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Cné Apr 2017
slipping in her wet painted petal
bitten by the sting of his bee
her first time, he fumbles being gentle
excitement dancing in his driving need

instinctively possessed
arcing her hips experimentally
his maleness sweetly carressed
teasing his need, tremendously

each submersion in her sweetness
peaking waves swelling in her breast
entwining rhythmic explosiveness  
pulsating gush, plunging over the crest
Metaphorically speaking... lol
Lewis Bosworth Dec 2016
The last one thinks of, yet the most
Important ‒ the blind use it to feel
Bumps in the pavement, and the
Deaf are tapped on the shoulder
To get their attention.

Because of texture and good company,
The absence of smell and taste don’t
Ruin a good meal.

As infants we survive by being
Touched ‒ love is given by both
Parents, whose skin is recognized
As the warmth it provides.

When we grow ‒ the pubescent years
And beyond ‒ girls still whisper, kiss
And touch each other as signs of

Boys grow up touch-deprived ‒ what
Makes them different? ‒ Male fears
That men don’t touch because that’s
A sign of being queer?  Likely.

Sure, guys touch ‒ slaps on the ****
Playing sports, the snapping of
Towels in the shower room ‒ nothing
Gay about that!

Or is this sudden lack of tactile affect
A sign of maleness?  If so, we wouldn’t
Shake hands ‒ or high-five or hug our
Brothers and best friends.

Consider the massage ‒ visiting the
Parlor run by Asian ladies, which for
A 20-spot more brings a blow-job ‒
But answer an ad for online service
From a guy, and NOPE, not me!

Not unless of course the wife
Doesn’t put out no more or is
Sick ‒ then any excuse works.
But, that doesn’t mean I’m….

No, dude, it doesn’t, but any
Port in a storm ‒ we all know
What sailors do when at sea for
Months, or do we?

Maybe it’s just American men
Who are hung up ‒ The French
And Italians don’t seem to be
Paranoid, and Russian men are
Said to kiss each other on the lips!

So, maybe our psyches could use
A tune-up ‒ a lesson from a wise
And happy soccer player/philosopher ‒
“If it feels good, and doesn’t hurt
Anybody, do it!”  

*© Lewis Bosworth, 12/2016
vircapio gale Nov 2012
fem in isms,
i imagine Sapphic eyes:
bad *** advert coruscates elite
fairness sensing slavish blind
in gestate calm affirm
in genders More numerous of Windows--
Superior--for Doors--
O harsh judgement foiled,
as a foil, as unknown truth
foil-doubles in the brow,
abject symmetry to systemize
a fertile lack of sterile barrenness,
i am a mediatrix rend,
nirwaan, hijra wonderment aside
from transemotion's ground swells
demeaning to be understood.
i celebrate and face the same
to be what paperwork tests being
normal being, freely chosen
atom each belonging moves
an asterisk of paths
of mutate art of nature social darwin maze.
i imagine Sapphic eyes,
ginko soft they pile up all cobble
memories themselves concretely
cloistered  fame
spray of salty waves,
macho screams symbol
for dismissal ease
for tearing at an inner unsaid war
with lists offense of proper taste
to what posterity intends
an undulation womblike seeming nourish safety sounds.
i imagine Sapphic eyes
where hyster-clarity rejoins its titular
and reliable escapisms curl the lips
of maleness found
here and there  smile  sneer love
i imagine Sapphic eyes
linguistic pirouettes
congest that wisdom nonetheless
the moment passed  on to a
feigning truth in pretty rhyme
ornamenting time with fine  meter  fine
vernacular chimes peter in
to juggle perspectival paradox,
redichotomize the twilight idols,
resolve the conflict like a dawn
i imagine Sapphic eyes
running plastic with Alaskan wolves,
toga floats to snow
to let us see the purest fairness form
a ****** circle,
Hypatia ascends from tenebrous grave,
Impregnable of Eye is pregnant now
with Wollstonecraft revered
in liberation's fount
families held exemplar gaze of
Taylor, ******, Cady,
Anthony resanctified
to vote entitlement's
empathic origins, waxen mold
of nascent categories,
narrow hands spread wide to panoply anew
the manifest evolve in true unknowns
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2010
Across the ice a baritone
Projects his notes of steel,
A tenor’s harmonizing
Adds that melancholy feel
And the glory of the voices
Flows out through alders bare
And the listeners weep for Russia’s soul
And the tragedy found there.

The tragic melancholy
Found in every Russian heart
Liberated by the sadness
A fine harmony can impart.
Of the monolithic yesterdays,
Those forgotten fields of dead
And that fire within the *****
Which numbs the agony of the head.

Dark stains along the timber wall
Wood fire’s stones make steam
It fills the room with stifling heat
Which sweats the bodies clean.
Red wheals raised on shoulders
Birch branches whip the back
Whilst companion tones of maleness
Speak in vectors women lack.

Red larches in the foothills
Gold lantern light on snow,
The vastness of ancient steppes
Of Central Asia grow.
A viola’s velvet passion
Sighs beneath a cottage door
And the sadness in sensation
Brings grown men to weep once more.

The vastness of the terrain
The hardness of the land,
The bitter cold of northern wind,
Each freezing winter spanned
By Siberia’s lashing gales,
White snow is metres deep
And turquois ice as hard as steel
Beneath which... rivers creep.

Rasputin and the Tsars,
Great Lenin, Marx and Trotsky
And the swords of Horse Hussars.
Gorbachev the great redeemer,
Poor Yeltsin’s pale white skin
And the ****** found in Stalin's smile
Span the politics of sin.

This great Russian melancholy
Lies deep within the soul
It’s a legacy of yesterday
Of her history's brutal goal.
It’s a product of the suffering
Inherent in the past
Endured by legions of the people
Then  dispensed with…
With a laugh!


Mangere Bridge
13 April 2009
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
upon pedestal of love's
intimacy, gently we merge;
pulsating, entangled lips
and tongue taste me


seduced in stillness;
echoes crescendo, his
touch awakens; curving
into maleness


whispers dangle in
moments of words
uttered in want, breathing
his name hungered


pressing ache against
masculinity; etched in
savored weep


hands embrace hips
rhythm; sliding in out
of silk folds


unbottoning me in
momentum, tasted;
swallowed in release,
ecstasy written in moans


drowned within each
plunge; thighs widen
spillage trickles,
blossoming in throb

Sienna Luna Nov 2015
Something about you
draws me in
from higher depths
I sway in disguise
to the pulse of 90s music videos
displaying on the screen
remembering the pulse
of my heart
as I look upon your bright face
vibrant with taste
or concentration
pouring coffee
right after the buzzer beeps
your new haircut strenuously
framing the corners of your
each strand a cut
into the interworking of
your hazardous blue eyes
rimmed in ribbon spit
a sci-fi adventure
daring to quit but
it always gets better
deep in these depths
I no longer despair
but three plump days
stand in my way
after the promotion
after your life
getting back into motion
will you remember me
will you miss me
in any way
on hallows eve
like the brush of a sleeve
or the bunch of tight buttons
securing so fast my feeling that
I ache or admire
bind or perspire
muck in the mire
just to hear your handsome voice
as cheerful as sunbeams
cascading up and down my spine
like the thieves of dreams
bounding inside so merrily
hopeful for your attention
Debra A Baugh Jul 2013
as darkness cradles
its palpability encompasses

a moments sway...

inebriates as images of him
passes through salient memories
of Him and I

those moments spun like silk...

his visage visible; an augury to me
dreams allusion dallies like
gossamer in gentle breezes
teasing, taunting in its promise
of fulfillment

dreams alight...

his ambling soft, blush arises as
I bow into maleness, where
urgency slides, tasting silken
curvatures; that stare into hazel
eyes beckon lips

memories caress...

rise and fall of gasped breaths
unleashed wilder dreams
beneath thirst of his eyes,
swallowed by seduction

those naked memories...

flush, deep within our hunger;
a rush fed into sweet pulses,
bodies rise; cognizance slips
back, wetness effusive


entwined, legs, hips fingertip
forages; his breath mine mingle
and whispered moans


those dreams linger still
in darkness of midnight
calling his name in want

a remembered taste...
Timothy Mooney Jan 2011
She floats above my life with hidden purpose
Casting glances over her pearl white shoulder
To see if I've noticed
To see if I've fallen for the ruse
Taken the bait
Given in to the pursuit.

She knows I want her.
She's aware of my need.
It shines in my scent,
My wounded trail.

She floats above my life daintily
With estrogen seeping
Wiggling and shadow-boxing with my heart
Casting her lures,
Fly fishing,
Teasing me from my mud-******* existance
Only to snag me

Razor barb hook tearing through the soft tender meat of my soul

She checks me out and tosses me back
And as I sink into the murky depths of my maleness
I cry out
"Try again!  Size isn't everything!"

But she cannot hear me above the whir of her own motor.
And she trawls to another pond.
Barton D Smock Aug 2013
a pendulum maleness
to the clothed eye.

     a half dropped ceiling
under which
a prediction of snowfall
sends puppy

a man well endowed
making like
the empty cross.

a delivery room floored with bubble wrap.

nudes in short supply.
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
In the silence of my heart I feel this flowering;
budding with every whisper against my soul,
calling; enwrapping me within his ambrosia
as each silken petal brushes against softness,
I bow demurely into his maleness.

Looking out upon the horizon; I glimpse our
silhouettes entwined in the midst of golden
rays, haloed as his lips partake in loves
sweetest nectar and his tongue articulates
in heated breaths, I linger in its aftertaste.

Adoring the twinkle in his eyes as they take
in the beauty of my flowering chasm, awaiting
its calyx approach; slowly impinging in its
fragrance, savoring; hovering and dipping as a
honeybee suckles nectar.

I tremble like a softly blown breeze in his wake;
as his hands glide upon my countenance,
teasing each contoured petal; placing me gently
upon our flowered bed of strewn petals;
languishing in his arms as each whisper hums,
delighting in passion's rose.
Author notes

Description & Prompts
I want you to pen me a poem in 10 stanzas or less but your first stanza must begin with this phrase:

BryanGP Aug 2015
You have to be an alpha male sometimes.
I get it.
But you don't need to be it all the time.
Is it a guise for something deep inside? Something from childhood you can't
name or hide?
Put up your walls that have no foundation rooted in the way we interact;
Something extra you put up to protect you from something non-imminent.
I see through you and I'm not impressed by your alpha maleness.
Ra May 2017
You reminded me of safety
Every time we spoke
My body trusted yours inexplicably
If only you knew
If only you knew

How my body has a mind of it's own and recoils at the close proximity of maleness

But not you.
It trusted you.

I was reminded of the last time I trusted boys
Before I was ripped by him
Before I grew up

When boys were my friends, and taught me about loyalty
Boys who I could trust
Boys who washed me naked in the shower when I'd played rough
Boys who slept beside me to keep me safe
Boys who were fun
Boys who saw me as a human
Back when I saw myself as a human

Before my human-ness was taken
Nauseating kisses
Adoration lies
Tip bourbon over my head when I cry
hold me down
closed fist on my head
abuse me until I bled
And I cry and I bleed and the pain is worst in my soul though there are bruises on my body

Tell me I'm a crazy ***** and I have no hope and I'm useless I've wasted all my talent and I will be nothing without him and I am ***** and I am a mess and I am not a real woman I can't cook I can't clean "How will you feed that baby in your belly?" and you need to lose weight you're getting fat and fit people are only attracted to fit people and you dress like a boy I don't wanna **** a boy and you dress like a child (Wait, I am a child.) You're lazy and you're stupid and your Mum's useless too and your brother is a kitchen-***** and he's weak coz he does everything you ever ask of him. You're the reason I have to drink.

Laugh at me when I cry.

Why don't you love me? I love you! Please just give me a hug.

So he hugs me and crushes me so I can't breathe
Who knew someone could make hugs vicious

Even when I escaped him I couldn't escape him

He's everywhere

Hate like nothing else
I know he wants me dead

I want me dead too.

I learn to love but not with my body
Not with my body. My body is mine now. Finally mine.

I love and I love but I float unconnected
I'm lost but I love
I know in my soul I am worthless
But I love and I love

I know I am worthless because I am no-ones priority
But I love and I love

And now you're here.

Reminding me of safety
Every time we speak

And I sit beside you comfortably and I wonder why the smell of the beer
on you
Isn't making me feel sick tonight

Talk thoughtfully of politics
And Lady Gaga
Win me over

I am comfortable in your arms
I know you're attracted but I still feel safe and I wonder
And I wonder
And there's a shooting star
I wonder
What would it be like to kiss this beautiful, safe man
So I kiss you and it's sweet and gentle and kind
And I wonder
And I wonder
showyoulove Oct 2013

Primal Hunger**

She stands tall and proud in all her femininity,
A stark contrast to the maleness that surrounds her:

They, with swords drawn; the tips glistening...
Poised and ready to strike at any moment.

They, like starved wolves; silently stalking their prey...
Teeth bared straining at restraints, what holds them back?

They, like sharks; that smell blood and fear...
Circling ever closer until the prey gets tired and weak.

They, like snakes and spiders; waiting ever so patiently...
So quietly lurking in the shadows for just the right moment.

Then… They STRIKE!

They are ravenous, ruthless, and all consuming fire!
Eventually, the beasts have had their fill. They leave for now.

They leave nothing behind in their wake...
Except for maybe a memory and a promise.

And she, once tall and proud, is now hunched over and disgraced.
She, like the desert; is now baron and devoid of life and feeling.

Crying out in the black, unforgiving night
No one hears her and no help comes.

No one who understands...

No one to keep her company...

No one except her pain, her haunted memories, and her broken dreams.

no one...
David Huggett Mar 2022
Naked; her statuesque form glistened in the moonlight. She was ebony, buxom, beautiful, and a prize specimen. She waited for her lover's arrival. After an eternity, she saw him through the corner of her eye. She watched his long, lithe frame move effortlessly as he approached. With trepidation he came closer. His body tensed, a dark silhouette against the fading light. She realized he was young and quite inexperienced. She would have to help him in his quest. This did not trouble her, as he seemed perfect for her desires. She moved closer staring into his fiery eyes. They touched. Electricity coursed thought jagged nerves. He was eager to please and this pleased her. He touched the sleek smoothness of her. She became brazen and wanton. She submitted completely to let him have his way with her. He groped with his maleness to reach his ultimate goal and most comfortable position.  She aided and abetted him to find his way to nirvana. She enveloped him to her extreme ****** escalation. She writhed in ecstasy. All too soon for both of them they reached the thrilling ****** of their passion. His love spent. He rolled over exhausted. She had bitten him lustfully during the *******. His eyes bulged. His heart pounded. The venom took effect. He shook violently and spastically. He then became quite stiff and still. With the warmth of new life dwelling with in her, the black widow spider devoured her mate.
Zollie Trista Jan 2017
On snowstorm nights the lilac sky hangs in the balance,
Lighter than the feather it rises up, up, up like lost party balloons

And the stardust falls like old firework sparks between pricked hair
It lands on the ******* from fall like a crystalline white blouse over ***** ******* in frosty air

Cold-shivers are *******
And toes curl under sheets of ice

Footprints mar fresh womanhood
And shouts turn to ice as they leave blue lips

In spring they melt female to make way for testosterone sun
That burns snow skin like cattle brands— hot

They yell on fire-breath like acrobats in Arabian orange
Scorching feminine and leaving maleness in their wake
nivek Apr 2014
calm is my maleness
I hope to mixit
with femaleness
kelvin mungai Mar 2016
I sat at the edge of the metallic seat  my bare buttock sizzling electric shock as she knelt there her head buried between the V of my leg as she embarked on a mission to make my snake weep
My wet eyelids twitched playfully i shivered though my naked body was saturated in my own sweat
Her workmanship was undeniably a talent
How her sleek cold tongue and her soft palm worked in mutual partnership was a cryptic mystery
She swirled the tongue round my sugarcane and her hand stroked up and down in calculated steps
The feeling was magical ripples and goosebumps decorated my African skin
My warm blood coursed all over my body as the body pistons pumped with herculean energy
Her warm saliva covered my hard snaked as she worked with painters concentration
A real proffesor she was in her trade
At time she would lift her eyes and wink at me she understood too well i was possessed by her tongue's magic
For the next half hour her tongue studied my maleness morphology
She ****** pinched and cuddled my ***** and the pentacle of love
She neither lost the momentum nor slowed the pace
Deeper n deeper she let my snake explore her mouth cavity
At times she would gagged as the eyeless ***** probed in her throat
Her smile gave thumbs up she enjoyed every moment of this job
My nose was flared as i breathed like a charging irritated buffalo
The pleasure rode me to the realm of gods
From a dead slumber she awakened my glands
Whirlpool of sensation swirled on my sensitive glan
And euphoric spasm swept me till i was one concentric feeling of fluids
Warm milky tears gushed and hit the back of her throat she paused and breathed deep then resumed her unfinished business
She hungrily lapped  the oozing cream and once more winked as my snake went limp.....she bit her luscious lips with lust
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
The TimeStreams are overlapping and Echoing,
Rebounding and resounding; slapping against my forehead and background.
The new fluidity of music and speech is incredible -
No longer the stuttering, spluttering, crawling gasps -->
Out of the abyssal Ocean and into the wading seas:
Seven in all - or so I'm lead to believe - nothing over my kneez.
The land looks promising - it's verdant green and vivid -
But seems to recede as I approach - Knight walker/explorer.
However, I'm too stubborn to quit now, regardless my trap;
This punctuated evolution of the Mind and Consciousness;
The instantaneous recognition of Oneself in Another -->
Another Male Voice, Lineage, Genetic Line, Protecting His Her;
Another Lightening Rod of Mankind saying, "Here I Am!"
"Feel free to look upon my Exemplar of Maleness,
And please, please pay attention to how I treat Her."
"In a spaciously vacuous Universe, We - the Male
Progenitors -  are few and far between, totally out-numbered.
As such, We have a responsibility to Our Collections."

From what's been courteously displayed,
I'm thrilled and awed; and trepidatious and excited -->
And Happy to visit the Locals in their Locals as Visitor;
As Guest --> I've accepted the Challenges that nearly
Crushed me into oblivion, now I'll await concrete Invites.
The Devil's Advocate, Day 8, Concord Mental Health Centre
Fay Slimm Nov 2016
Voice of clear
melodious dalliance
comes trilling
this morning
from the throat
of blackbird's passing.

What distant
past ears ever heard
any better
composed medley
of unceasing ******
than from this ***** bird.

Filtering Spring
through bare boughs
as though now
was his own moment
the ****** rises as
loud crescendo bursts out.

Facing another
sun-full day the sound
wrings poetry from
feathered insistence and
cloudless his hope
of a mate being found.

Flying away
to some higher ground
he leaves me
feeling the song made
clear that "maleness"
would bring her around.
Yenson Nov 2019
If I did not know the hollows of some minds
feathered in decorative vacuous trimmings
the narrowness within that runs like
lovingly tendered English garden paths
the shallowness ****** that rivals handsomely
the depth of a penny-farthing not even two
the stupefying superficiality of conjured lives
lacking rhythms and hues in sensibilities
the daggers drawn envy of little minds inadequacies
that pines writhes and slithers only to hide when faced
with proven talents and telling might
the shameless harriers adorned in the selves-loathing mange
of the fraidy-cats who in feral packs ****** ale-houses
and throw stones at the houses on the hills
or even
If I did not know the frustrated offsprings of broken couplings
and broken lives ablaze with angst and unloved in disappointments
lacking positive role-models in absentee maleness
or even
the social houses ferals itching for attention while bug-eyed on
substances brought next door from stolen gains
or even
the dregs and drabs with hopeless tomorrows from yesterdays
spent in pool rooms and the local bookies who played truants
in past learning dis-glories
or even that most are soap dodgers in obligatory tattered Levis
and pilfered trainers who cursed the groomed as poofs and posers
So if I did not know all this and more
I will understand the vernacular of lost minds and illiterates
and their outputs would engage my consciousness and thoughts
Alas as it is hate is not a language I speak
Envy and Jealousy are not avenues I live in or even visit
They rather sadly fear me
They say they are at war
just because I do not
do as them
Fear make one do crazy things
Inspired by a story I was told by a friend who said some guys were attacked because of their post-codes. Its a crazy world
My brain is short circuiting
My sanity's in danger
I'm a plague on most people
I'm an ugly stranger

After 10 hours of sleep
Bad thoughts really won't stop
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to drop

Can't stop loving people
Can't stop wanting girls
Can't stop resisting texting
People who ignore my whirls

I message people when I
Spiral into depression
And people then ignore me
And they teach me a lesson

I'm tired of people
Bout to move far away
Bout to wake up where I may
Eventually see brighter days

I don't know what's wrong
But I can't function right here
All I feel is rejected
Then stuffed with horrid fears

I want what I have wanted
Since I was like, fifteen
Someone to tell all my fears to
Someone to tell all my dreams to

Someone who'd stay up all night
With me just to hear what I'm saying
And I'd listen to every word
And for this girl, i been preying

And it'd be easier to say,
Who cares? Shut up!
If it wasn't the case
That other people in love

And I see them all the time
It's a **** college campus
And they ain't doing no crimes
I'm just so jealous, can't stand this!

Like I wanted a part
In a wonderful play
And then I have to see it
Performed on stage every day

And every person on stage
Is elated to be acting
But I'm in the audience
Only perceiving and reacting

And once the play is all over
The cast members take a bow
Go out and have a cast party
And look at me now!

I'm off alone in my bedroom
With bad thoughts plaguing my conscious
And I'll try to go asleep
But all those efforts are nonsense

You hear these words I'm saying
Think I can lay down in bed
Without distraction and just let
These thoughts calm down in my head?

Well no! I can't! So I load
Up on distractions
And then by 3, 4, or 5,
I finally rest and get lax, then

I have bad dreams
Wake up feeling melancholy
Do it all again
Take all the gifts life bought me

And I hate that I take
All of these gifts for granted
So many reactions in life
So much love on this planet

But my hormones, my mentality,
My maleness, or my wishes
Won't let me stop wanting love
From fully capable women

But love can't be forced!
Love can't be inspired
Love comes naturally
Love ain't women for hire

Love isn't around the corner
Love isn't begging to chill
Love isn't please spend time with me
Love isn't one awkward meal

Love isn't pity, love isn't
Ignoring my texts
Love isn't checking in on me
Since I'm a lustful wreck

Love isn't writing a poem
Love isn't kissing or hugging
Love isn't buying a gift
Love isn't loving or lusting

Nobody knows what love is
Until it falls in their lap
And right now my lap is empty
And I wish! I didn't give a crap,

But I do! And I can't stop!
I'm in a fast car
And all the doors are locked
And I'm looking afar

At all the love I think I see
I want it to happen to me
And this car ride is free
But in my society,

In my nice fast car
I have some wonderful blessings
But all the mountains and rivers
Of company give me wet dreams

And dry dreams and thoughts
About who's gonna read to me
Who's gonna ask what I'm thinking
When all my thoughts are spiraling

It's nobody! Shut up!
Just forget about it
Loves for people who're happy
And obviously you're not! Don't doubt it.

You might love yourself
You might love this life
But love where you're at too
Or love might elude you for life

Because you can't be desperate
You can't need women
Obviously, that's a deterrent
Obviously, that's worse then

Being happy and confident
And calm and complacent
So sit down! Shut up!
Until you feel that way. Then

And only then! May you hop
Out the car
And go and walk through nature
And maybe find some love

There's no guarantees!
It's all out of your control!
Just control what you can
And wait for people to know

Why they should love you
Why they should listen
Why they should see you
Why you exist, then

Once you're judged
By one outlying acceptor
You can give it a shot
But don't give them a lecture

Don't talk too much
Don't bore them to tears
Don't show your emotions
Don't show them your fears

Act like you're normal
Act like you're happy
Welcome conformity
Lest you be written off as sappy

I can tell it's not a game
I'm ready to play
I'm stumbling through life
I hate wishing time away

But I do when I'm lonely
I do when I'm sad
I really wish I had more
But I still love what I have
Emily B Jan 2016
you always know
don't you?

you sense my cycle
you feel it in the deepest
part of your maleness

even when we don't talk
even when you haven't
touched me in months
and years

my blood sets
your soul on fire

you always know

i know it too
Caroline Shank Sep 2023
On Sitting Alone at Costco Eating a Hot Dog

and wishing you were there, the
strong maleness of you,  Your
daily grip on my loneliness. The

wait for you to get out, call me.
The beef flesh taste so long
forgotten on my tongue.
Tonight will be too late.  You

will not find me there   My old
walk out the door will never
find you looking

I sit alone knowing that this
long, left over afternoon will be
the last warm memory of


I will go home from here and
prepare the socket of my own
life to leave this place


Caroline Shank
Yenson Sep 2018
The Insipid proffer vapid thoughts
From a mind bought for a penny in a Joke shop
In a town where the Learned are from equators afar
Now in a place where homegrown youths dance with stupidity
And minds dies in alehouses and common sense isn't as common
When Nanny ruler does the thinking and pays for laze and leisure

What left to  do for Vacuous Insipid
Can one without a spine much less a reasoning dome
Know what confidence, self-assurance  and self esteem means
Will vile buggerers know that Alphas without confusion are living
Proud in their Maleness  staunch in belief that only Eves dost enter
Nowt else ordained in their mind or body by their deities and God

Does the simple mind of the Insipid thinks
A deviance of raggle-taggle malcontents and retrograde libertines
Can alter persona forged in granite and schooled by pious sages
A form made in harmony and bred in reverent chambers unsoiled
Never the spawn of harried union bestowed to welfare tolls taxes
Full of putrid angst and foul manner, foul thoughts and foul deeds.

How then can Insipid with nothing but a skull
Ever live and stand untroubled in Dignity Light and Grace
Ever possess the stoicism of the brave or the discipline of spartan
What is self-respect and valour to one born to be a faceless coward
A puppet without a mind is only as good as the strings that pulls
Thus he sees others as himself and believes we are all in sameness
JP Apr 2017
Came home
from office
Standing below the shower
an animal excitement
a sense of maleness
an ecstasy
standings before the mirror
a feel of hunter and gatherer
an understanding
"the shame to be ashamed".,
Graff1980 Feb 2017
You see only masculine in maleness
but I can find the soft jawline
look back in time to
seeing the long brown hair,
the soft pale skin,
the timorous voice
that searched the air
for a truth we all shared.

I can see the beauty
when two men
in love become one.
As eyes that once scanned
the deserts and seas
look upon other human beings
no longer aching but finally free
to lust, to touch, and truly be
who they are.
Jason Jul 2020
She was tenacious in her appetite for lust
She would trap men like a butterfly to have them
She was devoted to carnal pleasures of her flesh
She would pick men like the cutting of a stem
She was unyielding in her dedication to her cause
She needed maleness and made full use of all them
She was ultimately lost unto the game
She was set aside and left alone forever
She was so lonely and had no one but herself
And her lovers cane back seldom less than never
Travis Green Oct 2021
I want to hold
His long chocolate monster
Dough him up
Rock him away
With the twirl
Of my tongue
Lick his jingle bells
The luscious hard veins
Of his manly shaft
The way that he flexes
His hot thrilling biceps
Passionately gazing at me
Gag spit as I kiss his ****
Relishing his amazing nakedness
His intoxicating nature
His fragrant maleness
All the wildness
In his universe
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2019
they say that death comes as release
and probably they are right

the terror in this world of woe
gives way to Eternal Night

I’m losing, losing, losing
But something in me driven to fight

maybe maleness, or Irish, or I don’t know
but I hate these racist American whites.
Travis Green Sep 2021
The evidence of vast power was found
In the growing hardness of his hot body
Bronzed, monstrous chest I could lay on
And feel the ample arousal of my inner paradise
Rising to the surface, craving to clasp
His steel flat belly, feel great affection
For his buff biceps, broad-shouldered
Stimulating maleness, how my eyes
Drift over his thick, rich chocolate flesh
The smell of his universe so fresh
And enchanting, pulling me to his
Empire of delightful masculinity
Divine, tight, strengthening limbs
That lead to other compelling worlds

— The End —