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Dear Lord
I am praying this special prayer to ask you
If you would consider letting Mommie come there with you
I know that Grandma and Grandpa are happy in heaven
So is it ok if Mommie comes there and start living?
Lord I know that I didn’t eat my peas yesterday
And wouldn’t share my toys when I went out to play
When I shouldn’t in school I talked to my friend
I know these things have to end
Lord I take all of the blame
Will you Lord forgive me of these things?
I promise I’ll do better next time
But Mommie doesn’t have any crimes
Last night she tucked me in bed
Said good night then she kissed my forehead
This morning she came and kiss me to wake me
She had breakfast on the table so we could eat
I helped her clean the table  of dishes
She said I was a good helper and called me a little Misses
She helped me get dressed  as she sang a song
Then tickled me the time seemed long
Then she put me in the car and took me to school
She dropped me off then watching over her I gave that job to you
They say that the man was drinking and driving his car
I’m not mad at him deep in my heart
I know it was  truly an accident
Hurting my Mommie wasn’t what he meant
I am just praying this special prayer to ask you
If Mommie can come and be one of your angles too?
Thomas Crone Mar 2013
A funeral is always a saddening thing,
For everybody is somebody to someone.
But some funeral scenes chill you to the bone
And one day in our town we had one.

A very young mother had died;
Something that you just don't expect.
And the shops and stores had all closed their doors;
They did it out of love and respect.

And in the crowded funeral home that day,
With everyone present weeping,
The sound of a little girl's voice was heard.
She said, "That's my mommie, she's sleeping."

Then I heard the sound of her little feet, "tap, tap, tap,"
As she made her way down the aisle.
Her little purse dangled from her tiny wrist
and it brushed her best Sunday dress,
And she boldly asserted the confidence
That little folks like her possess.

To the life that has no final chapter
There's no ending and no last mile.
The preacher and the rest were petrified,
But on the little girl's face was a smile.

She said, "Wake up, Mommie, wake up."
And still not satisfied she reached out with her little hand
And touched her face and cried.
Then the broken hearted daddy spoke
With a gentleness and with power,
And the words that issued from his lips
Was the sermon for the hour.

In a child like faith he told her
That the dead in Christ will rise
"God gave us his word," he said,
"And we know he never lies.

We can't wake up our sleeping Mommie,
But we know someone who can.
Baby, only God can wake up Mommie.
Let's go home and leave her in his hands."
I'm not a religious person, but that doesn't change my opinion towards this poem, and my desire to share it with the world.
Liam Williams Apr 2012

Waiting at the bus stop,
Jamming to some hip hop,
Checkin’ on my wrist watch
Clock is running tick-tock

And he made his way down the block
Walking in my direction,
With his face hanging behind that faded fitted

He is the boy that never goes home
Who thinks selling dope and
having high hopes makes him grown

Late nights on street corners,
Protecting urban borders,
Claiming blocks for blood,
selling rocks for what?

He nodded at me and I smiled back
not ever ignoring the bloodstains on his shoe laces
He was a gangster

And I never understood how such a bright boy
could be such a coward
Because that’s what they are all
Cowards who hide behind colors
Blue and red tied brothers
who leave their sisters and mothers
How could you?

Whose familiar face standing beside me
As if we never shared the same last name

For all those times that you pushed me from the doorway
Just to kiss the sunset with your piff

I prayed for your protection
I prayed that you would never forget
mommies’ and daddies’ lesson
and that my love for you will never lessen

And I prayed that a bullet will never befriend your skin, I prayed
That someday you will understand
that being a brave street soldier in the dark
still made you a coward come sunrise

And sometime I feel that you may be color blind
Because I do not understand how you see strength
in your blacks and reds
When you have blacks and blues tattooed all over you.

So tell me what side do you belong to
when your lips are synced supo....
but your eyes are swimming in cripped colored kisses
mixed with hints sdfnarega...

They got you
now you have an appetite for revenge

too proud to bleed for the bullet
yet quick to let finger tips lit triggers
your fine arms are too short to box with God

I remember when you told me
that you favorite rapper was TuPac
and I bet you wonder if heaven has got a ghetto

but you will never know because attempting to play God
and pimping mother nature
will never get you high enough to get there

so he will just send his angels down to tell you
that it is TuPac for one more gangster

and now you are off to hell’s home, homie
where you won’t have back pocket
for your blood colored bandannas to hold on to
like umbilical cords connecting you to the wind
you will just be dead skin
lost like the next of kin
of all your other blood brothers who sin

and all your fighting for meaning nothing any more
because in hell you will no longer
have your boys willing to die for you

just demons waiting to dance with you
holding out red roses that used to be white
before they used them to clean the messes
you made when you were still alive
what are you thinking?

you coward
running from your own light
shaking hands with the darkness
as if you were never taught to recognize the sun
mommie’s son
my brother

I just wanted to make you come home
make you breakfast in the morning
and remind you how beautiful blood can be
when it is not used as paint on concrete canvases
but when it is served aeruhgiureg on kitchen tables..

and as my bus pulls up,
I rummage through my pockets for my dollar
wishing I too had a faded fitting to hide my face beneath
because I would hate for you to see me cry for you too

and as I step onto that bus and walk over to my seat
I silently pray to God
that he will forgive me for calling you a coward

because who am I to call you a coward
when I couldn’t even find the strength to tell you how I felt
couldn’t share my quick healed cuts with you
and the tears that raced down my cheeks

so fast to prove that blood is indeed thicker than water
My brother

you stayed at the bus stop as we drove away
and I don’t know if my bus wasn’t going in your direction
or if you just lost your direction
years ago in the red silk lining of papi’s coffin

but I won’t dwell
I will sleep tonight
not forget to dedicate my prayers to you.

Wake up in the morning,
get dressed and
if you find yourself missing your little sister
I will just be...

Waiting at the bus stop,
Jamming to some hip hop,
Checkin’ on my wrist watch
Clock is running tick-tock
Andrew Parker Jan 2014
We live in a society that is reluctant to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

They did this to him because of his smile.
They did this to him because he was in the bar bathroom a long while.
They did this to him because of his clothing style.

The environment can create stimuli and stressors which trigger predispositions.
Predispositions of behavioral tendencies to make bad decisions.

They did this to her because they saw it on TV.
They did this to her because nothing comes for free...
or at least easy.
They did this to her because of how they were raised by mommie.

However, at the end of the day, you have ****** autonomy.
Physically responsible for your own actions,
you have damaged another human...
You don't want to accept you could do something so heinous to another human's ****
or ******.

Morally responsible to actively educate,
How to live in a world with other humans whom differ from you.
People who you may not completely understand.

She said no, but things happened so fast.
Kept go-ing on, not for long he didn't last.

He might have been interested at the start of the night,
but wasn't trying to be perceived as putting up a fight,
resisting what his assailant created, his forever tragic night.

I'm not big on the concept of 'deviant behaviors' or 'social taboos.'
Certain things however, you should know what to do.
We violate others' rights, freedoms, privileges, happiness, mental stability, and personal well being.

And For What?
It doesn't matter if you're gay, like metal music, or get drunk, because
We can't blame the color gray.  
not tomorrow nor today.
Don't sit, just stand, get up and say.
Advocate that **** is wrong every innocent second of each precious day.
more clearly defined, not merely social constructs within a particular society.

Long story short; **** is Wrong. Get and Give Consent. Be Safe as well.
She Hare Jan 2014
Watch out! They're coming everybody beware
they walk around real life,
from our nightmares.

Through the town their creeping
to get the things they want;
they come with a password
to each house they haunt.

From a pirouette forms Draculla
as he comes to full height,
he draws his cape to his chin
to hide his overbite.

Against a full moons light
hangs a witches shape
all year shes been waiting
for this very night to escape.

The wolfman howls through the distance
and sprouts coarse red hair.
As ghosts and goblins frenzy
through the cool nights air.

Two lights are yellow glowing
above a toothless grin
on an old Jack-o-lantern
born from a pumpkin.

Into the light comes creeping
a cat as black as coal,
from out of hiding places
upon the night to stroll.

Out of the closets rattle
old Mr. Bones,
and from the tombs rumble
a mommie moans.

Outside they all gather
monsters of every size;
from huge Frankensteins
down to the little guys.

Here they come, be quiet,
wait for a knock to be heard.
There it is get ready
for the password.

"Trick-or-treat's" the password
then comes the trade,
for the small price of a treat
no tricks will be played.

"Happy Halloween!"
before they all turn and disappear,
back into their hiding places
I'm safe again till next year...
Dedicated to my son Joseph Hare who helped me make this poem for his 3rd grade class
Andrew Parker Oct 2015
Sharing Hate Poem
September 4, 2009 (I recently found this poem I wrote years ago)

Trigger Warning - Abuse

Sharing Hate

He keeps me locked up in this room daily.
He calls me ugly, then starts to beat me.
My bruised and battered body lays there numb.
I think, "Don't worry, help will one day come."

He took my teddy; it was my mommie's.
The other girls here look just like zombies.
Dad always said, "Find the silver lining."
But the rare ray of light's all I'm finding.

He told me, "Tomorrow you'll be famous."
I asked, "Why do you blame your hate on us?"
He said, "You don't get it... I'm just like you."
"When I was little, I got abused too."
My body aches
is not a physical pain is more than that
an invisible neverending pain.
I'm rendered to it.  
I lay on the couch
I give myself to it
I become a mommie
A catacomb
of silent resonant thoughts
as my body frozes in pain and dies

Mi mind becomes numb.
I imagine that's how Dexter's or Lex Lutor's mind
ought of feel,
if they ever had any feelings.
But I am feeling nothing but numbness
and this neverending pain.
I try to bit my pillow and cry out my soul
but no tears run down my face
like peaceful streams...
There are no longer tears of Pain
Tears I could not refrain.

There is only a hollow cave in my eyes,
my heart, and my chest.
This never ending Pain!
Shadoe Lange Nov 2011
Mom, how have you been?
I can't believe its been so long
All the memories in my head spin
As I sing this 'I Miss You' song

Its still so hard to believe
You're not coming back to me
True happiness is hard to achieve
When I think how can this be?

Though you're my gaurdian angel flying high
I'd rather you be here
But I know God does not lie
This is how its meant to be and you're both near

It was our fate
Now we just have to learn
No matter what we wont truly seperate
Still for your embrace I yearn

Mommie, I love you
God had a good reason
Just know that it was for the best , thats true
He said for everything there's a season

I have to accept your time has came and gone
Before mine really began
Now we're both where we belong
Not going to forget , but I'm going to slowly get over this tragedy , I know I can

Promise me one thing now
Not to be sad
Because you're here somehow
For that I'm glad

Put a smile on your face
Your baby girl is protected by God's embrace
And is growing at a fast pace
Focusing on the beauty of grace

I'll see you in my dreams tonight
It'll be as if its real
I'll hold you tight
So the hole in my chest will finally seal
James M Vines Apr 2015
I sit in the corner of my bed room, my stomach aches because I haven't eaten. I want to go out and play, but mommy says it is not safe. I see the light coming through my window and listen to the cars passing by. I hear my mommie crying in her room and I do not know why. My clothes are laid out for school tomorrow they are a bit torn and wrinkled. The other kids make fun of me, but I do not know what to say to them. I want to go to school so bad, it is where I get to eat. I lay down on the cold floor in the corner and try to quietly cry myself to sleep. Every day I pass tall shining buildings and I dream that someday I can visit one of them and see what it is like to live inside, but for now I know only hunger and the sound of my mommies tears. I wonder if anyone out there can hear her cry or if anyone even really cares.
Amanda rodeiro Oct 2015
Dad has told me since i was born that theres a shark out there with our name on it

Thats why i never go as deep as my shoulders in the ocean

warnings rattle around my head and a sense of abandonment wraps around my legs

maybe the riptide felt like gentle hands leading him home

he’ll find us one day

i wonder if he’s talking about the shark or neevie

often i imagine him living in puerto Rico, having found his way among the waves he would reside in a tiny hut near the ocean side

listening every night as if to receive a whisper saying “come home”

the sole reason of dads birth being to replace his mothers only son

stand in for a deadboy

came out looking the exact opposite 

blonde hair, blue eyes

stevie, her sweet boy

pouring all the bitter, ******* she held into him

didn’t they tell you the bruises left behind were just love marks?

cherish them, it means she cares

mommie dearest loves you so, did you not know?

the closest form of loving someone is hating them and he’s got that down to a science

thoughts of prying the jalousie windows shut during winters in west tampa

counting each bullet that echoed in the distance

sitting on cotton bags skinning potatoes as his father prepared dinner for the navy ship

uncurling himself late at night when the sound of the door opening would alert him that he could finally stop hiding and embrace the warmth his fathers smile radiated
my father was a *******
my mother, an angel

i heard his words
and cried with my brother

i listen to fights
and hid in the closet

my sister never spoke
and hung in the rafters

i cared too much
and showed too little

i am lost
i want mommie

but she flew so high
while father screamed below
Char Blackmon Mar 2019
My heavenly angel:Mommie
Today I got the news
Memories blue
Frozen stuck to me like glue
I didn’t feel
Tears paradise vision of you
Flashing how I was raised
My shelter
Understood me without speaking
Of how to feel
Little cousins playing in the dirt
In that hill
We loved and hurt
No more pain
Confused days
Your love remains always
This is just another memory
For your days in the sky
Smiles of your sweet
Harmonized voice
A family you built
Far and near
A family we are
Rest peacefully my dear
MOMMIE(Bertha Sommerville)
#harddays #blessedways #heavenlysmile
Mortuus Odio Feb 2014
I've always wanted to say...
I've walked these streets
You always kept me shielded from
Never supported what I wanted
I'm not three anymore
How many times do I have to say it
Now I have a new phrase for you
Your backs are upon me
Thinking I'm the strongest
Just because I'm the biggest
Guess what guess what
The lemons you gave me were rotted
Made the lemonade taste like ****
Couldn't sell it because I'd end up dead
Murdered by the zombie voices eating at my brains
I also would like to say
You just chased out girlfriend #???
Can't even start making out
Without you busting in and acting like you didn't see this coming
Hey guess what
I've already grown my *****
My ***** dropped
You can go check out the crater they left
So here's a riddle for you
what has 7 letters its a phrase I use quite often
The answer is simple
I'm leaving this place
Don't bother coming to my graduation
I don't want you there
You never supported me in school
You just told me what to do
Left me on my own to figure out what the **** to do
Thanks for being an anchor
These currents are really strong
Good thing I'm a good swimmer
Because then I would have let this life **** me
This world will not determine when I die
I will
So *******
I'm tired of hearing you call yourselves parents
You never earned that title
You think having a few kids
Changing diapers and feeding bottle after bottle
Makes you a parent
You're dead wrong
It's the nightmares
You're suppose to help me fight
It's the school bully
You're suppose to help me get rid of
It's the blade across my wrist
You were suppose to notice
Not once did you ever see my pain
You just mocked me when I confided in you that I was scared
You call yourselves parents
Yet all I see are people who fed me nothing but *******
So saying *******
Is my thank you
Without it I wouldn't have learned how to live
How to survive a world
You thought was too wild for me
You only encouraged a monster too wild for this world
******* to the people that have no value to me
To My Awesomely Suckish Father and Step Mother
No special card, no brand new bill
No waiting to make the phone call.
Too much time on my hands today
Too many thoughts around me.

Mothers Day.  My Mommie’s gone.
Now I’m the Mama of this family.
Why do I feel such a little girl,
My emotional shoelaces untied and tripping me.

Amazed at why we do what we do,
I knew one day I’d live to regret it-
The Sundays just too busy to call,
The failure to find a moment for writing.

That time is now, and I’m battered with guilt
I can’t seem to talk myself out of.
If only I knew she’s forgiven my lapses
Maybe the punishment finally could end.

I   dropped everything and flew to her side
When death took her husband of just a few years,
Again when the ****** who lived up the street
Almost succeeded in killing her soul.

It’s the everyday thoughtfulness where I fell down,
The “Hi!  How are you - nothing’s much new.”
Not finding a way to be there twice a year
Instead of every other, that made me a failure.

Not a day passes that I don’t think on her
Though many had done so while she was alive.
I look on her picture in longing and sorrow
And hope that she know I now see what I’ve lost.
Years later, the pain is fresh
I told everyone that I’d be fine -
They dynamited my golden years
And put the pieces in the trash -
But I said I would be OK.

I have resources and reserves
That paved the way
Past rocky highways in the past
And would suffice me once again.

I reassured the ones who wept
That this was not to be an ending -
That I had maps and GPS
To guide me to a safer haven.

But when I looked inside the box
Containing my bravado
There was a hug and a kindly word
And nothing else to help me.

Shocked at all that emptiness
The first thing that I did was cry
And gape into that hollow space
To wonder where the courage went.

But when I saw the others stare
I clamped the lid back on real tight
And glued a smile onto my face,
Picked up my box and strode away.

Now I’m hidden safe at home
Astonished at my disbelief
That years could warp away and melt
The fortitude I counted on.

That I should find myself alone
With nothing but a broken crutch
To help me cross the quicksand bog
And locate solid ground again.

How shall I navigate the mire?
My GPS and maps are gone.
Bravura’s just a memory.
I’m not the big girl after all,

There is no Mommie I can call
No friend to offer magic beans
This time I find myself alone
To see if I can find a way
To fill back up that empty box.
The job search is finally starting to show some promise.  No income yet, but some promise.
Matt Jul 2019
you are an ***
I made a poem
you yelled at me
Evann and I said,
"******* LOSER CHILL YOUR ****"
and he said like a pshyco
"No U LoSEr"
and now I am forced to take desperate measures
-the entire site
Ps, we reported you to the mods :)
pps, hey could you guys knock some sense into this man he blocked us ****
ppps, ur mommie said you can't raid area 51 bc u bulli me :))))))))))))))))
SelinaSharday May 2020
what I got for mother day

Ah What I got on yet another Mom Day
some air and some imagination, hopeful wishes at bay.

some invisible, un -acknowlegeables, some written unperson-ables.
A happy M day not much else to say..
As If i am some kind of..
Never there fa you kinda motha/*****.
Don't do nothing fa ya Kinda motha..
Trifling otha kinda, something or other type motha..
What I did get and have is.....the spirit of let down.
A gift of  no consideration.
A quiet shadow of you ain't that important or relevant.
The failed chance to say oh you shouldn't have's.
The missed moments of awe how sweet of you's.
The crumbs of no gratitude, from self absorbed tudes.
And a simple say anything I'd come off as rude.
I'm unseen, unheard, seen as old fashioned old school old ways.
Blinded shades, wisdom ignored, prayers stayed, unappreciated days.

Thanks for the little tab bits of invisible cards...hmm really
Thanks for the symbolic s of traditional materials,..untouchables
Those just tryna say I lov ya so's...(walkin in them shoes)
The absence of it can at times pain the soul.
Never one to ASK FOR MONEY OR GIFTS...Do I! wee bits..
By surprise be nice to discover how It'd feel to get the what ifs.
To be given the  unexpected gift, how heaviness might lift.
How solemness n sadness may suddenly shift.
It's not the material of a gift,, It's the showing of
heartfelt bliss. Spiritual Uplift.

I sit and it makes me recall..the six times, six souls, six plights..
To sow, to plant, to till the ground,
to labor, to sacrifice, to pray during those daily fights.
To feed, to nurture, to yearly grow.
Unselfishly..regardless of the needs of me.
By Grace of mercy heavens kept me.
So I can be..still Mommie, unperfectly.
Happy Momma Day 2Me...

Oh whoa,, ignore the typos I already know' so its the way i still want to flow..
Lord Cam Apr 2020
My Dearest Mommie

She is dead now...but I wish she was still here
To celebrate Mother's Day with her loving son
I'll Take her old clock and a fake cake by her grave with me
And a daffodil or two, I am the child she loved.
I will go in the afternoon and stay till I feel
The frenzy in the beckoning call of the unfriendly cold evening dew
Warning me that it is about time to go
To leave and wander on my journey homeward
And to ponder upon sweet green thoughts of her memories
And celebrate her wondorus life and dedication,
Celebrate another soft kissing anniversary of Mother's Day.
Written by Lord Cam  a 59 yr. old former calypsonian from Nevis in the West Indies..or the Caribbean © 4 years ago, Cam Morton-Lord Cam
Poem written.composed by Lord Cam of Nevis born May 21st 1959 ...Calypsonian
Sippin' on that bar I be a superstar looking a far
Beyond the ******* i spit the hardest in the pit
Leave fools guts open now ya smellin' ****
Vultures peckin' ya skin stuck in this body of sin i sip Gin
Then put my **** in a Hen then back to the den
Rollin' a blunt that's bigger than a bat all of my homies pack gats
Rest in peace to the homies that got hit with the Mack
Yeah ****** up times we living in
In the hood you see more fouls than grins
Unless it's money circling drugs dealin' pigs still squealin'
But **** em i never was a role model
I rather push a Lexus 420 fully loaded on throttle
Money is the ambition bass thumpin' as my lyrics shift
In ya brain like a transmission hittin'
All gears in ya brain my intellect is a threat
That J Edgar Hoover couldn't even get cuz I got a gangsta set
No fakers on my team
Roll with with Dons who sip Dom Perignon by the millions can't trust civilians
Or politicians so I make my commission with a circle of decision
Enemies love dissin' but I see em cuz snakes always hissin' cuz

Ya styles edible my flows incredible like the hulk stalk
Talk **** fools get chalked
Walking down the valley of the
Shadow of death Nia with beer under my breath
Still thuggin' twistin' daytonas or better yet swangaz
Got a coat of rhymes sittin' on a hanger in my mind as I shine
Brighter than the sun the luminous one
Kin to Lucifer he's only one begotten son
Huh 6 carbons 6 protons 6 nuetrons
Together I'll form Voltron turn hard rhymers into vagabonds
Overseas stocks n bonds bringing capitol punishment like Big Pun
My bank rolls swole
Watch out for the rats that love cheese that's why I  feed em lyrical disease
Once the venom in em
They fold like origami once I sound the Tommy
Hidden' in the breast of my Latin mommie
Who is this?? That's the introduction of death
Makin' bodies rock from right to left the one *****
Char Blackmon Mar 2019
You closed your eyes
And passed away
Never will I forget
Your cold face
Touch felt like winter
Guts ruptured like a volcano
An angel you gain
You earned your heavenly halo
My dearest Mommie
My granny I miss for sure
Your spirit I hold
Bob B Oct 2024
"Why did Mommie have to die?"
Asks a child? The answer, in short,
Is because of a lousy decision
Made by the country's highest court.

Since the 2022
Overturning of Roe v. Wade,
The Court has caused chaos and panic,
For women and doctors are afraid.

Not in every state, however--
Only in states that have curtailed
Women's rights. And still we see
New restrictions being unveiled.

When doctors are even afraid to treat
Miscarriages for fear
That they'll be prosecuted, well,
We have a real problem here.

Lack of prompt and urgent attention,
Can lead to sepsis, and women have died.
Many women refuse to seek help
For fear of being vilified.

The huge uncertainty about
Reproductive access has led
Some women who wanted children
To choose sterilization instead.

A number of states with very strict
Abortion bans have made provisions
For exceptions; fear, however,
Of criminal charges affects decisions.

Some women are willing to travel
To other states for medical care.
Other women cannot afford it,
Or they are scared and do not dare.

There's TOO much confusion and misinformation.
Many women seek out a bit
Of help on Reddit and TikTok, but
Do we know if the info's legit?

Here's an idea: if WE know that
An aborted fetus can live on its own,
Then "pro-lifers" can raise the child
And leave the mothers and doctors alone!

-by Bob B (10-17-24)
Ode to flummoxed walrus
We can't say elephant anymore it may be considered rac#*@ or offensive.
We have to cater  to those that might be  Sens uh tivv
Let them make all the rules  and get all the attention.
After all they deserve it for all that ...
you know that thing that they did...?
Which was what again ?

Ode to flummoxed Walrus its big hairy NUTZ slappin yer face !
One for R. Kelly
two for Cosby
a few for P Diddler Diddy we'll get you soon !
& 69 hundred million for Michael the smoothest Criminal Eva Jackson

Grabbing his crotch and just thrustin it right in yer face mom
all while wearing a single sparkly white fap glove the other oddly absent. James brown the coke head ex con strangely not consulted about any stolen moves  . ( I love James He really was a bad bad mamma jamma, )
  The smooth criminal . He told you in plain language  that  he was " Bad" .
He told you he would indeed  "beat it"
He minced no words when proclaiming
" I want to love you, PRETTY YOUNG THING !"
He  laughed as they swilled jesus juice in his **** Neverland paradise.
He  lied about bleaching  his skin . While the trash outside spilled over with ointment tubes  , K.Y . and  pill bottles / He had sham marriages to fugly obese weirdos while calling his kid  "blanket" .
Then confessed  " I'm lookin at the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways".
Then he dangled his kid from a lethal height over a balcony and laughed  he he he. " yer ignorant !" Don't be ignorant"
He rambled on about his tortured sexually abused missing childhood. to armed guards at his private theme park  to junked out carnies that left him alone in Ferris wheel  cages with cancer patients that would be dead before their cases went to trial.
You know real radio friendly top 40 , G  rated stuff.
I mean who doesn't have life sized  **** smeared carboard cut outs of Shirley Temple and other kids in their private *** dungeon where only he has the key to your kids room , as the parents signed N.D.A's so their little bundles of joy could stay  over when ever HE wanted.
Private hidden drug closets   full of role play out fits  and laser surgery to remove his ***** all while transforming his face into a grotesque plastic surgery nightmare.
Those were the times .  " remember the times"?
Tyson had just been convicted of **** and assault
and O.J.'s glove didn't fit  so they must acquit.
Tupac cried about his crack ***** mommie given his homies venereal disease as  Ez-E shrank away dying of aids but still bustin caps  and blastin fools.
There are no patterns here.
Every one  is innocent.
The MAN just tryin to keep us down. Yo

— The End —