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Carla Marie Jul 2012
What I cannot find… but am determined… to get back to…

Is not to be confused with


Like hot sauce or vanilla… which can be found at any market…


What I seem to have misplaced is

My Flava

Spelled F-L-A-V-A

And is one of a kind… gifted to me only…

Not to be confused with any other FLAVA

Cuz it is mine…

And without it…

Can barely string a sentence together… and am lost…

As from this springs my issue… and

Without my issue… just don’t know…

Whether to rhyme or to flow…

Wax melodic or staccato…

Iambic pentameter to coax you to

Come with / me and / and be / my love…No- wait...

That’s not it at all-

Have no need of

You being my love… or loving my being…

Which is where FLAVA comes in…

Cuz FLAVA don’t give a ****…

Flava just is…

Unlike consciousness…

Or the awareness of one’s own

Existence…that just wants not to be a

Casualty… and die with the other dead ones…

Who were (by the way) dead long before they

Resigned themselves to undertake the responsibility

Of laying the hell down…


FLAVA cannot die… so

I know it’s there… it’s just…

Hiding subliminally…

Under some old debris…

Beneath the ruins of what used to be me…and

When I find it…will then add some FLAVOR

(not to be confused with FLAVA)

…sprinkle some Cayenne Pepper… make it even HOTTER

…fold in some Cinnamon… make it even SEXIER… and

Continue to season…

‘til it feels like ME again…

One of a kind FLAVA…

Gifted to me only…

Gotta get back to it… Cuz it is mine…

Gotta get back to it… Cuz it is me…

Gotta get back to me…

Carla Marie Jul 2012
What I cannot find… but am determined… to get back to…

Is not to be confused with


Like hot sauce or vanilla… which can be found at any market…


What I seem to have misplaced is

My Flava

Spelled F-L-A-V-A

And is one of a kind… gifted to me only…

Not to be confused with any other FLAVA

Cuz it is mine…

And without it…

Can barely string a sentence together… and am lost…

As from this springs my issue… and

Without my issue… just don’t know…

Whether to rhyme or to flow…

Wax melodic or staccato…

Iambic pentameter to coax you to

Come with / me and / and be / my love…No- wait...

That’s not it at all-

Have no need of

You being my love… or loving my being…

Which is where FLAVA comes in…

Cuz FLAVA don’t give a ****…

Flava just is…

Unlike consciousness…

Or the awareness of one’s own

Existence…that just wants not to be a

Casualty… and die with the other dead ones…

Who were (by the way) dead long before they

Resigned themselves to undertake the responsibility

Of laying the hell down…


FLAVA cannot die… so

I know it’s there… it’s just…

Hiding subliminally…

Under some old debris…

Beneath the ruins of what used to be me…and

When I find it…will then add some FLAVOR

(not to be confused with FLAVA)

…sprinkle some Cayenne Pepper… make it even HOTTER

…fold in some Cinnamon… make it even SEXIER… and

Stir and season…

‘til it feels like ME again…

One of a kind FLAVA…

Gifted to me only…

Gotta get back to it… Cuz it is mine…

Gotta get back to it… Cuz it is me…

Gotta get back to me…

r Sep 2013
She came from a favela
Steep ***** above Rio
Color of dark chocolate
And vanilla of mestizo

Worked the narrow streets
Walked them like a queen
Bad boys knew her beats
Her stir did leave a sheen

In translucent woven sheets
Swaying hips and pouted lips
Bad cops along her favela beat
Always whistling as they glimpse

Flava of favela became queen
Said so long to to steep streets
Tin built hut and streets unclean
Became the Queen of Rio

r  18Sept13
Butch Decatoria Sep 2018
Hell is like waiting in a long line for the zoo
So this must be limbo...

Time stretches / skeleton skin skeins
The tock the tick / the clock
Schizophrenic melancholia
Mockingly sickening
Traffic of panic / deafening
Time stales / takes Forever
A long while - in limbo
Zombie shock / mind akimbo

And loneliness is a box
This corpse sits in
As existence / outside frightful / persisting
***** and spritz-ing
Our vibrant thangs
Songs shouts to gang sign slangs
Even when the lyrics
Go deep
Six feet sorrow
Hip hopping to defeat

But we gots to love it
The life we have
The Flava and the savor this last dance .
Makes me wanna Dougie
Percolating / jump / criss cross
Vanilla bean / jump jump

But what is a song to a diminished bird
No cage more cruel than the loss of worth
Hearts depart from its soul
Jester / fools / without cheer
No cartwheels glee or clue
Happy days adieu
High times zero new
Birds to the sky / fist pump / guns
This is for the Razza
End what's done begun

Waiting to get thru
Theme parks colorfully masking
Reality's streets and truth
Inmates as we are forced to wait
Hate is quicker to arrive
Behind bars hollows Time
Takes our forever
Even waking up
Still in limbo / thirsty without a cup
Same ole system
Who's business makes slaves
Kept blind and silently afraid
In a state / of mindlessness
Now worse than before

Schitzo screaming schisms
Crazy IS the war
Fear wreaks havoc
Boom boom back to a room
In your head goes the bomb
Shrapnel wounded / half none...

Are we there yet?
Just farts in the wind
Waiting is hell / how does life begin?
Just passing by / passed away / a passerby
Yelling and complaining
Let me in ? Get me out ?
Ghost to life's boo hoo / poor you
What happens to dreams wasted
In the zoo
Eyes turned frozen
Cold uncaring
Dying and lying / lifeless stories to share
As beauty within is in despair
As beasts overcrowd the fair
Flotsam in limbo float
Alone in its killer cold
Time still passing / parole / on hold
Much hope

Where are we
If there is nothing
No penny for fairy tale wells

Wishes are dead in fountains
Rich and heavy to the bottom
With tossed currencies. Fell.
How will a coin speak
Who will ever know
If we do not paint out loud
The masterpiece of the dream?

Tell me dreamer what time do you have
Still waiting?

In this zoo...

When it always was and is
And always will be

Up to you.
Revised retitled
Grave símbolo esquivo.
Grave símbolo esquivo, nocturna
torva idea en el caos girando.
Hámlet frío que nada enardece.
Aquí, allá, va la sombra señera,
allá, aquí, señorial, taciturna,
(señorial, hiperbóreo, elusivo):
fantasmal Segismundo parece
y harto asaz metafísico, cuando
cruza impávido el árida esfera.

Grave símbolo huraño.
Grave símbolo huraño, fantasma
vagueante por muelle archipiélago
-bruma ingrave y caletas de nube
y ensenadas y fjords de neblina-.
Grave símbolo hermético: pasma
su presciencia del huésped de ogaño,
su pergenio de gríseo querube
(del calígene caos murciélago)
vagueante en la onda opalina.

Más lontano que nunca.
Más lontano que nunca. Más solo
que si fuese ficción. Puro endriago
y entelequia y emblema cerébreo:
del antártico al ártico Polo
sombra aciaga de atuendo fatal
-exhumada de cúya espelunca?-,
gris fantasma lucífugo y vago
por el fondo angoroso, tenébreo,
que sacude hosco viento abisal.

Más lontano jamás.
Más lontano jamás. Ciego, mudo,
mares surca y océanos hiende
metafísicos: mástil de roble
que no curva el henchido velamen,
ni el de Zeus zig-zag troza crudo...,
ni se abate ante el tedio, quizás.
Más lontano jamás: Fosco, inmoble
De su hito insular no desciende
y aunque voces lascivas lo llamen.

Juglar ebrio de añejo y hodierno
mosto clásico o filtros letales.
Si Dionisos o Baco.
Baco rubio o Dionysos de endrino
crespo casco de obscuro falerno.
Trovador para el lay venusino.
Juglar ebrio de bocas o vino:
me dominan las fuerzas sensuales
-hondo amor o femíneo arrumaco-
trovador, amadís sempiterno.
Me saturan los zumos fatales
-denso aroma, perfume calino-
del ajenjo de oriente opalino.

Casiopeia de luz que amortigua
fonje niebla, tul fosco de bruma,
copo blándulo, flor de la espuma,
cendal níveo y aéreo...
Cendal níveo y aéreo... La ambigua
color vaga que apenas se esfuma
si aparece... fugaz Casiopeia
peregnina, la errátil Ligeia,
la de hoy y de ayer y la antigua
-entre un vaho letal, deletéreo... -

Casiopeia con ojos azules,
Elsa grácil y esbelta,
Elsa grácil y esbelta, Elsa blonda!
-si morena Xatlí, la lontana-.
Elsa blonda y esbelta, Elsa grácil!
Casiopeia en el mar! Quién Ulises
de esa núbil Calypso! Odiseo
de esa ingrávida Circe temprana
-blonda, ebúrnea y pueril!- Impoluta
Casiopeia -auniendnino su delta-.
Nea Aglae ni arisca ni fácil...
Casiopeia triscando en la onda,
Casiopeia en la playa! Sus gules
labios húmidos son los de Iseo!
Oh Tristán! de las sienes ya grises!
Oh Tristán!: con tus ojos escruta:
¿ves la nao en la linde lontana?

Turbio afán o morboso deseo
sangre y carne y espíritu incendie.
Ebrio en torno -falena-.
Ebrio en torno -falena piróvaga-
ronde, al cálido surco: Leteo
que el orsado senil vilipendie
si antes fuera la misma giróvaga...
-si ayer Paris de Helena la helena,
si ayer Paris, rival de Romeo... -
Turbio afán y deseo sin lindes,
siempre, oh Vida, me infundas y brindes!

Cante siempre a mi oído.
Cante siempre a mi oído la tibia
voz fragante de Circe y Onfalia.
Siempre séanme sólo refugio
pulcro amor y acendrada lascivia.
Bruna endrina de muslos de dahlia,
rubia láctea de ardido regazo!
Lejos váyase el frío artilugio
cerebral ante el lúbrico abrazo!

Casiopeia, los ojos de alinde
muy más tersos que vívidas gémulas
irradiantes: la frente de argento
-flava crencha a su frente,
flava crencha a su frente las alas
si a las róseas orejas los nidos;
frágil cinto; el eréctil portento
par sin par retador e insurgente;
frágil cinto que casi se rinde
de qué hechizo al agobio -tan grato-.
En sus ojos giraban sus émulas
-danzarinas lontanas y trémulas-:
estrellada cohorte: de Palas
la sapiencia, en sus ojos dormidos.
De Afrodita posesa el acento
caricioso. Medea furente...
Salomé, la bacante demente...

Casiopeia danzando.
Casiopeia danzando en la sombra
vagueante, irisada de ópalos:
nefelíbata al són de inasible
rumor lieto, velada armonía
cuasi muda y susurro inaudible
(muelle y tibio, melífico y blando)
para torpes oídos: que asombra
con febril sortilegio, si tópalos
sabio oído: les sigue, les halla,
les acoge, goloso, en su malla,
y en gozarlos su ser se extasía.

Casiopeia de luz.
Casiopeia de luz inexhausta,
halo blondo en el mar de zafiro,
rubia estrella en el mar de abenuz.
Irreal concreción de la eterna
maravilla del cosmos: su fausta
lumbre, siempre, y en éxtasis, miro
de la hórrida, absurda caverna
poeana o guindado en mi cruz.

Casiopeia, eternal Casiopeia,
sutil símbolo, lis, donosura;
su luz fausta y su música, hechizo
de sortílega acción obsesora
e inebriante, muy más que la obscura
flor dormida en las redes del rizo
toisón, urna que ensueño atesora
y el hastío a la vez: Casiopeia
peregrina, la errátil Ligeia,
la de hoy y de ayer y ventura...
Big Virge Sep 2017
These rhymes ... Reflect ...
APOCALYPTIC Times ... !!!

Times where minds ...
are ............... Dismissing .................................................. Signs ...... !!!!!

That times ahead .....
Will see ... BLOODSHED ...
and ... Loss of Life ... !!!!! ...

Times where ... Crimes ...
Refine ... Bloodlines ... !!!!!!

Like ... " Old Designs " ...
Primed to ... " ***-id-e " ...

Apocalyptic ... times ...
Reside inside ...
Deep Seas with ... " Tides " ...
Now On ... The rISE ...
Just like ... The Minds ...
of ... WICKED ... Types ... !!!!!!
whose Pride ... DENIES ...
to help the ... " Plight " ...
of those who ... STRIVE ...
Just to ... " Survive " ...
and Live a ... " Good Life " ...

The Type ... who like ...
to see us ... Fight ...
Like ... " Dogs in Bogs " ...
Fed On ... WAR Songs ...
and Words of ... HATE ... !?!

A Time and Place ...
where ... Technological Tools ...
are used to ... School ...
our youth to ... Abuse ...
Like ... VIOLENT Fools ... !!!!!

VIOLENCE ... Will Rule ... !!!

Like DEVILS ... Who ...
Infuse with ... Views ...
That ... Lead to ... FEUDS ... !!!

Which would ... You Choose ... ?!?

APOCALYPTIC ... News ... ?
or a place where ... " Love " ...

REIGNED ... Up Above ... !!!!!!

Just like ... SUNSHINE ...
in the ... " Summertime " ...

Well ....
Rhymes Like ... " These " ...
Paint ... Different ... scenes ...

Scenes ... OBSCENE ... !!!!!
and ....... Far From .................................................................­..... Clean ... !!!!

Where ....
Peoples' Dreams ...
are ... "FILLED WITH" ... SCREAMS ... !!!

Am I .... SCARING You ... ?!?

If so ... Not Cool ... !!!

Why would you choose ... ?
to take ... The View ...
That ... What I Say ...
Makes You ... AFRAID ... ?!?!?

Apocalyptic Trips ...
May Well .... ECLIPSE ... !!!

The Place in which ...

Your Thinking ..... " Lives " ......

OUTSIDE ... "TheBox" ...
is where ... Mine Is ... !!!!!!

NOT IN .... " Laptops " ....
or .... VIOLENT ... Stings ... !!!

I Deal with ... NOW ...
and what ... Surrounds ...
Before i'm ... CLOWNED ...
and end up ... "Drowned" ... !!!!!

Or ...
Worse yet ... DEAD ...
Like ... Youthful Heads ...
As ... " Current Trends " ...
would now ... " Suggest " ...

In Fact .... CONFIRM .... !!!!!!

Does it make you ...
........ " Squirm ........ ? "
to Read ... Such words ... !?! ...

Well .......

Here's a ... " Verse " ...
to ... CALM ... Your Nerves ... !!!

They're ONLY ... " Words " ... !!!!!!

That show ... CONCERN ...
About the world ...
and how ... it turns ...

If we ... " Observe " ...
We may just ... " Learn " ...
How to ... STEM This ... SURGE ... !!!
of Pain and ... Hurt ... !!!!!!

and make a ... RETURN ...
to Life being ... PRESERVED ... !!!!!

Let The DEVILS ... Burn .......................................................

and Make ... PEACE WORK ... !!!!!

Like ... UNITY ...
cos' things like ... " These " ...
Will Help ... " Relieve " .................................

Our Streets of ... BEASTS ... !!!
And .... " POVERTY " ....

And .... News Stories ...
of ... KILLING Sprees ... !!!?!!!

Our Youth ... are DYING ...

Don't You ... SEE ... ?!!!? ...

These words are ... TRYING ...
to FEED ... Our Seeds ...
with ... Something MORE ...
Than ....... " MTV " ........ !!!!!!!!!!

BUT ....
Here's The ... SCORE ... !!!

Too Many ... " Elders " ... TOO ... !?!
are PROMOTING .... Wars ......
WITHOUT .... A Cause .... !!!?!!!

and NEED TO ... " Reduce " ...
Their ... ANGRY ... Moods ... !!!

" Don't try to front ! "

" You know it's true ! "

Why take the view
that I'm ... TOO BLUNT ... ?!?

The time has ... COME ...
to .... " Listen Up " ......
and Fill .... " Eardrums " ...
Like Kweli' ... Does ... !!!

with words that ... " Soothe " .........................
and HELP ... " Improve " ...
The Minds who ... " Choose " ...

APOCALYPTIC ... Moves ... !!!!!

Like ...
Dropping .... BOMBS ...
That Breed ... " Phantoms " ...
and .... " Tsunamis " .... !!! ....

Do you ....
Get The .... " Scene " .... ???


NO ...
Ice Caps left ....

Just .... WAR and DEATH ... !!!!!

I Guess .... ?
to ... " Most of You " ...

This seems ............................................................. " Far Fetched " ......

But ...
THINK IT .... Through ......

What's coming .... " Next " .... ?!?

FLOODING ... Here ...
and Flooding ... THERE ... !!!!

and then .... HEATWAVES .... !!!
that send ... SHOCKWAVES ... !!!

As Fires ... BLAZE ...
For .... DAYS and DAYS .... !!!!!

APOCALYPTIC .... Yes ... !!!

So ....
What do you say ... ?

Does THIS Poem ...
and it's ... Wordplay ...
Make ...  You Think ...

I NEED A ... " Shrink " ... ?!?

Maybe ... I DO ... ???

But here's the ... " Koo' " ...

Apocalyptic things ....
ARE ...... Happening ...... !!!!!

CLOSER ... to home ...
and that's ... NO JOKE ... !!!!!

Most folk ... are BROKE ... !!!
Or ... SNORTING ... Coc' ... !!!

With ....
NOWHERE ... to go ...
to find some ... " Hope " ... !!!


" If You Insist ! "

I'm simply ...

writing things ...
Through ... " Poetic Scripts " ...

That ... Reflect how ...

I Feel ...
Right NOW ...

Some Music ... " FILLED " ........
My Mind with .... THIS ....

Thoughts of ... GLOOM ...
and MUCH ... "Darkness" ... !!!!!

A ... " Discreet Flava " ...
DARKER THAN ... " Vader " ... !!!

Try to .... DENY ...
and you ... " May Find " ...

That ....
What You ... FIGHT ...
Inside ... " Your Mind " ...

is the ....

TRUTH About .........
What's ..... Coming .....

" Apocalyptic Times "
This Seems Rather Appropriate right now ! As I am currently residing in the Caribbean, these words are RINGING ... A Little TOO TRUE ..... Sadly .... !!!!
Arcassin B Oct 2014
Battle of the Bands

tonight we jam, it's the battle of the bands
there's smoke on the stage ....***** on the stands
smoke in the rafters, from puffin live
this crowd is ready to rock and jive


One guitar in hand,
Calling you out animantium plans,
Of having rocktastic fans,
Tattoos and silver lens,
Naked babies,
Naked babies,
Naked babies.


this joint is rockin'
and we be jammin'
some slam dance ritual
and hip hop breakin'
who's gonna take it?
who's gonna take it?
alright...take it to the bridge!


There is no stoppin what we doin,
Do you smell us when were cookin,
Serving you a hot plate this funkalicious music,
Some old skool flava,
Let us see if you can take it,
All you gotta bop it , move it ,break it,


gonna run some crazy riffs across your brain
sweet heavy metal you insane
step up the action
raise the stakes
let's see if you got what it takes


Lead guitarist,
Got a jazzy a vocal,
Bass solos and drums knockin in your ear holes,
Fresh lyrics on a platter,
Cut up nicely,
In to pieces of rock heaven,
Its time to get godly,


home boyz gonna kick it
take it to the next plateau
while your jammin'...face dancer
play those licks real slow
the soul of creation
right there in your hands
this pure fusion..the battle of the bands!
Me and the legend of rock
Salt Peanuts Nov 2010
Boy why you hiding, why you hiding under a shadow
Those eyes tell me a truth as full as your lips
Don’t you hide the secret to the treasure in San Juan
A Jewel of the hips that sway, curvaceous being of fire
The touch surrounding flames like the sand and the night and the beach
Boy o boy, can’t wait to tell you boy, the place I wanna reach
The home I wanna build, for us and ours, with this heart full of light
Boy why you fight, why you push me away
Day one you teased me with smooches
Your touch tickled my brain to the point of meltdown
But now my little angel-dust, must bust out a new foot to lean on and learn from
Cuz his mortal human has crept into the shadow of your eyes
And the secret of your lies? The ways that you say, please baby stay
Those grunts out my mouth, the groans in my pillow, musky aroma of love
Fascinating a swag so fresh and so familiar, surprises left and right of the one you already knew
Smooth flesh encasing a suave flava just waiting to burst out
O Boy why you cry, why you tearing on my shoulder
Enable our fable to end happily ever after
The dance that shows one to the other
We are bare in the flow of the rhythm!
Rhythm I never had but somehow learned following your eyes and the curves of your flames
But now it sizzles, your eyes unknown
Lips sewn and wasted, a body so stiff and pale
Boy where are you?
Court Nov 2020
Never focus on what isn't for you but wat is... if its already with you or if you already have it..
what's the need to waste time on just those things alone??
What's the use of taking your focus off of the task at hand if not a necessary assignment??..
Put it on your back and take tf off.. Keep it close but never lose your flavor.. because the only thing anyone will ever Yo Flava.. Playa
Anais Mostly Aug 2013
How much you loved garlic salt on your pizza
$5.00 thin crust from the frozen aisle was pushing luxury.
Reliable Red Baron $3.33

You started to clean after I moved in and began to organize
I remember all the dust collecting on your VHS collection. Never mind it was ******* 2008.

your white and black cat, Flava flav would scratch at the bedroom door every morning

Who gives a **** about these memories except you and me...



Extra hands on my body

Confusion manipulating my character

Midnight arguments

The dichotomy of loaded words

And smoking ****** sweetness

Creativity scattered like cheap confetti
On ***** gas station asphalt

I was your prosecutor

Between painfully vulnerable kisses and abandonment issues

Stubborn lonely people with delusional detours for ambitions

I was the exotic poet to your Tom Waits

the **** alternating between affection and suitcase packing

Cindy Lauper's video and my impressionable little girl mind

23 years later lost in its transcendence

You are not my mirror

You are not my soul mate

You are just this one guy who cares about me

I make inappropriate jokes

You make me laugh

You make me cry and I think of my father

I lie just like my mother

Between the fights

Stained sheets
You shout
Private expressions
Your perfect mouth
Inside the models of ****** parents we replace in a new generation and ***** about

I need you
Court Jul 2019
Never focus on
what isn't for you
but wat is...
Put it on your back
and.. take tf off..
Keep it close
never lose your flavor..
That's all anyone is ever
gonna remember...  
Yo Flava..
Max Neumann Sep 2020
when another day is ****** again
red heavens collapse over your head
cause devil is staring at you
while you're rushing to the subway

doomed to catch it, morning strugglez
you and your people are in distress
good friends died and they keep dying
life was, is and remains a battle field

you awoke because of hunger and curiosity
which kind of dream was that? pushing tons
residing in a snowwhite castle, no stains
yachts across, attitude like klitschkos

reality bites: your inner voice is calling you
take a shower! eat! go to work and prosper!
in truth you work for hard-hearted vultures
wearing suits, spreading lies, for sure

you have to sell tv sets via phone
****** payment, no insurance, usa-flava
but you bust your *** for it, still unable
to buy new sneakers for your daughter

all second hand, so at school she is being mobbed
they steal her dignity, beat her up, she's twelve
eight o'clock in the morning, and she is moaning
swollen rips, hair teared out, a broken jawbone

no school mate is helping her, ambulance and sirens
your daughter faints, as you're rushing to the hospital
and when you see her abused, you decide to take vengeance
the night is red, heavens collapse over your head

devil is no more staring, you and him take action
you buy a weapon, 40 cal, bleeding anger, danger
but you won't turn back, never acting like a coward
in the park, near the river, you can find them ******* sitting

loading the gun, slowly moving, avoid any sound
the rest is history, your story, never feeling sorry
Sam Temple Nov 2015
rapping with rappers on the radio
filling the gaps with extra lyric
mapping the sappy way they pretend
and offering 16 beats a breath like a boss
rick ross looks lost when handed floss
and jay z is crazy lazy in May, maybe cause Beyoncé’s
bounce house lacks compressed air
and the weave in her hair ads to the growing despair
like Dr. Dre cares about flared out khakis while Rakeem’s
grill gleams like flava flavs time piece –
b-boy stylin while in the dance hall
and balla’s with creased collars
throw dolla’s at bithces locked in the twerk
jerkin off in the corner lil kim seems thin
since aids came to play
and fat joe and heavy d sit with harps
lookin down at the crowd jumpin around
they floatin on **** clouds proudly
snoop’s pound frowns at clowns
tryin to be down
but really just hangin around
like the Mississippi mounds
poundin ***** like Tupac on acid
and that lil goblin from hotlanta
actin like he steady mobbing
they robbin the hood for goods and services
while talking **** to easily impressed suburb kids
acting like they got a message
but only KRS got anything to say
and that was just the one time
chuck d and that insane griff
talkin mad crap about gay rappers
and casting couch happenings
has me reacting like maybe I need to a new faction
cause I ain’t into none of eminem’s new action
and poor ole busta
nuts bein busted
in those funky *** dreads –
when I bomb first
betta believe muthaphukkaz
touchin the hearse
I'm cursed
with a demonic flow
puff that hydro
but my mind ain't slow though
so stroll
with me down the valley of death rows
ya meet skulls to bones
watch yo steps
fool cuz I'm prone
to ripping up ****
shoot up even ya casket
if ya dead *****
since my money itch
I gotta get the scratch
cook up another coke batch
Naw scratch that
I'd rather a raider hat with a baseball ball to gats
make ya heartbeat flat
check the paper stacks
we got more racks
than a Swiss banks
smoke the baddest danks
freak the baddest skanks
but they never get a thanks
from me
***** cuz I gotta
ruthless mentality
make fatalities
to emcees that try to battle me
ain't no little in me
I'm b I double g I to e
hypnotize y'all with bars
thAt even glisten stars
and look at the scars
across the late night
shining bright
is my organization
**** tight
taking flight
over the industry
they beneath me
like they sneaky
huh I never trusted quotes out of a magazine
but still dump on fools out my ak47 magazine
with yo head guilltione
for tryna intervene my cream
got trusted killaz on my team
from eses from Diego to the bay
black nation Jamaican to Haitan
we ain't fakin
when we rob
we come hungry as wolve packs
counting paperstacks
and eradicate wacks
givin death the ultimate thirst
cuz it's dry
***** I thought u knew when bomb
Betta believe we the first uh

yeAh verse two
just as vicious
so ******* and ya crew
bust on fools
with hallow tips
now I see my favorite color drip
red dot means ya dead
ask Craig
I got flava in ya ear
life in fear with yo family in tears
cuz they know the thugs is here
to set execution
to muthaphukkaz
that thought
they could evade persecution
the population
one by one
listen to the sounds
of my guns
it goes rat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat
now ya body fat
but back
to this fiend hustle
money I'm talking
so **** the struggle
since I was bornghetto
I'll die ghetto
and when they bury me
don't throw rose peddles
just hold up the pistols
and fire shots in the air
like ya don't care true playa he'll yeah
I'm brutal as ****
to those pushing luck
don't get struck
by my fiery tongue
once I speak
brains get hung
*** kicks more than Chung
Li with speed of Bruce Lee
Y'all can't  see me
Naw but you'll sure as hell feel me
like spirits running in the late night
blurring yo sight
I sense the fear in yo heart *****
sweats tears getting bigger
am I there
or is it just a shadow glare?
I'm evil as they come
so bow down
when ya see the Don
black Al Capone
with a mansion of my own
soon to transform
all pen ****** home
built for the war zone
so I ain't scared to die
shoot me but ya better make sure I die
cuz if not I'll be planning yo burial plot
watch for my live shots from my glock
it don't stop even when I'm gone
still reigning as champions
fire blazin sky grazzin
hell raising
in the streets
coming after crooked *** police
what's worse ?
when we drive up in a black hearse
betta believe morgues makin money why ?
cuz we bomb firrsttt

Cantaba. Y nadie oía
los sónes que cantaba.

Metido por la noche
los hilos teje de su cántiga:
hilos de bronce que son los hilos ásperos de su tedio;
hilos de sangre de su corazón,
hilos de laboriosa araña
-hilos de seda- que es el ensueño que se arrebuja
bajo su melena flava.
Metido por la noche que le rodea
con mallas de silencio, -muelles
sillones de velludo-, mallas
caniciosas como manos queridas
sobre la sien afiebrada:


Cantaba. Y nadie oía
los sónes que cantaba.

Su voz es como el eco de inauditas
músicas, ni en los sueños sospechadas.

¿Tañer de amorosas guzlas
moriscas? ¿De sacabuches y de flautas
pastorales, y de violas de amor?
O el jadear ciclópeo del órgano
que tientan los dedos o las zarpas
de Bach y Haendel y de Franck? ¿O el prodigio
insólito que logra de la nada
el milagro de la sinfonía
donde no se funden y todas las voces cantan?
Su voz es como el eco de inauditas
músicas ni en los sueños sospechadas:
o de músicas mútilas
urdidas en la propia fábrica
loca, de su cabeza:
porque se mata lo que se ama,
decía -mordicante- el Réprobo:
música supliciada!


Cantaba. Y nadie oía
los sónes que cantaba.

Ni la selva, ni la noche le oía,
ni tú, ni nadie, ni nada!

¿Le oía el hosco cerco
de la selva cerrada,
cerrada como los oídos
y los caletres de la gente tonta y chata?
Le oyera la selva, le oyera
si a gritos cantara
-tal el viento y al modo de la tormenta:
pero canta muy paso: si -a veces-
su canción es callada,
muda, como los ojos abiertos,
húmedos... que no dicen palabra.
¿Le oyera la noche, de tibias
estrellas colmadas las sienes,
de tibias estrellas estigmatizada?
¿Vestida de ***** suntuoso
le oyera la noche trágica
cuando el vocerío del trueno
y el zig-zaguear de los relámpagos?
¿Le oyera la noche tácita
cuando con paso desfalleciente
cruza sus sendas la luna alunada?
¿Le oyeras tú, la mujer ilusoria
de ojos sombríos y boca macerada?

Ni la noche, ni la selva le oía,
ni tú, ni nadie, ni nada!


El mismo no se oía
la canción que cantaba.
Big Virge Jan 2020
It's About THAT TIME ...
What Rests Inside My ... ANGERED Mind ... !!!!!

A Mind That Tries To OPEN Eyes ...
of Those With Sight Whose Vision's ... "Blind" ... !!!

That Line DESERVES Some BIG REVERB ... !!!!!
So That It's Heard By WORMS Who Turn ... !!!

When Their Time's UP ...
I DON'T Give A **** Cos' It's Time To CUSS ... !!!!!!

Generations LOST ... NO GOLDEN POTS ...
Except For The Bods' Right At THE TOP ... !!!!!!

IGNORANCE On The RISE Because of LIES ...

The Type of FIGHTS That ******* Like ... !!!
Yeah ******* ... That's RIGHT ... !!!

******* Who Figure They're SMARTER Than Flipper ... !!!
Who Fight Over **** Because They DON'T THINK ... !!!

PROVING Their Hustle LACKS PEDIGREE Muscle ... !!!

These NIGS' Make Me SICK Cos' They're FULL OF IT ... !!!!
See THESE Are The Things I've KEPT FROM My Scripts ...
Because DEEP INSIDE ... My Blackness DEFINES ...
A Love That Is Blind When IGNORANCE SHINES .... !!!!!!!

These Days It Shines ... BRIGHT ... !!!!!
To Start To Relate What Makes Me IRATE ... !!!!!

******* Who Think They're SMARTER Than Me ...
Until Their Heads SINK ... INTO My Poetry ... !!!

STUPID ******* ******* Who Think Their World's BIGGER ...
Than Those Whose ELIXIR Is SEEING ... " BIG PICTURES " ...

Those Making HOT BEATS Who KEEP THEM ... "Discreet" ...
And Make A RETREAT When Others ... COMPETE ... !?!

YES That Includes ME ... !!!
But DON'T Get Me WRONG ... !!!

My Wordplay STAYS STRONG ... !!!
And NOW Brings The HEAT ...
On ... " BIGVIRGE.COM" ... !!!

Like Em' ... **** A BEAT ... !!!!!
You KNOW I Ain't Yella' From MY A Capellas ... !!!
Like Jay I ROCK Fellas BUT NOT Like Nas' Said ... !!!!!

So **** Giving Head To Fellas In CELLARS ... !!!!!
I've BEEN SPITTING FIRE Since L' Was Shot Dead ... !!!
And Now Am INSPIRED ... To Start BUTTING HEADS ... !!!

No Beavis Can See This Because I'm The DEEPEST ...
To Put Thoughts On Paper That Jools Can Have ... " LATER " ...  
My Thinking CUTS Graters And DISMISSES ......... Favours ........
For ******' Who SAVOUR ... NEGATING Their Flava' ... ?!?

I'm USED To The Haters Who Think They're Creators ...
From Those Who Make Beats To Those Who Sing SWEET ...
They ALL RUN FOR COVER When I Bring My Speech ... !!!

FAKE *** Mother ******* Who WILL ... " Catch A BEAT " ... !!!
If EVER They Seek To Bring It To ME ... !!!!!

See THESE Kind of Flows ARE NOT ... Who I Be ... !!!
My USAGE of Prose ...
IS ALL About PEACE And UTOPIAN Scenes ...

Well These Days It Seems ...
To Be ............................................... WAY OUT of Reach .... !!!!

THE CRUNCH Has Begun ...
So Who's Having FUN ... ?
And WHO Will Be ABLE ...
To KEEP Their **** STABLE ...

That Leave Them Struck DUMB ...
When ... JUDGEMENT Day Comes ... !!!

I LOVE You STILL Mum As I ALWAYS Have Done ... !!!
And HATE Saying THIS STUFF Because of Your LOVE ... !!!

But Hope Some **** DOES ...
SHOOT Me With A GUN ... !!!
So I Can Feel NUMB ...
And END This ****** Life of ******* And LIES ... !!!

Some ****** WILL Write ...

That ... " VIRGE LOST HIS MIND !!! "

And Say That ... " My PRIDE, Denied Me Good Times ! "

Well My PRIDE Is My Heart So DON'T EVEN Start ... !!!
It's HELPED Me Survive While Weak Hearts Have Died ...
Because of Their PRIDE And ... IGNORANT Vibe ... !!!

The Vibe That I Walk With Is One FILLED With Pride ...
The TYPE That Resides In The Heart of A LION ... !!!

Therefore When I'm Talking ...
DON'T Make Me Start ROARING ... !!!!!
Just TOLERATE This Until I Find ... " ZION " ... !!!!!

A Place Where The SUCKERS Can Bring NO MORE Ruckus ...
I've Seen Enough Now To Know That ****'s FOUL ... !!!
And KNOW That The CLOWNS Are Heading DOWN SOUTH ...
To JOIN ALL The ******* And RACIST Head Figures ... !!!!!

Those Living IN FEAR When PRESSURE Draws NEAR ...
And Those Who Stay MEEK When It's Time For REAL SPEECH ...

This Isn't STAR WARS Can You FEEL THE FORCE ... ?!?
Cos' The Force LACKS A Cause Where Wars Are CUT SHORT ... !!!

When Talk Is NO MORE ...
Who'll Walk The REAL WALK ... ?
And Then START The Call For ... Corruption To FALL ... !!!

NOT ME Anymore And That Is For SURE ...
I've Written Some Rhymes In THIS PIECE I DON'T Like ... !!!

But ... TRUST In This Line ....

... " It's Time For Straight Rhymes ! " ...
As I recall, I was having arguments with guys who I thought were serious about their art, only to find that they actually weren't, as well as facing some very tough personal stresses, so, yeah, it...
The styles ferocious,
Infamous, plus the lyrics is stainless,
Take shots at me,
But ya aimless,
As I caress earlobes, explore the globes,
Got my raps heard in ya abode,
See me explode,
On contact the rap habitat,
Trained for combat,
Ninja suits stacked, with thirty million killers
In the back,
Imagine that,
All races united with the black,
Iron fist got y'all bumpin' this,
Cruising to this,
Number one spot ludicrous,
Plus the conflict, is crucial,
Chemical gems to boost you,
Induce you,
To the flava of the century, mix master  brewery,
Shine like jewelry reflecting of the sun B,
Come take a ride with me,
Glance the imagery of the city,
Night life thrills,
Keep at least three stacks on the bill, for real,
Haters chill,
We got no time to break ill,
¿Qué flauta sin flautista canta al día,
desde la cima de su luz difusa?
Aquí, brumosa orquídea de medusa.
Allá albor inicial y melodía.

Junto a mi corazón la dura vía
por donde vas y vuelves. La confusa
ruta y maraña. La doliente, ilusa
presencia de tu ensueño y mediodía

La esmeralda flameante en la mañana,
la rosa casta de reciente grana,
el girasol de flava arquitectura,

la tarde apaga. Pero tú regresas
y en la mano de fiebre que me besas
está, brasa secreta, la ternura.
TheConcretePoet Aug 2020
my life has changed forever

from normal, my everyday life now does sever

july 4th weekend, fireworks were going off inside of me

my racing heart had finally brought me to bended knee

afib, supraventricular tachycardia...

congestive heart failure was my flava'

rushed to the icu...

sign these here papers the doctor asked me to do

we've exhausted all medicines, all of them we've went through

i ask, can i call my wife in case i never speak to her again

there was no answer, it was the most scared and alone i ever felt then

icu doctors huddled and staring at me like i am a mystery

they shock me and send thousands of volts of electricity through me

the paddles burn and welt
my chest and back

my room filled with chaos it certainly did not lack

bells and alarms made my ears want to cry

lying there was my time to die.

'Yours and everyone's concrete poet Part Deux'
Peeps Need To Be Strong

alright drop the beats
got this fire burning hotter inside of me
don't want to get the best of me
sitting here drinking my forty why should I worry
everything today's a joke including the pope so why we faint
taking to long to watch paint dry you catch me on the fly
got these dope rhymes locked for this homeboy do think a lot
Snoop is with me burning up the ****** hold inside you see
today its the walking dead faces filled with lead
tombstones for eyes in their heads
but folks want to battle me while I'm out working on my legacy
its plain to see good rappers like me I'm the over weight lover Mario Vitale making sweet history...

the moral of this story is peeps need to be strong & can't we all just get along
funny how the time does fly another sucker hit me in the eye
back in the 80's Public Enemy was number one rappers having a bit of fun
Flava Flav & MTV with moments like these we came to agree
Remember Milli Vanilli with their record skipping minds were flipping really doing Karaoke
some in the industry are very sensitive best to leave such folks alone
Nas, Lamar & Lil Wayne are still in the rap game not to mention my man Fetty Wap still on top
old school is still the way to go bust up the beat to increase the tempo
burning rhymes with second chances even in its new romances

Man this me, this me, this me, and thats how its gonna straight up this is how im goona be, straight up just me
why everybody want to be a judge when they be judge by society man its a trip not getting notice when my presence dont exist but to exist is to be alive so am i alive? like bonnie and clyde i want to surrive and fly and never come back to this world of hell so thats what i say when times get hard, i aint measuring my time until my name blow up like fireworks in july (ya dig) or something major like cnn news live thats how i want my shows to be

When people see me they can say they know me but they just know the name but not the man behind the name so i say you play games like m.j but them chiks got games but i aint insane i aint after brain im looking for that ring that fits like a glass slipper so call me insane that i waste my time on them when them dont care about me whatever, whatever, whatever say what you please say what you please until your heart bleeds

Neither he or she can say it like i say her name so soft as pillow, she keep out of society storm so i know she the one like obama could be the one 'say what' man you aint feeling me like ray and his piano but i got my ray of sunshine that cant be declined and that be reyna all the time so shine on like the star you is and then you'll be a superstar can you believe? can you believe? this hype aint over and if you thought it was then you is over i could be anyplace in this world but i'am here waiting for you to realize who am i and i gotta say that im better than any lucky charm of a lucky charm
Yo I wanna be free but I gotta stay a G /I ain't ready to leave just Yet and get wet/by bullets of an adversary's trigger the bigger the rep/the bigger the step the i gotta Climb more I got to prep/for the ****** that be watching thee but I make sure the glock stop ya Breathin' no other reasonin'/I got the formula with the seasonin'/addin' much flava to the game uh ya u know my name/I'm hittin' somethin' like cocaina/raw and uncut still beatin' misdemeanors/I hangs with drug dealers and killers who drive beamers/seven and 2 quarters  to be precise i slice/& slaughter the competitor Cuz I'm the regulator/haters can't see me Cuz they braille/take ya chances against the Ripsta?/9 times of 10 it'll probably wouldn't do ya well /uh ensnared from hells bells playing on the devils playground/got ya looking around the mic I grip I unload verses like a mack 10 clip/that means im automatic causin' static/to ya vocals now ya asthmatic can't keep up with me/Cuz ya reachin' fatality hoes calls me "Heavy D"/because of the way I clog up the *****/the underweight lover in the house the house/ dickin' ya spouse with no ****** I'm showing tru 187 skills not ESG but I swang and bang my gang i roll is solo/hit ya with the bolo check how 4's swang low/with tire vogues I suppose ya take a different route/Cuz htown throwing it down know what i'm talkin' bout/Dj ***** screwin' up a Town Near U/-

we infiltrate ya Hood like them Boys in Blue/uh we takin' over we Stay Drunk Neva Sober/Man down with SPC & SUC even Big Pokey we moved from Oz's to Keys/we Blow Trees and we Like Bees/attractin' Nothin' Honeys that Mad **'s Always Rockin' Shows with my Flows/im Like Propane i'll Leave ya Gas'd Up with Kerosene light the Flame now ya Blast'd Up/strikin' im a Mask'd Avenga Savage sicker than the Average/boy i don't Play no games slide through the Lanes like Lebron in the Paint/makin' Emcees Faint cuz my Pernicious Peddi they d-i-e instantly/im comin' with more and more until my Vocal go Sore/Amped out Galore War is what ya Beefin' Eternally/Furiously im blowin' out Mics like im Smokin' ain't no Jocin' Stay Locin'/i performed on Stage with sold-out Crowds cuz im True to the Game/i spit what i See hard to be a G in the Streets/im pinnin' Sweets eyes Tweak/can't you see Naw cuz im Faded/more than MJ did to Byron/Russel used to be Small now i got the Biggest Muscle/like Schwarzenegger im A Terminator an Originator/with the Slowed style Freestyle that i Mellow/ya rhymes loose as Jello say Hello/to the Greatest Rapper next to the F-A to the T next to D-/J ***** what it do im Comin' Through Trill/as **** C Diamonds Rang on my Pinky Rang/sit back a relax and don't Plex cuz we'll pull out them Thangs//mayne Hol up!!!
We purchased 2020 Hyundai Elantra
at Enterprise Car Rental
1207 West Ridge Pike
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428
April thirteenth two thousand twenty three
witnessed greatest amount of money
I spent at one time.

The following day April 14th, 2023
(after my automotive troubles
seemed so far away),
when important business concluded at:
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation -
Photo License Center,
1700 Markley Street,
Norristown, Pennsylvania 19401.

Before somnolent vestige
completely vanished, and vanquished
post retentive grogginess dissipated
ipso facto after awakening
from dream state come true
and opening eyelids
Delilah gifted with melanin
swiftly tailored uber vestil ******
hit with hair brained scheme
to generate goldenlocks

worth gobs of green
freshly minted legal tender
despite fallout being upbraided
bald brazenness occurred
to emasculate Johnny comb lately
he experienced brush with immortality
until he almost got scalped
saved by skin of his teeth
unbeknownst to lass (see) how keen

her intended prey nicknamed Samson
worthwhile fitness expense
disciplined, coaxed, and buffed physique
to chisel, mold sculpt, et cetera
his body to become lean
said kingly chess mate pledged troth
to ebony queen,
she wedded near likeness of the boss
(doppelganger) Bruce Springsteen.

Additionally while slumbering,
I experienced close encounters
of the third kind
manifested as following visitation
linkedin and included chance encounter
with a rock-ribbed mountain of a man
(whose shaved noggin glistened)
simply known as thee ebullient B.T.,
one strapping muscular dynamic
colorful preacher

of health and positive welfare,
who strongly encouraged me
(combination aging long haired
pencil necked geek, harried styled
white tarnished knight,
teenage mutant ninja turtle,
and wunderkind wily wordsmith)
to pay him a visit
at the following LA Fitness site
2961 Swede Road,
East Norriton, Pennsylvania 19401.

Aforementioned stranger in a strange land
athletic built endowed fellow
with smooth glistening ebony skin
talked (courtesy booming inspirational voice)
an evangelical blue streak regarding
the merits of communication
heavily peppered with brotherly/sisterly love
with powerful salted spiritual undertones.

Impossible mission during wakeful state
to recreate, rehabilitate, rejuvenate,
rekindle, and resuscitate a likeness
courtesy figment of my imagination
said boisterous, gregarious, illustrious,
and rambunctious well sculpted
specimen of **** sapiens
as hinted at above.

Though no Hercules
(in fact just the antonym),
mine alter ego exaggerated,
intimated, and outlined,
a mollified Genie could blithely wave
magic wand abracadabra
spellbinding mine fate, aye
would rejoice beholding,
an African Queen to quash
celibacy, cuz declaration of consummation

stemming premature *******
more precious then
fine spun gold (for Josephine) to buy
time against tortured Golgotha kepi
mein kampf wracking fate, thence pave
ving a stairway to heaven
after this ivory pawn doth die
cleansing, exorcising, and flushing
infidelity kindling lover,
which prurient waywardness

found me to misbehave
ah bon Jove vee errant fellow
(wanted dead or alive),  
I das scribe many blue moons ago,
when verboten fruit
yours truly didst deaf fie
temptation no amount
renouncing, repenting, rerouting
travesty, mockery, and effrontery
regarding egregious transgression
excising emotional affliction

spent kneeling on wounded knee,
this besotted knave
scrutinizing indelible engravure
etched with blessed
"Jesus, bare naked Amazon Mary
and Joseph" motif guy
interweaved by pointed
finger of Goddess Sheba almighty
beckoned deft fiat halting joist
lowered nondescript plain rigid casket

swallowed by grave
temporally ushered whirled wide
webbed rebirth where I
received life anew breathless composure
dousing errant fellow
guilt honestly iterated, jackanapes
kneaded licentious maligned narcissistic
opprobrious philandering questing re: deprave
transgressions, whereat
this gentile Jew did lie
unclothed satisfying prurient flava flave

vitiating marital covenant, now my
soul asylum anointed,
via misdirected, misguided, and misjudged
sedulous, poisonous, opprobrious,
nevertheless glorious, and fabulous
Nubian enchantress deign nigh
ying celibacy decreeing
expurgating ****** crave
ving, hence thy status as Zen eternal
****** (corny punster) mocker

as acceptable punishment bequeathed
by said deliquescent, iridescent,
and opalescent dreamt up
"FAKE" pitch black
kickstarting Negroid hallucination
from over active imagination
me didst truly ply
avariciousness as Holden Caulfield
protagonist catcher in the rye.
An excerpt taken from a lengthy tome,
written courtesy a favorite poet of mine.

Paraskevidekatriaphobia  struck within a blink,
I swear yours truly never took a drink,
nevertheless he witnessed
and falsely accused of being a rat fink,
when everything but the kitchen sink
instantaneously disappeared in a wink.

A quick moving flava flav lava flow
quickly rapped (like a snoop doggy dog tune),
swept, and twittered predominantly
(this only the beginning phase
of Armageddon clobbering debacle),
where nature nymphs, sprites, trolls, et cetera)
decked out with tartan kilted
Scottish residents comprising
the moral majority population
within bucolic community of Harrisburg,
(yes the same place name and Das Capital
of Pennsylvania) before swallowing
(as an itty bitty, teensy weensy
hors d oeuvre), a healthy
barley noticed portion of planet Earth.

Faster than a speeding bullet
lubricated with greased lightning,
and one rather extremely uncommon phenomena,
the devastating, instantaneous,
and outrageous volcanic activity,
(that forged the Allegheny Mountains)
unexpectedly goose-stepped,
doggedly catapulted back to life
after a bajillion years of dormancy
entombing, hotly freezing (in perpetuity),

and guaranteeing, limning, and ossifying
unchanging lifelong livingsocial abode
of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
at that juncture (of happy and healthy)
within the space time continuum
4 after Midnight, (when Christine
came down with severe bout of misery
qua writer's block), and sponsored
by Plexus, nexus Lexus Wilkie Buick,
who guaranteed their

handsomely crafted automobiles
(specially designed with an app
to weather fierce blistering,
pelting thermal withering geologic events,
sans natural catastrophes)
included extra durable crushed bougainvillea
(allegedly beefed chromosomes)
deftly effected fortified (gluten free)
genetically housed immensely
jimmied, kindled, lionized magnetized numbskulls.

The volcanic magma seemed to possess
an uncanny intelligent, eerie ability
to discriminate among bias,
die hard extremist stances, liberal take
on hot button controversial issues,
political ultra factions, hence the eye catching,
shining, yet confusing moniker
"Smart Ash" soon codified, fructified, indemnified
with the reputable, musical, and inestimable
qua personae non gratae prodigy Sam Ash".

Actually, there did seem to appear
some natural likeness in violent temperament,
resonant penchant, and nascent lambent
Jill Saint John habiliment
between former magmatic material,
and protean Primate prehensile prattling Simian,
who (as a sidereal stellar story teller)
happens to be yours truly.

Anyway, due to strict
parochial Lutheran hackneyed dogma,
no iota of boasting, flattering, nattering chattering
allowed from this anonymous,
hip po' eponymous, harmonious, industrious,
innocuous, judicious, loquacious, marvelous,
querulous Norwegian bachelor farmer.

Ponder with scrunched furrowed brow
in a serious effort to expound at large
this incredulous nebulous,
shape shifting (than compound
an understandably mixed up notion),
thus now tis a noteworthy opportunity
to point out divulging the name of this scribe
would immediately necessitate notification
of Non-Coms, who would forcibly usher
this lapsed long haired pencil neck geek.

This action (not newsworthy in the least),
would thus mocks nix notorious nauseating, nasty,
never-ending nonsensical noodling.

How sad, hence tis not wise tune hip
virtual thorn in the dark side.

Rather best bet would be to buffer end
this figurative bud dee **** encased
within corpus callosum.

Though identity guard disallows revealing namesake
of this nincompoop, the most information
told about this little known author
can be reduced to one word.

That abridged version would deprive
any subsequent reader a brave attempt
to interpret convoluted spaghetti writing.

Despite ambition to bob and weave continuously
(creating a conglomeration of ever increasing
virtual loose threads),
one final capstone concept begs to be conveyed.

Thine ziggurat severely atilt rivaled
(sorry tubby cheesy),
but the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Asinine argot acquired bilious berserk baggage,
which stakes no claim nsync with
longevity, magnanimity, notoriety, et cetera.

A series of unfortunate literary,
lickity-split liberty unintentionally
left a prose ache wake.

An honest to dogness attempt bedeviled crux
displaying evident fiasco.

Slinky circumstances, sans synonymity,
synergistically, and synchronicity
yielded a feeble effort at fame.

Birth thing a complex mental edifice
begot aborted aspiration foray zing
grateful, mindful, and respectful characterization.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2023
Oh, Mister Magic Man coming soon.
So, mom and dad order the kids to clean up the room.
Or there be no presents under the Christmas tree.

The kids laugh and say we see.
While the parents beam with a cheek-to-cheek smile.

Mister Magic, to some a magician to be in various places.
Leaving behind that pipe smell flava.
It's great to see the world filled with joy.

Even those that lost someone reflects back with joy and memories.
Mister Magic Man holds power to do that.
At one time they were a child.

Doing the one thing that made them smile too.

Sure, some call him Santa, some call him Kris or hots to many names.

But after all the presents has been delivered around the world.
The jolly one return back to his spouse that gave him the name.
Mister Magic Man, they about to make some bells rings.

Santa, like many adults like to do his thing.
in this complexity
im not messing with *******
i think my recipe
is mind the people you cook with
eat dream believe
and **** up any who doubts it
next up
dont be a  fad like ripped jeans
times change like an outfit
and you can ask flava flav
if theres any questions bout it
get it times change
that was cheek and tonguing
because he always
wore a giant clock
to every party function
even times when he was *******
but the third in the lunch kit
is dont eat like a trash can
i know i do but im advising
you its as dangerous as hazmat
4th in the grab bag

is a thing you clearly know
debt is such a cliche way
to prove you made it on your own
im in the same ******* boat
but this aint funny yo
**** keeps up
what the ****
your going to learn to row
Big Virge Jun 2021
This Ain’t... “ Away In A Manger “... !!!!!!

There REALLY Is... DANGER...
When You’re NOT A TRUTH SAYER... !!!!

"Wait a sec there playa’ !“...

And I’ll Explain Why.... !!!

There’s DANGER In TRUTH... !!!
When You’re Speaking To Crews...
Who LIE To Get FOOD And ***** TOO....... !!!!!!

…. THINK About It Dude.... !!!

That Means MOST HEADS....
From... Corporate Sects...
To Those Who Spend.......
Their Lives IN Government... !!!!!

As Well As YES....
The... “ Average Gent "...

And Women Too...
Now Tend To CHOOSE...
To Make DANGEROUS Moves...

To... Pay Their Bills...
And That’s The TRUTH... !!!!!

These Days I Find...
That It’s BETTER To Chill...
Than To HAVE To Swallow...

.... BITTER PILLS.... !!!!!!!

Like... Fighting Until...
People Choose To ****... !!!!

Or Face Men Who’s Cool...
Moves INTO... ABUSE... !!!!

So Girls DON’T You Doubt... !!!
That If Ya' Run Ya Mout’...

That CERTAIN Man Will CLOUT...
MORE THAN Your Lights OUT... !!!!

It’s Just The Way....
That DANGER Plays....

You See It’s DANGEROUS To...
Join Up With Crews...
Whose Leaders Are WICKED... !!!!

... GRAND WIZARDS... !!!!!!

... "Limited Thinkers"...
Like Thoughts That Deliver...
Ideas That Grand Wizards...
AREN'T Involved In BIG Business.... !!!!!

It’s Now A DANGEROUS Time...
To Ignore The Signs... !!!!!
That DANGER Now Lingers...
In CERTAIN HEADS Fingers... !!!

They’re COLDER Than BLIZZARDS......
In YES... Arctic Winters... !!!!!!

Their Danger Gives Killers...
Freedom To Move VICIOUS... !!!

No Sid’ or... " Invictus "...
Just DANGEROUS Sinners.... !!!!!!

You See DANGER Is REAL.... !!!
Even When Some APPEAL...
For HELP Due To Hurricanes...
Serving... LAST MEALS... !!!!!

Why Would People STEAL... ?!?
When Danger REVEALS...
To PUSH AWAY.... Evil.... ?!?

When People NEED HELP...
From People Who Dwell...
In A... DANGEROUS HELL... !!!!!!

One Where Their Danger....
Gets Stranger And STRANGER... ?!?

In Times Where The PRESSURE...
Gets HIGH Like The Weather... !!!!!

Meantime We Have Fellas...
Whose Thoughts Are In Cellars...

Like Government Heads...
Who Choose To EXPRESS... !?!

That 80 Is... smaller...
Than... 20 percent... ?!?!?!

I’ll Repeat What Was Said...

How can EIGHTY...
Be Greater Than 20 Percent... ?!?!?

Ya See Running Ya Gums...
CAN BE... DANGEROUS.... !!!!

When You Are ON FILM.....
Your Gums NEED To Chill... !!!

Cos’... BEFORE You Run Talk...
You Should... CHECK Your Thoughts... !!!

DANGEROUS Flavours...
Are Those That Absorb...
Talk From These FAKERS... !!!
Whose Pride Makes Them FALL... !!!

There’s CLEARLY MUCH MORE... !!!!!
Where DANGER Takes Walks...

But Right Now My Flava’...
Is Writing On Paper...
Because It’s Much SAFER...
Than Going To WAR...
With Words Or MUCH WORSE... !!!

That’s Sent By EMPIRES...
With Playas Like VADER...
And LIARS For HIRE... !!!!!

Who TRULY LACK Heart... !!!!!

Like I Said At The Start...
... THIS Piece of Verse....
AIN’T Away In A Manger... !!!

Because What It DOES...

Is Speak About.....

..... “ DANGER “.....

— The End —