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Pierre Ray Mar 2012
There once was a black man... Old at heart, he fought verbally and accordingly with bold words, which abbreviated and arbitrated great art! He spoke of activism. Not just racial, and economic racism. He fought against demonic injustices for you, yes, made me see. He stood for principles of non-violence. Acknowledged corrupt government

mileage, European knowledge and college. A philosopher, teacher
and preacher as well as a civil rights leader. When he spoke his words of fire indeed chiseled and inspired. Causing some to conspire and also perspire! Born January 15th 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Named in honor of the German protestant Martin Luther. Bachelor of Arts

degree in sociology. Making a mark in doctoral studies, systematic theology. June 5th 1955 This King married Corretta Scott in Heiberger,
Alabama for many to see. Proceeding with four children: Yolanda, Martin Luther the 3rd to be! Dexter Scott and Bernice to increase the peace. Despite the European police, the movements and stressed

protests, the silence, ****** and racial violence. The segregation and interrogations in force, instead of integration of course. Black mishaps, lack of differences in relapse perhaps! Plagiarized and slandered, demised by some of the wise. Accused of communistic ties. Blinded
by others’ eyes and of our world’s twisted lies. Montgomery, Georgia

bus boycott, 1955 was the year. However, forever in disguise, our fear of tears was apparently adhered. From here to near, also all those dear. Mere letters he wrote, from Birmingham jail I quote! From the slums, some of sums, hail and prevail! A creation prevailing into a deriving and thriving nation. Mr. King’s vision of a dream, mission,

opposition, optimism and truism, on our wars, welfare and more. I suppose this sounds honest and fair. Mr. King’s theories and worries in emotionalism, evangelism, humanitarianism, racism and socialism. Nobel Peace Prize won in 1964. Regretfully, you may have heard of this before. Government conspiracies and indecencies. Assassination

and discrimination, allegedly, by James Earl Ray. On April 4th, I
almost choke, because for him, his blood did soak. Some thought this **** was a thrill or forced by will. Others still procrastinate in hate! However, forever Martin Luther King was and still is one of the late greats.
mk Oct 2015
"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my plain clothes,
and even plainer face

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
my lack of words
regarding frivolous topics
hair, make-up,
who's dating who

"she's a simple girl"
they say about me
judging me upon
the fact that i'd rather stay in
with a book curled up in bed
as opposed to a wild night out
downing glasses of God knows what

but would they invest the effort
and just a little bit of their time
to try and understand
the complexities of my mind
the ideas
the perspectives,
the roads less traveled

would they ask me what i am passionate about
they would receive not a few words
but uncountable volumes full of my greatest dreams
and most sacred desires

ask me what i love and i will tell you
about how deeply i care for the concept of community
humanitarianism, how my biggest dream
is to bring people together

if they saw the thoughts which keep me up all night
how was i created? why was i created?
why me? why not?
my purpose and philosophy of life?
to be, or not to be?
who? what? where? why?

if only they tried to look beyond the surface
and dive in deep
they would realize that i am no shallow pond
but a raging deep ocean
full of emotion and thought
belief, and purpose.

i am a simple girl* when it comes to matters of materialism
i am a simple girl when it comes to speaking my mind
i am a simple girl when it comes to my lack of interest in manipulation, mind-games and gossip

i am a simple girl
until you stop judging me for what you see
*begin understanding me for who i am
simple [sɪmp(ə)l/]: easily understood or done; plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design
One of the most humorous conditions that a creature could burden itself with is a somnambulant desire to be to it’s own liking .
Maxillary extrapolation although a positive political expectorant is likewise a practical partiality .
I prefer to  be philanthropically phenological although rational impedance is my histophysiology .  My present participle is practical pragmatism and tertiary transcendentalism .  Xenoplasticly speaking I feel alone but plausibility is a probationer in reflective self awareness .  Atrociously impetuous I proceeded amidst heinously horrendous heckledom .  Adequate inflection is a relevant relative to retaliatory regression but I digress .  Paraphernalia is a practitioner to plausibility’s cause and should be assimilated through cognizance  not perfunctory preferentialism .
Hegelian humanitarianism must supersede political subterfugalism or all may be lost in quagmire .
Someone said I should lighten up!!
Mahadin Oct 2013
Love was universally patterned ,
Eyes as if entry to a new galaxy ,
floating to her milky way,
kissing her every axis ,
body soothing silky wave .
She, the goddess of beauty & love ,
architect of my universe.
Meditate, mind orbit to her passion,
soul waiting for reincarnation.
Being disciple ,timorous to fall,
prayer was granted ,judgment day call.
Oh lord ,crucify me, listen to what I say ,
reborn me as a god or start humanitarianism way .
She turned into human in eve full moon ,
she could'nt wait, ran after me soon.
Then behind the blueberry fountain silver light ,
i kissed her deep blue eyes,
and hold on sight by sight ,
moments of our exotic zeal.
some love never ends,
some ends in a new beginning.


Francie Lynch May 2016
I accept atheism, agnosticism,
Transmigration, reincarnation,
Obliteration and nothingness.
These beliefs include all religions,
Yes, Voodoo, Satanism, Witchcraft,
Judaism, Christianity, Muslim, Hindu,
Shintoism, and Buddhism
(even Scientology).
Some sects aren't polite.
I won't mention the one that rhymes with:
Vileness, truthless, bias, noxious, menace,
Hubris, vicious, ****, prejudice, malice,
Callous, darkness, heinous, carcass or badness.
I might lose my head, or something.
But all the others,
They're based on humanitarianism,
And isn't that what it's all about?
Not them.
I still won't mention their name in a note.
Julian Nov 2018
The padlock on the continuous barnstorm of a transcendent time whose bunkum is transmuted consciousness aligning with parallax to a congruent worldview is not axiomatic but certainly a veridical property of reality. The universe is as much concept as percept and both properties of consciousness that lead to adaptive behavior are tethered to the eccentricity of the observer rather than the oblong nature of the observed where errors in prima facie judgments delineate the saplings of humanity to beaze under the proctored sunlight of an eternal sunshine that withers seldom to the whims of capricious arbitrage of those whose hubris exceeds the limits of the intellectual frontier because they are gilded with bricolage mentalities that scaffold the skeletonized worldview rather than apprehending the concretism and synthetic arraignment of interrogable reality in a manner that acknowledges the factitious intersection of pioneering understanding and the corporeal existence of realities both transcendent in spatiotemporal mapping and reversible propinquity to the sensible acquisition of tangible knowledge. I contest the worldview of many philosophers as a callow retread of basic logic whose ambition is underserved by a desire for prolix pellucidity rather than cogent succinct promethean formulations that dare to muster the herculean task of demystification even if the entropy of formulation is always flawed by the jaundice of the observers rather than the disdain of the observable consensus. We swing by a filipendulous thread that dangles speculation and reifies the blinkered piebald world of spotty concatenations among neurons recognizing that incomplete associations become the staples of philosophies that are precarious in some logical foundation but sturdy enough to weather the vagaries of the bluster of mendicants who verge on comprehension but pale in comparison to the monolithic edifice of so-called truth when the defalcation of figureheads supplants the clerisy as the new proctor of knowledgeable assertion. I contend that foofaraw is a primeval instinct of community ecology that expedites the balkanization of otherwise unitive properties of society and ravages them with bickering based on clashing predilections that are bellicose and combative rather than irenic and balmy. The acerbic fates of many leads to a rudimentary pessimism or a chary optimism that chides against the fortified exegesis of divinity that can be both proclaimed and stultified for its latticework properties of buttressing society in a permutation that is nimble in some respects but too turgid and rigid in others. The goal of humanity is to become a pliable instrument of a pliable universe that does not rely on buzzword dogmatism or the masquerade of hollow punditry but that relies on self-reliant principles for ascertaining veracity and impugning mendaciloquence with vigilant alacrity rather than casual sportsmanship that reaches finality only upon the handshakes of a battle waged that concedes the impotence of gladiatorial spectatorship as just a gambit of the half-witted cockney witticisms and shibboleths of sportive diversion rather than consequential and decisive reckonings with the subaudition that undergirds all events of any consequence with either a clinched victory or a callow defeatism of a futilitarian worldview that stoops to reconciliation only to propitiate antagonism and buffer against the truculent brunt of weaponized coercion to checkered flags that arbitrate the outcome of a binary polarity of humanized affairs. The majesty of creation is that reversible boundaries can be permeated in a bi-directional manner through the artifice of concerted thought rather than the orchestration of a linear traipse through the deserts of an inclement fate won immediately when projected upon the tangent of any given velocity at any point of acceleration away from the targeted impetus that grants only a partial vantage, a cantle of reality that is fragmented and piecemeal rather than circular and emergent. The most dire battle that humanity faces is the attrition of circumstance by the purposive declarations of imperious authority that seeks to muzzle the ingenuity of many for the deliciation of the few creating an accidia among the clerical institute of thinkers that imposes hogra that few people can grapple with that they are marooned into a cloister that reaps fewer rewards for an ascendant intellect than a virulent libido can clutch with predatory gallops against the also-rans that fight for carnality rather than the ethereal principles lingering within the grasp of many if it became a cynosure of worthy heralded acclaim. We witness the mass fecklessness of giftedness as a shackle of those whose plaudits come intrinsically fortified but sustain none of the abuses that the pedestrians would like to obtrude upon enlightenment to curtail and abridge the art of invention like the coagulation of blood to rob the vitality of throbbing pulse of importunate self-discovery of its macroscopic vista and its telescopic foresight about the future hodgepodge of a recursive fractalized reality besieged by the enemy of linear logical formulations implemented by ivory tower psychologists to muzzle the empowerment of abstruse language in order to make savory the nostrum of the apothecaries of delegated truth bereaved of recourse beyond certain leaps they cannot fathom well enough to flicker with even a faint transient wisdom that is designed to be amenable only to the supernal nature of ideation rather than the caprice of bedazzled humanitarianism. We need to forswear the -isms that flicker with doctrinaire dogmatism and flirt with forceful harangues that exhort a codified message and launch veridical properties of recondite etherealism into an immovable orbit whose inertia can broadcast a singular message of recoil against puritanism in science or skepticism in faith. The bedrock of this message is the deployment of useful extravagance without inordinate delay, the drivel of malcontent transmogrified into the prattle of estimable giants that have stature among the leviathan enough to recriminate against the autarky of self-smug simpletons that infest the world with barbarous indecencies and crude prepossessions that abortively crumple when met with the acerbic teleological gravity of ulterior consequence rather than blossom under the siroccos of manufactured wind designed for windfalls that always create a crestfallen aftermath from the anticlimax of understanding leading to the desiccation of consequence and the engorgement of precedence. These frangible realities become buoyant because the physics of the public dialectic insulates the creaky rickety vestiges of canonical knowledge as a sworn precedent inviolable and immune as a building block of all scholasticism, a retread of parchment recycled over and over again to entrench the past as the titanic vehicle that dictates the future of thought even though the porous inconsistencies of the vagrants of crude formulation make such a vessel less seaworthy than scientism and dogmatism of the monolith would have you believe to be true. The querulous quips of the uninformed predominate with such clutter that the armamentarium against useful idiocy is stagnated into a resigned accord with infernal subjugation of the public volition to insubordinate against a system of parochial enslavement rather than a catholic enlightenment whose universalism of principle ensures a steadfast society guided by scruples rather than undermined by the prickly thorns of abrasive contrition and the magnetism of empathic concern that sabotages the clarity of intelligence and provides a welter in the place of a well-arrayed code of peculiar but defiant distinctiveness that acts as the splinter that cracked the intangible but refractory borders of human inclination and demonstrated the sheer force of golden consistency rather than fickle withering resolve. I exhort and implore the world to heed the best minds that realize the syncretism is answerable to contradiction rather than scuttled from beneath by the impudence of its assertions against the common propriety when it stakes controversy as a gamble to aver the veracity of worldviews that violate orthpraxy with gusto as a brazen gallantry to rescue a foundering planet that seeks disequilibrium in harmony rather than an equilibrated sensibility that is proud to discriminate properly and honestly to clinch fact rather than kowtow to factitious slumber of somniferous kumbaya that is too deferent to maxims that are unduly polite only because charisma supersedes genius in its efficacy to mobilize people to fulfill their roles. With the miscegenation of justice that occurs because of expedience we find holes in many legalistic precedents because they anoint pettifoggery over sensible jurisdiction and face a leaky and ramshackle fate to foment paternalism and divide the clerisy among certain key considerations in order to save face rather than to impose a clarity of orderly supervision that seeks to dissipate the embroiled spiderwebs of dodgy prevarication and quacksalver logic to once and for all ascertain the truth that lurks beyond the primal jaundice of Kafkaesque confusion.
Inkyu Kim Feb 2014
What is life?
What is death?

What is waste?
What is purpose?

What is good?
What is evil?

What is?

All different, yet all one.
Nihilistic ambiguity,
What is?

If you have thought the thoughts,
You might be like me- trapped.
What is?

Is our purpose to be successful?
To leave something behind?
To be remembered?
To be a conqueror and a Man of Free Will?
Or are we just a doll of rag in Fate's playhouse?

What is life without death?
What is good without evil?
What is pleasure without suffering?
Are they not equals?

Such is life in her horrific beauty,
Deceptively, yet excitingly... ambiguous.

What is Churchill without ******?
What is Richard without Saladin?
What is humanitarianism without dehumanization?
Are they not both equally powerful?
However, are they also not both one?

What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
One is someone who wrecks havoc for something that you do not believe in,
While the other is someone who wrecks havoc for something that you do believe in.

What is justice and what is tyranny?
What is moral and what is immoral?
The true question is, to whom is it a moral law and to whom is it an immoral law?

That is when you realize, that everything is one.

Truths become lies,
Lies become truths,
Good become evil,
Evil become good,
Hate become love,
Love become hate,
Justice become unjust,
Injustice become just.

Meaningful becomes meaningless,
As a couple's carnation is destined to wither and turn to dust.

Yet, in it's beauty, both sarcastic and cruel,
The meaningless becomes meaningful.
Being trapped sets you free.

And that is when you realize,
Life is not about being told what is right or wrong.
Life is not about leading the way,
Nor is it about following a person.
It is not about following a code,
A tradition, or a set path.

What is, becomes up to you.
What you believe in,
What is just,
What is moral,
Is something only you can tell yourself.

You may learn from others.
However, nobody reads the same sentence the same way.
And even on the same roads nobody has the same journey.

There is no purpose to anything,
There is no good,
There is no free will,
There is no fate,
There is no truth,
Nor is there a lie.
Everything is meaningless...

All meaningless... until, you breathe meaning into them.

In a way, you are just a passing moment in this Universe.
A tock on a ticking clock.
A small ant in the cosmic world.
A weakling whose death day is already marked on the calender.

Yet, until that moment, and until that day comes.
Without you, the Universe has no meaning.
Without you, there are no truths, no morals, no goals, and no purpose.

For you breathe purpose into this world,
As you write your infinite story into this leather bound diary of life.
Traveler Feb 2019
I find my beliefs
Are mostly inline
With the far LEFT
But you know
Every once in a while
I agree with the RIGHT
In fact fear dictates
I wish I had a hand gun tonight

Must I represent
The evil in this world
My empathy engulfs
Every soul that toils
To be accepted
With due respect
I would give my love
And my life

Sure I am of the pigment white
My ancestors aimlessly struggled
But couldn't put things right
Because they lacked
Something in their bible
“No offence” talk about schism
A map that embraced human slavory-ism
And so...
I consider thinking left
As an evolutionary state
A way to clean the slate!
Traveler Tim
Universe Poems Nov 2020
Humanitarianism a gift,
given to thee,
often taken for granted,
by many in full view to see
Use it where needed,
then taken granted,
will not be bestowed,
upon thee

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Purcy Flaherty Aug 2019
Freedom dies with you!
What are you fighting for ?

This is your generation people,
I'm begging you; don't go to war.

Freedom dies with you!
you can't fight for peace!

I'm begging you, don't go to war.

Not in the name of liberation!

Not in the the name of humanitarianism!

Not in the name of freedom!

Not in the name of free trade!

I'm begging you: Don't go to war!
Wars are fought for resources thats all !
There's blood in your oil !
Francie Lynch Dec 2014
I have something systemic
That's not an emotion I know.
It's more than a feeling,
It's a metaphoric something,
Not literal, more figurative.
Empathy is close;
And it's certainly not sympathy,
That's too aristocratic and snobbish.
I could compare it to an older sister
Moving into her own bedroom;
Or an older brother vanishing
On the first day of school.
For example, I visited my friend, Oafy
In the nursing home.
He had his shoes on the wrong feet,
And he didn't care,
But I did. That sensational something
Is the gist of my systemic something.
It's human, probably universal,
Rational, not inane.
Mothers, I understand, sense it.
Fathers, being one, too.
Humanitarianism is a big part of it;
So is altruism,
But it's bigger than charity.
It's a connection with all the senses,
But real beyond cognition.
It's a field-tested faith,
But I don't know what to call it.
Megan Sherman Oct 2021
The lie, the rhetoric, the cruel deceit
In mask of benevolence the public meet
So wars, for oil, be sanctioned and supported
Whilst dictators of the west remain unthwarted

In new Baghdad the last king gone
But barons maraud with tyrants key
While soldiers dumped on streets, help gone
Turn to ISIS and pledge “we”

Pacifism, love anachronisms
Conflicts rage the world around
Forging a graveyard of innocent souls
And so humanitarianism bears a wound

I pray this prison we transcend
Put our hearts back on the mend
And treat foreigners as a friend
And so to brighter day we wend
Yonah Jeong Oct 2024
I am making someone's dream comes true.
Shubhkiran Dec 2019
Let fall on me
Thy Light! Thy Shine!
Deep...deeper inside ,
And brighten the inside of mine.
Let the Aura illuminate..
The Truth around,
And into the goodness
Do I surround
The Path to others may I show,
Pity and faith inside me grow.
Give me the Vision ..I wish to see
Your image in all
And set me free
Set ego ,my pride,
Awaken the benevolence,
and to goodness I stride
Drown my lust,drown my greed,
Let humanitarianism be my creed.
Learning spread
Odourous I become, fragrance I spread.
Don't steal my intentions! Failures ... don't dare!!
Helping I be! Productive do I bear.
My wish to grow, desire to excel
Allow the compassion in me to dwell.
Guide me deem...
everyone has Your tint
I beg Your wisdom
To be my glint!!!
George Krokos Mar 2020
We harvest the wind wherever it blows strong
and for all our efforts they end up in a song.
Together with the ocean's ebb and flow we make
a better world from the old without one to break.
There is no more pollution in the air we breathe
the smogs of industrial waste no longer seethe.
Solar power is realised to be a non renewable resource
used only for the good of the world its original force.

All the rivers of the world that flow down from up high
have only water clean and fresh to drink of with a sigh.
And as they flow downwards with gravity's participation
are being utilised a lot more in hydroelectric generation.

The oil and coal once dug up from the bowels of the earth
are now things of the past no longer used to fuel a hearth.
Being too cumbersome and costly and very unsustainable
for the aspirations of those whose ideas are now attainable.

Peace and harmony with nature almost do reign supreme
there's hardly any natural disaster now that's unforeseen.
All the seasons of the year have realigned back in place
with rising temperatures and ocean levels curbed by grace.

Hydrogen fuelled vehicles of transport are commonplace
those polluting dinosaurs of machinery have lost the race.
Organic farming and produce is everywhere cultivated
into sustainable practices by education all are elevated.

Artificial intelligence and its technology does most of the work
there's hardly anything it hasn't been put to use for or can shirk.
Communication and surveillance systems are now at the stage
of knowing anything that goes on in the world or causes rage.

The weapons of mass destruction have all been disarmed
and their material used for construction and areas farmed.
Recycling of waste products is common in all the lands
nothing is ever just thrown away by any human hands.

Some interplanetary travel has been finally accomplished
the hope of finding life on other worlds thereby established.
New electromagnetic anti-gravitational power for propulsion
is now being used instead of the old nuclear fuel compulsion.

We all respect and help each other when we're in need
the watchwords are generosity and works of good deed.
Everyone is looked after by a universal health system
that's been built and provided which won't forsake them.

Capitalism and communism have both been discarded
humanitarianism is the new ideology highly regarded;
where each individual makes a positive contribution
and are rewarded well with their ongoing resolution.

Ignorance, the only real impediment to life, no longer rules
everyone's made aware of the value of knowledge in schools.
The Truth of existence as wisdom is replacing all falsehood
people everywhere are acknowledging their innate Godhood.

The religions of the world have all been unified into One
there are really no differences anymore to confuse some.
People of the world believe or worship in Love and Truth
that is Eternal, Infinite and Omnipresent since their youth.
Something positive to read and meditate on rather than all the gloom we're facing in the world these days. Written in June, 2019.
Mitchell Dec 2020
A stone
Was turned
Is turned

To find food,

To create space to build,

Or used to ****.

Progress only leads
To more of the above.

Forget humanitarianism.

I started reading the
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies and realized

We're just going to keep on doing this.

We are cursed
Of Cain's.

How long will we fight to prove
Our sacrifice
Is greater
Then all the others?

Funny how humankind
Muddies reasons for survival
For their true reason
For being



I expect nothing
From myself
But happiness in the face of

The floodgates
Of our genealogy
That has no lock
Or key
Or God behind the peephole.

To be alone
Truly alone

And at peace

Is one's own masterpiece.
Universe Poems Jun 2021
Genuine Charities
and, Voluntary Sector Services,
have always undertaken good
There for you when you are mistaken, or misunderstood
Giving help and support,
so you can exhale
Picking up the pieces when Statutory fail Pretending good needs to prevail
Don't pretend this is something new,
so people can dig deep,
in their pockets too
Hierarchical system could change all in a sec
Overnight this world would be put right
It is because their pockets are empty to
They want to see you fail,
so you can stay on their,
mundane trail
The focus goes back to you
We will continue to support charities,
that have always done their best
Not to close a hole,
the size a crater,
that would swallow a mole
It is because we value human life
that is the difference,
between humanitarianism,
and, Statutory animation provision
Motion graphics are representation,
which create the illusion,
of motion and, rotation,
when the wheel is really stuck
WD-40 will give you no luck
Spray as you will
Your rotation is already,
set for the ****
This may not change,
In our lifetime
However any small amount,
of good is perfectly fine,
that will contribute,
to the timeline

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Ryan O'Leary May 2023
.            Am I A Terrorist


     Somebody once told me that I

     have an ability to incite people

    to light a fuse even detonate a

    bomb by just reading my poetry.

    But I am a vegetarian, yet, not a

  solitary person has been seduced

    by my passive humanitarianism,

     that, despite furnishing recipes.

   I don’t know anything at all about

explosives, I have never wounded a

pheasant, snared a rabbit, or hooked

  a fish, but it is true, my pen bleeds.
Energy is never created nor destroyed.
We are the manifest of energy’s "will."
That is . " this is what it has done with all the possible building blocks."
What can, have , or should  you do?

Energy  the ability to do work .Its highest state is not some equation in physics.
No, it's autonomy and
what we do with it.

Change our environment.

Learning can be love in motion.
Feel it. The notion.

It’s the act of seeking, questioning, and evolving.
Not pedantic revolving
around one another or our selves.

Love is why we don't leave babies in the forest alone.
Where would any of us be without,  IT?

Even if you are an orphan, an urchin,
a street rat, a ****,
someone loved you, or you wouldn’t exist.

You didn’t breastfeed yourself
or change your own diapers, tough guy!

It’s oft times about suffering through discomforts,
expanding your pudding coddled mind,
and finding new ways to
interact with the world and the
hateful self centered people in it.

Not a game.
There is no "win it."

The best kind of knowledge isn’t hoarded.
It’s given freely.

It’s not something to keep locked away in a
vault, but a gift to help others
themselves and the world
more clearly.
Sweetly and dearly.  ( Sappy but true )

And when knowledge is shared,
it transforms. It may take a while.

It doesn’t remain static.
It ignites change, growth, and new possibilities.

It’s an ongoing cycle,
where each person who learns
can teach and inspire others,
continuing that cycle of love through
action or at times in action.

When you share knowledge,
you can empower others,
and that’s love at its most impactful.

It’s how we move forward together.

My public shaming of you
and your lazy, weak,
half-assed attempt at what you call
poetry or art. IS my love .
What someone that knows you should
have already said. If you would have
just communicated.

and accountability
do play a critical role in love,
for the wronged
and in standing up against cruelty, greed, and injustice.

Love isn't always just about warmth and kindness.
It’s also about standing firm for what matters to us,
calling out harm when it happens,
and ensuring that those who do wrong face consequences.

A reflection of a deeper, more focused love
for the well-being of others,
for the craft.

For values that help any society
flourish in a meaningful way,
regardless of time and circumstance.
Altruism? Humanitarianism ?
It doesn't need to be complicated
Ask your

In that sense, love isn’t just the soft,
comforting type.

It’s also the hard, sometimes painful,
action of doing what needs to be done
to ensure some form of agreed justice
and prevent more unnecessary waste and shame.

Perhaps at its best,
ensuring that history doesn’t repeat itself,
that future generations don’t have to endure
the same pain
and dullard futility
of teenage angst drivel.

And that’s where the power of public accountability comes in,
holding people to account for the hate and fear and and sadness they cause
is an essential part of cultivating
that larger love for all people,
the world,
and basic communicational decency.

"Guernica," a  just one of a myriad powerful examples.

Picasso’s masterpiece exists
as a condemnation of the violence and suffering inflicted by war.

That painting is a scream against injustice,
a visual representation of the horror
that happens when cruelty and stupidity go unchecked.

It's not just a piece of art,
it's a symbol of how deeply
love and accountability are intertwined.
And why we must see it call it out and remember  it.

When we truly care for each other,
we refuse to let these injustices" slide",
and we demand change.

We demand standards,
and to get, or have better
from each other.

In this way, love isn’t passive.
It’s an active force,
sometimes fierce,
that heals wounds,
and prevents worthless, whiny,
self-centered crap from ever happening to us as "art."

Public shame and accountability,
when exercised responsibly,
can be tools for our love.
Lets use them. Often and with empathy.

They can coalesce as accountability
for actions that hurt others.

It’s not punishment for the sake of punishing,
that can't be my role as an individual.

It's a means of collectively correcting some
healing a few small
and ensuring that the cycle of
has an
or another means of

So yes,
love is not just about nurturing,
it’s about ensuring we protect the vulnerable infants,
not those acting like them.

Speak up when the world goes astray.

Without that,
the kind of horrors depicted in Guernica
continue to happen in your own backyards.

Love is in the protection,
in the holding accountable,
and in the refusal to let cruelty
and insipid stupidity
slip by unnoticed or unchallenged.
Just ask mom.
𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘎𝘢𝘺-𝘚𝘦𝘹 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 - Bill wanted to be a gay-*** movie star, so one day when he was "tooling" around Titusville he got the inspiration to call himself Tight-*** Bill so he could be in homosexual movies forever. His mother and father were very proud. "Hey mom! You and dad can be in my first movie. It's called 𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘎𝘢𝘺-𝘚𝘦𝘹 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩. Sean Penn's in it." Bill's parents were elated. They loved Sean Penn a lot because he was so knowledgeable about politics and humanitarianism.
    "It was like swimming through a lake of blood with a helmet on," Timmy told Tanya who was bare naked and partially ****. "What happened?" She asked with several ounces of concern in her voice instead of pounds. "Tommy and I were filming a scene for the movie 𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘎𝘢𝘺-𝘚𝘦𝘹 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 with gay-*** movie star Tight-*** Bill from Titusville when there were rumbles of a Mack truck speeding towards us at 85-miles-per-hour, so I yelled 'Look out Tight-*** Bill!' but it was too late and now he's dead." Tanya looked away, her pink ******* and pink ***** ***** reflecting God's natural light like small army cots painted with vanilla extract. "Hold me Timmy, hold me like you're never going to be in a gay-*** movie again."

— The End —