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Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.i've come the one sober conclusion that concludes all other "necessary" conclusions, drunk. the consumption of alcohol and sunlight should never, ever, mingle; it's just plain silly, bad for the usual mood associated with drinking.

what do you get when you
   a post-existentialism movement
whereby, each, and, every, sentence,
looks, like, this,
   or invokes,
"something" akin to "this"?

      comma contra the ditto /

meets buffolo bill
meets lily savage...
meets: whatever marylin mason
critique you have
in that head of yours...

and, yes, the platitude standards
of kant was a feminist,
plato was a feminist,
but now...
   i don't even know who
a feminist ist...

   (on purpose "added" T)...

       a sunday newspaper article,
    'sting at ******* lays bare
feminist split over *** work'...
i'm either ******* trans-confused
or just gender-huh?

hell, if we're going to ****
around with language,
numb-skull our experience with /
against it...
           good thing i learned
a few chemistry prefixes...

ortho- probably implies cis-,
trans- could imply meta-
when attached to ***,
but not the benzene ring...

    it's one thing transcending
the geography of Copernicus,
quiet another...
to "revise"...
using these vectors,
akin to the benzene ring,
ortho-, meta-,
oh, right... you forgot the para-,

nice thought,
use chemistry vector coordinates
for binding groups,
they're all here,
meta-, ortho-, para-,
      cis-, trans-,
       it's almost like a new
pantheon for the demigods...

the "metaphysics"
of transgender...
  "on the side of",
side of what?
   a cupcake 1 +
     happy-birthday singalong,
or, what?

  well, given that biological
reality did the whole: bye bye
and a queen elizabeth II wave...

    the best part of me,
is not about to make sense of all of this...
i'll leave that to the journal-enlists...
       me, back in a *******
in athens,
unable to tell the difference
between a greek and a libyian...
because you know how
the mediterranean folk like:
smelly sheep herders
greasy, damaging good looks,
and an aura of that:
dangerous brunette...
not anything like us baltic folk...
downing raw herrings
in a piquant mingle of oil
and white vinegar...

       giggles exhaust me...
so i did get a chemistry degree
"for something", after all...
         classical chemistry
prefixes, required to draw
electron travel schematics...
mostly associated with
the benzene ring,
if ortho-, meta- and para-
positioning is "in question"...

cis or trans isomers...
**** me, i used to study this...
organic chemistry was
my soft-spot...
       a bit like what
cooking curries later became...
eh... brew some ester...
get a perfume out of it...

        but even at university
level they didn't teach me
how to extract polyethylene...
i guess it was polyethylene...

   like the whole oil rests
above water,
for the love of god i don't remember
what two liquids were involved,
one sat above the other,
and you'd pinch
the "event horizon"...
and pull threads of
the polyethylene from it...
strings of plastic...

          so, this current, philosophy
playing with a chemistry tool-kit
invoked into propaganda berlin /
weimar lone no loan woe?

                        sure, i'd buy it...
but up to a point...
    i'm sniffing around and have
come to the following conclusion...
is really in dire straits...
wishing that gwanp'ah soviet
came back
to settle the equilibirum...
        this current feeding of
a lost void is...
       not helpful...
       as i see it...
   it will take much more than
a ****** to nanny the riddled
males of the capitalistic
   queen bee, isn't going to "cut it"...
if she's no gargantuan
***** black 'ole... is "she"?

      and the whole gender neutral
pronoun, schtick?
   that's only worth so much...
sooner or later...
        "they'll" be gagging
for the guns of navarone...

the current mumbo-jumbo
is... alkenes
to me:  cis-2-butene
background noise...
ugh... chemistry:
             algebra, for the truly wicked.
     but let's entertain
this kindergarten play talk
for a while longer;
no one wants to see a dangling
poopie suffocated by
a g-string,
                  do we?
Anastasia Webb Jul 2014
deep we drink while sleeping
slow we slap
long we lap
darling chap
be mine?

please you slow.
now I know
we are so sublime.

long we lie while lying
how we spoke
(I you broke)
in words soak
your heart.

how I cry
how I’ll die?
we have played our parts.

(slow we sleep)
(deep we drink)
we are so sublime
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Blacktop, soft top, foot upon the gas
Highway, my way, miles of haulin' ***

singalong, bringalong music for the day
iTunes, my tunes, soundtrack all the way

sunshine, fun time, havin such a blast
drivin, arrivin, trading poetry for gas

Top down, drop down time for us to chill
Line up, sign up, still got three seats to fill.
Donall Dempsey Jul 2018
( for Brian )

"Your mum's an
ha ha ha ha alien!"

the children chant
and taunt.

I see through tears
their sneers and hated

etched upon
their features

like a mask they
could/couldn't take off.

It is like a thousand years ago
all over again.

The Age of the thing
called Trump

when humans were both
orange and stupid.

Now we have computers
built into each whorl

facts at our fingertips
with just a finger snap

we can call up what used to be
called videos

of the Trump thing
teaching humans how to hate.

I, unlike my sisters
am not green

except for
a slight greenish

hue every now
and then.

I am more the chameleon
and can blend in.

I have the necessary arms
and the obligatory number of eyes.

Only my mum and sisters
look like a lurid 1950's comic

yet earth would not be

here if aliens( us )had  not come
to save them from themselves

back when earth had entered
the Age of Dictators

as the history apps.
quaintly put it

Now is come again
the hateful hate

ma king Ame-rica
grate again

like a mind
grinding its teeth.

I'm sorry am
the English no good

and the spelling as well
we will

have to hide behind
our mind walls

that we had to build
to keep humans out.

My mother taking me
lovingly in her tentacles

stroking me and drying my eyes
and making tea

With a snap of my fingers
I bring up my favourite video

and a Kermit hologram
floats before my face

"It's not that  easy bein' green!"
and I singalong like any human being

"...when green is all there is to be."
John Lee came home at ten to three and kissed his wife so easily and had some tea.
But Mr's Lee had other plans involving paint and lots of cans
oh dear me.
Stripping walls in halls and pasting paper was not the kind of weekend caper that would float his boat.
He grabbed his hat,put on his coat and in the farewell note he wrote,
a single line,
'next time you plan to decorate, my darling, better not to wait 'til Friday night,
a man's a right to relaxation without the need for decoration, just paint it white'
Mr's Lee was sad that he had gone but she knew that life would go on and so it went,
her time was spent in knitting mags and smoking endless cork tipped ****,
oh what a loss.
But she knew that she'd find one day a man that would quite clearly say,
you're the boss'
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
poems like these are difficult to revise let alone convene over drunk once more, but in my own interpretation, the whole understanding of it begins with a joke: what do i care if a portent was given to him, did he think he could do anything he wanted after? it’s like me caring for albert fish sticking needles into his pelvis for that extra conductivity frying in the electric chair. but the main interpretation is as follows:

well you know how the *debye length
equation reads

  λ subscript D = 1 / F x √(RT ε subscript R ε subscript 0 / 2000I)

given that F is faraday’s constant and R is the molar gas constant and I is ionic strength,

well that got me thinking in the humanities - where are the equations for the garbage heap of phonetics when κολοκύθι looses ‘appa ‘micron ‘ambda ‘micron ‘appa ‘psilon ‘eta ‘ota to simply say pumpkin? kolokythi? i see, ‘ above upsilon produces the kolokythi hence not kolokuthi; but still, where’s the phonetic garbage heap of ‘appa ‘micron ‘ambda ‘micron ‘appa ‘psilon ‘eta ‘ota? it’s in equations like the debye length, the sheer complication of losing the strict individuation of the letters... unlike in latin's do re mi fa so la a b c singalong, but with that come spelling mistakes and overly eloquent spelling of words and spelling mistakes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

but i lament the fact the one of the woods i used to frequent
at night was stolen by an irish cerberus
one headed shoulder height hinger than an alsatian
chasing a rabbit one night,
and the other wood was stolen by a satanic mass
of the shrieking druid.
i miss those woods with my walk of pulverisation eyed
of faked hallucinogens of the night,
i miss them and therefore i confess like edward prior harold:
the sun will not rise from the west,
but the moon will be taken from the belly of the desert
from the realm of arabia
taken as the emblem of islam and be like the sun to japan,
the moon will be that - in the west and the north -
while the crucifix imported into the northern lands
will be sent back to those thieves of the moon
in the twinned linear parallel of the sun’s antonym
with the blood eagle stongehenge -
and i’ll not be weary to say:
a king is before a prophet’s honour in his homeland
an outcast and must remain so in order
that he might not invoke a prophet's honourable
wrath in his homeland -
but should a paul come unto a matthew
then the king's wrath is invoked!
so while a prophet’s honour is sacrificed like
isaiah’s with some king and with john the baptist
decapitated with the second king’s insurrection
so too the king’s honour is taken into consideration,
that a king hoped for keeping the egyptians cosmopolitan
with greek philosophy was what moved the nation of israel,
then too a second nation shall move
should a king's honour not profit standing still of the people.
but i too wish for a favour: i forgot what it was,
but it reminded me of something that could have been
a working household with screaming children aching for
a screening of the tate gallery in a slideshow -
but to prove god all men asked one man to renounce such
guises of the futures kept with the army of bothersome parentages.
hence i to the graveyard of the place where the 18th century
met the 20th century: as they say, they were kind to the 20th century youth,
they sent them packaged to death’s clot of chatter,
and midway, in the same century, platonism was usurped
with a care for poets! imagine it! midway they asked for the poets
to come back and arrange all the grecian lettering enigmas of the
sciences and snigger and smile at the romanic fakes of the once held by troy.
but many spoke of yod alef he waw ayin he - because so much of eve
once was that no more could be of the adam who abstracted himself
into her who once possessed him, and who unto being harmed
re-attached himself to his mother with the due humiliation she invoked in him:
but once you go back you’ll forever remain a child.
this is coming from a russian girl studying in scotland...
foreigner’s fees... cheap ***** -
my only chance of a steady income was with my father roofing!
why did you leave?
why were you rich and feared the bolsheviks by not turning into a philanthropist for a bit?!
(20 minute poetry)

There will be homeless this
some not so old,
There will be homeless this
out in the cold and
there'll be warmth and wine
for some, that's quite fine
this Christmas.

And while the Tories tell stories of pixies and elves
there will be beggars on Broadway who talk to themselves,
this Christmas.

(Let us not forget the poor folk who've yet to find a place to call their home)

Merry Christmas.

Sleigh bells ring,
Noise abatement!
the police attend and
take a statement,
nothing goes right
there's no
Silent night
It's a party in the
West end
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2015
a shredded bath mat, a Dead Sea salted bath, and a cold root beer
you want vino veritas vignettes,
color commentary, stray dog thoughts
time lapsed into a ****** single poem wood,
ha ha ha you can't handle the falsified lies
that constitute a sad man's disfigured truths

nobody cares that failure contretemps
inhabit every other thought,
his own sounds of silence sung repetitiously,
every severed second a new verse
coughed up and cursed,
emptying your verbal purse,
snorting with disgust
at your own claptrap vetted pomposity,
who gives a ****...

what I got is the ability
if you can call it that,
to cerebralize verbalize
every eye picture, inputted impulse,
knowing in the fullness of the unwell
that hash for breakfast ain't
suitable for mass consumption

a shredded bath mat,
a Dead Sea salted bath,
and a cold root beer
begat a poem of knowing nowing
a pretend poet meowing what he seen,
what he got temple pounding

Fogelberg sings Auld Lang Syne,
swig down the root beer,
thinking that is one freaking good song,
a life reviewed on the HP stage,

his lyrics modified
with only a tune he can hear

no one will like this,
as it should be,
don't like it me neither,
double negatives for rule busting emphasis,
the only point, ending circumscribed,
curcumsized  by children who don't love,
an ex wife hateful ***** man-enslaver,
this close || to losing your job,
*** is the new ***,
ain't it pc
to singalong
standing on a shredded bath mat,
fresh from a Dead Sea salted bath,
and having drunk a cold root beer,
Crosby Stills & Nash chiming in
teach the children well
their father's hell
will slowly go bye

and this is a poem

that I didn't write,
just reported the here and the there,
and the nothing in between
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
better than an autobiographer, a chronicler... when you die you'll find me among Bulgarian prostitutes sneezing good luck when your try to reinvented the airs surrounding the English monarch taking a **** into her crown... i know there's this thing concerned with tattoos and peacocks, but established peacocking, passed from generation to generation is just silly; animal plateaus with what man calls democracy - survives as long as the majority is kept asexual and the few engage in the acts of fleshy gymnasiums.

i like nights like these, no poems, no scaffold, nothing
to get to grips with... the last day of the Olympics turns out
to be boring... father talking about Irish Nazis
with that ironic motto of *Abreit Macht Frei

like a singalong - working Sundays,
the Irish **** thinks he has Romanians
under his belt he can goose-strut
toward a failed project... you rarely hear
of construction industry's blunt racism...
but it's there, and they dare call it
the enlightening Europe...
no wonder Islam is attacking former colonial
nations, makes the argument speedy
and solidified... it does **** me off..
you watch these anti-Chinese poets
labour words: but at the same time say
things like: depeche mode's 'words are
unnecessary, words like violence,
words are unnecessary, they can only do harm',
not the poets, those who practice poetry
and try to keep the status quo...
i hope the Irish sinking in the frozen
waters of Titanic met their hamster angels,
i really do... not man enough as a featherweight
to box against a Klitschko, fair enough...
but mind you: words are everything,
this stance to avoid the meaning of words
is not s much anti-biblical (in the beginning was
word, and with god was destined to reside) -
later man came along, and recognising that
certain pieces of information were implanted
in words he decided the stuffing was too much...
better do a Christina Aguilera -
words can't hurt, can't infringe -
so we're basically backing up to the utility of
sign language, or punches...
back in the monkey haven... so much for the theory
of evolution... are you saying we shouldn't be using
words? that's basically what you're saying...
keep it simple... keep it ~friendly....
ensure the idea persists, but that language doesn't...
we were never going to agree,
neither was William the Conqueror with Saxon swine...
i know a schwab when i sehen one...
a stick has two ends... edition of being struck over
the head... edition of being hit in the ******* another...
but i just like days, when there's nothing meaningful in my head...
it's all helium giggles at that point...
going to the supermarket to buy whiskey
two white ****** and a dozen black hyenas march in
with me... **** small? not really... well, the ultimate
freedoms, i'm scuffling speedy Gonzales (next thing
on the censor's list of forbidding acquisition of control),
it's just fun to watch and fun to watch
looking at the stereotype skinheads...
words like violence, break the silence -
words... mm, in general i call that perfected coordination,
Moses and Prometheus, in ideogram of Egyptian
stole the meaning, later translated into skeleton Hebrew...
no prince talks the language of slaves...
no point kissing rosy Christ's backside right now...
i just want them to attempt their **** with success,
i just hate living out a life as an ensured ******* for
their safeties... it gets boring when they fail...
so you get my bearing... Nazis in England on
construction site... mainly Irish Nazis...
taboo or as some would call it: no ***** to attack
their former colonial masters... so attack the
colonisers... **** first... the head comes second...
oh the moaning and groaning of women...
**** ahoy! the men are expendable.
2 white ****** and a dozen hyenas running into
the supermarket after an **** to buy red bull
energy drinks... prancing around the city centre with
wild pride... an alcoholic rat scuttles past with
the words: what the **** are these clowns on about?
you think these girls will be able to raise a family
for their shortcut attempt at impersonal ******?
they're charity shop material... i'm not imposing
a Hijab... just saying...
what a lovely feeling, what gratification after
visiting a *******... moments like these are
just there, i'm hardly fighting for the English rose...
more like fighting over a Scottish thistle...
prostitutes are great tools when looking at society...
you get baptised in their waters lubricated without
any social cohesive reaction... that's the greatness
of prostitutes... you feel nothing when such examples
propose themselves to be viewed...
prostitutes are the greatest anaesthetic providers...
you can or don't have to believe me...
i'd rather be in their company, the fullest spectacle
of transparency... because it's not really the freedom
women and men encounter, i'm in full of support of that...
**** as much and as many as you want...
the problem is bound to Satan... the original fruit
constantly evolves with the evolution of the godhead...
i thought it was about *******... but given this
spectacle... it's actually more about LIES...
lies create spies and governments, they also create
false moral physiques... they're so ******* horrid
that you end up wanting to watch your girlfriend
**** a hundred ***** than to hear her say
that she's a nun... scout's honour... lies are worse
than the acts... everyone wants to be free, un-caged,
and that's the respect derivative...
but being lied to is out of the question...
lying should be in the old testament decalogue -
more important than ****... that's why the power
resides with prostitutes for man's encompassing
some sort of sanity... there are no lies...
there's just obvious promiscuity... those little
Christian boys can gag in their confession booths in
Churches... when you stop lying and feel no guilt
and no need for being redeemed from sins (extended into
crimes, denotative as merely lies) becomes obsolete,
even in Brazilian slums... you see those little
gnomes feeding trivial experiences of threesomes
and ****** the exotica that is simply a bunch of lies;
their exotica is bound to a family meal...
a shared meal... watch them lining up in their
cars at the McDonald drive-through...
or eating alone to a solitary confession...
once you spot them, you're like: what the **** are priests for?
i've just spotted a confession! they're sitting
slouched in some cheesy fast-food conveyor belt
trying to re-enact their tales of the Amazonian rain-forest
escapades for that much more of "exotica".
raw with love Oct 2014
Hello, my dearest, my loveliest.
I haven't met you just yet - at least not physically, even though I have seen you many times in my future. In fact, I think I'm in love with you already, and it will be really awkward when I meet you, because when I finally do, I will know, in my very heart of hearts that it is YOU. I will remember what I've already seen, and it will feel right to touch you, to look at you. Just hearing your laughter will make me whole. And I will know it's you.
You will know exactly what kind of coffee I want from Starbucks - you won't forget that I prefer soy milk, you'll know exactly how much sugar (brown!) I take, you'll know what name I want written on the cup - and I won't have to tell you. You won't just let me wear your clothes - you'll hide mine, so that I have no other choice but put your shirt on. You'll know how I like my tea - because that's how you like it too. You'll make waffles for breakfast, and I will frown at you for trying to make me fat, and you'll stuff my mouth with waffles to shut me up. When our little flat needs cleaning, you'll turn the volume up, and sing Queen's I want to break free as you vacuum and I wipe the dust. We'll take turns pushing each other in the cart until they throw us out of the supermarket. You'll order pizza (vegetarian, even though you're not one) and download the new Doctor Who episode when I work late, and come home tired and starved. You'll scold me for smoking and for drinking too much coffee, but will secretly make sure there's always instant coffee in the cupboard and a blanket on the balcony for my midnight smokes. You'll kiss my forehead and make me soup and take my textbooks away when I'm overdoing it. You'll teach me how to eat Chinese with chopsticks and you'll order foreign cuisine and eat from the takeaway boxes when you know we're both too lazy to do the dishes. And when we do do the dishes, we'll end up wet and covered in foam every time, because at the end of the day, we're both three-year-olds. You'll fall asleep on my belly as I read The Lord of the Rings aloud to you, and you'll have Harry Potter marathons with me when my exams are over. You'll always beat me at video games and try to spoil me the new comic book issue I haven't had time to read yet, and every time I'm cross with you, you'll start humming The Rains of Castamere, and you'll hang Targaryen banners on our walls when you're trying to please me. And when we feel like it, we'll have karaoke nights, and even though we both can't sing, we'll scream at the top of our lungs until the neighbours come knocking at the door. We'll go travelling and you'll always let me drive, and you'll never get tired of taking pictures of and with me. When the time comes, you'll propose with the One ring, like I've always wanted to. Even my parents will like you, surprisingly. We'll have our catchphrase and our inside jokes, and we'll understand each other with a mere look. You'll like what I write, but will always give me reasons why you like it, so that I always know you're not being biased. You'll find faults, too, and will let me know, and that's how I'll know it's you. We will watch singalong versions of Camp Rock and High School Musical, and sing along we will. And we'll tickle each other breathless, and we'll have surprise pillow fights. We'll always spend Christmas alone, eating takeaway and drinking hot chocolate and we'll have Weasley-style Christmas sweaters. We'll have a Doctor Who themed wedding, like we've both always wanted to. You won't mind me rumbling random unrelated history facts and ranting about biological inaccuracies in books and movies, and you'll join me in my social justice rants.We'll **** wherever - on the floor, on the table, on the couch, in the bathroom, sometimes even on the bed. You'll always take the blanket, and I'll hate it. You'll hate my eggplant lasagna and the way I always kick my shoes off. I'll hate your annoying habit of never ******* the toothpaste top, and always leaving the lights on. But those are things we can live with.
I don't know how you look or what your talent is, or how old your are, or how big your family is. I don't know where you grew up, I don't know you yet, I don't know anything about you. But I know I'll love you to bits, and so will you, and I can't wait to meet you, my loveliest.
Yours always.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
after seeing a dutch boy spit in a polish girl's face because of a friendly conversation, i don't need some Irish telling me what to say apart from I.R.A. in the skip of the other recyclables.*

as books go, we can speak all we want on the
colour of defeat -
you can make a Lenin-firecracker from any man,
any man a killer -
the revival of the Holy Roman Empire simply
moved slightly to the east - it already looks like that -
if the French far right think the exit of Britain
was a favourable scenario, well, it doesn't have
the Algerian philosopher Camus to care -
former colonial nations undermined the European
project - too much suntan from India and the
Caribbean - Germany wasn't a colonial nation,
Italy was a joke in Ethiopia - a joke that morphed
into reggae - it was never going to be stable,
times changed, the Hungarians forgot the Austrians,
if they thought a British exit was the broker piece
they found the economic stronghold
in Frankfurt a week later - past colonialists
an equilateral respect for each European neighbour -
apart from the English channel the English chose -
i admire Voltaire's theism, but not his liking
for the sausage and oily stigma -
accept post-colonial subjects, discriminate against
fellow Europeans - join the "shoot a ******" saga
of America - former colonial nations destroyed
the European Union dreams, they found no *******
in the Baltic region, to their grievance...
what a loss! no gold! only flint and salt mines!
and the question still hangs about:
who will pick the strawberries in July in England?
the benefit billionaires? the wet shave heiresses?
what about the Brazilian bikini wax?
get more Irish in? will Ms. Burqa of Sudan
take out an umbrella and roll up her sleeves to pick 'um?
is Hajj tourism adequate to see a stampede outside
of Pamplona? i mean, it's a revision of the
British "go home" Empire... you wonder how many
times the pumpernickel fairy heard that one -
and there was the gingerbread man breaking a leg
to claim benefits as a dyslexic diabetic saying: i can't go on...
i can't go on... make this slice of cake a discus throw
into itemising a respectable calorie intake, 'cos i think
i sat on a guitar that was debited into a loan -
a man ended up paying for a broken guitar without
a Bon Jovi singalong - oi oi uncle Ben's quinoa salmon
healthy food in the hood and McHappy bottom's-up -
colonial nations and identifiers as such made the European
project a one of bereavement - unnaturally racist,
unnaturally with white v. white and the incubator of
their former whips turned into whipping of tongues -
the Jews have left Poland, they have left Europe -
time for the old alliances to be constructed -
and i wonder, what internal alliance will be made
from former colonial masters and former colonial slaves -
if the "placebo" to be ingested is current America... well,
not much to go around.
UK Sidd Mar 2014
You gave me all of your love
And I spent it til you had nothing left
Now here you are broke and jaded
I'll repay you with all the love I never gave
My hopes, my dreams mean nothing if I can't kiss you everyday
Thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go
But I was so wrong
Tell me is it too far gone
Cause I still feel it
Our story ain't over yet
Take my hand and we'll write the ending you deserve

Used to want my name up in lights
Now I just wanna see the light in your eyes
Used to want to sing my songs and hear the crowd singalong
Now I just wanna hear you say my name
Used to want to move the crowd to the beat of my music
Now I just I want my heart to beat
Used to want the big house, nice cars
Now I just want you
In a tent or a box anywhere you are is home

You gave me all of your love
And I spent it til you had nothing left
Now here you are broke and jaded
I'll repay you with all the love I never gave
My hopes, my dreams mean nothing if I can't kiss you everyday
Thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go
But I was so wrong
Tell me is it too far gone
Cause I still feel it
Our story ain't over yet
Take my hand and we'll write the ending you deserve

Thought there was nothing I wouldn't give for that dream life
The fame the fortune
But it ain't no life without you
I gave up the one thing worth more than all that
Eyes that are the brightest blue
A smile that I'd do anything to see
Hands that fit perfectly in mine
What I wouldn't do for one more kiss
Used to think I was destined for greatness
But there's nothing greater than being with you

You've got no reason to believe
No reason to trust me
But if any part still feels anything
I'll show that this time wasn't for nothing
I know we've done this dance
But this is the last one last chance

You gave me all of your love
And I spent it til you had nothing left
Now here you are broke and jaded
I'll repay you with all the love I never gave
My hopes, my dreams mean nothing if I can't kiss you everyday
Thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go
But I was so wrong
Tell me is it too far gone
Cause I still feel it
Our story ain't over yet
Take my hand and we'll write the ending you deserve
Z Aug 2016
Reading bad poetry,
writing bad poetry,
existing as a subpar slice of
unemotional prose.
I'm a singsong
last-ditch singalong;
ding-****-ditch me,
***** me out.
Slice me up and
lay me out to dry.
I cut onions:
I don't cry.
You ignore me:
I don't mind.
Remember me
as a sad story and not a person.
It'll be gratifying,
albeit dehumanizing,
but at least you'll be sympathizing
as I'm unsurprisingly capsizing.
Right now I'm realizing
that I wanna be the hungry waves
and not the sinking ship;
the sharp harpoon and not
unfortunate Moby ****.
I wanna be the brick
instead of the window pane;
I wanna be the ****** sword
and not the bleeding slain.
So the inferiority complex that's been harrowingly ingrained
inside of my needlessly idle brain
can ******* once again,
because I'm gonna be the poet now,
not the reader, page, nor pen.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
pyramid, is that short of pencil-sharpener, an unmovable object, a Nevada experiment... (prolonged pause, also intended for a humidity of the questioning affect). quiet frankly you're making us look quiet silly give the mammalian status of sapiens; ****'s sake, Pythagoras spent a whole eternity contemplating a hypotenuse looking at the chiselled mountains of Giza - reputation wise you give monkeys a bad slogan - i.e. we evolved, evolved to build a temple of perpetual death: each slab housed the body of a labourer, and inside we just found a lot of poisonous powder ruminating to find the only basis for encrypting the whole affair, metaphysical borders, metaphysical by which i mean, due to Egyptology we have the museum-state that's Egypt, and the real life assertions without mint-condition comic book cults of mausoleum-states, known as Libya, Sudan and Israel; on that basis, a chicken and egg question, within etymological parameters, what came first, museum or mausoleum? see, history can be a Tchaikovsky affair, given etymology a dense shortening - a solid, rather than a **** when it comes to nationhood and patriotism and adherence to.*

a U.F.O. could have landed and we'd still
be printing dollars bills and admiring
that **** montem, seriously, bring out
a pencil sharpener, we need to revise Mont Blanc,
more like Mont Bonkers - a white kite hey hey **!
**** retardo and a *** and
a singalong that Napoleon never spotted:
the Ramones with pet cemetary - that's how it's
in Englanf (no speel or spelling mistake,
impromptu arcadia, banishing the surds stemming
from Hay, or a needle in the stack),
a tombstone for each house what would have been,
the riddle of life with the priority of death
having seconds - the nørden of Newcastle will know,
that the soofern fairies are all Arab or Tsar pawnbrokers
or transvestites (as they respected Kenneth Rexroth,
but Proust incubated in only two volumes
just ain't for me).
Danielle Jones Jan 2012
the world globes were given at Christmas,
the creation in my synapses that i could have what
the childhood singalong claimed:
the whole world in my hands.
what a weight on my shoulders,
pulling me beneath my self.

i began reading horoscopes on each
country, with the ambiguous reflections
encountering consequences.

i used to find that fun.
&169; Danielle Jones 2012

kind of lame.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
i generally feel constipated... that's probably
the best word to use... constipated...
   i was sitting in Warsaw's modlin
airport, and it felt, very much like
a scene from james tissot's painting:
  the ruins (inner voices).
i just kept admiring this guys
  in western lingo he'd be classified
as hipter...
             **** me! so much ***** hair!
resurgence of my beard-envy...
  my my, if i only donned such a bush,
i'd be the first one on the dancefloor
peacocking a ******* of sweat and leather
    alas! not to be.
       a thought concerning a cottage
and a return to the countryside did shine
for a bit... how i remembered having
a russian girlfriend and how i couldn't
see a larionov, or a tatlin, or a goncharova...
  or a mashkov...
           a kuprin... a konchalovsky...
    shukhatev ****** grigoriev...
i also call that: predating the selfie,
  via ilya repin...
           see?! constipation...
      i'm literally bound to heave this tomb of
past lives, expected to recount some chess-prodigy
or some other, chess-komtur.
                     for the help of god i can't ease out
a **** into the toilet that's supposed to be
human history, for the love or antagonism of:
the abstract deity...
     back when it meant concrete things:
hades the shadow-******, zeus the lightning bolt
  and incarnate libido-starved swan,
poseidon and juiced up knicker-oysters
    of a woman's genitals... so they came:
with their floral pattern analogies!
                        my, and what a worldly invitation
that came to be... niqab bound, or by western standard:
  a little more than the pauper's veil...
     enough dough to cage the poor women
and keep them motivated to live, that dull
         caricature everyone else knows to be life...
    i should have stood up and gave my
investment into jealousy, right there and then...
it's unfair that you have more ***** hairs
on your neck, cheeks and chin than i!
             oi! give me the same fertility gimmick!
that's me, and there's people doing cossack
adventures into outer-space...
                       it's like i want to laugh...
but i can't, because i'm suffocating on paper mâché...
yes, i feel constipated,
     if i'm to be called a civilised person,
and not a barbarian...
     i somehow, have to, ingest,
this backlog of human art,
     i have to know certain names
i might recall for a baby-shower congregation...
   and aphrodite gave us aphorisms...
               ****'s sake: anecdotes!
  that's me being a civilised creature...
  but still that ****** constipation...
   there's never enough: because there's too much of it!
and if you cite this painter, outside of Poland:
                                 you'll probably have
a saint's'-feast day named after you...
i really feel bloated...
           i have too much human history to account for,
it's always a case of juggling some grieving
      as is the loss of experiencing the everyday
pH 7 body temp. 36.6°C...
             i am literally forced into taking up
the role of censor...
     to look cool and not admire the statue of david,
or make a pilgrimage to the Louvre to see Mona Lisa...
a peacock's tail on a flamingo strutting toward
a ****** drama of *******...
               once more, this constipation,
  and this fake, as if: i'm supposed to be thankful for
the ****** inheritance... i ain't!
     take those masterpieces to the grave,
                 while i try to re-apply myself to
creating a thing of beauty from playdough...
                most people never get the idea
of rust, let alone dust...
          thankfully the two words rhyme,
and thus the easier singalong congregation:
   of the ores... sunset hue man,
              extracted brown and burgundy from
polished grey metal...
                and himself laid rest:
              among the sneezing myopic worms
to never be clarified by moth or butter-winged;
so persistent is this cultural constipation
               that it's hard making a footprint
on uncharted land, worth the cool...
           and of those places where culture stomped
as a fascist brute...
                                so much for culture,
that there's this backlog of people expressing
culture, with so many people willing to forget it...
     without a genetic preordinance:
try telling your mechanic father, or plumber
that you're an artist...
                ah **** it... let's end this poem like
a scene from a gang-****...
                               ugly... ugly...
egalitarian... but nonetheless ugly....
                                    i have a museum's worth of
****... and that really is: the prognosis
                              for the next 100 years,
or what's called: undistrubed peace,
   or a piecing together of organising the next
propaganda umbrella, worthy of the noun: zeitgeist.
lets have a country christmas sing a country song
steel guitars and banjos lets all sing along
sitting all together around the christmas tree
lets all singalong to a christmas melody

time for happiness  time to live in peace
if only for a while all your troubles cease
time to get together time to have some fun
celebrate together christmas has begun

open up the presents on a christmas day
lots of smiling children watch them  as they play
with there hearts aglow happy as can be
making christmas happy way that it should be

lets have a country christmas sing a country song
steel guitars and banjos lets all sing along
sitting all together around the christmas tree
lets all singalong to a christmas melody
vhcgjhf Jul 2015
as it implicates its own demise, an imprecise device,
it resides under an old dresser, half broken, disheveled
it is ready to debate against its own existence
but in itself it'd always revel

it's set up to be undone, bait in the waiting room of hell
moth-eaten in a musty basement, left to teeter on the verge
of addressing the most difficult one, dressing us up, to
tear apart the carefree air with a drunken singalong dirge
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2019
For Leonard: Two Years On (11/7/16)

don’t patronize, he laughs,
don’t want too much praise,
might go to my head,
which is still residing in Montréal,
ville de ma naissance

well you know, Natty, our tradition~prohibition
against excessive eulogizing (hesped),
and I know too,
some traditions you respectfully disrespect,
so try to be mindful,
wax not overly long

a suggestion by our mutual master songwriter,
follow the Song of Songs model,
write of new love,
born and reborn,
and borne
from the collection of beloved songs ancient

“His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem”
Chapter 5, Verse 16

kiss the comforter, that unmistakable gravelly voice chanting,
smooth anthesis, lips raining down blessings,
from places heard but unseen, that yet flutter the spirit

come to me, thy beloved, thy image mirrored,
our missing part, bare the lightness,
pour it into the crack,
that fire creates
when lips meet and sing a song of unity again
continuously perfected

go downtown, on rainy nights, when only few venture
to the venue, find the small bars with a stool and a spotlight,
smoking out back, the sound system half-busted,
where the tryouts for brave are held, keep those names,
make a list,
for these are the voices of angels hidden among the living

singalong, see the notes rising to glory bound,
clothed in shiny stainless steel, golden bronze,
metals of man and earth, forged formed,
for who needs fanciful gold and silver, soft and bendable,
earth presents, they’re over praised, 
 it’s on the base bass that the tower of love is founded,
and not just for the gifted

come my friend, the schooner captain^ has reserved your place,
with shiny eyes come to the new Jerusalem where poets rule,
and sweet lips all, only speak, in a united tongue,
only love songs
^ God, on the Day of Atonement
Written for the two year anniversary of his passing
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
tame the dragon,
earn refuge
    among the lions...
com si, com sa.
and there i am,
fiddling with *****
on my neck and chequers;
at least chauvinism
engages with women
and women love it,
the fascist boots stomping...
march approved:
              goose stratum.
but misogyny?
         they can banshee their way
into Arnold's: the ghosts
we should be afraid of...
  but can't be bothered...
  aren't really edible...
or marriage prone...
   for that matter.
       it's almost like we created a world
where Sheba was correct,
           copper skinned peoples
copulate and we just watch,
  revisionist re-counter with south
america... an aztec singalong...
        truant peoples: scientists
**** among cyborgs.
well... if my logic of arithmetic is wrong,
then how did the umlaut not count
as two: or a prolonging?
given the grapheme was given
an antidote of grappling siamese?
          Æ or aesch or ash...
gravity of the book of genesis...
           the beginning was bound
to be ugly...
               but it didn't take the crucifix
to shape the world,
   but as the advent proved: it did.
          ä equals aa - surely -
     likened to the aesthetic of pull
of throttle -
               unless dot dot is also hyphen
or macron for the above indicator
***** of a language, english,
   english is a ***** of a language,
everyone speaks it!
             cyborg mega-tech pa pa -
that's goodbye without etymological
basis worth of an investigation;
rotten core? aqua:
a- (without) -qua (as being) -
   well that thing became congested
as what could be managed: a clepsydra;
originally robbed, perpetuated
     robbery. translated? vater.
        and then father comes along.
There will be homeless this
some not so old,
There will be homeless this
out in the cold and
there'll be warmth and wine
for some that's quite fine
this Christmas.

And while the Tories tell stories of pixies and elves
there will be beggars on Broadway who talk to themselves,
this Christmas.

(Let us not forget the poor folk who've yet to find a place to call their home)

Merry Christmas.

Sleighbells ring,
Noise abatement!
the police attend and
take a statement,
nothing goes right
there's no
Silent night
It's a party in the
West end
First published 2015 with the tag #20minutepoetry start singing,
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
shock-absorbing Christ has a limit... every man has a limit... you take pity you take up the whip and the hammer and nail... you take up the word you take up the heart, the ego, the placard of thought's freedom disengaged from concentrating on him - religious democracy? when did that exist?! oh, when we all became saints... but that was never a certain to be.

you're not saving the system, you're merely salvaging it -
meaning you're exploitative of youth
and leaving the old farts to fend for themselves -
i'm way past  theorising the established order -
by theory you invoke a solution -
Marx was too easily toppled -
the old gits bogged down on the review
and linked-in saying: the adventures
we had worth merely plight -
we ventured to authentic bookmarking -
these days nothing separates us from the young -
you really did place your criticism of
Communism due to the ethnicity of the Pope -
not partaking in the years of Martial Law authority -
it's Christianity built on
John Paul II forgiving Mehmet Ali Ağca -
what... no Barabbas as part of the story?!
in a prison cell - **** your principle of forgiveness
and a cell - GIVE ME SIBERIA! give me the forgiving
elements - not your superstition of forgiveness and cage!
CHAPEL... and, personally (due to a Catholic school education)...
*******! i love how i can be Antisemitic in this region -
and be a Jew at the same time - CRUCIFY THE ****!
or hear the gas chamber choir for your birth at Bethlehem.
because what the mortal fears is what a mortal hasn't lived -
funny isn't it? the concept of the Antichrist wasn't
at all Adolf. like Sylvia Plath in daddy, 2000 years ago
from now... you ain't that special no matter whether gentile or Jew;
you disagree with me you undermine democracy -
you agree with me you undermine democracy
as in not automated anthill experimented with,
but as in demonstrated or demonised anthill -
something or other a priori; or the Kant i read today,
too drunk to coerce a sentence with,
thus better left unsaid.
Bekah Halle Nov 2024
My birthday song
was sung by the birds this morn,
they greeted me
with kisses from Heaven.
Their gleeful singalong
bounced me out of bed headlong,
a spring in my step,
despite being age-strong,
I look forward
to celebrations all day long.
Grateful to be alive,
to witness this very day!

one year on
sitting on th porch with my hound by my side
playing my guitsar to the world outside
a good ole country song.  to set my soul alight
underneath the moon lighting up the night

watching all the stars as they go floating by
sat there on the porch my old hound and i
swinging to and fro in my rocking chair
clouds as white as snow high up in the air

strumming my guitar to a country song
hound there by my side i has i singalong
singing country songs tapping with my feet
strumming my guitar to a country beat

watching all the stars as they go floating by
sat there on the porch my old hoounnd and i
swinging to and fro in my rocking chair
clouds as white as snow high up in the air

strumming my guitar to a country song
hound there by my side i has i singalong
singing country songs tapping with my feet
strumming my guitar to a country beat
John Bartholomew Jan 2019
That guilt ridden riff of a Rock'n'Roll Star opened up your heart
It ingrained, slowly, with more 6 string lullaby's rolling from a brand new start

Electronica and the New Wave fading away, something new on our horizon was needed
A rip-off from The Beatles and a caution now to be heeded

5 lads from Manchester and an attitude to boot
Not the greatest of musicians but born with a swagger, the lead singer acting up like a skinny gangly brute

****** on stage but that didn't matter, singing the wrong lyrics but had the indie girls a flutter
They rolled off the charts like songs born in time
We all need a singalong with a song that easily rhymes

From Wonderwall to Some Might Say, we got our moneys worth out of these lads
But like everything in time, it fizzled out as another fad

Britpop was king for 3 or 4 years, until the Roller in the pool disappointed us all
I'd never eaten a Magic Pie but if it tasted like the rest of these songs it wasn't worth a mention
All the kids waiting for (Whats the Story) Morning Glory's follow up with 2 years of wasted tension

What followed that I really now cant remember, as it stunk to high heaven
Something about not believing the truth from a group of struggling once high heathens

The odd song stuck like a niggling little struggle
Songbird through to a few others onto The Importance of Being Idle
But the days of ***, drugs and rock'n'roll lays in the past of memories now starting to fade
But if you remember them treasure that thought as those really were the days,

An Oasis of Song

Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
/i couldn't stomach the burden of a perfect german, hence this, algorithmusdeutsch... then again, like the Marovigian might have said: german is perfect, in making mistakes pretending to sound intellectual, barely clinging to a razorblade, suffice to say: when drowning... but at least german, a cushion, and a pristine canvas to dig trenches, blush a zeppelin warhead plop into London cement... and then mind the Bavarian whittle shittenholen... enz... must be enz, und plu- arable... namely remnants of a day, and an unfinished crossword puzzle...                  
           vorher narzissus,
    klatschen ein gla-ß-ee,
und entstehen
     ein gehockt krähe-
      carboxylic açid

and all things germanic...
slingshot into elder saxon
and back into
cosmopolitan *******,
a timid fungus like a tongue
hiding in a pyramid of
   signatures in bones from
within the grave;

   hard to imagine
that it took a ******* hog snout
to become a botanical
Sherlock 'olmes...

       as ever,
   the Cockney Surd...
namely 'aching,
   which translates itself
outside of the local 'appenings...
   odd: the laugh is yet
to be perfected.

- playing the xylophone
   at the nativity play -

       schatten, schatten
  werfen on ein(e) mauer...

occupational hazard,
  like the saxon N
    in between vowels to avoid
a tongue numbing spiral,
an eye rather than a eye...
gambled through two faces:
a 6 and a 2...

lost coordination with
the poly- prefix germanic
of: the the the (point),
id est -
post scriptum:
   I'll ensure that tongue of
theirs will become a *******
than a timid wrigglingua testimony
of a tapeworm...

   came the pillar of Atlas
and the Zeno talltale of
Achilles and the tortoise,
before the mile became a kilometer,
       a metre, centi-, milli-...

and 0 = the perfect divisor

  far cry from the Kantian negation
made compact, like
everything Kantian, per se,
compact packaging,
******* tourist he would have been,
if first he left the routine,
and then Königsberg...

          last time I checked though,
I have my A through to Z...
   0 isn't exactly a number if not
a doughnut tale of a squashed

    pity they managed to undermine
words... funny...
from words came the icon...
    oddly enough painters are
in the confines of the same asylum
criteria of desperation...

colours are apparently a tier above
words... oddly enough...
words can conjure images,
colours... a look at them being
expressed, and they thought
cubism was bad....

    ******* are all other the place...
and if they are not contemplating
punctuation marks,  
they should be showing syllables,
and if they're not even doing that,
we'll,  my friend: diacritical
marks are the highest asking...
I'd love to see a truly punctuated

   a painting is one thing:
but the work in progess to accompany
the harsh censorship of
the artistic masochism,
    is quiet another...
a painting is hardly going to be
utilised into a chair...

          sollte ihre spiegelung
   verlassen du,
     als geieraustern: innereien...
schauen ihre schatten...

as ever, within each language,
at least a few letters spare,
namely the remnants
of a once great monopoly
and power broking priesthood,

that ****** aesthetic of
epsilon and eta...
      remains of the day and
the castrato singalong
     remnants of Greek in:
the sigh in dentistry...
   prior to the sleep and the wisdom
teeth being pulled out,
       the anaesthetician: quo vadis?

- because they never actually tell
you, to take treat antidepressants
akin to amitryptyline as if they're
sleeping pills...
              just before bedtime...

    a ******* knockout to boot,
and my joy at a ***** popsicle...
because I would never think
about drinking with someone,
and that misery of conversation,
or the current, generic,
exasperating poetic maroons
   without a Defoe in sight...

and word that became flesh
that became an image...
           such the poverty of language,
but words, but words they bellow
like cretins who never
saw a cow being towed into
a slaughterhouse, bellowing
a torturous epiphany too late...

orange that didn't become an Ibizian
freshly squeezed hangover cure,
and more an O'Hara opinion,
     so more to the point:
words, just words they say...

   hope to high hell and the gates
of Tartarus that I never ask such
people for directions...
   namely they'd speak that
  right is "right"
    or the upper tier of
Copernican ronin...
       flimsy ******* luck,
coming across this cult
      of aluminum wrapped
  on their heads:
           humanity reboots.
Elsie Greek Apr 2020
That is to think of you,
Like to singalong
On the bench of an empty boulevard.
Would that be wrong?

Swamped with life,
Like to get rescued
On the edge of a cliff dragging on a cigar
Is still not too far?

Real deal, hasty dreariness
Now in my skies.
Like if No Surprises
Was blubbing in my earphones,
Would That Not Be Nice?
#Radiohead #DivineFits #Nosurprises #Wouldthatnotbenice #desperate #inspiration
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Men are more romantic than females.
Although many will disagree.
Except listen to the song that men sing.
Comparing the woman to various lovely things.

In fact Smokey Robinson responsible for some gorgeous one.
Men take love for a woman in various ways.
Even mention about that heart in pain.

Now listen to a song from the woman and witness several signs of pain.
Simply tearing the man completely down to be no good.

Aretha Franklin gave various clues to a man that ain't no way to treat a woman.
Then she might give him something that h can feel and there love begins all over again.

Listen to the song that men sing.
And many titles explain everything.

The Temptations, You My Everything
The Stylistics, You Are Everything.
The O'jays, Cry Together
The Delfonics, For Love That I Gave To You.
TheRascals, Groovin'
The Beatles, I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Beach Boys, Don't Worry Baby

Yes, listen to the song.
Then just try to singalong.
Big Virge Sep 2020
I ... Fight For What's RIGHT...
...... Government Types...... !!!

Who Are... SHADY Like Slim... !!!
Making Moves In "The DARK"...
Under... Cover of Night... !!!

Words That I Write...
Give... REAL Life Insight...
And WHATEVER The Price...

I'll Fight For What's Right...
By Using... The FORCE...
And My... Lyrical MIGHT... !!!

I FORGOT My Light Sabre...
So I'll Just Use The Mic...
To Share Some Opinions...
And Try To Shed Light...

I Appear With NO ARMOUR...
But I Am The Black Knight... !!!

Whose Words Look For JUSTICE...
In This World of... DARK Times... !!!

ENTER... My Mind...
And Maybe You'll Find...
In... PEACE For Mankind... !!!

A Time Where You Get...
What You Pay For NOT DEBT... !!!
But STILL They COLLECT... !?!

They Say That This Money...

... " You and Your Fam "...
From TERRORIST Sects... !!!

It's LIES They INJECT...
While They STING Like Insects... !!!

These **** BUREAUCRATS...
REALLY... Make Me VEX... !!!

Their Calls For... DEFENCE... !!!

Whenever It's Spoke of...
It Makes... Little Sense...
The THREAT That They Talk of...

It's ALL... " Song And Dance "...
WITHOUT... " Singalong "...

Sounds Like The SAME SONG...
But In Truth It's A CON... !!!

We're ALL Paying DOUBLE...
While Corporates Shuffle...

Cash To... " Their FRIENDS "...
While POOR People Stumble...

I Feel Like... " BAM BAM "...
WITHOUT... Barney Rubble... !!!

But When Their Bed ROCKS...
I Hope It's... NOT *****...
That Make Bureaucrats...
Have *** With Doors LOCKED... !!!

it's Just A... " Suggestion "...
To FUEL Your Digestion...

And Ponder That Question...

Before You Decide...

I Live With... " Gods' Blessing "...
To Pose You These Questions...
With Poetic Prose...
That IMPECCABLY Flows...

Like HAGLER Inflicting...
An... UPPER CUT Blow...
In The... Middle of Winter...

or Maybe Just... BEAT YOU...
Like Marv' DID To MINTER... !!!

How Many of You...
Remember... THAT FIGHT... ?!?

That Was A BEATING...
That Brought Me DELIGHT... !!!!

Cos' Minter Was RACIST...
Before THAT Black Night... !!!!!!!!!!!!

Bottles Were THROWN...
By His PROUD English Fans... !!!

Who COULDN'T Believe...
He LOST To A Black Man... !?!

Within... Englishman... !!!

While Some Men...
BEAT UP Their WIVES... ?!?
Which I DON'T Understand... ?!?

Women NEED LOVE...
NOT Swinging Right Hands... !!!

To... " LOVE Their Woman "... ???

So Ladies I'm Saying...
Fight For Your Rights TOO... !!!
But Let's Get Things CLEAR...

If You Marry A FOOL...
Expect NOTHING More...
Than Treatment Like A *****... !!!

Cos' That's What These Idiots...
... Think You Are For... !!!

Knelt Down In Bedrooms...

But Once You've LOST *** Appeal...
They're... OUT THE DOOR...
Cos' Interest In... YOU...
They DON'T Have ANYMORE... !!!

DON'T Then Treat ALL Men...
Like You NOW KNOW The Score... !!!

You MUST LEARN From Fa' Sure... !!!!!

BFEORE You... " Walk In "...
Through Another Mans' Door... !!!

So Folks There's The Score...
This Piece Should ENSURE...
A Sense of What's RIGHT...
In Things That Are FLAWED... !!!

Poli-TRICKS To Racism...
To Acts of... Sexism...

But Let Me Just Add...
To Those Who Have YOUTH...

Be Thoughtful And WILLING...
And... End Up In PRISON... !!!

So THINK On This Prose...
Cos' Things Like This Happen...
To... INNOCENT Men... !!!

It's Time For An END...
To... ALL This NONSENSE... !!!


Listen To Songs...
Like The... " Sign 'O' The Times...

Prince Dropped REAL Lyrics...
Like James... " Out of Sight "... !!!

Do Like The Whites...
ALWAYS... " Be POLITE "...

But USE What They Teach You...


" Fight For What's Right ! "...
What can one say these days regarding such a thing as,
... " Fighting for what's RIGHT " ... ?

However, the fight MUST Continue !
.... and hopefully we'll find ways,
to find our way to doing what we know to be right !
nivek Mar 2021
The birds singalong to Pink Floyd
merrily chirping their little heads off
-not sure if they are 'out of their heads'
but they stick around in the trees
just the other side of the window.
Michael Marchese Oct 2021
Now check the black code
Secret message
Explicit content
Even Disney regretted
But only express it
When woke
Is the token
The singalong signaling
Feasts for the eyes
The objectified princess
Is one of the guys
So best get with the program
Before the pogrom
Seeks to cleanse
The agenda
And cancel the prom
And instead impose masks
Of the master class act
Still determining
What the truth is
That’s a fact
nivek Jan 2021
Green, Blue, Red
Vibration, Intune, Singalong,
Feet, Dance, Stomp
Drum, Beat, Fire,
Orange, Glow, Star
Green, Blue, Red.
i had a funny dream of a land of fantasy
full of lots of things there for me to see
there were lots of fairies with a magic wand
lots of singing fish singing in a pond
there were lots of flowers with colors by the score
red and gold and green and a whole lot more
then i saw a rabbit in a multi colored suit
walking all around playing on a flute

then a little squirrel climbed down from a tree
sat down by my side and sang a song to me
i sat there and listened to his squirell song
such a lovely tune it made me singalong

then when i awoke i remembered what i saw
i will dream again and see them all once more
Khadi Alza Jan 28
The newlyweds stood next to each other,
Smiling widely as they finally came together.
Fingers entwined,
As their thoughts unwind,
Of how strong their love is for one another.

But far away,
By the cake display,
There stood their friend,
Who had attended, but otherwise pretended.

As she watched, her thoughts went wild,
But she managed to put on a bittersweet smile.
She's happy for them,
Together they shine like a stunning gem.

But she can't shake it off,
The feeling that made her go soft,
When she realised she would never be like them.


Well, that was before he came along.
He came into her life pretty strong,
His laughs as sweet as a song,
And when she laughed along,
It was the greatest singalong.
kenny he has gone sadly passed away
everybody loved him. songs he used to play
he loved country music a good old country song
had country in his soul made you singalong

now he is in heaven entertaining there
missed by many people each and everywhere
a legend we will remember he will never die
playing country songs in heaven in the sky

his name it will go on. his songs we all will sing
to the country music kenny was the king


there is a video for this tribute poem
on youtube
link number.
copy and paste take a look thanks

— The End —