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AmazingsanPoetry Apr 2021
Hail out to the inverts.
Hail out to the ones that are actually godlike, the once that describes reality in the inverse direction..
Even the creator shapes the universe in the inverts.
In order to be godlike one must step into the inverts shoes,
Walk in the inverts realm and dwell in the inverts dimension.
Poetry gives an inverted image of things.. Which makes it more beautiful and challenging...
Here are two pupils
whose moons of black
transform to cripples
all who look:

each lovely lady
who peers inside
take on the body
of a toad.

Within these mirrors
the world inverts:
the fond admirer's
burning darts

turn back to injure
the thrusting hand
and inflame to danger
the scarlet wound.

I sought my image
in the scorching glass,
for what fire could damage
a witch's face?

So I stared in that furnace
where beauties char
but found radiant Venus
reflected there.
Omnis Atrum Sep 2013
A lachrymose ebullition,
unable to be muffled by its producer,
is postulated idiosyncratic,
and erupts behind locked doors of each abode.  

Remembrance trailing each hastily inhaled sob
of each adolescent informed of responsibility,
and of how appearances are more important
than actualities,
but not the stones it chains to their feet,
nor how they must repress sentiment.

If the building blocks of Stonehenge
were to frolic and wriggle voluntarily,
what force would fight the gravity
always pressing downwards on those below,
from collapsing the entire structure?

Without convenience to focus on sentiment
the neglected portion of our humanity
congeals until it can no longer be contained,
until it metastasizes from heart to brain.

Until the bulldozer rolls through you without resistance,
to create a more scenic landscape,
or else,
a multistoried parking garage for others to leave
their possessions they do not require at the moment.

Inaudible to distracted passers-by
wrapped up in their causeries,
of the scores of their preferent Colosseum teams,
or else,
sensational stories relayed by jovial faces
from the teleprompter directly to their subconscious.

This outburst,
anticipated to reverberate only within the confines
of the relative safety of this shelter,
until the sound waves of each echo

Who could be expected to hear each cog,
slowly being worn down,
while hidden within a working machine?

When those that convince the populace
that their lament will be heard and mended
urgently cram currency into their ear canals
when their position has allowed their own
muffled cries to cease.

This begs a question from the masses.
A question, muffled, and without words.
Each raised hand stretched upwards
as the inattentive teacher ignores,
causes another hand to reach skyward.

This populace never intended for their own
whimpers to be heard,
not heard, but heeded.
While the torment of their tear filled convulsions
bulldozes through them,
not heeded, but auscultated.

Yet, these proceedings were never attended.

Not even by those same
that attempt to muffle their own ebullition
within the sound-proofed walls of the shelters
that they conceal themselves in.

Each, alone, quietly succumbs to the pressures
of waiting out
jovial sentiment with uncomfortable contentment.
to not exhale each murmur,
but to consume the promises they are fed
by those same whose ears are plugged with green,
until the protecting walls grow bars
and all are provided with solitary confinement.

Until it is only logic that guides the thought
that each is truly and irreversibly alone.

Until all are singled out in their struggles,
until they are uncomfortable recognizing
that they exist.

Until, separately, each attempts to smooth
their worn edges,
as to not break down the machine.
To hide the nicks that they have endured
lest they should cause,
a momentary lapse,
in productivity.

Each gear is further deformed
by this bending and contorting,
as the fear of protest causes them
to endure the pressure of warping
to try to fit a position
that they were not molded for.

Until they believe that unrepressed sentiment
has been made illegal,
and that unmuffled voices
will only cause more harm.

Yet, there are those that hear,
and heed,
and auscultate,
each muffled cry.
Each weeping convulsion,
and the pressure caused by keeping them in.

For those,
each turn they make within the machine,
is made with the sole purpose
of removing mufflers.

Until each muffled sentiment is uninhibited,
moved by the tsunami of a zeitgeist,
and ascends toward the empyrean.
Until each cultural center covered by a filter
inverts the filter's position
to collect sentiment from the base,
and send the congealed, concentrated,
neglect of humanity to the precipice.

Each syllable combining with the next,
working in unison,
as those that participate in primal dances,
to take a new form.

Not even those that release this unmuffled sentiment
know the form this conglomeration will adopt,
but it will move from one coast to the next.
A tidal wave of tears that will push
from one corner of humanity to the next,
until we again understand that it is acceptable
to feel our pain in unison.

So that we can begin to make progress
on the alterations that are necessary to the machine.
So that we are once again able to produce something,
besides awkward struggle.
So that we can stand on the highest precipice
of every unmuffled sentiment,
with unimpeded hope that one day we may relearn how
to hear, and heed, and auscultate,
happiness in unison.
17morae Feb 2018
consensus inverts
the logic of rational
decision making
GaryFairy Sep 2021
causing those problems that are only self involving
involvement in your own resolve is in no way evolving
evolution has it's own way of science problem solving
solutions are few when new old thoughts keep revolving

revolution is measured by a once around spinning
spin the bottle, kiss your mom, no earth inverts are winning
winners only win when herds of losers start thinning
thin air will carry angry ghosts back to the beginning

begin again to reach the end as the world keeps turning
turn the page you always turn when the book starts burning
burn it all down just as long as it ain't self concerning
concern yourself with you and be the last man left yearning
Quantum loops use only the most premium of ingredients and never gmo (generic made old) Grown by only the most proven and free thinkers and only the best mathematicians make quantum formulas using real calculus. Unlike that ****** of a head that was really a wannabe scientist, but he didn't even know if the robot voice blower(straw) was working. No one else knew what he was saying for sure either, so they only quoted him on occasion. So ****** died and will only ever be known as a head that actually believed that long, complex math problems exist.
JJ Hutton Aug 2014
The schoolteacher had an affair in Santa Fe.
She was a schoolteacher and a tourist.
And an affair adds dimension.
It makes a place more than memory.
The notion of it inverts.
Santa Fe now resided inside of the schoolteacher.
The city had a cracked voice and blonde hair
and a slightly sagging belly and pictures
of a New York niece on its phone and
an ambivalent relationship with combing its hair
and an irrational fear of left turns.
She expected young artists with vague academic worldviews,
chainsmokers talking loudly about point of view and Heidegger.
Instead the artists were retirees, painting nothing but landscapes
of red earth, attempting to improve on the natural world.
The schoolteacher did not like this kind of art.
It was trivial.
Wholly unnecessary.
Then the blonde artist walked up behind her
in a stucco gallery. He said, "You hate it don't you?"


She turned. He appeared to be in his early forties.

"Tourists never understand it."

"I'm not a tourist."

"You are. You've never been within the land."

"Don't talk to me like this."

"This is how women prefer to be talked to."

"Not this woman."

"Even you. You want to be told you're wrong.
'I look fat' No. 'Everybody hates me.' That's not true.
I'm skipping the stage where we agree. I'm going
straight to the stage where we are opposites.
Plus and minus."

"The part where we *****."

"Or connect or lose ourselves."

"I bet you live in a loft. Dozens of half-finished
canvases strewn about. Dabs of dried paint on

"I live in my big sister's basement. She isn't home."

"There's not enough wine in the world."

"That's where you're wrong," he said.
Apachi Ram Fatal Aug 2016
Reconfigure needs to assign energy reconstruct fate and reverse engineer brainwaves to elevated futures enforcing ideas hibernating preeminent brilliance coming alive prenatal evolution. Welcoming thee to link in brain hemorrhage head free on a shopping spree alleviate mediocrity due diligently glance therapeutically window shine prosaically undress darkness **** psychoanalyze intelligently spread wings subscribe winds induct words deliver mind body and soul conjugate reversibly combine spirit turn angle internally.

​Working in elbow greased verbs ruminating deep pronounce invalidation entangled in idiocracy launching user friendly web pages intrinsically a freakonomic domain going insane shining rays cracking sunscreens helping planetary rounds eclipse about solar. Wax-on-Wax-off endocrine white space kick back black text in crain form ordained.

​Quite straight typing fellow with a fix on crooked to the point hypnosis evergreen bemuses natural flying air gravity hyperbole making oxymoron's two using sarcasm to go long sideways without end zone in sight; billions of stars away touches down.

Creating arms wide open webbed developers to jump off board and dive right in the Olympic pools front end incorporate within the monitor individuals made in presence of human impressions form unconsciously with thought feeling present in complacent premonition based evident affectionately loving blessedness implode

Ease in tranquility be seated comfortably cloud with deep breathe cushion lungs good follow the white rabbit onscreen to the address key in hole glow open discovery unlock visually learning the curve existentially along the Matrix true reality astute concurrently.

Ethereal beings mandate a collection of comprehensive passed down past up pass me downs full circle explanations; made up of endemic observations and epidemic considerations resulting from interactions with contagious social behaviors and their impact on individual conscience.

Maintaining the world is determined by controlled subconscious energy that makes up existence as a form of matter which in effect mettle's with humanities identity nodes in phenomenon mode pleasures contently raptures jovially in euphoria transported from delight merriment underneath skin deep.

​Poetic justice discharges an operator whom enlightens with irrational equations derives proportional equators inverts elements to the 7th degree in universal oneness; entrusting quintessence to implicate love as much as the seven sky's, moons and suns multiply by infinity guides trinity on the other side of dark eternally alleviating once and for all levitating time with no barrier black holes hiding dimensional authenticity atom reeves ring aperture.
Time for All or Nothing Forgone
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2021
August begins
on a cool breeze
rustling Magdeburg leaves.
Scattered heatwaves
heal beating days
but now back to the stir,
future unknown,
braving it alone
ironically with you.
I wrote this in 2012
Scarlet London Oct 2013
don't let yourself fall in love
with that boy who plays bass
whispers jokes that make your face go red from not being able to breathe
and immediately holds you the day you come back
don't hang onto his every word
nor take note of the way his eyes catch fire
like a sheet of paper over an open flame
every single time he tells you how much he adores to make music
don't let his mannerisms dictate you
when his arms find you on a daily basis
when you ignore the teachings about diffraction and ray diagrams
just to listen to whatever is on his wonderfully, woefully confusing mind
because soon enough
you'll be writing him poems online using a fake name
and staying up till four am
thinking about how his voice cracks and quivers when he sings seven nation army
about how excited he gets to play you something he has written
about the sideways glances he gives you when you try to get his attention
about the places his hands reside every single time he touches you
and about the way his lips tasted like starburst jelly beans and cherry pepsi on that sunny wednesday afternoon
he completely inverts your perception of the world
and now matter how much you want to
Kelly Lloyd Mar 2012
Inside my head I am spat at
by hot saliva that reeks ashes.
My controller is a demon named Shame
who inverts my eyes into their sockets
and curls back my lips slowly for the pain.

My inside head is my straight jacket,
No one can extract me out.
It's infested with cobwebs, crawling with spiders
that lay eggs in my weeping indentations.

Head inside my heart-shaped skull
spins madly like a fast-forward wormhole.
Intricacy and incoherentness staining the walls
as dots of blood speck a butcher's apron.

Inside head my own voice can be faintly heard
inside a cupboard locked thrice,
a cupboard of iron and steel and brick,
squealing, screeching in twisted suffocation.

I was never hit
I was never whipped
But the torture I have endured
Lives like a parasite inside my head.
Melea Willett Feb 2013
It's a funny thing, being the girl that is only a figment, only a hazy dream.
I am not grounded in reality.
I will twist the memories, those insignificant dates, those looks you gave to me when your face hovered above my own.
I will grant them meaning, I will brush them to the wayside, to the shore, where they can be washed away and forgotten. But the tide comes in and the tide comes out, sure as night and day.
When the digital alarm clock by my bed switches its panels to 10:30 and my heart inverts, I know its time to think of you.
But is it you? Or are you nothing but a hologram blurred by the rain?
The reality is so displaced from the fantasy and where the line blurs, I don't know.
David Hall Jan 2013
I come to you.
Unable to lie to myself another moment,
confessing my desires
and you turn me away.

It eats at you.
Thinking you may never see my smile again.
Fighting your demons,
you call out to me.

You run to me.
Passion and doubt tearing down your insides,
goodbye burns in your mouth.
I turn away from you.

I look back to you.
Desperate for one last glance at my hearts true desire
breaking my spirit.
I cry out for you.

You give in to me.
Your world inverts itself as you release your propriety
and abandon all reason.
You give in to  me.

I kiss your lips.
Reality melts and we are carried away in a storm
lost in a fierce embrace
I give in  to you.
Mike Essig Mar 2016
The way the world ends...*

All birth a seed of mortality. The reason we come and we go is the same.
Parrots lose speech. Scarecrows attract birds. Zucchinis forget their meaning.
Clay pots yearn for earth. Everything inverts. Love> indifference> dislike.
Melting paragraphs. Pedestrians looking downward. Undelivered mail.
Fruit shrivels into donuts. The fix is in. Short everything. No tomorrow.
Empty Greyhounds ply apathetic Interstates. Nowhere to go. Not magic.
Frames without pictures. *** but motion. Carelessness abounds. No worries.
Cracks in the concrete. Death by delay. Rusted arteries. Repairs unmade.
     London Bridge is falling down, falling down
     and into the torrent we plummet and drown.

Jonathan Moya May 2019
The rain creates its own ballet
starting with a lone figure on a bridge
holding an umbrella in the fog
splashing teardrops with his feet,
doing jetes over the larger puddles,
until the wind inverts his shade,
plies turning to pirouettes,
approaches cascading to the portal
and the head of the street,
dancing to a cityscape beyond.

At the last turn they meet cute,
their outward canopies entangling
rib to rib, shadow to shadow,
a plastic bag covering hair and
half her face, soggy groceries
nursed to her chest, an oversized
purse dangling her wrist, pulling
her down, falling, wishing for
something, someone, anything
to stop the descent, the crash.

He catches her in perfect repose,
umbrellas twirling the pavement,
as he slowly lifts her to him just a
breath and heartbeat away,
their hands touching, a thousand
raindrops pulsing on and in them.

Her parasol dances away from her
over the edge into the swirl below,
his caught before flight is vigorously
shaken to form.  He stuffs fallen
apples and pears into the pockets
of his rain jacket.  She discreetly
stashes a box of tampons into
her coat’s hidden lining. The umbrella
is their only shelter as she holds
it over them while he carries her
in his arms to the nearest cover,
a bodega with a green awning.  

At the corner of the drizzling mist
a mother swaddles her boy
in the hems of her rain dress.
Unprotected singles cover
their heads with open hardcovers
or purchases clenched in plastic bags.
Couples step in unison huddled
under their vinyl domes.
It’s all a parade under black and white,
a synchronized rainbow of attitude,
adding  to the grand Romantic ballet
of bending, riding, stretching, gliding,
darting, jumping and turning to and fro.

The finale has the last drop crying
to the pavement, to the street,
washing the asphalt in its clarity,
a lachrymose river flowing down drains,
the mechanical traffic dispersing
the  rest in butterfly waves that
sends the ensemble to the edges,
leaving the coryphees alone, apart,
staring at each other in the evaporation,
waiting forlornly for the first trickle
to return and kiss their skin with joy.
Zach Davis Jan 2013
The incessant calm
the roaring silence.

A mystic bell tolls its portent,
and the world uncoils like a spring
and collapses like thunder on a summer day
The shock of cold strikes my muscles,
defibrillating my comatose brain into a primal state
as I feel the water suspend me, if only for a moment

The rushing adrenaline breaks its mental dam and seizes control
My legs a motor in the tides,
my body an arrow from Apollo's bow arcing towards the crystalline surface

I break the barrier into air, it shatters like glass.
And then, I fight, clawing like a crazed animal.

The primal struggle to survive, to battle my existence
to take on the entire world...
collides with my thinking mind at once, as I shrug off the weight of breathlessness

The primal and the intelligent forcing me forward
threatening to rend my body in two!
My world inverts, and does a tipsy dance

The struggle between our dreams and our reality
Our fight and how tired we truly are
Hits me with a wall of realization

I fight on, my fury a mad race to break myself
to surpass the limits I set for myself
and truly see the world

The moment hits, a single tap on the wall an explosion that sends my body reeling
and my mind blinks and returns to its natural state
I breathe new air and clear my head,
yet search as if trying to remember the dream I just awoke from

And the world is a clutter
And the roars are silent
david mitchell Oct 2017
i love the universe-
but she makes my conscience hurt.
she turns me around,
and she pins me down.
it makes me feel like dirt.

i try not to love her,
but she whispers such sweet words.
and when she starts to flirt,
i start to convert,
and it makes it so much worse.

i hate the universe-
she's someone that i don't deserve.
she starts to get manic,
and i turn panic,
and every word starts to sound rehearsed.

she is my universe-
and every time that we converse,
my thoughts turn perverse,
her mind inverts,
and my fragile heart starts to burst.
e.b. white was pretty alright, but he had his priorities too straight.
(this poem is not about a current relationship)
(this is a song, sounds kinda weird when said like a poem)
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2010
Day upon day I stroll through my garden
And always do I halt to gaze upon one flower.
To dwell, absorb, adore.
Much of the day's sun spent in focus upon it.
Leaving a watermark upon my mind for the night.

Day upon day I stroll through my garden
And pause to admire my dearest flower
****** expression inverts.
I depart, to continue on without dwelling
To dodge mourning upon the first winter frost.
Written: March 28, 2006 @ 10:28 A.M. CST
Bell works Nov 2013
Thunder cracks across a cloudless sky,
Creatures scamper, crawl, and fly,
The world inverts when you deny
That you were never there.

Waters freeze, and forests burn,
Children cry, and never learn
To guard the truth and love they earn
For when you were never there.

The cosmos is once again aligned
Humans, bleary eyed, emerge to find
There never was a woman so blind
Than to see you when you were never there.

For there was no cloudless sky where thunder roared,
No freezing water, or child crying left unadorned,
Just a boy who took the girl that poared
All the love she had into a heart so flawed,
A heart that was never there.
Jord Jul 2014
Nurtured since birth,
we see celestial inverts-
flooding  the streets with
nothing but nonsense, it seems-
Seeing different colors
as different matter matters only
to the minds eye in a mirror revealing
the real visions of a blind eye-

deep within the depths of the
cataracts is a sense of sight described
like a battle axe-
wisely used on occasion.
b e mccomb Jul 2016
I like pretending I'm not alone
Tap my head and ask if I'm home
Ignore you, ignore you until you go
Because always and always, the answer is "no".

I'll turn on the radio, I don't own this station
Start spinning words, build-up burnt-down nations
Uncomfortable thinking, move down a level
Until, underneath, my pen's killed my devils.

I like pretending I'm not alone
I like sending words into empty phones
Pretend you don't see, invent your excuse
Nothing's concrete when you're a recluse.

Lie on this mattress, suppose it's not mine
Tonight I'm done telling myself I'll be fine
Only my lines, a partial illusion
Breathing in deep the confusion of fusion.

Him and I we never were
Never will, never wish until you are sure
All princes are frogs and all males mice
Let's go back to third grade when they all had lice.

I like pretending I'm not alone
So easy to be lost in this cast-iron zone
Maybe one day my walls will fall down
When I find the one who inverts my frown.
Copyright 2/29/14 by B. E. McComb
Karen Apr 2016
Your two eyes of blue
with moons of black,
transform into demons
for all who attempt to slither inside.

Each pretty woman
who takes the chance:
beware as you will transform
into a restless demon,
and bring upon your own demise.

Within these glass covered mirrors
the world inverts;
the lovely admirer's attentions
are only abated,
as the demon comes out to ******
darts and hurt.

Unashamed of his actions,
only to pretend sorrow.
This vile creature awaits silently to attack.

Is it trickery or twist of mind,
why the pretense and courtesies offered,
if in the end the outcome is to waiver then attack.

So I sit and stare into those wonderfully crafted holes.
Where kindness abounds,
and suddenly find peace and happiness there,
unaware of when the demon shall unfold.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
so i just picked up my wine and whiskey,
and heading toward romford from
collier row tesco,
took a seat on the 175 bus -
fours kids and a mother behind me -
god, i love kids, esp. this cute...
in between a nursery rhyme of
twinkle twinkle little star,
they broke into a song of
lady gaga's bad romance:
      rah rah ah-ah-ah!
rho mah ro-mah-mah
                    gaga oh-la-la! -
up to a point where the mother asked
to keep themselves quiet,
only prior, to what happened when
the no. 66 bus (leystone st. to romford
st.) -
     the kids start their infernal
counting 66, 6... 6, 6, 6...
               the cutest part came
with them not able to sing the words
- want your bad romance -
i'm just as bad when it comes to
concrete lyrics...
     they got the
      rah rah ah-ah-ah!
rho mah ro-mah-mah
                    gaga oh-la-la
but the - want your bad romance?
they sort of "gave up", w- .....................,
more exactly - the letters had already
started forming syllables,
        but the syllables didn't start
forming meanings -
    you only have them as selfish
psychologists -
who think that all patients are
   patiens ex infans:
what a demeaning position to hold...
and guess: it only takes a highly
concentrated urban environment to
guess a clock's next tick-tock...
              i love children, such innocent
spies that never fail to amaze:
   never the finished canvases -
always the blank slates...
imagine my amazement listening to
them recite lady gaga's goo-goo-poo-poo'h-drip
sunny glaze... and that ripe red
grapefruit for breakfast alongside
          i love children:
as much as their sadistic parents realise
not actually realising:
    nature hates vacuums:
      play with this dough like the
inversion of the child reborn...
    i'd request only one reminder:
ensure you manage to keep a pet toward
its mortal exhaustion, before
you talk of replica...
                 sacrificing ***** as
expandible is one way to make man
omnivore -
then again: with all these eggs without
a yoke: such a ****** egg-white washed-up
world of empty.
               but women prefer the extremes
of either the harem baron,
or the beta male mediocre,
surprises are what?
  christmas presents you bribe children
with for what is: less a disaffection
with a lie, but a dis-valuation of
an archetypal sustenance material in shape
of the paternal...
               these kids already sentenced
your idea of fame:
rah rah ah-ah-ah!
rho mah ro-mah-mah
                    gaga oh-la-la!

     you can't beat that, you can't beat
these kids... don't bother...
the end sentence, i admit, was pushing
it... they mumbled the words -
but as any child would,
  the point was made by the bouncy-castle
of interference...
   and then i sat next to one ******
next to me, reading a book,
and it dawned on me:
   why would a man become so
       overtly-"heroic" concerning his
well... it dawned on me...
   merely nibbling a touch with this sprout
next to me in a train seat...
sure, a woman can claim the parasite
incubator, for that is all a foetus is...
   but when the sprout ages to be 5 or 6...
a woman inverts the womb with a:
body to body ratio relevance...
now i know why men really fight children...
women treat children as if they were
frogs, their greatest ****** comes upon
******* a foetus...
                    and they even imply that
religiously: no cesarean!
                            i thought that...
no! that ******* pug snout is going to
get the proper broker pucker out of this
stretch armstrong, whether you like it or not!
now i get the logic,
esp. when i sit next to a child,
   i can fathom the demand for a man claiming
custody of a child,
and **** me, it seems too good to be true
but is nonetheless the truest anti-mantis
rhetoric available...
             man, wake up...
you think that evolution is in your favour?
it's heidegger - he said:  
  the pluralism of being in beings as
accommodating an easy example is what
man is to chimp, but it's also what
woman is to mantis...
                         in dealing with
a "there" or the antithesis of pluralism of
being in man is to look away from
a history in a collective: congratulatory
tone of ex simia ad **** -
     a woman was never a collective -
and never will be -
   femina ex mantis ad mantis reditus libido;
as men who provide the expendable world
of actor -
women provide the expendable world
of: an empty stage - their **** -
both jerks hanky-panky the same
           with as many expendable
tadpoles as given, the more incomprehensible
the world becomes...
if i were a man, i'd look beyond
the ape, as woman already knows to
look into the role of the widow...
      as it stands: **** sapiens is a pathetic
argument contra femina vidua...
the rational man is no match for a female widow...
           only an un-understanding man
can match the poker mastery of the femina vidua;
makes sense why a man would
argue for a child -
given the fact that a woman only
took care of a quasi-amphibian -
                           9 months doesn't necessarily
translate into 90, *******, years!
i'd still say you're a cheat if you
think you can shortcut your specialisation
in the field of psychology, by having
both the template of "a priori" in your
children, and an "a posteriori" template
in your grandchildren...
    sure, you'll see more patients,
but none of them will actually be as sick
as you are, in your little short-crust
           shortcut of keeping numbers
to the prim, rather than the meaning of words
absolute, than the ******* mingling
thesaurus relativism of "debate" / "nuance";
psychologists already know that
their children and their grandchildren
are collateral damage in theory,
   and all the more ****** up in real life.
kaitlyn fisher Oct 2017
some people pop a tab
and the drug inverts their colors
and smells get stronger
and shapes that aren’t really there make them laugh

some people use acid
and everything terrifies them
and they see demons in the mirror
and they **** themselves before their hallucinations **** them first

some people take the extreme hallucigent
and have a huge revelation
and find their true selves
and completely change after tripping

but i have never tried lsd

because i’m scared that instead of shapes making me laugh, you’ll come back and tell me a cheesy joke that makes me cackle for hours

because i’m afraid that instead of seeing a demon in the mirror, i’ll see you standing behind me and holding my sides like you used to

because i fear than things will still be the same after my trip is over, that you still won’t be with me and we will not have found eachother
Ram N Oodle Jul 2017
A word whose definition,
I didn't think I'd ever know this well
An anger left unfulfilled
An anger that inverts
perhaps we all shall know
when this world turns red
perhaps it's too late
orange is just a step away from
The Holistics of the ethnonym of Heles was saved by Vernarth and Etréstles, when the flood of Helén that came on Heles was shuffled. Here the inquisition is connected with the gravity potential of the elapsed time with the gravitational hydro of the bottom of the Marmara. The mechanics were marble dust that fell through the timers to the Seventh Heaven, inverting the one-way urns that were already being destined for Heles. This double urn symbolized by the laurel of infinity over the finite, it mechanized the fall of the origin of heaven in the court of the angels, from where they had horologists to pay for the urn for Heles, but as this was rescued by Vernarth, the urn it would finally be awaited in the depths of the dreams of the Marmara. Here the longitudinal precision of the marble sandbank that contained Heles defragmented was necessary, to later materialize it in the second Urn under the fold of the sea where his horology was synchronized with the sane cries of Nefeles, which Vernarth could not bear when he saw that his body it was turning into red blood cell marble. Heles, seeing his mother like this, inverts the receptacles of condensed air to emit and separate the red blood cells from the marble of the urn of Heaven, and then transfer it to the marble urn of Marmara.

After 1500 microseconds, Heles grabs Alikantus's tail and jumps onto Kanti's back, who was waiting for her to surface. She was dressed in white marble chaff adhering to her silhouette, remaining totally safe with her index fingers on Alikantus's forehead at the end when she just opened her limestone eyes.

Vernarth says: “in the Codex Raedus, I made the twelve hours of Carlo Magno's clock tangible, near Compostela. I have only kept prudence facing Heles with Etréstles from the bottom of the sea, leaving the bulbous granules, after his soul regenerated away from the marble oxide in the tin gap that could take it to the real quantum future, far from the receptacle that was emptied to arrive at the enteric complement of his organic and admirable Hellenic body, exchanging and measuring the countenance of the Akashic field, where the locality of the Strait of Dardánelos tacitly was upset with that of the Hellespont. For what it meant that the globality of Heles was followed by the torrent of water in the middle of the colonnades that brought it to the surface, where Hellespont already shone with another name of the Cosmic Sea "

The places and times, the characters, and fantastic animals were rooted in the mention where all things were induced towards a theoretical foundation, based on the love of quantum entanglements or (entanglement basis), to give ballast that binds the particles that are to it. own from where the independent particle persistently comes, which will drag the names of Heles and Helén for thousands of millennia, through this intertwining of two colonnades that represent the duality of Kanti and Alikantus, with Vernarth and Etréstles. They made the macroscopic purpose of the Kairos tunnel, where the pre-Helladic anticipated the revolutionized time of the Kairos when the Hellenes already carried the visionary overtaking factor in their genes, to help this sponsorship of Vernarth's Romantic Submitology in the Hellespont, from Vernarth's home run where the stars and Kafersesuh's Lepidoptera straightened up.
Dardanelos Mátia
JP Goss Sep 2019
I wake up to a ring over the sky every morning;
It is not the brilliant sun or a mesmerizing whirl
Of migrating birds, it is not a halo of clouds
Ensconcing the world as a crown Domini of Alterity—
It is, of course, encircling entrapment
Of a very peculiar and particular happiness
Claiming to be what makes life worth living
And the worth of living life, the price of only being—
Westerly blackness confuses my perspective
Since the eye’s machine does not, as it is purported
To do, give us sober access to the world—
It inverts the world. So, I am looking at the abyss above
Ignoring the clouds ground below—
Human is that abyss, fantasy the ground,
The mind’s I is the flimsy bridge
Round bright screens closely wound
Reconfiguring, transposing orientation
So as to make sense of it all.
Strangers, the Other, my walking iteration
Wearing companion mask in a one-man show
With lipstick drawn hastily in the prettiest places—
I, too, want to be pretty
Yet, it’s sand through these hourglass hands
Shadowing through terrifying refractions of light
That, slow to form, would not provide comfort
Were I too see them directly, anyway.
Made lethargic by composition,
Despite the sprites accompanying,
We look for crystalline hands, or some kind of disturbance
To give us what to grasp for
Something to cling to.
The ring, the annular prison, provides what purchase
Needed, but it does not release it hands
Without bearing its claws.
sadik sheikh Dec 2021
parched baren fields hug
scorched dusty village of penury landscape
straddled between supposed national road
ramshackle mud hut stands detached
equally dilapidated huts fragment

crude rusty door squeakily opened
old grandma come forth
stooped the posture
wobbled the walk
rain deprived tree the refuge against sweltering heat

wind haul loose plastic bags around with wild abandon
empty bowl enticingly rolled
past hungry animated crawling toddler
ushering object illusionary windfall apparently

sunken vague eyes locked,
in tandem with fragile limbs
hot on the heels of Dancing bowl

hand too feeble to swath pestering flies outstretched
prospect of a meal within reach
skiny invigorated arm overreaches

course of trajectory swayed
container swerved off course
inverts then flipped
tiny hands trips progress!
  "you have won the hunger race"
   "welcome to the starting point"
    congratulatory cheers!
    the world applauded!

fingers investigatively scratched alluring fruity decor surface
pleasing patterns presented in empty bowl
by deceptive sight seeking vindication
from the high court of flabby tongue
hosting unwavering snitch of a taste bud negating beguilement of sadistic bowl
flower not a food was the verdict

fling of frustration ensued as
speechless toddler hurl empty vowels
thrashing rage pulverised the bowl
against the hard earth by emaciated arm
soliciting the attention of a heedless grandma
unflinched by familiar outburst unworthy of consoling response

light at the end of tunnel
when familiar figure heave in sight
dust sprayed face of a sisterly love expressed foreign smile

baby hastily locomotes towards receptive
soothing lullaby
cuddlle with sibling's affection
rhyming lung of a learner sister reads
the lyrics of the day
" pad meet rag equals
  foreign meet local
  like souvenirs for a vote
  when representative of women
  presents sanitary pads today

bloodless girls plenty in the land
where babies refuse to sleep and
watch the world orbit around

where empty bowl prank a child    
who blames the bowl
that blame the ***
that blame grainless granaries
the opulence of the governor's office
where fragrance swirls ends
the lullaby of blame game
and the the prank of the dancing bowl"

    by sadik sheikh
Faizel Farzee Nov 2020
Running blindly
lungs start to scream
thoughts mindless
sorrow endless
Nightmarish dream.

Living this lucid reality
memories vivid visual 3D
Visions morphs beastly
Oceans coal a black sea
Cascading dark all I see
Choking on oxygen
gasping to breathe
Screaming in silence
My voice start to leave
fall to my knees
the dark inverts
It's all my eyes sees

Shaken, A rude awakening

Awake on a Horse
Followed by the ace of hearts
Arrows swoosh my head it past
I hear a voice in the background
yelling, ' give him back the tarts
It's the queen of tarts hearts
She will take off your head
paraded headless, call it face arts
encountered a army, came to a halt

As the axe touches my skin
awake in agony my neck attached
hands cant move, I start to overreact
If I must guess, buries in a casket
I cant move or scream, getting tired
***, it feels like I'm dying
buried alive, tears started crying
I feel my last breath dissipate
soul torn from my body
I envision it flying

Am I Dead?

I hear a familiar beeping
My name its calling
to my soul it's speaking
I get pulled back to unreality
I opened while shrieking
sweating overheating
was I awake or sleeping
Am I awake now?
Answers misleading

My soul still seeking
the only answer it gets
whispers from my demons
night rhymes

— The End —