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zebra Aug 2016
while heaven and hell
where engrossed in their own affairs
the light bringer
an incandescent intelligence
was cast down
to this metallic monument of stone
hurled to the depths
mourning star falling
for aspiring
to greater altitudes
the furthest reaches
perhaps some distant
parametric edge
or insensate endlessness
of the northern most realms
Baals glittering throne

stellar divinity
mourning light
enemy of evil
gave mankind its foundations
fire, technology
the signatures of spirits
those vey veys
the voodoo
that Jews do
the secret of
the dark speculum
polished obsidian
for scrying
door to arcane gods
and spirits dark
of great power
Solomons instruments of wisdom
demonstrating that man might live in grace
without watering the ground with tears

now vanquished in the depths
of labyrinths submerged
and contained in a brass vessel
crypt of sigils
the true names of power

as ages rolled over
we lost our depth of mind
became zombies
shadow beings
at first a mystery to our selves
and then the mysteries
became memories
and then even the memories
became dust

no longer could
we conjure or evoke
from the depths
our Jacobs ladder
those Goetic spirits
and  Amadel
of angelic powers
our protectors
and sustenance
lost and bereft of
aladins lamp
leaving men a drift in reason alone
barren religions of flagging faith
heaven and earth separated
a god absent
based on belief
the words
historic etymology
at its very core
it hides its secret for all to see
a lie

science of endless calculus
a one trick pony
like a sludge hammer
its only tool
which maps the known universe
but understands nothing
about what things mean
like the subtle architecture
of consciousness
and its interconnectedness
to all that there is
which may be nothing
with no physical properties
no volume
no trans-formative elemental substance
energies of light or force
or pulsating quanta
but inventions of consciousness
it self a light
which lacks volume
and physical quality
all of reality mere dreams
by an unknown dreamer
perhaps the child of another

at the stroke of midnight
the darkest point
in the murkiest age
the Kala Yuga
post modern man
remains conceited
while the world burns
paradise lost

Monotheism reigns
in our back water world
millenniums long night
of honor killings
god of the blade
thou shalt not ****
yet all condemned to die

put that in your pipe
slave makers
over bearing pedagogues
god loving war stooges
your god has a bigger ****
while parents
pack up their
shell shocked babies
there little trampled flowers
forced to
plummet to some dark address
tears fluttering
suffused  by poison clouds
in shady groves
where they only dare exhale

have you not had it yet
with gods mysterious ways
if it quacks like a duck
hell goons
****** spiritual stasis
toxicity and contagion
of the simplistic

their god
a shrunken form
projection of an incomplete  mind

those who live by the sword
die by the sword
and those who do not
die anyway
not a leaf falls with out the will of god
are we not all falling
oh man
cast off axioms
of the addle brained

oh priests
of petrified ideation's
if you have a real god
look to reality to understand it
do you see mono anything
or do you see binary everything
love hate
macro micro
life death
creation destruction
as above so below
the tao
male female

no your god
both great and terrible
can not make you whole
with out her
for she is all of space
creator of all form
our human women
vessels of the goddess
who you have
conveniently subtracted
and profaned
for vainglories patriarchs sake

the universe it self
a multitude of powers
from hells deep shocks
and dismal woe
to adorations from the queen of heaven
and the sacred temple prostitutes
now made sullied
by goody goody minds
shames children
a vice of knives
solar heroes they think
while high minded and ignorant

the synoptic religions
feeding frenzies of dogma
beatings of submission
mouldering skeletons
of the abyss
******* blood loving bats
all dressed up
in Don Trump
plush red power ties
made in china
where indentured servants
in state hell mills
are worked to death

while others
prim men
pretending to love
all ostentatious actors
spiritual materialist
fearing hells abyss
outwardly proud
in self righteousness
performing public adorations
while in secret rooms
they ****** themselves
under shadows guilt
blasphemy of gloating piety
begrudging the pleasure of others
there guiding light

there true god
a demon of obedience
bes-tower of agony
you gota suffer now
so you don't have to suffer later
dividing man from himself
All of them covering there heads
to obstruct the gifts of wisdom
and freedom
blocking the rays of Luciferic light
and insight
******* in there own hats
so they may remain undistracted
by their gods commands
having forgotten
that they themselves
made them up
pious dullards
that they are

oh Lucifer bright one
i stand before you
embraced by eight
the number of Majick
in arms that proliferate
the true will
Lucifers eight arms
SassyJ Dec 2016
It's a new dawn as the sun kiss the grounds
where wet dew penetrates the green grass
fresh happenings opens like a lotus flower
giving some purity from the murkiest pond

Ohh gentle wind of this pristine winter
embrace me in the song of the unborn day
let the disuse be the productivity that I long
let the grieve be the rebirth of new hope

Ohh gentle warmth of the sun ray stroke
shine the light and guide me in the day
let the vision of my happiness unfold
let the rocky cliffs clear to never return

Ohh gentle rain from above the clouds
wash the stained fuelled thoughts today
let the pride of life don the paradise
let the joy of life exorcise the yesterdays
ᗺᗷ Aug 2012
I remember a time when we knew how to fly.
It was a feat that just came to us out of thin air,
and oh how thin the air really felt when we took
off. Our finger would cross, cross like the stitching
of a hot air balloon that knew no bounds, filled with
the air we exchanged into each other’s lungs, and
propelled by the pulsing flames of our hearts. Your
sparkling eyes were intoxicating whenever they met
mine, they bore the same sparkle as the wishing star
in the sky I used to put all of my hope and dreams
into. Every instance our lips locked into each other,
whenever your mellifluous hair sashayed by my
nose, or each time you cradled my weary head to
your *****, the more our wings grew; grew to a
point where together we could soar to heaven off
of a single push. We danced through marshmallow
clouds as our wings tickled the sky. You carved your
name across the top of my heart then tucked the
needle of a compass beneath it so I always could find
my way home. We never knew where we were going
but trusted the winds to take us where we needed to be.
We never turned our backs to the skies for it was our
refuge, it was our entirety. Together in the far reaches
of space, boundless and free, the world below became
a place we had long since forgotten.

I remember a time when there was gray in the sky, a
gray that hued to black. Together we could not
recognize these skies and quickly became unsolicited.
The livid winds and the bitter clouds would pierce our
ears as they shrieked in malignance. A storm had
brewed and the rain was falling. The drops snuck
through the cracks between our hands. The harder we
grasped for each other the more we slipped until the
stitching our fingers once made became frayed then torn;
we were disconnected now. The whirlwinds then casted us
further and further apart until you were shrouded by
darkness. I was naked and alone save for the grief I then
became, facing the murkiest region of the storm. The clouds
I once frolicked with now spat a deathly light in my path
until there was nothing I could do and nowhere I could turn.
I wished to my star but I could not see your sparkle anymore.
I was at the mercy of the skies I once called home however
mercy was not to be arranged. The bright light paralyzed me
hard and fast straight through my heart, gouging out the
needle that always brought me back to you. I fell down from
the sky at speeds greater than I had ever flown up. Crippled
from above I was laying on the surface, with not even a scent
of familiarity. My once trusted winds fed the flames that now
scorched my majestic wings and took with it the fallen ashes
they sprinkled. The name on my heart I once cherished became
a curse, an endless reminder of what I could never find again,
where I could never go again. I laid there utterly vulnerable with
a single hand outstretched, reaching for the world I once knew,
reaching with hollowed gaps between the fingers you once
spanned. Over time the weeds I now rested in became hungry,
swallowing me into the dirt. I am consumed wholly to this prison
now save for the hand that reaches, reaches for a place that has
long since forgotten.
Hayleigh Apr 2014
Don't try and save me.
Thousands have tried and failed,
watched disappointingly,
each time I've derailed.
Don't set of shore and raise the sails.
Im drowning,
Sinking in a sea of what could have and what should have been
There is no life boat strong enough to take back the things I've seen
withhold my weighty heart.
my soul is anchored in the the darkest parts,
The murkiest waters.
It is held down in the depths
of despair
Save your own sons and daughters.
Im a wasted rescue mission.
Throw down your ammunition
i have enough to tear myself apart.
Ben Gillespie Aug 2011
Trodden and toxic with heavenly waters, this
the murkiest of hearts that badly needs dialysis
Rupturing them clean, like morning's fresh shower.
Across tables, drink affection acted out in bliss
With ice in the glass and garnished with flowers,
and trade all a black forest could have to behold,
For that glance so sincere, and a hand to hold.
Tina Fish Oct 2011
One more
     every night just
                    one more.

my veins protrude a thin layer of skin
called the back of my hand
rivers of blood that I was shocked
to find are a very deep purple.
     What does that mean?
     Has my blood given up on me?
     Refused to bubble red and
     thunder through my Nile?
I saw the Nile during winter
and witnessed first hand how
its once thriving forget-me-not
blue has turned the murkiest
of brown.
It was very sad really.
Crocodiles replaced with stumps
of driftwood or perhaps
dead Egyptian bodies growing moss.
The Nile -the shadow of Cairo’s Gotham City-
     It was too cold to dip my feet in
     and I think even if it wasn’t I
     wouldn’t have done it really.
     It’s too scary.
Almost a waste of space I
have a feeling the Egyptians will
soon deal with that.
But right now like all rivers
I guess it must flow.
Injected with steamboats and pesticides
its waves subside to
a slowest of slow pace.
And it smells like a *****.

One more
     every night just
                    one more.

so that when I close my eyes
I see purple Niles in my dreams
leaking through half-closed eyelids
that move so swiftly I
wake up to blood stained sheets
even though razors are
locked in drawers along with
the many other horrors tucked away
neatly in a box, locked,
     who said we were all Pandora?
     If Prometheus was an idiot it
     Doesn’t mean I am. Keep something
     That good to yourself.
But wow what an idiot –there’s no point
fearing a recurring doom-
the mythological liar and thief
who took humanity a step forth and
then a million back.
we would’ve figured it out sooner or later…
or don’t people look at the bigger picture?
     What else would we have held
     under flattened aluminum?    

One more
     every night just
                    one more.
George Atkinson Dec 2013
Pinch yourself and don't feel pain
Earth bound shackles held you down
But strawberry fields let go.

See your childhood love again
Feelings lost can here be found
Play together in the snow.

Drift in limbo through the rain
Watch your past and futures drown
All your thoughts you used to know.

Dive down the darkest abyss
Killing the lurking fiends you find
Here they'll sing about your fights.

Glide through times murkiest mists
Leave all your worries behind
Lose the need of wrong or right.

Climb to the top of your bliss
Behold your wonderful mind
Cry your oceans at the sights.

Jump of the tallest tower
Realise you're falling faster
Your fears come back to haunt you.

Resist but void's your power
She's there but you fall past her
Mephistopheles pulls you.

Your streets open like flowers
He peels the stone like plaster
Fall into his jaws and through...

...Out the other side it's clear
Embrace the one you hold dear
Think of your potential here.
Based on lucid dreaming, a real phenomenon where the dreamer knows he is dreaming (NOT taken from inception!). It shows the restrictions that our (real) world places on us by comparing it with the blissful freedom of your dreams. However despite this, we must embrace what we have.
Mr E Aug 2014
He was the villain the world needed
The villain the world always had
Yet never recognized
Writing the wrongs of humanity
Puppeteering the people
Hidden behind the devilish mask of "fate"
He was a villain without destiny
A man without morals
A vigilante to some
A criminal to others
Reality to the bitter globe
He was the hero no one wanted
Yet, he was the angel the murkiest city prayed for
He was the Playwright
The shadow who wrote the greatest performances
Who took the most unrighteous city
And orchestrated the greatest theatrical achievement in history
Curtain opens
*Enter Playwright
Character and Title ©
A girls world in a man's imagination,
Just hang in there.
I once saw a fairy Kiss the ground and a Flower arose
Even from the murkiest of depths there will always be a twinkle
Especially with How you look at the world with those big brown stellar eyes
The sunsets smile surprised me
“I still can’t pull your heart out of the ashes anyway” she said

I Have too many thoughts in my Mouth

“The greeks did not believe the gods created the universe,
It was the other way around:
The universe created the gods.”

Sherbert filled skies
With gleaming helicopter eyes
Cashmere fields to rest your head
Even the heavens cry sometimes
these are all individual segments of poetry that I have written in different times through out this year and I thought it would be fun to put it all together and maybe create a story, enjoy!

quoted from 'mythology'
Gabriel Jan 2014
The point of no return
Anger fills the sight
No more controls set in place
Aggression runs with a fierce right

Set aflame by emotions
Fully coursing through a soul
Being slowly ripped apart
As it refuses to fall in the whole

Of rage and destruction
that once held tight
They comfort with hate
And pain in the night

But as one half rapidly falls into darkness
The other craves pure illumination
Because while evil can never wait
Purest lights have infinite patience

So while the scales may tip
Into the murkiest of waters
The truest hearts will never slip
And drown in fruitless angers
Gaining momentum through murkiest mists,
The lacking of sight learn to feel their way along……

“Wherefore hast thou been, Squire Dingus?”
Asked Idiocy, with a wink and a smile.
“I’ve been to the end of this verse, and reverse”
Said Dingus to Idiocy, in shades of denial.
“I’ve been to the end of this verse, and reverse…?”
Asked Dingus of Idiocy, with a wink and a smile.
“…Wherefore hast thou been, Squire Dingus?”
Diary of the ****** - Chapter 2
Viola Oct 2018
I have a wandering mind
It goes asunder at times
I pine over pitiless thoughts
I ought not to think
I become distraught
And I begin to sink
Deeper and deeper
Plummeting down
In the darkest muddiest murkiest
Of waters I begin to drown
But I realize that I am only in a puddle
And I begin my ascension
You see my anxiety transports me to another dimension
Where puddles are lakes and oceans
And I am incapable of controlling my emotions
Abby Lucy Nov 2014
I gazed down at your fingertips
holding a mask that always seemed to readily cover your face
whenever emotion threatened
to seep out of you
creating puddles
that could soak my knees
but never did.
And because your stories
are too explicit to repeat
I guess they were told to me
to prevent you
from ever knocking on death's door
to find more answers
like you did
that one December eve.
I was the blood that kept you alive
but failed to keep you satisfied
as if surviving isn't a goal we all should aim to achieve
but a victory that we are blessed with
when we feel we have been defeated
And as hours mold into a day
I realize
some afternoons are not meant to be productive
but to run around in circles
following the same questions
we have asked for years
My nightmares built a kayak
to cut through the ocean of lies they told to you
and if my arms were strong enough
to bear the weight of burdens that were forced upon you
maybe I wouldn't have collapsed that night
because to be strong for you
is to be everything in this world you need
They were the tools you used
to carve a lie into your soul
and say it back to me
every time I said three words to you
Maybe two can become one
but one will never look in two different directions
when being chased down
by the memories that lurk behind our futures
and lock away our pasts
Because the possibility for you exists
that someday your heart will become
more than an *****
but first we must sever the hope
that bonds our hands as one
First we must adopt identities
from an orphanage
that only houses broken personalities
and destinies
that have been obstructed
by fallen dreams
and shape them to be our own
to prove that hands are miracles
that fold euphoric memories
before placing them in a box
that shall only be opened
on the murkiest days
If these hands can hold masks to protect us
and assemble a better perspective
then we have mastered
the art of definition which creates who we are
But I will stay by your side as long as
there is enough oxygen for us to breathe
while being in such close proximity
because standing beside you
is the one thing you need
turned backs are not.
Jen Jan 2019
Traveled through
The cursed forest
Bewitched under
Spells for miles
Swam across a
Quicksand tank
Filled with snakes
And then jumped in
The murkiest lake  
Found it a mistake
Only to be caught
Confused and dizzy
Inside a crystal ball
Until the glass
Cracked and I found
A way out and then I
Ventured through
The queen's castle walls
And it was off
With my head yet
Somehow I dodged
The ax and then
I was fighting off
The headless man
On his horse with
A mask and so I
Kept moving along
Until I ran away
To a better time
All in my mind
To let the good in
Let's pretend
This poem is more than it seems.  This piece basically turns my real life journey into a fictional tale.  It is difficult to explain to anyone, but have you ever felt like you have faced battle after battle in life to the point where it seems stranger than fiction?  For instance, I'm a cancer survivor, and when I was going through treatments it felt like swimming through the quicksand tank filled with snakes as in it being a tough battle and just as you are making progress a snake comes along like your blood cell count drops dangerously low.  I have always had a vivid imagination, and I've used it to get through the rough times.  I know we all have our battles, and everyone's is different.  Okay, enough rambling.  To health, to happiness, to many blessings in 2019. <3 Much love. <3
Mel Nov 2014
Every night I fall asleep to the rhythm of your heartbeat and the gentle kisses you so generously offer. Every morning I wake up to your stupid, soothing alarm and attempt to listlessly ****** you from your tasks.

    You are safe and strong and like no one I’ve ever known. A calm, kind, neutral party whom I fear I may corrupt.
For there is unimaginable darkness within this heart of mine. And while you might be a pleasant distraction from the pain, your love alone cannot illuminate the murkiest parts of me.

    The love I feel for you is comfortable. Like a soft blanket and a warm cup of tea. There is no passion, no desperation, no ferocity to this affection - but it is strong nonetheless.

    You and I will never move mountains; so move your lips against mine.

    We will never discover the secrets of love; so tell me all of yours.
CooLen Aug 2018
My thirst for stability is insatiable, often leading to the murkiest waters.
Amazing what desperation can do to the senses.
I sense she's not right for me.
I sense she's not light but rather shiny malleable foil, adhered to the cracks in my present needs.
My common sense screams the obvious, yet the vapid darkness of loneliness drowns them out.
I'm consumed by it all.
I'm consumed by them all.
I'm consumed by the fall. As I sink deeper, its only natural to cling to whats closest to me.
I greet the facade of you wanting more so openly but I know,
That when I'm home alone your body and energy will only appear to steal my time and company.
But I'll still open the door to you.
Merely your smell will blind me to the signs as taste and touch overwhelm us.
As I converse with your lips, not even my thoughts will be heard as we cry out.
And that bliss will be worth the silence.
Hey folks, listen to the soup I’m spilling
I’m just a random lass
But I don’t give a rat’s ***
About all this huggin and loving
You think I’m inclined to fall for grace
You think I’m gonna waste my time 
On this courtin and kissing
Cuz France held my first breathing
I’d gladly trade ‘em boyz I liked for a dime
I’m born to fight and I don’t ******* mean
Under their gorgeous minds and bodies
Like really. A Man, at his finest can beget
The swiftest soul and body- and what do you get?
A brain led by powers, hormones and pulsions
That is once in a while driven by addictions
So if this is your perfect human race
Then I think I’m in for the haze
That I see in your eyes and words
You wanna put up a fight, then bring your swords
Cause I love that one in a million
Flow of your heart, its alluvion
Your imperfection being my inspiration
You are at the core of my unreachable adoration
****, here I go again all cheesy with my bits
Guess I just need to take a couple more hits
The murkiest the beauty
The finest, for it is poetry

July 24, 2014
xmxrgxncy Sep 2016
whispers can emanate from all over
angels on shoulder pads
devils on shoulder blades

but the whisper i'm hearing comes from below
whispers from my heart
telling me to start

hope can form in the murkiest places
and i believe that we
aren't quite finished yet.
Electric Feb 2019
And many these meet at children:
Concussions shapeless and self-despising:
Hung of asphodel vultures: diadems,
Where murkiest die in wakes:
Charioteers superficial and blunt
theabstrusepoet Feb 2018
The shrinking violet that's what I be
Tucked away in the murkiest of dreams
Slipping out of the back door consistently
No one sees me, I'm an anomaly
Samantha Cunha Jan 2019
Twisting tongues
speak eloquent lies
dark night of the soul
brings our demise
bidding goodbye
to karmic ties
for this entanglement
was sent from
the murkiest
of skies
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2018
Religion is a journey of the self as it travels into the innermost depth of its entire being in search of the truth and the good. The murkiest waters have to be crossed before the clear stream could be arrived at;
every part of the journey is filled with uncertainty; the utmost patience is called for; humility must guide the way; faith has to be steadfast; sacrifices have to be made; the non-essentials of living have to be set aside; there must exist that abiding flame of hope;  the love of a higher consciousness must pervade from start to end and the self must die in the process to be reborn.

Then, if the journey has been well-travelled,  the light of understanding would flicker from the darkness of the past and the self would rise from the ashes of doubt and hopelessness and have the first taste of untainted joy and pure bliss. All impediments to the self's fullest understanding and complete freedom would be removed--the veil has been lifted and the self has become part of the Universal Oneness that unites all life.

— The End —