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ryn Apr 2015
This is me...*          
Seeking refuge          
under a tree,          
As the wind released          
it's pensive sigh.          
Leaves sapped dry          
were then set free.          
Shades of yellow          
took to the air in an          
attempt to fly.          

This is me...
Peering through
jaundiced eyes.
Laying still
in a torrent of
As leaves fall
from lowered skies,
me in a sea of
scattered amber.

This is me...          
Captivated by this          
spectacular phenom.         
Flavescent dance          
governed by          
wind and gravity.         
This is the dream...          
Too long held for ransom          
By the relentless          
grasp of reality.         

This is me...
Awaiting such time to
arise and run.
In my heap,
my safe haven,
my fortress of yellow.
Till the inevitable set of
the *orange
Only then...
myself to the moon
I would again
blaise Jun 2017
the sunset imbues its last glance
as molten lavas cool into exotic crimson
painting the color of romance over the horizon.
the clouds flew,
and you closed your eyes,
cicada songs humming through your ears,
and pink hues glowing across your cheeks.

then, i saw your chocolate brown
eyes gazing out in awe.
your fawn satin skin seemed so delicate,
as did your jet black hair.
coral florets glowed among fluorescent orange, yellow, pink flavescent clouds, calm in migration.

the west reaches for clothes of new colors
which it passes to a row of ancient trees.
you open your eyes, and soon these two worlds both leave you;
one part climbs toward heaven, one sinks to earth.

it's nearly dark now, and the stars are peaking out amongst the clouds.
you're lying in the grass, feeling every strand tickle your bare legs.
you close your eyes again, and the air you're breathing is hot and heavy.

i strode my fingers through your hair, sighing softly
gazing away at
blue evening grandeur skies, and you smiled…

pastels in yellow flow around my scene
and i relish in the comely gold light for at last,
we are gazing at the same sun.
based on a prompt my best friend gave me!!
st64 Jul 2013
in purple haze of reverie, the gentle visitor came
beckoning kindly…come, come to
our V I R I D I A N world* . . .

On our cerulean sphere
You need have no query, nor fear
We open our non-gravity planet to guests
Even unlikely earthlings who pass the simplest flaxen-test.

Much less needed, we bedaub
Our flavescent lava-vision, going beyond the orb
Mild kaleidoscopic fandango-swirls is our mossy cyan-matter
Triplet-hue colours felt only by the revered and well-known mad Hatter.

To let you in on the cosmic-latte ripple
Our flowers range from acid-green to African purple
Blast-off bronze flora dance-blaze in  burnt sienna fields
Alabama crimson rocks and aureolin skies over anti-flash white seas.

We confabul8 with deer, breezes, plumes
Such creatures roam free, for we do not consume
As slumber befalls us not, you wonder how we spend time
Frolic in universal peace; to welcome home stars as our rhyme.

you are so welcomed, celestial guest
Vortexiamus awaits

S T, 28 july 2013
A rare rhymed piece (with one deliber8 break :)
So much (time) lost … so much can be gained … in silent seeking.

Sub-entry: THE SEEKER – The Who

Writer: P. Townshend

I've looked under chairs
I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key
To fifty million fables

They call me 'The Seeker'
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die

I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked The Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either

They call me 'The Seeker'
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die

People tend to hate me
'Cause I never smile
As I ransack their homes
They wanna shake my hand

Focusing on nowhere
Investigating miles
I'm a seeker
I'm a really desperate man

I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die

I learned how to raise my voice in anger
Yeah, but look at my face, ain't this a smile?
I'm happy when life's good and when it's bad I cry
I've got values, but I don't know how or why

I'm looking for me
You're looking for you
We're looking in at each other
And we don't know what to do

They call me 'The Seeker'
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die

I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
axr Sep 2016
he roams my mind like a tourist in a pretty town,
he’s been looking at my past and the scars,
he only loves the pretty things,
the flavescent leaves on the ground,
the flowers blooming by the riverside.
the red skies and orange sunsets,
the stentorian voices of the singers by the bar,
the pretty hookers standing near the theater.

he can’t go everywhere,
scared to enter the dark alleys,
horrified after seeing the carcass of my past selves,
covering his ears as the bombs explode near the woods,
running away in fear after seeing gorgons step out of the water.

an afraid young man
running for his life
from my mind
because he was scared that he’ll only love one mind forever
that he won’t get to stomp in the grounds of other minds,
that the dark alleys he saw
will welcome him instead
and the gorgons
will greet him with smiles on their faces.
the hookers by the theater will flash him,
the singers’ voices will echo in his ear.
the skies will beg him to stay,
the leaves will remind him of us,
he will stare longer at the scars.
he’ll feel guilty about my past
but he will leave
because that’s what he does
every single time.
blaise Mar 2017
then, i saw his chocolate brown
eyes gazing towards me.
mesmerized- his fuchsia lips
summoned me, drawing me closer.  
his immaculate ivory smile reflected
like ethereal diamonds in my eyes.
was i lost or had i been found?
his fawn satin skin seemed so delicate,
as did his smooth, silky jet black hair.
coral florets glowed among fluorescent orange, yellow, pink flavescent clouds, calm in migration.

he's the one who loves to dress himself in rain.
for my cutie.
Mark Apr 2018
Past week, on the night of Tiw
an uneasy candle-flame wavered
censored by hushed air kisses
casting doubt upon an ode;
scribing the blessed years of youth.

This pine scented disturbance
no doubt - an Autumnal message;
that rear weathered doors
failed in the tempered change
curiously bidding, further venture.

Patio' marbles were shrouded
creeping with expired foliage
leaves tainted old hickory
near devoid of all famed ochre,
merciless to breaths of the fall.

That sombre mulched pattering
was alike wistful wondering;
of delicate and shadowy footfalls
from condemned, exiled seraphs
strung by moonlight rays.

The flavescent master glistened,
whilst duelling a clouded force;
enclosing in vaporous march
smearing pebble trailings,
the skirmish roused nostalgia.

For eerie quivers - of familiarity
wrought from the despondency,
as if epitaphed notions of old
were recited by alto whistling,
each note rekindling a memoriam.

An exhale of soulful proportions
sent adrift an essence;
a smouldering encirclement
of exhumed - solemnly recalls
taken from seasonal chapters of yore.

Those hearted ashes of distant times
cavorted - as sterling embers
with a phantasmic replica
of an adoration long gone,
duetting on pockets of melancholy.

Then beauty settled into a sepulchre,
caressed by grieving wreath petals
saddened by silken veil,
awaiting the fateful - dust and sand;
the remnants of embodied divination.

Revived dolor swelled from within
tiding from old, emotive cicatrices
buried deep and then deeper
until from this panoramic taunt
does this churned anguish vein.

A corrosive, timely hiss from Carpo
brushed the illusions past
as once - to a maidens' mortality;
a premature cremation of dreams
lingering the bitterness of decay.

As the pining sky orb retreated
so too - this observer with mourn
stuttering farewells to the nameless
then returned to the forgiving study
to immerse again - in better times.
Tiw is old English reference to Tuesday, Carpo is a god of autumn
coral cinnabar crimson carmine
cerise claret cochineal cardinal
burgundy ruby scarlet vermillion

apricot amber carnelian topaz
nascarat saffron jacinthe tangerine

flavescent lutescent xanthic citrine
jessamy ictericious ochre meline

vivid viridian olivaceous teal
zinnober porraceous and eau de nil
caeisous virescent cyaneous corbeau
celeste celadon pavonated azuline

cobalt peacock prussian pthalo
saffirine aegean denim blue

amaranthine amethyst violaceous plum
heliotrope purple violet mauve
ianthine porphyrous lilac lavender too
Aparna Jul 2020
Take me to the sunflower fields
With you;to that chaotic little town
at the edge of the sea
With you,to the flavescent moores for a stroll
To that ancient shrine with idols abound
Take me,to the windy seas on a sailship
To that kawaii Japanese cafè round the turn
Take me to the vintage cities and cobblestone streets
To that souvenir shop for a statuesque keepsake
With you to the mausoleum,so austere
Wreathed in silver mist
To the lovely riverside as night falls
Take me... With you
To the top of the green roof of your house
With watermelon popsicles and ice

With you,
       For a kaleidoscopic journey.
Painting dreams on imaginary wings of love,hoping,fervently that they take flight into the future of reality,like a nubivagant bird alate
Feels like I wrote this for someone far,far away...

— The End —