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Terry O'Leary Jun 2013
A cruel Jack Frost blows icy floss
          (in front of spring a’ burstin’)
while shiftin’ sheaves of withered leaves
          near freezin’ streams a’ thirstin’.
A pack reviled runs roamin’ wild,
          the alpha wolf wakes howlin’
then scents a lean and lonesome scene
          while on the lurk a’ prowlin’.

A cloud revolts with spangled bolts,
          and starry skies start closin’
as wild geese soar beyond death’s door
          neath naked moon a’ posin’.
Electric shafts, like fractured rafts,
          sail night’s cathedral caldrons –
their cracking curse makes herds disperse
          in random splayed and sprawled runs.

A she-wolf sighs with hungry eyes;
          the ancient wolf waits, bayin’ -
with weary back, he’s lost the track,
          his bandied legs betrayin’.
The brood’s somewhere in shrouded lair
          with mama left to mind ’em -
the wolf, a’ drag with empty swag,
          is on his way to find ’em.

The pack rejoins with weary ***** -
          perhaps its days are numbered.
In evening’s night, he’s feeling tight,
          with aches and pains encumbered.
As morning nears, with shaggy ears
          (one droopin’ down, hung over)
he’ll set the course with renewed force,
          for, yes, he’s still the rover.

When snow enshrines the timberlines
          and skies are ripped asunder
though young, lupine, they’ll stifle whines,
          as gullies fill with thunder;
mid echoes in the mouth o’ death,
          they bid farewell the lair
while panting puffs o’ crystal breath
          float, hanging in the air.

Their path is black (they can’t look back
          for herds long gone a’ missin’)
as dusk profanes the snow-bound plains
          the sinkin’ sun was kissin’.
Neath northern lights, with barks and bites,
          he keeps ’em all in motion –
the speckled scars of fallin’ stars
          display the night’s devotion.

The sky’s a’ blushin’ in the east,
          and hollow wind’s are sighin’
while buzzards freeze in gallows trees,
          a’ roostin’, rapt and eyein’.
These ghouls of prey, they’re spooked away,
          like tumbleweeds a’ blowin’,
by tilted head, white fangs tipped red,
          and warnin’ wail’s a’ growin’.

With snout upturned the moon’s discerned
          as well as wafts a wendin’
and muzzled growls and shriekin’ howls
          mark wolves in quests unendin’.
With fragrant hint, the wolf’s a’ sprint,
          the pack begins t’ rally –
in swift descent they’ve seized a scent,
          that’s flowin’ down the valley.

The wolf moves on behind the dawn
          and shades the pale horizon
as she-wolfs vet his silhouette
          each time they lay their eyes on.
With trek discreet, a trail is beat
          across a river frozen –
when day’s complete, just mice to eat,
          a choice despised, but chosen.

A stillness jeers the shaggy ears
          (one droopin’ down, hung over),
while caribou, with much ado,
          drift, seekin’ blades o’ clover;
the wearied pack picks up their track
          (with stony stomachs pangin’)
through endless seas of barren trees
          with ice like daggers hangin’.

The wolf invades forgotten glades,
          the pack stays close behind ’im;
the caribou, in his purview,
          seem far too far to mind ’im.
Above, a baleful moonbeam wails,
          “oh god he’s gonna’ catch ’em”;
the scene is grim, the Reaper dim,
          the night has gone to fetch ’im.

A moanin’ mynah’s crying loud
          as birds of prey are preachin’
to cravin’ ravens prayin’ proud
          and wide-eyed owls a’ screechin’.
The wolf, unrushed, is breathin’ hushed,
          his hollow eyes a’ narrowin’
and focused hard in fixed regard
          on herds they'll soon be harrowin’.

The morning breeze is ill at ease,  
          a surge brings sudden silence –
then haggard swarms launch poundin’ storms
          and hurricanes of vi’lence;
the herd’s surprised and paralyzed
          all over hell’s half acre –
the leadin’ buck’s run out of luck,
          he’s soon to meet his maker.

The old wolf creeps, the old wolf leaps
          on prey he’s been a’ trackin’ –
a deer adorned with branchin’ horns
          is torn by beasts attackin’.
The morning quakes, a shadow shakes,
          tined antlers left a’ lyin’,
and spattered spots and scarlet clots
          repaint the point o’ dyin’.

A magpie flies with frightened eyes
          (on ebon wings a’ wavin’),
spies wolfin’ jaws and sated maws
          of wolves no longer cravin’.
The snowdrift clears, a cool wind veers,
          a dying breath, moreover –
a wraith appears, with shaggy ears,
          (one droopin’ down, hung over).

Dawn’s sunbeams crowd, ignite a cloud,
          its threaded strands a’ weavin’.
The pack awakes and twists and shakes,
          for soon it’s time for leavin’;
it’s bleak, it chills on shallow hills,
          as she-wolfs come a’ nuzzlin’,
but north winds scold, the wolf lies cold,
          the pack stands back a’ puzzlin’.

On crimson snows neath perchin’ crows,
          the pack abides a’ guardin’;
while nights are tight with Harpy kites,
          the she-wolves wait an’ harden,
until a groanin’ blizzard stones
          the barren forest stowin’
his shaggy ears beneath the weirs,
          with icy hails ’a blowin’.

The storm abates and terminates,
          the glacial wind’s subsidin’;
the past is past or passin’ fast
          and life goes on abidin’.
The herds, today, roam far away,
          not thinkin’ of the dyin’;
the pack’ll stray from day to day,
          ’a stalkin’ hard and tryin’.

As spring sneaks forth upon the north,
          they’re lean without their leader.
A she-wolf (bound with belly round)
          strains neath a budding cedar.
Upon the morn a whelp is born
           (the future forest drover)
in new frontiers, with shaggy ears
          (one droopin’ down, hung over).
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
.i'm pretty sure that someone like Mozart, composed, in total silence, didn't hum out a tune, given that he had to micromanage symphony, or rather, the latter stage of polyphony - synchronization of all subsequent parts... whereby music was more optical in its genesis than people might like to believe... of course auditory in its exodus from the godhead, but... i'm pretty sure the composition process for classical music, would never amount to the sort of fun impromptu of jazz... must be a black privilege sort of, "thing" to have found jazz lying around...

how did the beatniks even believe that
a cross-generational mongrel of an art
form, fusing poetry with jazz could ever work?
robert pinsky still has the dream -
but it's a bit like:
      you think you can smoke marijuana
and listen to blues?
              not drink a drop of the devil liquor
and take blues seriously?
       just like sonny clark would have
said: 'if you don't shoot it,
     you don't smoke it'...
         given that... this is not stoner rock
type of wasp hive droning, humming,
heavily repeated rhythm...
              nothing wacky like
thievery corporation doing a live
rendition of the forgotten people
                                             live on KEXP...
what's that phrase?
    i feel monged -
   i.e. so ****** that you don't know
if it's a brain or a jelly,
         a stomach or krāng...
an 8th of an ounce could last me a week...
never mind...
   but how could they even suppose
that, somehow... jazz would dissolve
into acid jazz...
   that ****** variant you don't hear
in a jazz club...
   sure... the one up in Edinburgh was
jazz by name only...
   one night i heard the cover
of neil young's song old man...
yeah... very ******* jazzy...
                what's next, a banjo quartet?
first jazz song i ever heard was
art blakey & the jazz messangers'
      opening track from the album
   of the same name - moanin'...
           had to stash on some of the records...
but did i really want to speak over
the music?
             did i want to contaminate
the music and produce some ****** mash-up
akin to the beatnik experiment?
     *******... high on dope...
              never bothered to call jazz...
the black man's equivalent status of
what white man's classical music is...
     and where's jazz now?
joshua redman isn't exactly a lifejacket
when a boat with 20 is sinking...
jazz has been neglected...
    relegated as posh black boy music
heading off to Yale... wap... or wrap it up...
talk with a mouth but forget playing
the ******* horns, the sax...
              can't exactly see a revival...
   but would i really want to speak to this music?
feels a bit like talking over an opera...
made sense back then, makes little or no sense
                    beside the point...
      there's still a heatwave in england...
every morning i wake up in a furnace -
    or as if attired in a metallurgy suit working
raw metals...
       and i always ask myself the question...
to rehydrate...
   would i rather eat half a watermelon,
or drink a big glass of water?
                         it's always the first.
Steve D'Beard Nov 2012
Govan bar banter:

Awa' with ye fankle eejits
that blether to naw whit they dinnae naw
crabbit, drookit
moanin, drouthy
yer Havers-yins!
each unto their ane
an' aye bin.

Tell markers scoured
an' crowned with glee
"alas nae blessing naw
bolt of wisdom
will er'e to
strike thee -
tis poor soil
an' loads o toil
an' broken backs"
Ach awa with ye!

Fir me the skies
an' tracks o wilds
an' winds that curl yer lugs
Hielan mountains glory
summers toty story
an' bonny lassies dancing -
a gallus stoater!
that’s fir me.

Party racket
in Da’s laden jaiket
jangle change
fir a dram
an' enough tae get the Clockwork Orange hame -
times hae changed a wee bit no?

Seldom ventured
tis seldom gained
an' aw the while
the wee bairns wail
Still, life is yin
what yin makes of that
which drives the world
that breaks yer back

Remember love!
ma banters free to give
an' thats all the mare important when
it costs so much tae live.
Govan is a community unto itself in Glasgow, site of the shipyards on the Clyde where you'll meet
salt-of-the-earth people with stories to tell, like this one
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
Limericks VII - Naughty, *****, Risque, Absurd

There continue to be modern sequels of the famous "Nantucket" limericks, including this ***** one of mine:

There was a lewd ***** from Nantucket
who intended to *** in a bucket;
but being a man
she missed the **** can
and her rattled john fled, crying: "**** it!"
—Variation on a classic limerick by Michael R. Burch

Here's another take on a golden oldie:

There was an old man from Peru
who dreamed he was eating his shoe.
He awoke one dark night
from a terrible fright
to discover his dream had come true!
—Variation on a classic limerick by Michael R. Burch

Here are some lewd, crude originals:

There once was a multi-pierced Bull,
who found playing hoops far too dull,
so he dated Madonna
but observed, “I don’t wanna
get married . . . the things she might pull!”
—Michael R. Burch

There once was a forward named Rodman
who said to his best man—“No problem!
When I marry Electra,
if the ring costs extra,
just yank a loop right off my ****, man!”
—Michael R. Burch

A formidable pugilist, Mike,
in a fit of pique called his mom “****.”
She frowned ear to ear,
then said, “You listen here,
I can still whip your ****, you dumb tyke!”
—Michael R. Burch

A cross-dressing dancer, “Dee Lite,”
wore gowns luciferously bright
till he washed them one day
the old-fashioned way ...
in bleach. Now he’s “Sister Off-White.”
—Michael R. Burch

There once was a bubbly bartender,
a transvestite who went on a ******.
“So I cut myself off,”
she cried with a sob,
“There’s the evidence, there in the blender!”
—Michael R. Burch

Our president’s *** life—atrocious.
Asian markets are all hocus-pocus.
Politics—a shell game.
My brief moment of fame—
flashed by before Oprah could notice.
—Michael R. Burch

Bill Clinton's a man we admire;
his opinion polls soar ever higher.
He gets much more flack
for a Big Mac attack
than for his ****** high-wire.
—Michael R. Burch

There is a new term, “Clintonian,”
which means, “Stop your naggin’ and moanin’.
He’s only a man
doing all that he can
to put kneepads in the Smithsonian.!”
—Michael R. Burch

Low-T Hell
by Michael R. Burch

I’m living in low-T hell ...
My get-up has gone: Farewell!
I need to write checks
if I want to have ***,
and my love life depends on a gel!

Grave Offense I

Is Ogden Nash gnashing his teeth,
upside-down in his grave, full of grief
that the term “limerick”
has been plagiarized? Quick—
dial 9-1-1; get the police!
—Michael R. Burch

Grave Offense II

Is Ogden Nash gnashing his teeth,
upside-down in his grave, full of grief
that his wit and his art
share this name I impart
to my “limerick?” Am I a thief?
—Michael R. Burch


Is Ogden Nash gnashing his teeth?
Is his ghost rolling ’round in wild grief
that the Post would make crimes
of his “imperfect” rhymes?
Call Ripley’s—it stretches belief!
—Michael R. Burch

NOTE: The Washington Post in all its great wisdom would ban Ogden Nash’s imperfect rhymes from its limerick contests!

Keywords/Tags: limerick, nonsense, light, humor, humorous, ***, naughty, risque, lewd, *****, ******
Oculi Nov 2017
The piano jingles, it speaks
The brass is smiling, it creaks
The ensemble's finally ready to play
They are all here so people make way
The music starts, bass moanin'
Albert, Charles, Art groanin'
All these beautiful sounds, just like life
But I don't hear any of them
None of this is real
A poem from earlier this year, one that I didn't necessarily want to publish, because it was before I had any confidence in my ability to return to poetry. I decided to put it out now that I'm feeling less and less drive to make more, because I feel like people deserve to read me at my weakest.
Ann Beaver Jul 2013
I have no ear for disaster
I just master
The art of self destruction
fire-building construction
Production of serotonin
A lacking pain, moanin'
A silence because I can't find the words
fly-away blood like birds
In my bath
Miscalculated math
Who said to climb this steeple?
Made out of a pile of people
On my cracked plate
Oh, you came to save me?
Well, it's far too late.
she walked away
oh yeah
but she don't leave

staying and taking
her sweet time
feedin on me

i dream
of flying away
chasing the sun

but before the mornin come
shes back again

man yeah she left
but she aint gone
takin her sweet time

devil in me
big as the space

runnin round
tryin to catch her
but yeah lord she
done left and gone

takin my sweet time
just to move along
bob Mar 2013
Against the wall,
Just as blue as this 'ere paint.
Thought of Picasso...then of Bobby Timmons.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
.and believe me, you will never get into the music of Bohren & der Club of Gore... if you weren't played a lot of classical music as a child, and having graduated from classical music, moved onto jazz music... you will simply not get this band, notably the bass fetish fest on the album Midnight Radio; how did i graduate from classical music to jazz? my GCSE English teacher, a Scot, a Mr. Bunce... THOMAS! he experimented with writing on the basis of our music, my writing partner were to explore whether "satanic" metal music induced violence... we were supposed to speak... but didn't really... first my writing partner's song choice was played, Raammstein's Rein Raus... then mine... Slayer's Spill the Blood... but then one day he brought in a jazz CD... Jazz on a Summer's Day (a compilation)... with the opening track being art barkley's moanin', sooner than later i was asking him to borrow that Ben Webster album, where you can listen to the best cover of the song: how deep is the ocean... and then came Miles Davis... i was probably the only 15 year old who listened to the message literally, and followed the advice the day after, having bought the album... he said... whoever doesn't own Miles Davis' kind of blue by the time they're 30, well... then there's something seriously wrong with them.

who would have thought...
that wes borland
could craft such atmospheric
     given how atmospheric
the song hold on
was on chocolate starfish
and the hotdog flavored water
i'm not surprised...
and almost akin to
to tom verlaine's album
you take one listen
to the song jubilee
from the album crystal machete...
whatever the hell he did
with big dumb face
with that death-metal growl...
i'm happy he finally found
his strength to compose
purely instrumental music...
obviously he's not a guitar
   in terms of showing-off
like some Van Halen or
a joe satriani...
the whole point was to craft
something akin
to the comparison with
the album kenotic (2005)
by the band hammock...
yes, great... you can pick up
the frets,
the solo *******
into excess..
but like food...
   where the balance of flavors,
and texture are important...
texture translated from
a critique of food...
into music?
the haunting lingering on...
a simple nuance,
   matched to a perfected
what texture is in food,
atmosphere is in music...
now... i figured...
   if john frusciante could
tap into a purely instrumental
  and forgot about singing...
he'd probably come out
with a Grammy's worth of
an album...
             i mean... i like his music...
but if he continues to
preserve the multitask
endeavor of singing,
and playing guitar?
    he's not prince...
                 but if wes borland
can move away from
  that... ******* that was
big dumb face...
and make something akin to
crystal machete?
then john frusciante
can pull-off a tom verlaine...
or at least work with
something akin
to davy graham's
virtuosity on the track
blue raga,
from the album
              large as life and twice
as natural
mannley collins Dec 2014
Dearest John,
Whats the point of writing something to you that you will probably never read.
if writing nothing to you is the only something I can write?.
Whats the point of writing nothing to you if I cant write something to you that's really nothing to you?.
Whats the point?.
A nightingale singing in the the Lilac bush
in my backyard?
Is that the point?.
saying hear me sing just for you--listener!.
A luscious Blackberry swollen with its lifes nectar,
dangling insouciantly, singing its song silently--
pick me--crush me in your mouth--
wash your tongue with my sweetness.
Is that the point?.
A Selmer hand made Alto Clarinet on its stand-
daring me to play the melody of the Isness of the Universe just for you?
Is that the point?.
swooping keening hawk like notes
flowing from my very beingness.
An empty canvas waiting patiently
for medium to be applied.
The Chaos of my emptiness
crying out to be stirred into the action of your Form.
Is that the point?.
Or just to say for your ears alone--I Love You!.
An unfilled pan needing filling
with hen ***** and milk and salt and pepper--
and then flamed into the tasty miracle of scrumbled eggs.
Yummy yummy yummy
Ive got food in my tummy
and everything is gonna be alright.

If I tried to write my life down for you
would you come to my waiting arms?
Would you end this cruel silence?
Would you commit a line of meaningful prose
to your keyboard just to tell me you love me?
But your gone to heaven knows where?
Dissapeared into the maw of electronic death.
Leaving me bereft of your yourness.
No access to your body fluids.
No more your flesh to caress.
As if I could penetrate the skin
of your aloneness and merge into the Isness that keeps
molecules of your georgeous beingness together.
Walking talking laughing the symphony of life together.

Would you listen if I spoke truthfully to you
or would you prefer one of the many "truths"
of your multiple "religions" or "politics" or "philosophies"?.
But as I can only speak truthfully then I guess
youll hear but not listen.
Wasting your opportunities at Isness realisation
as you have done since I,as the Isness of the Universe,
brought into being voidness from my own essence
with time and materiality--hearing but not listening
to the Brownian arpeggios of the rising and falling scales
of the music of the spheres.
I play my horn of blackwood to the empty rooms
of my universe--
accompanied by the booming bass of harmony--
Amazing Grease.
India the Corrupted.
Moanin and Groanin.
Warm as Luke.
A Chicken Supreme.
God Rest Ye Gerry Mandlebaum.
The Universe listens.
Everyone else hears.
I speak.
your ears are closed.
Little Jazz on my birthday
Kings Crown Radio
special every year

Schaap lays down
the JATP grooves

All the tracks of this
Steeltown cat

A perennial
birthday bash

Takes me Uptown
With Roy and Anita

Strolling arm and arm
Singing bout a city

Checkin out the sights
Knockin me a kiss

On the fat lobe lips
Of my eager ear

Ole Little Jazz
Hittin the high note

Blowin somethin cool
Playing with the great cats

He’s one himself
A lion of the bandstand

You can hear a him growl
When he blows that horn

Or a prissy ***** purr
Fine and mellow
on a bouncy ballad

Or check a lonely tomcat
moanin the blues
As he swings on down
some dark alley in Chicago

Yea, he’s one cool cat
this Eldridge dude
One cool Little Jazz cat


Music Selection:
Roy Eldridge, Sunday
Aaron Mocks Feb 2013
On a long and lonesome railway, West of the Hudson, you can listen to
the wheels a turnin', chompin' at the bit.  Feel the earth a rollin', feel
it command you with its moanin' sayin' ,"You were never meant to leave
that town where life does not begin." She says, "I'll take you to your
place of birth, I'll take you where your dreams make berth, but I'll cut
the wind right out of your sails, for you belong in concrete dirt. I'll
let you roam the forests and mountains, let you drink from the spring
that granted true loves first kiss that blissful mournin'. But don't you
think you can have your lake forever full of what you make, for in the
end you belong here where what you make is fake!" Listen to the call of
the engine, soft but surely creepin', let it wander across your spine
and in your mind seep in. Feel the earth beneath the metal, feel the
toil beneath your feet.  Then feed the endless jealousy of the city that
never sleeps.
bitter winds bite
a desperate heart

as early darkness
unsheathes winter's
slivering moon

the perfect
celestial sickle
threatens to thresh
exposed digits

wayward trundlers
heaving bulky
sacks of woe

scutter down
the city's
side streets

making haste
to the only
lighted room
that still
welcomes them

cots boast
lumpy clots
of errant springs
and jagged hooks

grappling the lodger
atop a mattress
in bumpy knots of
institutional green

coughs and snores
cusses and laughter
sighs and tears
all ceaseless

some mumbled
some shouted
some thought
some roared
some farted
some cried
some sung

speaking mutely of
the weighty day

resenting new
hard memories

hoping for a
dreamless sleep

Friends Shelter

Music Selection: Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers: Moanin
Henry Daniels Jun 2012
I got that
Drunken monkey healin
That blunt pass
              kick ***
Burnin magic demons
     A wet slug
                for slit love
A finger where you need it

Just hit me when you kiss me
pull my hair when I'm eatin

That eye ****
                 brown pool
Drownin in your bleedin
    Slice dice
              blue ice
Bathtub glowin feelin
  White stream
             sweat scream
Moanin like a heathen

Hit me hard or lick me long
Spit a hit or hit the ****
Drop a stick or snap a thong
Bitter ***** or birdie song
I got a long dividing rod
lets go do some dowsin

Yuh Dig?
Glovebox penicillin villain
Bianca Lorenzo Oct 2010
I swerve, I dream, I think, I feel .
Shots of Bacardi to feel unreal.
Mislead thoughts, more *** appeal.
Your eyes, my curves.
My lips, your skin.
Melodies I’ve never heard.
We love rich, Love thin.
Ciqarette breath, I breath you in.
Never used love.
Forbidden four letters.
Sly grin,
Lust deep,
Lust me,
Freak sheets,
Bed freaks.
Everything but our voices speak.
So close, we never meet.
Mystic paths we explore.
Curious. We want more.
Kitchen, bed, bath, or floor.
To the rhythm of your hypnotism,
We exchange expressions.
Heavy progression.
Blunted and Blurred feelings
I still see you in my vision.
Stay moanin till the crack of early dawn creeps through your shades folded.
Early morning.
Bird symphony’s louder than last nights chirpin.
Feelinqs ******.
We had ******.
No more Bacardi.
Only your black coffee.
Still cant say I love you.
But I loved the night that had me lie beside your shadow in the morning.
Bianca Lorenzo ©2010
gs kerr Jul 2011
Records spinning
worn out
fading like a dying breath.

Each painful note
an expression of despair
absorbed into memory.

We belong in song
sentimental & melancholy
moanin' low
a sailboat in the moonlight.

You showed me the way
one hand on your neck
the other swinging softly
each measure timing my release.

now it's me they have singing
it's i they now define
my thoughts dissected

Under this skin lives a tree
roots planted in soil
held down my melody
a succession of colors
listless & profound.
Carla Marie Jan 2012
One day
My children will
Stop by
On their way
To somewhere else…

Kiss their old mama
See what I need
Fuss at me
For not eatin’ right… or
Out or Up
Too late…

By chance
I don’t open the door
Cuz I’m busy
A Good Smelling Man… and
Aretha Frankin

Sippin’ wine …And
Smokin’ Cigarillos…

They will blow up my phone…
And be all upset... Reprimandin’
My old self
When I finally answer
Speech softly slurred

(Aretha... moanin’ in the background)

Cuz I didn’t check in
In a timely manner...

Makin’ folks worry…

I will simply smile the learned smile
Of tried and tested mothers …
And have
A little more wine…
A little more Aretha…
A little more good smellin’ man…
One day…
Ellyn k Thaiden Mar 2013
The cute Christian girl
Was begging you please
With a wicked smile on her face
She was down on her knees

No she wasn't prayin
But she was in the prayer position
Got a rockin hot ***
She was on a mission

To see if there's a center
To that old tootsie pop
She's a moanin and a groanin
She's getting to the top

That good Christian girl
Gave me all she could
She's the pastor's daughter
But she ain't too good
And she swings her hips
Nice slow and steady
She dips down low
When she's good and ready
That pole she spins on
Is how she gets her pay
She is still waiting
To see the day
When she can get out of here
Mateuš Conrad May 2016
i don't why, but it just happens sometimes,
one minute you're listening to Ryan Adams'
self-titled album with that pillar of
rock stay with me reading the Sunday Times
style magazine after having digested
the culture magazine and the Sunday Times
magazine, bobbing along to an article about
the singer Ariana Grande, seeing her almost
kissing a pooch on a skyscraper (*****,
that tongue's been up my ***, so said the pooch)
and you don't get Ryan Adams,
****'s a gridlock, a traffic jam, it doesn't
have a care for Pearl Jam and the wilderness of
Canada... so you switch listening material
to Herbie Hancock's cantaloupe island,
and suddenly you're in Philip Larkin territory...
it's funny to say that slavery of the africans
by the english to colonise the American continent
gave us fewer princes bored by Mozart
stating 'too many notes' - well jazz has enough
too many, notes, because there's this whole impromptu
going on; in my collection of the genre?
a decent list: sonny clark's complete works,
sonny clark's cool struttin',
cannonball aderley's somethin' else,
cedric 'im' brooks united africa,
booker t & the m.g.'s green onions (~jazz),
thelonious monk's monk's blues,
thelonious monk's criss-cross,
egberto gismonti's solo, eric dolphy's out to lunch,
donald byrd's royal flush, duke ellington's soul call,
terry callier's occasional rain, guru's jazzmatazz vol. 1,
miles davis' ******* brew / sketches of spain /
kind of blue / porgy and bess / the complete birth of the cool,
hurbie hancock's takin' off / my point of view,
steve kuhn trio's wisteria, joshua redman's back east,
freddie hubbard's hub-tones, john coltraine's blue train /
a love supreme, nina simone's nina simone at the village gate,
bobby mcferrin's spontaneous innovations,
chet baker's my funny valentine, dexter gordon's go!,
us3's hand on the torch, sonny rollins' ballads,
freddie hubbard's ready for freddie,
art blakey's moanin', kenny burrell's midnight blue,
chick corea's now he sings now he sobs,
mccoy tyner's the real mccoy, dianne reeve's i remember,
duke ellington's money jungle, horace silver's song
for my father, jimmy smith's back at the chicken shack,
wayne shorter's ju lu...
so with this mind, from bukowski the baton was
passed, don't get me wrong, i appreciate classical
music, but jazz is too much poetry,
not really the makings of coupling the two like
the Beats... just that they originate with a sentiment
best stated: 'what the **** was that?'
reverse aerodynamics: actually, no, proper
aerodynamics: you see the plane and then get the score
sheet... those European composers must have
been literally mad, so many instruments encoded,
pitches, larks, stresses of a violin's specific accenting
that wouldn't never sound like a nail scratching
blackboard... i know it's horrid to compliment
slavery... but hell... without it no jazz,
just stuck in a rut with classical whitey boys...
and no jazz no blues... no future rock or pop...
if there's anything to redeem the trade it's this music,
and, let me tell you, jazz is urbanity a soul of
frank o'hara's new york, it's amplified in
a suburban environment, never did suburbia
bordering on countryside feel so cosmopolitan,
but i'm adding this amplification to have been
aided by the number of birds i can spot, lazily
from my window...
and god, i love the fact that in jazz you can
have a specific bloom for each instrument used,
you can have a horn, a sax, a drum a bass solo
all in one go, so it's not as monochromatic as in
rock music (primarily occupied with
lead guitar solos, in the 1970s the drum solos
of john bonham) - all in one go i.e.
the tactful representation of each instrument,
the sort of football match analogy where every
player gets a touch of the ball / limelight.
michael gagain Apr 2013
money it seems......has little value
men will die...i'm tryin to tell you
its true what they is evil
grown men will cry
and jump from the steeple

rich get richer...and the poor they are dyin
there tryin to work....and just keep on buyin
we over spend it's our nature within
some of try to pretend we don't sin

we gamble it ...burn it and throw it away
this little green paper...with presidents say
you don't have enough..and you never will
it's the nature of the beast....this funny paper bill

how can you make...both ends meet
when you have no money..or nothing to eat
i lived in a shelter...and saw men shot.....for a simple thing..called a ten spot

money is ruin a's done it before..
without hesitation..

it will never end...its bussiness at hand
the dollar bill will always stand....
you work your week...and cash your check
just to sigh and hand it back

we invented an item...that criminals want
they will take it at gun point
and you will be shot....

money oh money...what is your plan
will you ever stop shrinking....or killing the man...
cash is not king....because kings are great
money carries with much hate..

i ******* and moanin as you can see
but if i win the lottery....
you'll never see me.........
Pavel Popov Jul 2016
hard to get but i gotta connect
i am a regular cat tryina get
not much time so we gotta jet
all that while i connect to Cat
have we met? common we've done that
where you at? is what i'm tryina get
i want you, wanna see you striptease
do that for a little than get on your knees
get down to bizz ness lets get you *******
party like famous this about to get shameless
you a tease - i like this, let me hit this
such a **** pretty little miss
i start out slow then go all the way in
you turn me out i'll keep going back in
touch your chest i like to lick em
bite a little on your *******
catch the rhythm lets get with it
let me look at you for just a minute

so much heat when you get loose
foreplay is over now i cruise
down your thighs i gently touch em
our bodies touch hearts are punchin
your ***** moist? i'll make it wetta
i want you moanin, and in sweat, yeah
**** me Cat lets make you bounce
let me hear your cries and sounds
i'll keep going steady bangin
i won't stop until you beggin
*** on your.. umm keep this a secret
you'll feel your body getting weak yo
lets have fun and get our freak on
*** so hard that you start leakin
would you like that? tell me honey
ain't **** betta for the money...***-****-syko-beats
My brains cell immaculate tracks get splattered quick swagger like **** my styles ya gonna taste it waxed like an axe it splits
Mentality into duality causin' truama then fatalities then journey into a galaxy where there's no salary only spirituality
Annihilate competition to those that battle me
Bigger me none could spit it cleverly
Sittin' on hills like Beverly my rhymes never severed me who better than to be
Master of the ceremonies mic be my crony
Shots deadly call me Black Maloney
Love girls the color of maghony that I manifest
Hooked with a crest my mind elevates higher than Everest once the rhymes composed
It comes easily never stress
Leave em confused like whatchu talkin' bout Willis
Test the witness of a menace like Dennis
Breakin' mo' records than Guinuess relinquish
Flows fresh rolls for calicos pack four chrome pistol blood shinin' brighter than a disco
Ball my team always got cash calls
Suckas mad at my success cuz
They at a downfall
My rhymes sublime makin' for mental crimes
Loosin' their behavior cuz they outta line
Initiate the execution in their mind
Before they even heard of my rhyme
Cuasin' them to beep rapid like a flat line
So no penalties or fine could stop the smooth Macedonian historic rhymes displays at the Smithsonian of DC ya see me in four dimensional G cuz I appear ghostly in society quietly
I plan my tactics carefully by the time they catch me
I'll be chillin' in the celestrials
Where the black gods and goddesses be
Reconnectin' with my lost dynasty
I can feel it comin on like the onset of a storm, i walk down this road in pain, in the rain, with a cigarette in hand and all this that i cant stand, its *****, its supid, its dumb, and i went numb, the first time i saw you it was great it was beautiful it was fun, but i guess its over and its all done? where did it all go that time that i had, slipped right through the cracks and now im sad, im mad, and i wish i had, done things different cuz its sad, for this to be the way it is i guess i really am sorry but im tired of hearin everyones 2 *****, so your lips, you can zip, right shut cuz theres only one person i want to hear from and it got ****** right up, cuz people spread things that arent true, cuz rumors are **** especially for me and you, who had been broken before but im sorry i truly am, i cant stop thinkin and screaming ******* why do things have to be so complicated when we all know were the same, just want a someone to have and feel the same way, im not complaining neither, im not *******, whining, or moanin im just sayin what i feel cuz thats the way **** is, i wanted to give you the world, give you it all, but now its this way and we have to stand stall, so lets do this right or dont do it at all.
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
Limericks V - Politics

Baked Alaskan
by Michael R. Burch

There is a strange yokel so flirty
she makes ****** seem icons of purity.
With all her winkin’ and blinkin’
Palin seems to be thinkin’—
"Ah culd save th’ free world ’cause ah’m purty!"

Copyright 2012 by Michael R. Burch
from Signs of the Apocalypse
all Rights and Violent Shudderings Reserved


Going Rogue in Rouge
by Michael R. Burch

It'll be hard to polish that apple
enough to make her seem palatable.
Though she's sweeter than Snapple
how can my mind grapple
with stupidity so nearly infallible?

Copyright 2012 by Michael R. Burch
from Signs of the Apocalypse
all Rights and Violent Shudderings Reserved

White as a Sheet
by Michael R. Burch

Donald Trump had a real Twitter Scare
then rushed off to fret, vent and share:
“How dare Bernie quote
what I just said and wrote?
Like Megyn he’s mean, cruel, unfair!”

“Clintonian” or “Billistic?”
by Michael R. Burch

There is a new term, “Clintonian,”
which means, “Stop your *******’ and moanin’.
He’s only a man
doing all that he can
to put kneepads in the Smithsonian.”

Any Woozy ****** Will Do
by Michael R. Burch

Once Kennedy, as we all know,
bedded a goddess, Monroe;
but a man of less mettle,
Bill Clinton will settle
for Lewinsky and a quick blow.

A Tale of Two Stiffies
by Michael R. Burch

There was an ex-candidate, Gore,
who amazed with his talent to bore.
“He was incredibly stiff,”
interns said, with a sniff,
“though not like his predecessor!”

Four Limericks plus one Lead-In Poem

Updated Advice to Amorous Bachelors
by Michael R. Burch

At six-thirty,
feeling flirty,
I put on the hurdy-gurdy ...

But Ms. Purdy,
all alert-y,
kicked me where I’m sore and hurty.

The moral of my story?
To avoid a fate as gory,
flirt with gals a bit more *****-y!

Mating Calls
by Michael R. Burch

Nine-thirty? Feeling flirty (and, indeed, a bit *****),
I decided to ring prudish Eleanor Purdy ...
When I rang her to bang her,
it seems my words stang her!
She hung up the phone, so I banged off, alone.

Still dreaming to hold something skirty,
once again I rang up our reclusive Miss Purdy.
She sounded unhappy,
called me “daffy” and “sappy,”
and that was before the gal heard me!

It was early A.M., ’bout two-thirty,
when I, once again, rang the regal Miss Purdy.
With a voice full of hate,
she thundered, “It’s LATE!”
Was I, perhaps, over-wordy?

It was probably close to four-thirty
the last time I called the miserly Purdy.
Although I’m her boarder,
the restraining order
has frozen all assets of that virginity hoarder!

Keywords/Tags: limerick, nonsense, light verse, humor, humorous, American politics, government, Republican, Democratic
jeffrey robin Mar 2014
+      +
+      +

All the day long !

( do you remember ?   ----   LIFE !! )

•  •  •

I know



Ain't nothin to understand

Ain't nothin to feel bad about

There's only something   ---   TO SAY!

There's only something   ---   TO DO!


after all the ****** and moanin is done

Maybe there's a better use for your razor blades!

Ah sweet child

Be afraid !

Face the fear and fight to be free !

(Ain't talkin about your fellow U . S. MARINE!)


(It ain't no Hollywood movie
No matter how it seems)



No matter the lies comin from your tee vee!
Arcassin B Oct 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

Teeth and claws,
Lot of kills and brawls,
Not use to staying up late,
But the moon can illustrate,
And have a love for a human being,
That can't be tamed,
For a love that has no name,
Oh I'm glad you feel the strain,
Got fur on my back,
Matching fangs,
Silver bullets are my only restraint,
Although I will not show it,
For this woman,
And even when it ends,
Still hearing the moanin',
Can not deal with the pain,
Every since the wolf bit my flesh,
Using abilities to my best,
Fur growing from my chest,
My speed and agility I confess,
Humans fall beneath like pest,
Angry mobs never loved me,
But she did,
They carried torches,
But she carried a set of lips,
That kissed my cheek and calmed me down,
From the moons embrace,
I would forget all the rage if I seen her face.
Happy Holloween
Marci Ace Apr 2015
Let’s paint a vivid picture,
Up under the movie screen,
Making a love scene,
That’s my favorite part.
Let’s get connected, and
Smoke each other HEART,
Cause I love this part.
Let’s kiss and touch,
If I asked to cuddle would that be too much?
Not too hard,
Or too rough,
I don’t really need LOVE,
I just want LUST,
You ask why?
Because I threw away the key
So it’s hard to TRUST.
Keep going, I haven’t had enough,
This my favorite part.
Don’t stop.
Let’s trace over our beautiful art,
Gleaming in the NIGHT
FEENIN’ for your light
MOANIN’ cause it feels just right
Smiling cause it’s just nice,
This my favorite part.
****** still high,
My FUSTRATION is leaving
I’m MEDITATING, while the air still
I’m feeling the inflammation of our
I can’t help what my ****** frustrations
Your **** body I admire,
Bring your “A” game, and your
yes, it’s REQUIRED
I been tensed up for a min,
I put the kitty on pause, so yes
Love higher than a TOWER,
Climb up then fall down into
A bed of FLOWERS.
I’m digging you,
And you digging me,
We’re both BLIND to what the
Naked eye cannot SEE,
And that’s love,
We’ve been HYPOTIZED
By laughs and hugs.
****** appeals,
Your time, yes, I STEAL,
Remember we made a DEAL,
But do we have to stick to this
Do it have to be a MUST?
To a beautiful heat that LIES?
A tongue SILENCING my cries,
Speechless cause I’m so surprised,
You did all your speaking,
So now it’s time to
Can we CHANGE or minds?
Is it a CRIME,
Can we RECITE this just one more
It may be too late,
To change back our words,
No longer you HEAR me,
No longer you HEARD.
Your plate has been FINISHED
Your mouth is no longer FULL,
Your plate is CLEAN,
Now my hands is on PULL,
Hanging to your shirt,
Where I can no longer feel like
Here come back,
You can have my SKIRT,
Don’t go you haven’t finished
Have you seen the eye that was
The smile that was GRINNING?
The time that I was STEALING?
The flower that was laid out on the bottom of the tank?
I should be your commander solider,
I should be TOP RANK!
Don’t leave,
I ******* hate doing this,
I hate the GREED,
Let’s talk again,
About the LOVE and LUST
I know this is your favorite part,
But just HUSH
I don’t want to RUSH.
I just want to cuddle,
Am I ASKING for too much?
My famous WORDS, and special TOUCH.
If you THINK about it,
This could be our favorite part too.

                                             Marci H.
jeffrey robin Apr 2015

you say you're lookin for someone
Who will promise never to part

Someone to close his eyes for you
Someone to close his heart


but it ain't me babe
it ain't me babe

It ain't me you're lookin for


                                                    (written by BOB DYLAN )


So to all you broken loser babes out there

******* and moanin about why


Left you !!




Are you just all too stupid to get it ?

are you just so into your stinking needy slutty

Power trip ways

That like a spider you just want to catch some lonely kid

In your lying schemes !

It's really hard to believe that there are any boys

Out there who could even stand to be with you at all

Long enough for you to say he left you

Or that he broke you !

Broke what ?


You all seem to carry your boys

In your purse

Not your heart !



To simply repeat the obvious



no no no

It ain't me babe

No no no

It ain't me babe

It ain't me you're lookin for


So put your fake tears away and grow up !
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
given the zeitgeist, well, what can you expect, bad punctuation, even worse grammar, and a complete of "raining from above" diacritical appropriation, can make anyone quasi-dyslexic, even if they are said to champion a high-level of proficiency in a native tongue; which always made me wonder: why did i turn into a speedy gonzales, outrunning the majority of natives in the tongue? i guess it came to a dedication to a craft, like any carpenter with a block of wood, english, represented by a block of:
                                               a b c d e f g
                                               h i j k l m n
                                               o p q r s t u
                                               v x w x y z.

sorry, i'm taking over, i've had enough,
enough of these poncy natives speaking
their native language as badly written
as a rap, or as naive as a *simon & garfunkel

song, i don't care for your little english degree,
i know your little scheme,
to ensure the H is mutilated, mainly bound
by promethean chains of surd -
only apparent in laughter...
that alphabet you see before you?
it's my version of sudoku -
i look at that "square" and get **** out -
i never write from the heart,
i write from the perspective of my *** -
**** it out, forget about it, move on,
move on...
            i rearrange what i see and don't see...
and yes: you learn from the best,
and the best being? the ones that allow
you to think, make-up your own little narrative,
you pepper the writing with nuance,
with ambiguity, with a: huh?
   along the the day you also channel in
a tarantula's bite of disorientation -
narrative has seized to be worth a linear
geometry -
  there's no point (a) through to point (b) -
we're talking literature in einsteinian terms,
not newtonian projectiles...
           any ******* idiot can draw a straight
line, this deformed kid i knew from being
a child: hugged the **** out of me,
could have made a brussels pâté out of me,
i liked the ******: his ****** ****** his
wife's sister, and, being a ******,
he supported the whole family with
the benefit cheques...
          couldn't say a word without a ******'s
grin... but i do remember his favourite
pastime - precision of a pair of scissors,
he would sit and tear up newspapers all
day long, sometimes walk the dog,
  but you couldn't cut paper the way he ripped
it in streaks like spaghetti...
       hell: nature abhors a vacuum;
ah, ol' robbie.
                but that's beside the point,
what i learned from my pict english teacher
was: digress... he always digressed,
i learned the art of english is via: digression -
he's the one who got me into jazz -
i can't say i listen to jazz all the time like
some pompous aragonite of catalonia -
       but when the mood is right,
and there's no woman, and there's no wine,
and there's only the identical twins
ms. & ms. pepsi & amber - and it's october,
and the wind is warm in the night,
and i feel like: these headphones are becoming
too claustrophobic, i put on some miles davis
and feel like: like a politician in davos...
   still, i don't believe in linearity of dialogue -
after all, the earth doesn't travel in a straight line...
so why bother with a "beginning, middle & end"
style of storytelling? why not tell a tale high
on a tarantula bite, completely disorientated?
the best english you're going to hear is:
via digression -
     and as i recall, up to the age of 16 -
the pict made us sit through about 2 / 3 hours
of curriculum, i.e. in english class that means
learning grammar...
     ****, we learned about 0's worth of grammar:
his motto was something like:
  hey, if you speak it grammatically,
there's no point learning any grammatically
grammatically grammar, written, or spoken.
fair point.
     so he taught us by digression -
and no one can teach you better english,
  than a glaswegian... hey, you want a great memory
of school, and not turn into some soppy
         morrissey? learn to build up an
affection with your teachers...
           ****, i even remember the teachers
in primary school, everyone feared mrs. hetherington;
she once told us a story of being shipped out
from london (due to the blitz) into
the countryside... the old "hag" is dead by now,
but, although the rumours: she was a gem;
school wasn't a problem, as long as you
didn't buy into this whole famous obscure,
weird yada yada yada, frozen prune on
a popsicle *******, you did fine...
                as long as you had respect and
some sort of weird admiration for a teacher,
or +2, the other kids just, seemingly, drifted
into the song of ambient music - akin
to refrigerator humming.
seriously - the best time of your life is
the time you have in school, esp. given the currency
is nothing more than brownie points / peanuts...
no, i know a teacher's pet when i see one -
but dabbing into the personal life of a teacher,
say, seer thomas! what's your jazz collection
like? and then you get a c.d. to burn
the next day jazz on a summer's day album,
with the opening track being
    art blakey's song moanin'...
but that's beside the point (once more) -
let's just say that solving the sudoku allows you
to clear through the claustrophobia of thinking,
notably, given that all mental illness is
a form of cognitive claustrophobia -
    there once came an argument against
the godfather of existentialism, JP sartre -
who said: existence comes prior to essence...
so we live a life (borrowing from kant's rigidity)
             vita est a priori
  subsequently esse est a posteriori -
  i need to degrade everything into cartesian
terms, with that eternal formula
that has reached a mathematical pinnacle
of 1 + 1 = 2, i.e. 1 (cogito) + (ergo) 1 (sum) = id,
no matter how much you'd like to shake
it off, you can't! everything in philosophy
zeniths and nadirs on the cartesian sly cat
of expression...
                 what are we though?
do we exist to think, or do we simply,
                           essentially think?
well, if we exist to think, we'd be nothing
more than a brain in a pickle jar...
and we wouldn't get up to moral transgressions
and general idiocy of making mistakes...
    and given the aura and the fauna of
our environment, and the number of sport
disciplines available for us to practice:
thinking is non-essential,
it's a byproduct of existence per se.
before writing this i was actually going to
channel an argument against sartre,
  but given the ongoing arithmetic of the end
product of this writing...
  i kinda agree with him...
       existence is a priori to essence,
as essence is a posteriori to existence -
   nice, look at 'em siamese twins, butter-rubbed
greasy and all...
                 could slide into a chimney
prior to santa (anagram of satan)
          prior to santa saying: bishquits und quackers
and a handful of rollie-pollies to add the
extra, crunch!
    thinking is essential, i admit,
       but it's not exactly an existential absolute
i.e. uniform in: the omni sphere of things,
plants don't think, parasites don't think...
    hence the antithesis of the cartesian
res cogitans is the res impetus -
   phototropism being the best example...
           shlime of a honeybee in the ear
of krampus...
                    how can essence come prior to
existence, given the cartesian reductionism of
pivoting the argument on thought?
  thought doesn't even enter the picture,
once the senses are fully formed,
  and that lesser celebrated cognitive faculty
of memory finally lodges itself on the hamster wheel...
first we memorise, then we imagine (so many
games in childhood) - and we start to think: lastly.
as the world around us suggests:
   thinking isn't exactly essential -
   it's existential...
      wait wait, too many O 0 O 0 O 0 O squashing
of doughnuts and rollings wheels...
                      essence comes prior to existence...
so, by saying that: i am to be born an
essentially good person?
              this is theologically speaking an
inversion of the protestant concept of
        now the spaghetti muddling revision...
       i had it! i swear, i had it!
                         essence can't "predate" existence
since existence has no universal analogue replica,
no uniform coercion of all given examples...
yes, in essence we should all be universally
well off, rich, beautiful, perfect skin etc.,
that would be the "utopian" essential component
in arguing: essence comes prior to existence...
but the reality is: existence comes prior to
the essence of things - given we experience
the odd bouts of daydreaming...
        essentially that, but existentially: this...
trouble with certain counter-arguments
      to doctrines is that they leave the argument
in the jaw of a chimera,
   and never bother with real-life examples of
          like in poetry,
            with its array of technique,
   philosophy has but one sunshine moment -
   take the abstract road up to a point,
and then ask that age old question:
give a man a fish and feed him for a day,
or teach a man how to fish?
               as any parasitic business model will
tell you: give the man a fish, make him
indebted, and then tell him to mine for diamonds
to make for the first, and subsequently
second fish you're going to give him;
as was my concern:
  if no idea, no concept, can't be made
infantile, or rather, to be reduced to a level assertive:
well, you know, that "serious" thinker was
also, once a kid... what's the point
of taking yourself seriously?
Ken Pepiton Nov 2020
was this here when I was born?
- is this the earth of 1948?

No, I don't think so, this is the realm of words
as thought in times of enfolding
olden forms to find the lies
they passed on as fair
to hold sacred, hidden in depths, radical
depths of debt due to double-minded
upright bi-pedal instability

balance, yeah, surf, as a porpoise,
ride the wave as a photon in a medium

divine grace or some other unreasonable
idea - as a passenger here we be
come and see I am this photon,
for it is far too small for me
to stand up on and see,
so I am this bit of light, the same bit
involved in Einstein's little think, so long ago,
speed of thought,
you caught up.

How so?
I don't know, but I've been told,
these winds of mere light
return to pick up points
passengers intending to convert,

to bubblers of *******' and moanin' 'bout
balance in life, slinking in the shadow,
of the inpenetralium,
mercurial bubble of ancient Phrygian
ways to obligate a fringe
into an intentional point of contact
for any who know the feeling,

virtue flowed from me,
who touched me?
Gnat straining, am I? Have you never been
the fly on a wall you imagined?

Have you, honestly, never seen the earth
from the moon?

Now, ask any truth you wish were proven,
"what lie is held as you, in me?
What lies are needed for truth to be known,
and the knowers made free? Truth tell,
do I know, or say I know, to pass the tests,
to be allowed to live alone and far away,
thinking why do men, wombed and un, lie?

- Liars prosper.
- Reality holds the story true, so
- the first twisted gift of knowing was
- the trick.
- Beguilement, surprise, peek-a-boo
weknow weknow weknow
I know,
each says, knowing we know, I am one of us,
alone aware you're there,
in the same story, from the same time,
measured in celestial predictate-ability,
to say where that star shall rise,

think what that knowing does.

Then to now in this bit of thought,
perhaps a pixel of truth.
Free, what's it worth.

Take a little think.
Nothing left to do, is freedom from what... exactly, don't lie... I say to my ******* muse.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
my english teacher, a pict, of all people, massive fan of led zeppelin, introduced me to jazz... he just said: if you don't own miles davis' kind of blue by the age you're 30, you're in a shambo (knee deep in ****)... well, a ferocious over-zealous teen like any, i made the purchase aged 16.

after that, it was easy... i borrowed a compilation -
jazz on a summer's day: hot bun these days...
   selling, new, for £61.47... my, that's not bad...
   it might or it might not have
opened with
art blakey & the messangers'
song *moanin'
if someone doesn't like this song,
let's just say: trying to convince this
person for more jazz is,
     a "bit" pointless;
if this gold standard doesn't
convince the person in question,
where you can feel each of
the instrument's solos...
  pontius pilate moment:
snap-chat the rest.
still... i'm thinking of this saxophone
player that played the jazz
standard how deep is the ocean
with such a distinct technique;
ever heard a wheezing out of
breath saxophone player?
the wheezing one,
      the trembling-f-f-f-f one...
god, the name escapes me,
feels like i minding what
lionel nation might provide
with due anecdotes...
         this is going to **** me...
i want to remember his name,
i know i copied the c.d. -
  and mind you, why buy compact discs
these days?
  headphones are too portable,
at at times: to claustrophobic,
cultural appropriation yet? we hit
the high tide watermark?
  oh, i'm not worried about the spaghetti,
just asking, because i was just
going to say: classical music sounds
great in a concert hall, a bit ******
on the radio with all the adverts news
and weather...
         shady bars and certainly the radio...
i've been trying to find a jazz-only
radio station on the english FM / AM scale...
nothing, not even an s.o.s.;
come on, *******-it!
what was that saxophone player?!
**** it, whatever, the trembling-f-f-f-f
         bordering on asthma blowing guy...
can't be bothered enough to make the classy
         get lisa simpson on the case...
       i heard that robbie pinsky is still
on the case, hat off to you mate,
for those nostalgia pieces,
    or reviving the beatnik **** of poetry
& jazz...
           i wouldn't know where to begin:
i talk into the **** thing,
i don't talk over it...
  looks a "bit" crap, given rap...
  then again rap has become a mono-syllable
rhyming machine: ye yeah ye yeah um yeah
ye um yeah...
              mr. boombastic?
          mr. luvva luvva... ooh...
      slobbering mr. spastic, mr. fantastic,
diaper donning, hush ooh, shoo hugs shoo...
give up the buttocks for...
      white self-consciousness just kicked in,
and i feel like a middle-aged dad of three kids
and embarrassing a niece at her wedding...
   even i know that ini kamoze
        made relative sense, by comparison.
Travis Green Apr 2021
You lookin’ fiyah with the spice, so fine and right
Enthrallin’ my mind, wantin’ him in my life
We can get high, fly high like a kite
We can travel in passion and crash in the seas of ecstasy
Baby, we could lay on the beach and freak
Smoke an L while I sail away in your escape
Sip some Alize and fade away
Feel your hands creepin’ in spots to get my hot
Feel my heartbeat risin’, my eyes shinin’, easin’ into your rhyme
Lemme lick your chest like ice-cream, mesmerize your flex
Take your test and pass with straight A’s,
demonstratin’ my intelligence, strokin’ every perimeter of your world
Boy, I yearnin’ and burnin’ for you, can’t stop workin’ you
I can calm your body, rock your **** and never stop
Add lit dreams and meanin’ to your ghetto being
Make my love careen like the wind in your bloodstream

We can ignite a spark so hot that it transcends all the lustrous stars
Let it blaze with greatness, can’t you feel the pressure?
Can’t you feel our temperatures escalatin’ and navigatin’
Through the gleamin’ galaxies?
Baby, my love is like a drug, so seductive and too much to run away from
Baby, lemme take you in my elevator and make you feel greater
We can do whatever and never rest or settle
We can fly in my space shuttle and love and touch
Hearin’ you moanin’ my name, sexin’ your game
Makin’ you insane with my wildness
Don’t underestimate how far I can go?
I can flow with the oceans and never withdraw
I can give it you harder and stronger like burning liquor
Let you ******* space, titillate my cells
I’ma beast with heat, so street and delicious
You gonna feel me when I leave
You gonna be breathin’ me into your existence
I’ma have you actin’ madly obsessed with my flesh

I’ma ride you, soothe you, move it here and there
Get you where you need to be
*****, I can see that you so into my grind
Got your mind all ****** up like you on Molly
Tell me how long you can go?
‘Cause I wanna pin you down, astound you
Put it down for you, so you feel my sweetness
Like I just bought you a hot whip with spinnin’ and shimmerin’ wheels
We can go at it on top of the balcony
Feelin’ your monumental moves, knowin’ you headed down south,
Going downtown and around my town, teasin’ my **** with your licks
Cover me in luscious, whipped cream with strawberries all over me
Let your tongue run down my skin and watch me tingle
You feel so amazin’ to me, got me wishin’ for more
Please me, reinvent me, captivate my state of mind
Take me out of time, divide my design, enliven my desires
***** you gotta come thru and deliver me

— The End —