comes home. We don’t go out. We’d rather be at home and have dinner, go to bed early.” Which might suit Kerr, but is not my idea of a fun.

You had also better be prepared to share your life. When Priscilla Chan miscarried three times, Mark Zuckerberg wrote about it on Facebook, while Chesky used a romantic trip with his girlfriend to promote Airbnb - uploading a picture of her in bed, with a note saying “f* hotels”. Besides all of which is the notorious issue of Silicon Valley sexism.

It has a chief exec-bro culture that puts pick-up artist/comedian Dapper Laughs to shame. Ninety per cent of women working in the Valley say they have witnessed sexist behaviour, 60 per cent have experienced unwanted ****** advances at work, two thirds of them from their boss. Whitney Wolfe, a co-founder of Tinder, took Justin Mateen to court for ****** harassment. Her lawsuit against the company alleged that Mateen, her former partner, sent text messages calling her a “*****”.

Spiegel has tech bro form. He apologised after emails from his days at Stanford emerged: missives about stripper poles, getting black-out drunk, shooting lasers at “fat chicks”, and promising to “roll a blunt for whoever sees the most **** tonight (Sunday)”. After one fraternity Hawaiian luau party, he signed off emails “f*

No wonder some women are not inspired to become Twags. Especially when you could be a tech billionaire yourself. Would you not rather be Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, than married to the boss?Read more at: |
And Ulysses answered, “King Alcinous, it is a good thing to hear a
bard with such a divine voice as this man has. There is nothing better
or more delightful than when a whole people make merry together,
with the guests sitting orderly to listen, while the table is loaded
with bread and meats, and the cup-bearer draws wine and fills his
cup for every man. This is indeed as fair a sight as a man can see.
Now, however, since you are inclined to ask the story of my sorrows,
and rekindle my own sad memories in respect of them, I do not know how
to begin, nor yet how to continue and conclude my tale, for the hand
of heaven has been laid heavily upon me.
  “Firstly, then, I will tell you my name that you too may know it,
and one day, if I outlive this time of sorrow, may become my there
guests though I live so far away from all of you. I am Ulysses son
of Laertes, reknowned among mankind for all manner of subtlety, so
that my fame ascends to heaven. I live in Ithaca, where there is a
high mountain called Neritum, covered with forests; and not far from
it there is a group of islands very near to one another—Dulichium,
Same, and the wooded island of Zacynthus. It lies squat on the
horizon, all highest up in the sea towards the sunset, while the
others lie away from it towards dawn. It is a rugged island, but it
breeds brave men, and my eyes know none that they better love to
look upon. The goddess Calypso kept me with her in her cave, and
wanted me to marry her, as did also the cunning Aeaean goddess
Circe; but they could neither of them persuade me, for there is
nothing dearer to a man than his own country and his parents, and
however splendid a home he may have in a foreign country, if it be far
from father or mother, he does not care about it. Now, however, I will
tell you of the many hazardous adventures which by Jove’s will I met
with on my return from Troy.
  “When I had set sail thence the wind took me first to Ismarus, which
is the city of the Cicons. There I sacked the town and put the
people to the sword. We took their wives and also much *****, which we
divided equitably amongst us, so that none might have reason to
complain. I then said that we had better make off at once, but my
men very foolishly would not obey me, so they stayed there drinking
much wine and killing great numbers of sheep and oxen on the sea
shore. Meanwhile the Cicons cried out for help to other Cicons who
lived inland. These were more in number, and stronger, and they were
more skilled in the art of war, for they could fight, either from
chariots or on foot as the occasion served; in the morning, therefore,
they came as thick as leaves and bloom in summer, and the hand of
heaven was against us, so that we were hard pressed. They set the
battle in array near the ships, and the hosts aimed their
bronze-shod spears at one another. So long as the day waxed and it was
still morning, we held our own against them, though they were more
in number than we; but as the sun went down, towards the time when men
loose their oxen, the Cicons got the better of us, and we lost half
a dozen men from every ship we had; so we got away with those that
were left.
  “Thence we sailed onward with sorrow in our hearts, but glad to have
escaped death though we had lost our comrades, nor did we leave till
we had thrice invoked each one of the poor fellows who had perished by
the hands of the Cicons. Then Jove raised the North wind against us
till it blew a hurricane, so that land and sky were hidden in thick
clouds, and night sprang forth out of the heavens. We let the ships
run before the gale, but the force of the wind tore our sails to
tatters, so we took them down for fear of shipwreck, and rowed our
hardest towards the land. There we lay two days and two nights
suffering much alike from toil and distress of mind, but on the
morning of the third day we again raised our masts, set sail, and took
our places, letting the wind and steersmen direct our ship. I should
have got home at that time unharmed had not the North wind and the
currents been against me as I was doubling Cape Malea, and set me
off my course hard by the island of Cythera.
  “I was driven thence by foul winds for a space of nine days upon the
sea, but on the tenth day we reached the land of the Lotus-eater,
who live on a food that comes from a kind of flower. Here we landed to
take in fresh water, and our crews got their mid-day meal on the shore
near the ships. When they had eaten and drunk I sent two of my company
to see what manner of men the people of the place might be, and they
had a third man under them. They started at once, and went about among
the Lotus-eaters, who did them no hurt, but gave them to eat of the
lotus, which was so delicious that those who ate of it left off caring
about home, and did not even want to go back and say what had happened
to them, but were for staying and munching lotus with the
Lotus-eater without thinking further of their return; nevertheless,
though they wept bitterly I forced them back to the ships and made
them fast under the benches. Then I told the rest to go on board at
once, lest any of them should taste of the lotus and leave off wanting
to get home, so they took their places and smote the grey sea with
their oars.
  “We sailed hence, always in much distress, till we came to the
land of the lawless and inhuman Cyclopes. Now the Cyclopes neither
plant nor plough, but trust in providence, and live on such wheat,
barley, and grapes as grow wild without any kind of tillage, and their
wild grapes yield them wine as the sun and the rain may grow them.
They have no laws nor assemblies of the people, but live in caves on
the tops of high mountains; each is lord and master in his family, and
they take no account of their neighbours.
  “Now off their harbour there lies a wooded and fertile island not
quite close to the land of the Cyclopes, but still not far. It is
overrun with wild goats, that breed there in great numbers and are
never disturbed by foot of man; for sportsmen—who as a rule will
suffer so much hardship in forest or among mountain precipices—do not
go there, nor yet again is it ever ploughed or fed down, but it lies a
wilderness untilled and unsown from year to year, and has no living
thing upon it but only goats. For the Cyclopes have no ships, nor
yet shipwrights who could make ships for them; they cannot therefore
go from city to city, or sail over the sea to one another’s country as
people who have ships can do; if they had had these they would have
colonized the island, for it is a very good one, and would yield
everything in due season. There are meadows that in some places come
right down to the sea shore, well watered and full of luscious
grass; grapes would do there excellently; there is level land for
ploughing, and it would always yield heavily at harvest time, for
the soil is deep. There is a good harbour where no cables are
wanted, nor yet anchors, nor need a ship be moored, but all one has to
do is to beach one’s vessel and stay there till the wind becomes
fair for putting out to sea again. At the head of the harbour there is
a spring of clear water coming out of a cave, and there are poplars
growing all round it.
  “Here we entered, but so dark was the night that some god must
have brought us in, for there was nothing whatever to be seen. A thick
mist hung all round our ships; the moon was hidden behind a mass of
clouds so that no one could have seen the island if he had looked
for it, nor were there any breakers to tell us we were close in
shore before we found ourselves upon the land itself; when, however,
we had beached the ships, we took down the sails, went ashore and
camped upon the beach till daybreak.
  “When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, we admired
the island and wandered all over it, while the nymphs Jove’s daughters
roused the wild goats that we might get some meat for our dinner. On
this we fetched our spears and bows and arrows from the ships, and
dividing ourselves into three bands began to shoot the goats. Heaven
sent us excellent sport; I had twelve ships with me, and each ship got
nine goats, while my own ship had ten; thus through the livelong day
to the going down of the sun we ate and drank our fill,—and we had
plenty of wine left, for each one of us had taken many jars full
when we sacked the city of the Cicons, and this had not yet run out.
While we were feasting we kept turning our eyes towards the land of
the Cyclopes, which was hard by, and saw the smoke of their stubble
fires. We could almost fancy we heard their voices and the bleating of
their sheep and goats, but when the sun went down and it came on dark,
we camped down upon the beach, and next morning I called a council.
  “‘Stay here, my brave fellows,’ said I, ‘all the rest of you,
while I go with my ship and exploit these people myself: I want to see
if they are uncivilized savages, or a hospitable and humane race.’
  “I went on board, bidding my men to do so also and loose the
hawsers; so they took their places and smote the grey sea with their
oars. When we got to the land, which was not far, there, on the face
of a cliff near the sea, we saw a great cave overhung with laurels. It
was a station for a great many sheep and goats, and outside there
was a large yard, with a high wall round it made of stones built
into the ground and of trees both pine and oak. This was the abode
of a huge monster who was then away from home shepherding his
flocks. He would have nothing to do with other people, but led the
life of an outlaw. He was a horrid creature, not like a human being at
all, but resembling rather some crag that stands out boldly against
the sky on the top of a high mountain.
  “I told my men to draw the ship ashore, and stay where they were,
all but the twelve best among them, who were to go along with
myself. I also took a goatskin of sweet black wine which had been
given me by Maron, Apollo son of Euanthes, who was priest of Apollo
the patron god of Ismarus, and lived within the wooded precincts of
the temple. When we were sacking the city we respected him, and spared
his life, as also his wife and child; so he made me some presents of
great value—seven talents of fine gold, and a bowl of silver, with
twelve jars of sweet wine, unblended, and of the most exquisite
flavour. Not a man nor maid in the house knew about it, but only
himself, his wife, and one housekeeper: when he drank it he mixed
twenty parts of water to one of wine, and yet the fragrance from the
mixing-bowl was so exquisite that it was impossible to refrain from
drinking. I filled a large skin with this wine, and took a wallet full
of provisions with me, for my mind misgave me that I might have to
deal with some savage who would be of great strength, and would
respect neither right nor law.
  “We soon reached his cave, but he was out shepherding, so we went
inside and took stock of all that we could see. His cheese-racks
were loaded with cheeses, and he had more lambs and kids than his pens
could hold. They were kept in separate flocks; first there were the
hoggets, then the oldest of the younger lambs and lastly the very
young ones all kept apart from one another; as for his dairy, all
the vessels, bowls, and milk pails into which he milked, were swimming
with whey. When they saw all this, my men begged me to let them
first steal some cheeses, and make off with them to the ship; they
would then return, drive down the lambs and kids, put them on board
and sail away with them. It would have been indeed better if we had
done so but I would not listen to them, for I wanted to see the
owner himself, in the hope that he might give me a present. When,
however, we saw him my poor men found him ill to deal with.
  “We lit a fire, offered some of the cheeses in sacrifice, ate others
of them, and then sat waiting till the Cyclops should come in with his
sheep. When he came, he brought in with him a huge load of dry
firewood to light the fire for his supper, and this he flung with such
a noise on to the floor of his cave that we hid ourselves for fear
at the far end of the cavern. Meanwhile he drove all the ewes
inside, as well as the she-goats that he was going to milk, leaving
the males, both rams and he-goats, outside in the yards. Then he
rolled a huge stone to the mouth of the cave—so huge that two and
twenty strong four-wheeled waggons would not be enough to draw it from
its place against the doorway. When he had so done he sat down and
milked his ewes and goats, all in due course, and then let each of
them have her own young. He curdled half the milk and set it aside
in wicker strainers, but the other half he poured into bowls that he
might drink it for his supper. When he had got through with all his
work, he lit the fire, and then caught sight of us, whereon he said:
  “‘Strangers, who are you? Where do sail from? Are you traders, or do
you sail the as rovers, with your hands against every man, and every
man’s hand against you?’
  “We were frightened out of our senses by his loud voice and
monstrous form, but I managed to say, ‘We are Achaeans on our way home
from Troy, but by the will of Jove, and stress of weather, we have
been driven far out of our course. We are the people of Agamemnon, son
of Atreus, who has won infinite renown throughout the whole world,
by sacking so great a city and killing so many people. We therefore
humbly pray you to show us some hospitality, and otherwise make us
such presents as visitors may reasonably expect. May your excellency
fear the wrath of heaven, for we are your suppliants, and Jove takes
all respectable travellers under his protection, for he is the avenger
of all suppliants and foreigners in distress.’
  “To this he gave me but a pitiless answer, ‘Stranger,’ said he, ‘you
are a fool, or else you know nothing of this country. Talk to me,
indeed, about fearing the gods or shunning their anger? We Cyclopes do
not care about Jove or any of your blessed gods, for we are ever so
much stronger than they. I shall not spare either yourself or your
companions out of any regard for Jove, unless I am in the humour for
doing so. And now tell me where you made your ship fast when you
came on shore. Was it round the point, or is she lying straight off
the land?’
  “He said this to draw me out, but I was too cunning to be caught
in that way, so I answered with a lie; ‘Neptune,’ said I, ’sent my
ship on to the rocks at the far end of your country, and wrecked it.
We were driven on to them from the open sea, but I and those who are
with me escaped the jaws of death.’
  “The cruel wretch vouchsafed me not one word of answer, but with a
sudden clutch he gripped up two of my men at once and dashed them down
upon the ground as though they had been puppies. Their brains were
shed upon the ground, and the earth was wet with their blood. Then
he tore them limb from limb and supped upon them. He gobbled them up
like a lion in the wilderness, flesh, bones, marrow, and entrails,
without leaving anything uneaten. As for us, we wept and lifted up our
hands to heaven on seeing such a horrid sight, for we did not know
what else to do; but when the Cyclops had filled his huge paunch,
and had washed down his meal of human flesh with a drink of neat milk,
he stretched himself full length upon the ground among his sheep,
and went to sleep. I was at first inclined to seize my sword, draw it,
and drive it into his vitals, but I reflected that if I did we
should all certainly be lost, for we should never be able to shift the
stone which the monster had put in front of the door. So we stayed
sobbing and sighing where we were till morning came.
  “When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, he again
lit his fire, milked his goats and ewes, all quite rightly, and then
let each have her own young one; as soon as he had got through with
all his work, he clutched up two more of my men, and began eating them
for his morning’s meal. Presently, with the utmost ease, he rolled the
stone away from the door and drove out his sheep, but he at once put
it back again—as easily as though he were merely clapping the lid
on to a
Julie Grenness Oct 2015
No, my mother atheist said,
Long live cricket, God is dead,
Debbie Downer's Nihilist thoughts,
Total negativity she taught,
This is Debbie Downer's doormat daughter,
Saturday sportsmen off to slaughter,
Yes, God is dead,
Long live extreme sports,
That's what Negative Norma said.
Feedback welcome
Lures, flies and spinners
provide variety for
multiple techniques.

Casting carefree lines
the sportsmen and women look…
For fishy hook-ups.

Moonlight over pines –
Adds a touch of elegance
to nighttime fishing.

Daytime sea trollers
combine leisure travel
and hands-free fishing.

The ignorant fish –
Unaware of keepers of…
Life’s aquarium.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Devashish Kumar Mar 2015
Your mother went through infinite pain of carrying you in her womb.
Your father works day in and day out to make sure you don't sleep hungry.
Your sister parted with her jewellery just to make sure you could read.
Your brother stands by you in all the ups and downs of life
It does not stop here.

Soldiers spend sleepless nights at freezing altitudes to keep you safe from intruders.
Scientists work hard so that you can lead an easier life.
Artists allow you into their sophisticated mind through their beautiful works.
Musicians practice so that you can enjoy a soothing symphony..
Writers sacrifice their comforts so that you can lose yourself in good books.
Sportsmen toil in uncomfortable weather so that you can enjoy a good match.
Actors rehearse to make sure you forget your stress by giving you good movies.
Teachers cross all boundaries so that you are aware of the world around you.
Labourers work in dingy cells so that latest technologies reach you.
It does not even stop here.

Thousands of strangers have lost their lives so that you can enjoy "these" rights and liberties.
It's not done even now.
The Sun burns ever so fiercely so that you can enjoy bright days.
The glorious Moon lights up your nights so that you are fearless of the stark darkness.
And the Wind blows all day to keep you fresh.

Did I Just hear you say you don't deserve to live?
Kids huddle in the corridors
In the staff room they hide in shells
The teachers who don't like children
Preferring stale sweat and coffee smells
In the classrooms they run riot
With rulers books and pens
Everybody's a target for trouble
Particularly the kids without friends
There's always a classroom bully
No brains and the charisma of a slug
But the girls just love a Neanderthal
Who's nothing more than a ****
Then ofcourse there's the crackpot joker
Protected by madness and dry wit
Always avoiding the troubles
He's the candle that always stays lit
A posse of the beautiful ladies
Flaunt around the painted halls
Lipstick perfume and mothers mascara
While the hair flows like Niagra Falls
And finally the come the sportsmen
Who tower over the rest
They take physical activity so seriously
Cause they just want to be the best
A mention for the headmasters favourites
Who sit secretly in the armchair at home
Parents believe they're learning academics
But they watch This Morning and go for a roam
It makes you or it breaks you
The job that makes you cool or a fool
Nowhere to run in education
The nature of the beast that we call school
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2021
England win 4 - nil against Ukraine and
i just can't find happiness...
i want to behind this bread and circus
distraction: it's not the current stadiums
are anything close to the ancient roman
coliseum, either: it's not like
i'm watch 22 eager ballerinas kicking
the guillotine head of Robespierre about...
language bugs me: i write it and avoid
speaking it...
expatriates of England: unite behind your team...
i've been an immigrant from
the age of 8... funny how language
the English have no notion of a diaspora...
their immigrant status: among their own
countrymen is elevated to the word:
expatriate: "us" folk flood a host country...
we: "invade" it...
we are never deemed to be:
repatriating... changing allegiance...
i can naturalize: citizen mr. smith over 'ere...
but... when it comes to...
"patriotism" or... the nationhood and cheering
a ******* football team?
i try more than i ever had...
but i'm not buying the *******...
there's club football...
   i just can't stress how important it would
be for me to witness the final:
i'm betting on Italy vs. England...
and in that final Italy will win:
i support, "support" from an undermining
on topic: if i go back to the country of my birth:
i didn't take root...
since the death of my grandfather:
sure... i still have some family there...
but... i'm not attached to them:
it would require a d.n.a. test to get at
proof: whether or not i should be
there is another question...

if only this... if only that...
cob-weaving safety-net riddle shadow-man...
what was it? a lack of ambition...
lack of designation...
most assuredly resigned from time to time:
waking up once i suckle on
a bottle of wine...
the clouds start to make sense:
i see faces conjured up
and i no longer feel a need to
peacock my ambitions...
that i am the subject of
a demonic voyeuristic experiment:
call it whatever phenomenon
you might want to... pareidolia
is a newly acquired word in my coffer of vocab.

a historical status quo is being
not with my death but with my death
i can see all that's going to bypass
the concentration of subjectivity and
becomes diluted in an objective amass...

i'm not important:
but being jealous simply makes me
double up on being reflective and at the same
time melancholically tinged:
idle blue... bleeding green...

****** if i do: ****** if i don't:
south american nations can have their post-racial
i **** a black girl in England:
what am i?
what am i if she boasts of a harem?

but i'm not some olive skinned
inferno of Pakistan
dealing with calling a supermarket cashier
the word-lot of: love, darling...
when i hear it: as she endears me...
she can call me: dearly... lovely...
love... pet and darling...
am i undermining the English language?
am i spreading Marxism?

i want to be a fan of the English
football team:
it's hard for me to translate assimilate into...
entertaining something this primitive...
perhaps i should isolate my fandom
to elevated: individualistic sports...
tennis players...
i can't attach a shared ethnicity to
Iga Świątek...
i'm not Slovenian but...
hearing these two Tour de France commentators
slobber and gag when watching
the 8th bit with Tadej Pogačar
climbing up a 10% to 14% incremental up...
on a *****...

i'm starting to love individualistic sports
than ever...
however much i'd love to support
the football team of England:
i'm not English...
immigrants are expected to integrate:
assimilate into their host nation...
but... somehow... odd...
the English expatriates living in Italy will...
choice of language: i'm sure...

rules for thou: rules for aye...
isn't it how it always works?
English refer to the people who left these isles
as... expatriates...
or if there's enough of them:
and the enough of them start-up a new
ethic identity and become:
Australians... New Zealanders...
Canadians... H'Americans...
       it's not mind-bending antics on my part:
i didn't chose the wording:
it was already available...
i can respect the English laws...
i can grow accustomed to the peoples'
drink their... Siberian milk tea:
although i've resolved myself to drink green...
eating baked beans on toast:
to hell with avocado...
but i can't be fed into an emotional complex
that might allow me to support
the national football team:

the inherently ****** in my remembers...
just, "oddly enough": remembers...
the broken fingers of Jan Tomaszewski...
'Brian Clough's throwaway remark
and his saves for Poland against England
in October 1973' - the clown...
England being denied a place in the 1974
World Cup...

it's stupid it's beautiful it's football...
it's not tennis it's not the Olympics
it's not the ******* Tour de France...
amore! amore!
i'm betting on Italy... such style...
they look nothing like a Teutonic heavy cavalry
charge of the English with their
meticulous passing...
such spark with their no. 10
Napoleon: Lorenzo Insigne...

i'll learn your tongue: i'll do whatever
might be required:
to blend in better and not pretend...
but i can't support your football team...
individual sportsmen...
sure... saying that:
i feel robbed from the euphoria
of a shared experience!

- there are no English immigrants living in Italy:
there are only expatriates...
it's not even funny how wording goes:
i'm not offended: hardly...
i prefer the h'American racial "slur" to
what otherwise pits me up against:
the North & South and St. Paul...
****** being the one word in ******
that's not to be confused with Polish...
but English immigrants in Italy are not
migrants... immigrants... disfranchised people
who said: you deal with that kneeling
******* before a phantom...
pander "them"...
because the English have no concept of
the diaspora!
in ******-land there's this concept of:
Polonia... those who are emigrated...
like hell i'm going back...
but i can't think of myself as an expatriate
since... isn't it ****** obvious?
the native of the English tongue thinks
of his extended family living in Italy...
France... as an expatriate...
he's not going to dub them: an immigrant...
the quality of life is too high to...
oh... these people didn't immigrate
for economic reasons...
or like they might have been...
persecuted Kashubians / Kosovans...

Italy just felt better... the weather... the architecture...
derogatory implying: what?
like the Polacks think of their fellow countrymen
"elsewhere" belonging to this greater family:
Polonia -
the English treat their own as...
hardly an immigrant in Australia...
or H'America... no diaspora to be found...
it's truly a conundrum of wording:
what do you call a Spaniard in South America?
a late Lebanese inquisitor...
my jokes are dry... dry dry: ******* dry...
a pale Persian when i double down
on what could come off as possibly: worst...

i don't suppose you might feel like me:
dear reader...
if only i was surrounded by
pretty things that people might admire
as social status exfoliations:
read books...
not books stacked upon a shelf:
a banknote from the Russian Empire
with the effigy of Tsar Nicholas II
on it... Soviet Empire post-stamps
inherited from my grandfather:
the philatelist...

my mind's in it... the tongue too...
but my heart it grieving...
although not as much as...
what's missing in both the head, the tongue...
the outward appearance of the
the shy jihadi...

pandering missionaries for equal
representation based on anti-racism: nuanced-racism:
this inability to differentiate a Croat
from a German...
we'll just suppose the English immigrants
will be known by a different name...
not expatriates...
like the cricketers... tourists...
oh yeah... expatriates is too bold a statement
when they achieve as little
as drinking an espresso the Italian way...

i can't support the English football team...
however much i want...
and i want to...
ha ha... odd me dumb ******:
every time Germany played England
i supported Germany: ol' Wend that i was...
it's football!
once more... better concentrate on
individualistic sports...
no good ever came from chanting

although in the England vs. Ukraine game...
Ukraine in English is formed from only
two syllable: U-KRAINE...
in ****** and akin to the natives it consists of:

       i'm watching football but also listening
to the crowd...
i become lost when it comes
to the Cossack Uprising...
sure... Bohdan Khmelnytsky
                      wasn't Oliver Cromwell...
              wasn't he, though?

a frank zappa album title: sheikh yerbouti...
translates as... twerking /
shake your-*****... no?

this is all we have become... decently progressed
nations being reduced to the thrills
of... a football match?
again: these are not 22 ballerinas
kicking about a guillotined head of
Robespierre... are they?
i could understand that...
the no thrills no support chanting:
sensible: Olympic sports it is...
individualistic: i want to better myself types...
no... ******* Normandy landing...
no historical insinuation:
no historical weaving the current bogus
events with past splendour and spectacle
and all that wave of world war I

no better football commentator than...
Ally McCoist....
McCoist cane compete with Jonathan Pearce:
any sunny Sunday...
i swear to god of the guillotined
head of Robespierre...
the man played football but also have
more talk behind the ball than he ever had
a kick behind it...
perhaps because he also has a sing-along
trill behind the R...

the **** this Scot conjures up:
something akin to: boy'oh: leg up...
i can't just... conjure up the verbatim...
good enough: time to seek
a kipper.

Italy vs. England in the final...
Italy will win:
i want to be dead-end: wrong.
I want to party I want I want to party
With women and wine and a piece of
Roast Swine and then I get down with
A bourbon and coke and scream out
It can’t be done it can’t be done oh yeah
I party up and party down
Through one place into the ground
Come on Aussies win the Olympics
And make me a happy man
But despite America having better
Gymnasts and basketballers as well as golf
They never win other things except for track and field
And after they win
They head off to the pub and party on
And then you see a lot of kids
The future of the world
Taking up gymnastics in America
As well as golf
Look out for Parker ballinger gym
And Ryan Donnelly golf
It will be interesting
To see them become good sportsman
Despite them being catholics
Change your name to something
Less Catholic
And party on dudes
Right till the end
I feel close to vlogs but not in a strange way
1 2 3 o clock 4 o clock rock
Every day I do things by the clock
Watching music concerts on YouTube
And watching footy on kayo
It is the most radical think I can do
If you want to know my secret
Athena she works on my teeth
Through ibuprofen which helps
Athena help them
Party on matey
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
coxswain or "***": a poet upon my shoulder, mind you embarrassing the comparison, twice the defeatist with a devil or an angel: twice the defeatist, still my prime mate! poet the ***! please don't elaborate on the said compliment! eight to an sixteen of oar upon the thames! you *****-nim-whitts! oar! oar! shmoore ore! by ten to 12 that coats about ten *******! you oxbridge falcons need the talk ***** to get a hardon?! trophy ***** awaits! limp ***** of McPhallon; what have they been feeding you: p & n + j all your ******* lives? no wonder you're a waste of time, i'd have more fun trainspotting that pretending to goo it out in gay over your "bulging" muscular-man crescendos... i've seen more anemics with more heartthrob effectuation than this *****-riddle-of-an-effort! at least the anemics get from (a) to (b) without having to pass your ****'s worth of (c)! i swear to god, most of these ***** sportsmen would have learned more in the army, than they ever did, or actually never did, "learn" at college... if not discipline then at least some respect, and if not respect, then at least some discipline... stop thinking about the fate of the ugly girls! row forest! row!*

sometimes, whenever a man couldn't have not have said it better, an orangutan out-mastered the masters of the swing, and gave him a permanent stitched-up kippah as reminder...

the world detests the men of necessary
stature, requirement, posture
and that welcome of adversary -

you wanted equality!
you didn't take it!
            who wants a woman equal a man
in the labour of war,
and who wants a woman equals in elsewhere,
what is there to come back to?
what candy floss dinners? what wish-you
good riddance?
  you are my necessary men...
       that sack-load of the last remaining rite -
but a skim off a skimmer...
the long-lost tattoo...
   i have here by daughter,
i have here my glue -
                   and may death pardon me,
for not living a life into her ageing
into me becoming a grandpa...
               who died: saving oh so worthy few...
and may my country be wed
unto tears, and let my country be
sufficed by the oh so many given,
but the oh so many pacified "grieved" -
and let that bell of the 4th of july
count 24, by noon with it,
and by midnight with all of those
we grieved a charcoaled choke worth of
                      let us all serve the infantry
of the years 1980 and 1990...
      when once we mattered,
we were subsequently left with
a fakery of goodbye...
in the days when we held more love
for our enemy, than our fellow countrymen,
for in those days:
at least the enemy held us in no
contempt: and looked us in the eye,
as sons of the same mother,
with a different pa...
                    and we learned
about the insidiousness of a woman's
desire to upkeep a "household"...
          and we said unto each other,
friend or foe:
         that this be the home of
joke and laughter: and the loss of
a bewildered, begrudging abode of a woman's
          that finally: set aside what's free,
we'd set aside the only freedom of
continuing our bludgeon against each other:
that our native tongue
became our native in translate -
          that we gained more from
fighting our enemy,
than having re-countered our, supposedly free;
we gained from love from our
enemy, than we were ever to gain from
our "citizens free".
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
Big Virge Dec 2019
Do You Ever Wonder ?
Why So Many Men Hurt Their Human Brothers ... ?!?
Or As Time UNFURLS What's With These Girls ...    
Who Rush To Have Children They Don't Want To Mother ... !?!  
So Many Questions With Answers Uncovered ... ?!?  
Why Do People Plunder Don't YOU Ever Wonder ... ?!?  
Why Do People Do The Things That They Do ... ?  
ESPECIALLY Things That Lead To ABUSE ... ?!?  
Such Actions Bemuse And Leave Me Confused ... ???  
Some People Need Doctors Whose Surname Is ... " Who " ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes About Peoples' Minds ...  
Then Think of Those Smiling Who Have Little Food ... ?!?  
BELIEVE Me ... That's TRUE ... !!!!!  
It's Easy To Try And Avoid These Issues ...  
When Buying Your Car On Your NEW Platinum Card ...    
Whilst CLAIMING Your Life Is .... "EVER SO HARD !" ....  
From ...    
Bourgeoise Type Stars To Those Who CLAIM Class ... ?  
To Those Who Sit MOANING Whilst Drinking In Bars ... ?!?!?  
Who On Earth Do They Think They Are When People Still Starve ...  
Because of The GREED of These HUGE Companies ...  
Like Those Who **** Trees To Build Properties ... !?!  
I Wonder Sometimes When Writing My Rhymes ...  
What Concerns The Minds of ... GREED Driven Guys ...  
And Those Who Have GREEDIER Cash-Driven Wives ... !!?!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Will Poverty DIE ... ?  
And What's With The NEED For These Chemical Highs ... !?!  
Who Thought Up Designs To DESTROY Young Minds ...  
And Why Do We Comply With Those Who Feed LIES ... ?  
And Why Have We Always Let Truth Be DENIED ... !!!?!!!  
Why Walk Around Blind When You Have Good Sight ... !?!  
God Gave Us Two Eyes To See Through The L I E S ... !!!  
It Would Seem UNWISE To Choose To DENY ...  
Things That Might HELP Us To Live ... HAPPY Lives ... !!!  
I Wonder I Cry As Time Passes By .......  
Who Gave Me Insight To Write All These Rhymes ... !?!  
When SO MANY Think My Lyrical Twists ....  
Are NOT Fit To Give To Adults Or Kids ... !?!  
What Makes People Sink' To Doing These Things ... ?!?  
I Wonder Sometimes Will They Feel The STING ... !?!    
Many Are CALLED But Who Chooses Kings ... !?!  
Who'll Take The Fall ... ?  
And Who Will Be MAULED ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why Am I SO TALL ... !!!?!!!  
What Gives US THE RIGHT To Keep Animals Caged ...  
Spending Large Sums of Cash To Build Zoos And Act ...  
Like Putting These Animals On .... " Public View " ....  
Is The Right Thing To Do When People NEED FOOD ... !!!?!!!  
My Views Are UNCOOL To Those Who Now Choose ...  
To Buy Into Jewels And ... " DESIGNER Shoes " ...  
I Wonder About The MILLIONS of Pounds ... !!!!!  
Paid To TOP Top Sportsmen And Pop Singing Clowns ...  
Whose Songs Should Be ..... " DROWNED " ..... !!!!!!!!!!        
How Many of Them Think of What They Spend .... !!!!!!  
To Buy Themselves Homes In WELL SECURED Zones ...  
LOCKED IN Like A Crim' With Their TROPHY Women ... ?!?  
How Many I Wonder Ever Think About Others ...  
WORSE OFF Than Themselves When They Look At Their Wealth ...  
Then Think It's Their Duty To Give The Poor Help ... ?  
But Who Am I To Judge ... !!!?!!!  
They've EARNED All Their Stuff ... !!!!  
It's ALL Relative ...  
Well Sometimes I Wonder ...    
When I See How They Live ... !!!  
Should Anyone REALLY Live Life Like THIS ... ??!??  
When Poverty's Reaching SO MANY Young Kids ... !!!!!  
It's CLEAR That They DO So What of Their Roots .... ?  
How Many Conclude That What They've Been Through ...  
ENTITLES Them To ... Riches And Jewels ... ???  
How Many Are Fools Who Choose To ABUSE ...  
Values They've Infused When POOR In Their Youth ... ?!?  
Money CANNOT Make You Smile ...    
Or Give Happiness ... Or Fulfil Your Life ... !!!  
Because In The End It CAN'T Give You Children ...  
Or Buy You RESPECT Or Protect You From Death ... !!!!!!!!!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why People LOVE PETS ... !?!  
But Then DISRESPECT Women and Men ... ????!????  
What On Earth Is Their Defence ... !!!?!!!  
For Treating PETS Like Their BEST Friend ...  
Whilst Showing Support ... For New Separatist Trends ... ?!?  
If I Got On ALL FOURS And Started To BARK ... !!!!!  
Would People LOVE Me ... With ALL of Their Heart ... ?!?  
It Seems They Would ... !?!  
Well They Can KISS MY **** ... !!!!!!  
And I REALLY DON'T CARE What Colour You Are ... !!!!!!  
Things Like THESE Are Leading Us UNDER ... !!!!!  
Feeding Pets and Vets ...    
While PEOPLE STARVE To DEATH ... ?!?!?!?!?!  
MANY Are Facing PERMANENT Slumber ...  
Because of NO FOOD To FEED Their HUNGER ... !!!    
How Many Die ... Who Knows The Number ... ???  
Who Cares To Question Well These Days I ...  
......... " Wonder ??? " ........
AN EPIC, However, there are quite a few EPIC Questions in it .........
Big Virge Mar 2020
So ... Where Exactly ...
Is Humanity ... " Heading " ... ?!?

Because Now It Would Seem ...
To Be A ... " Global Pandemic " ... !!!!

But Hey ... People Sometimes ...
Can Be ... Truly PATHETIC ... ?!?

Governments Are Now ... SELLING ...
The Corona Epidemic As Globally Spreading ... !!!

But Who Is Protected Within THEIR Collectives ... ???
Cos’ Now Sportsmen And Actors Have Become Contractors ...

From Tom Hanks To Elba ...
Corona Now Hampers Their Movements Like Hamsters ...
Stuck In A Wheel ... But What’s’ Really REAL ... !?!

Cos’ It’s Clear Some Heads Feel ...

That Something’s Not Right ...
About This New Blight ...
That’s Causing A FRIGHT ... !!!!!

That’s RIGHT To The ... "SHEOPLE’" ...

The Types of People Who Are QUICK To Claim ...
That They’d Rather Not Hear What Politicians Say ... !!!

But Look At Them NOW Hanging On EVERY WORD ...
Now Coming From Mouths On Political Grounds ...

That ... HAVEN’T Been Shut ... !!!
Even When THEY ...

Something Seems ... UP ... !!!
When Todays Heads of State ...
Have NOT Caught The STRAIN ...
of This ... Corona PAIN ... !?!

Telling People To Stay ...
At Home And ... "ISOLATE" ... ?!?

Especially Those ...
Who Are Now OLD AGED ... !!!

So What’s Our New Heading ... ?
... East West By Nonsense ... ?!?

NO Form of DEFENCE ...
To The Stressing of Heads ...
And ... Human IGNORANCE ... !!!

Like The Buying of Guns ...
Instead of Vitamins By Dumb Americans ... !?!

The Old Left ... ALONE ...
While Others Turn Cold ...
Just To Get Toilet Roll ... !!!

Stock Markets CRASHING ...
As Stocks Take A Bashing ...
Like Slaves Taking Lashings ... !!!

Dashing For Hope ...
Because of ... Lost Souls ... !!!

I Have To Say Folks ...
That It’s Hard To Know ...
Or Believe Leaders Quotes ...
About This ... Death Toll ... ?!?
When They’re NOT On Show ... !?!

Because Funeral Homes ...
Have Become A ... NO GO ... !?!

For Heads Who Have Lost ...
Somebody Whose Gone ...

But The Question Is ...
... WHERE ... ???

I Think That It’s Fair ...
To Now Question Who Cares ... ?

Cos’ It’s Really NOT Fair ... !!!
To Deny Us The Right ...
To Say Our Goodbyes ...
To Loved Ones Who’ve Died ...

Just To Toe Lines ...
of Things ... Politicised ... !!!

That Just DON'T Seem Right ... ?!?
Like Funerals Being ...
Something Streamed ONLINE ... ?

Okay Okay I Hear The Sheople Say ...

“Conspiracy Theories, Come On Big Virge Really ?!?”

Well Me I Think Clearly So NO Is My Answer ...
Because Things Are ... MASKED UP ... !!!!!!!!!!!

Just Look Around Now ...

Do You Really Believe Politicised Speech ...
From Heads Who We See Tell The World ... FALLACIES ... !!!

It Comes To THEIR MONEY ... !?!

Doesn’t It Seem ... “ Funny “ ... ?!?

That ... As The Chinese Were About To Impede ...
Trade Deals Overseas That For CENTURIES ...
Have Been OVERSeen By Western Companies ...

That They’ve ... Caused A DISEASE ...
That’s Now Spread ... GLOBALLY ... ?!?

And Let’s NOT FORGET ...
That Pension Funds Are Dying ... !!!

It Seems That They’re Trying ...
To Create Balance Sheets ...

Built To ... Financially ...
DESTROY Most Older Peeps’ ... !!!

Who Can NO Longer Feed ...
Their NEW BRAND of Slavery ...

Where New Technology ...
SUPERSEDES Humanity ... !!!

That I ... Actually See ... !!!!!

Price Hikes HAVE To Be ...
What Are Coming ... TRUST Me ... !!!

From Toiletries ...
To Airline Companies ... !!!!!!

Who SHOULDN’T Be The Ones ...
To Get Government Funds ... !!!
When Heads Are Losing Jobs ...
As Well As Their Loved Ones ... !!!

Something Is CLEARLY WRONG ...
And Just ... Does NOT BELONG ... !!!!!!

When Governments Are Spreading ...
This Type of ... INFECTION ...

Where Common Sense Is LESSENED ... !?!
And People Are Now STRESSING ...
Because of INCREASED TENSION ... !!!

About Where It Is ...
That Humanity ................

Is Now ...

.......... “ Heading “ ........ !?!
Crazy times, but what's next .... ???
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2017
dusk sets in the field
sportsmen put away their bats
wiping off their sweat
preservationman Sep 2023
Every hum
How sweet
Rhythm the sound
Franklyn Greene the man
Had his own demand
Lived to proof
True Sportsmen
Solid foundation
Hourglass timed out
Whispers from the distance
Distances far and close
Yesterday’s past
Tomorrow’s everlasting
The one day came
Followed by soar
Beyond the eyes of the world
Descended and transitioned
I will always remember
Encouragement gained
Honor in the Blakie call
Embrace from Brotherly to Brotherly
Heart driven with every beat
Every talk was a treat
Every joke had a laugh
Peace, Comfort and Tranquility
Thank you for your friendship
This is not goodbye, but until we meet again
Blakie waves
I promise I will behave
Blakie out
Bipul Banerjee Apr 2020
Today the verses have been muzzled
Emotions strangled to death
The quill has been buried
The ink laid to rest

Buried deep down under
The overwhelming weight of expectations

Burnt alive in fuels of accused misunderstandings
Of what use is a verse that hurts?
Heroes retire
Sportsmen hang their boots
The poet has hence decided to
Die a natural death
No funeral
No ritual
Just absence and a resting oblivion

The ‘dusk’ now mingles and rests in darkness of night

@ ’dusk’…
sometimes the poet inside you dies
Jill Tait Sep 2020
My depth is deep I hope you can swim.. I am totally tidal I turn on a whim.. I rock and roll and  I can get grim..sea sportsmen surf upon my skim.. I may look blue but I am not sad.. wild weather will worry me and make me so it is not my fault if I am bad.. people play in me I make them glad

I am a liquid so I am very wet.. boats sail on me amidst the scenic sunset.. carrying fishermen who catch fish in a net..but I can get rough lest they never forget..I will taste salty I will make your mouth dry.. though I shall saturate you I tell you no lie..I ebb and I flow from the moon in the it shines moonbeams upon me from way up high.. I splash from the raindrops as Mother nature will cry.. I am oceans and seas and I bid you goodbye

— The End —