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Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
Shall the cries of the dead be heard?
When the world quites down,
Do the weeping winds coax their pain?
Seeping the ground for their comfort,
Will the rain find it's purpose then?
Will it be happy knowing it's not just a source of shallow joy for the living?
Will the clouds stop crying?
Out of pity for the dead,
once alive,
Does the sun apprise us of the regret of the day before or the one ahead,
Does it pity the ones it doesn't serve,
The ones dead
Wilder Aug 2020
Tell me your secrets
Don't worry, I'll keep it
After all, I've managed to keep my own

Boys are noticing me
Could a girl maybe notice me

Yes I know I'm pretty
(I'm gorgeous actually) No,
My shirt doesn't give you permission
To stare at my hips

Wish she
Would cover up

Get your eyes off my face
Get out go away

A modern

- call me a ****
I dare you

Give me a crop top
Clean eyeliner
This is only to prove
None of you deserve me

Call this an exaggeration
Complete exploitation
A collection of not-quites
Piled into a finished

So I'm sorry for trying
To fix in the bubble
It wasn't a bubble
But a box

Don't tell me you love me
You can't possibly love me
You don't even know me
I'm just a face for
Your ideals

I don't agree with you
"We're still friends after this,
Gods no

Does God know

How you hate his creation

"Yes, of course we are!"

Bite your tongue
You don't have time
To drop these people in
Your past

Keep friends close
Keep others closer
Wait until you're older

Can I possibly wait any
Anyway. This is a complete disaster
(I'm starting to notice a pattern, poems about girls are short and sweet, poems about boys are messy, incoherent and inconsistent)
Also the title is supposed to be a play on "boys will be boys" but it's kinda subtle idk how I feel about it yet.
kay Mar 2015
I am ready to fall apart
and with a shaking heart I whisper:
"it's okay"
I know the taste of a blade
and the color of the sky as it bends and then breaks in that way
I am ready.
I hold my head steady and I step
forward, bringing no baggage with me to shlep
"I am ready!" I scream
the lights on a silver screen illuminating
my internal clockworks ruminating
this soul is weak and older than time but I am prepared
I can step into this light with all my anxieties bared
the scars are fresh
on this flesh, prison for the wispy not-quites
the things inside that make me me that give my eyes light
I am ready to fall apart and with a shaking heart
I whisper, "it's okay"
another time, another day,
I can look back because today
the pages of time flipped and turned
and everything synced into rhythm and rhyme
and falling apart seems scary until you do
it makes you wary, you don't want to
but you fall apart, all to pieces
only to catch yourself, not so much glass as puzzle pieces
put it all together and restart.
I am ready, and with a shaking heart, I whisper:
"it's okay"
Zhanuary Arielle Apr 2018
They claim themselves quites,
When in truth I am silence,
They are an aim of an unforgiving bullet,
And I am War.
Maybe victims, we all are.
Quítame el pan, si quieres,
quítame el aire, pero
no me quites tu risa.
No me quites la rosa,
la lanza que desgranas,
el agua que de pronto
estalla en tu alegría,
la repentina ola
de plata que te nace.
Mi lucha es dura y vuelvo
con los ojos cansados
a veces de haber visto
la tierra que no cambia,
pero al entrar tu risa
sube al cielo buscándome
y abre para mi todas
las puertas de la vida.
Amor mío, en la hora
más oscura desgrana
tu risa, y si de pronto
ves que mi sangre mancha
las piedras de la calle,
ríe, porque tu risa
será para mis manos
como una espada fresca.
Junto al mar en otoño,
tu risa debe alzar
su cascada de espuma,
y en primavera, amor,
quiero tu risa como
la flor que yo esperaba,
la flor azul, la rosa
de mi patria sonora.
Ríete de la noche,
del día, de la luna,
ríete de las calles
torcidas de la isla,
ríete de este torpe
muchacho que te quiere,
pero cuando yo abro
los ojos y los cierro,
cuando mis pasos van,
cuando vuelven mis pasos,
niégame el pan, el aire,
la luz, la primavera,
pero tu risa nunca
porque me moriría.
Marcus Neeley Jan 2015
Being a ghost is not as hard as it seems.
The flame of my heartheartbeat quites down to a flicker
Before the door slams shut
And a plume of smoke dances its way to invisibility.

That's the moment I realized I haunted the hallways of my mind.
The floorboards shriek and shrill,
The air is thick and stagnant,
And the eyes on+ the paintings
Follow me like a cancer.

I see a window and look out.
I see myself as a child.
Enjoying life.
It blows my mind that there was a time and place
Before the world shook the innocence from me like loose change.
Mother earth took her $1.57
Bought herself a coke
And said "*******, kid"
Before jumping in her firebird and peeling out.

I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming
But all pain feels the same to me nowadays
So who knows if I'm awake or not.
But that doesn't matter
Because my voice hides in the shadows of my cave.
And empty
Except for the beast that hides inside
With love in its eyes
Waiting for the light to show.
Sulca del mar de Amor las rubias ondas,
barco de Barcelona, y por los bellos
lazos navega altivo, aunque por ellos
tal vez te muestres y tal vez te escondas.
Ya no flechas, Amor, doradas ondas
teje de sus espléndidos cabellos;
tú con los dientes no le quites dellos
para que a tanta dicha correspondas.
Desenvuelve los rizos con decoro,
los paralelos de mi sol desata,
boj o colmillo de elefante moro;
y en tanto que esparcidos los dilata,
forma por la madeja sendas de oro
antes que el tiempo los convierta en plata.
betterdays Mar 2017
short moments
blurred colours
and lines

just beyond
along synapses

but amongst
all the uncertainty
the almosts and not quites

the smoky smell
of Russian Caravan Tea

and then there you are
laughing mouth open wide
cigarette in hand
grey ash on black clothes

and for a moment
it is as if you were never gone
never gone......away
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
I've been down this road before, so ****** and cold
But on I go, thoughts running wildly uncontrolled
I just go home and silently close the door
When I can't take it any more
It's like deja vu
I'm so scared without a clue
Of how to stop the bleed
I'm so willing to concede
My mind plays tricks on me
So I set down and smoke some ****
It quites my mind
So I can find
A small space inside
Where my feelings can hide
Lock them up and toss the key
To the bottom of the black sea
It's where I long to be
Where I can't breath
Do the dead mans float
Cuz I can't cope
I need some dope
So I'm not found at the end of a rope
No one understands
No one can
To the bottom I sink again
This time I'm not even trying to swim
Krezeyyyy Nov 2013
Your greatness is unfathomable.
I could dig and even dig deeper with all my might but no matter how much I try, Your ending is just out of sight.
You are just you, the Great I Am.
Your peace is beyond understanding, it soothes my inner being.
Fear may blur my pathway time and again but it is Your Love, it quites my soul.
Your grace and mercy, it is Your loving gaze, they follow me wherever I go, and Your mighty hand that helps me stand whenever I falter.
Your words, they cut through me. Yes, they are that two-edged sword my heart just gladly holds on to.
And You satisfy me like nobody else could, it is Your salvation.
My heart will always be thankful in who You are.
And You just keep on igniting the fire in me saying, “There is so much more.”
Slam Sep 2015
I tried to shut my ears
Then seal it with tears
Like embracing my false fears
In my mid blue moment silent rears
Left alone with two feet on its own
Coat it with curve that has no verb
4ft up and 10 below
Wait, see, bury me in misery
Like roses of deep sea thorns
Blooming with loud silence
Embedded with beauty of impurity
Cards unfold for words you told
No high eye to watch you die
Sinisters of mystery, don't carry
Let free of what is to be and was
Just call it quites in dull of heats
Hearts will march you with arch
Like shivers of the day
Heat so cold that you can feel it
In your hard mad bone
Below the line is gone
And up above is done
I stay to leave my big defeat
Now just say the words to commit
Not just omit
All the lines are torn apart
In the lyrics of a movie or tv
They all say you need me
But all you do is leave me
Tú, ya, ¡oh ministro!, afirma tu cuidado
en no injuriar al mísero y al fuerte;
cuando les quites oro y plata, advierte
que les dejas el hierro acicalado.
Dejas espada y lanza al desdichado,
y poder y razón para vencerte;
no sabe pueblo ayuno temer muerte;
armas quedan al pueblo despojado.
Quien ve su perdición cierta, aborrece,
más que su perdición, la causa della;
y ésta, no aquélla, es más quien le enfurece.
Arma su desnudez y su querella
con desesperación, cuando le ofrece
venganza del rigor quien le atropella.
Yo soy tan poca cosa, que ni un dolor merezco...
Mas tú, Padre, me hiciste merced de un gran dolor.
Ha un año que lo sufro, y un año ya que crezco
por él en estatura espiritual, Señor.

¡Oh Dios, no me lo quites! Él es la sola puerta
de luz que yo vislumbro para llegar a Ti.
Él es la sola vida que vive ya mi muerta:
mi llanto, diariamente, la resucita en mí.
Mick Oct 2018
you deleted every reminder of me off of your Instagram
the pictures of us on your graduation day
our anniversary

I wrote you a love poem to commemorate three years
of falling head first into empty photo albums

I still have the picture of you the day we started dating
the day you drew me a tiny snail while you searched for the courage to ask me for my blood red heart

I remember when your hair was blonde
and brunette
when it matched your eyes
with small streaks of honey gold
like firefly trails in the dark

still have the pictures of your swallowed pride
my sweet girl
what weren't you willing to trade for the nights we fell asleep in each other's arms

you deleted every reminder of me from the poems you wrote
patted over our matching scars with foundation that didn't match your skin color
they are blotchy like the letters you wrote me
stained in tears and too many "almosts"

but I still catch you standing at the door of my gate
outside my castle made of tomorrows
not quites
but I know they are coming

just like you
Amanda Shelton Sep 2018
I never feel lonely,
but I do feel neglected when
someone who says they have
support for me but doesn't give it.

People can be cruel,
selfish, and crude.
I chose happiness with God
over a dishonest fool who
follows the devil's rules.

What happens when your
partner goes silent?
what happens when your
love of your life quites

I find it dishonest when someone
says they want to do but doesn't
follow through.

My heart is shattered
because my love decided to
sin over and over again,
even though I have suffered through
pain while he moved like a ninja
doing bad things.

I am exhausted from fighting,
I am exhausted from holding up
his weak structure.

My love, he doesn't trust in God,
he doesn't come to me and
help me hold up the structure
we're supposed to build together.

I am very sad to say,
I had to let him go
I had to take time away,
so I can heal and he.

I am hurting deep inside,
my heart feels bruised and

I am here praying for his well being.

Hopefully he lets go and
allow God to bless him.

© 2018 By Amanda Shelton

— The End —