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Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I hear you calling me
whispering softly
blowing my hair gently
a featherlike touch on my face

I hear you calling me
in my dreams
silencing my screams
shushing my troubles away

I hear you calling me
in tranquil times
smiling benovently
revelling in my good moments

I hear you calling me
I hope I hear you
I miss you
I love you Grandad
MoMo Mar 2012
My place, my secret haven is the forest.
I love it because it’s an escape from the torture of reality that plagues me each and everyday.  
It’s where I can go when I’m close to breaking down and losing my mind.
Where heaven meets Earth, if just for a little while.
Where the wind blows gently through the tree’s shimmering green leaves.
Where the moonlit air warms everything and the nightingale sings the songs of blessed night.
The grass is thick, a carpet of living emerald that’s softer than feathers against travel weary feet.
Flowers the colors of precious jewels cluster in pools of the moon’s love; delighting the eye with their sprightly smiles.
Gaia’s forest children fly through her many wooden arms on light paws and hooves.
Deep within this holy sanctuary lies a waterfall that cascades into a pool and runs off in a waist deep stream. The water is of the clearest blue with fish of brilliant colors and gleaming scales.
The air smells forever fresh, like after a storm, and the heady aroma of pine drifts on soft breezes.
Moonlight plays on the dappled spots of wide-eyed fawns as they romp in the grass under the watchful eyes of their mothers. A lone wolf laps up cool water from the pool after a long run through the trees, and then lies in a bed of grass near a cluster of does in amiable silence.
The chirp of crickets hidden in the brush accompanies the trickling of the waterfall, and the whisper of the wind through the trees.
The faint hooting of a dwarf owl barely disturbs the orchestra of midnight sounds.
The earth sighs in contentment caressing her children in the featherlike grass, as she and they prepare for sleep.
A family of thrushes snuggle in their nest, lulled by the nightingale’s lullaby.
A little ways away silken chrysalis split and Tearful Underwing take their first flight on newborn wings.
Bb Maria Klara Mar 2015
Why worthy wonderer, whispers no words
About fleeting feelings falling featherlike,
Better than bickerings boasted about
Sweeter than sugary surreality.

Truly a challenge to change nonchalant
Thoughts and then think so thoroughly that
At once and all over; obviously, we ought
To learn love in life like a listening lot.

Say, sharper than a sparkling star-filled sky,
Simply, I sigh seeing sight of your eyes.
Proven so purely precious prized promise,
Marvelous mystery making me most meek.

And although all acts are always adored,
No one knows nothing nor never alone.
Really, rough loving rivets writing wrists,
Yet you, I yearn you, yes, your yearning of me.

How had my heart helplessly heed no hails,
Empty of every eager everything?
It is indescribable, indefinite, infinite.
We would be the world's wishfulwise wonder.

Come clean, conclude, close calmly this cast.
Admit all affections are ardent and awe.
Truth telling ties tongues too tight to twist--
Here, have my heart, hear hopes howling hell.
I always had the thoughts of writing a poem entitled "Amazing Alliteration" or "Annoying Assonance" or both because I was really fond of it. Now I have a sort of masterpiece for it and it isn't what I entitled. I do not know if I should. Anyhow, I cannot exactly say what this poem is about: love, perhaps, most likely. When you are in love, things are bound to be sweeter than surreality.
Layla Thurman Oct 2014
The way
I'll always remember you
Is the way you look
when sleeping
Your gentle face
with the softness of your cheek
Cupped beneath my hand
Your breathing soft and deep
So relaxed
You look much younger
Your curly hair
Featherlike against your pillow
Your body
feels warm next to mine
When your like this
I see how gentle
How vulnerable
You can really be
It helps to remind me
Of why it is
I love you
StakesV Aug 2017
had dreams

i have you, in my dreams
i spin around and there you go
behind my eyelids, a featherlike reverie
a secret open to the world

the softness of your lips
the dauntless glint in your eyes
the fire that roars from down your throat
me, a witness to these, and yet

i know nothing but glimpses
vast glimpses, but still
the purr in your voice, a lullaby
my dwindling thoughts, “good night”

i’ll never know
you’ll never know
here with me, a pillow to soften the blow
around me, a blanket to call home

moonlight, a sliver of comfort
in this world before slumber
you are there, i am here
these thoughts shall never meet you

tonight, my dreams will give me
for m.y.g.
Jac Apr 2020
light — featherlike —
risen into the depths
of tranquility
i am feeling light
Fey Aug 2020
with featherlike movements
he undresses me
not with his trembling fingers but
more with the whispered words lingering on my skin

"I'm afraid of loving you."

the way his gaze travels across my body
reminds me of what Helène told me
people loving each other with eyes closed
and lips ready to explore elegantly

i said that i am always a little sad
maybe he was too.

© fey (30/08/20)
I was extraordinarily inspired by the movie "L'Amant (1992)", so I tried to imagine what intimacy might feel like, based on the experiences of the protagonist.
Connor Apr 2017
Woe is a horned creature
      Color/blue (soft)
      Youth of savage taste
Piano is envious for magic
(The noise is disquiet)
    Angel wise and
    a whisper

Mother cleaned up her
violent act on stage (a highwire)
    The temple forever stained with
          Garden of age/
       A river's foolish plea with the moon,
People wrapped in ivy dance holily
   With their April patterns in a truly
    Dionysian scene
         I am there (a poet)
             day belonging to death
as death is owed to

   I feel balanced in this state
   (on the edge of the river)
       we are joined by harmonies from the Valley,
         they can be heard from above
           (a warmth/a womb)


   The sea is still alone
   (chasm of black)

Thinkers chase its waves &
Our eyelids disappear like marble
into empty flies
  released from a tropic fantasy
    The inevitable scream, humid &
     Covered in ash (volcanic)


Illness rejuvenates the dream/
questions remain questions

   An elephantine flowerbridal looms/

Smoke erases the memory stained in each ring of each pine,
          burdens relieved from the Antlers of
ancient death
         (smoke, tide, branches crackle in a flame, peace is envisioned here, I love you)
         Narrow ceilings attempt to re
The sky/      
Paint flaking off pathetically (the palace)
darling ember washed away with simple time

    (Where has our capability for survival gone?)
         mapmakers and children watch their hair fall into a promising wishwell
    ...kept secret and sacred
         those who see the bottom of the well are branded with eternal laughter!


? Healers hand
       (You've arrive
       at the entra
       nce you once saw asleep)
                 The conquest for simplicity is finally realized as no conquest at all
                     You're in love again,
(Yellow love)
lynnia hans Dec 2016
drown my sorrows away with your featherlike kisses
feeling the warmth of your protection from your arms
looking at me deeply with those intense, deep hypnotic eyes to hush my soul
cradling me to sleep to neverland with you
TLPrince Apr 2020
Throw off the lights. Throw off the light

Wake up Marzia, the day has broken and the needles await

“Italia will come to you at last” she said smiling

But me, I felt nothing, like rolling water all around

And the dead sound that hit my ear was maybe

The remnants of her smile breaking on sunlight.    

“Hide the mirror! Hide it far away from the people of Night,”

“For shall we risk ourselves again aiming for old illusions.”

“Leave that to children” she said, and in me,

The words rang quite in tune:

“It’s a new melody, it’s a new melody” said I

Although I knew the chords.

“My sleep is not yours” she said, but she said it from so far

“My sleep is not yours” she said, voice of mistery,

Doesn’t belong to any body at leash.

“Is the room empty ?” I cried in fear

“Yes, I heard she said, like yesterday and today, and the nights before.

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeams came from the cupboard!

No, these were mine

“Oh my God am I here all alone!”

Marzia, Marzia, Snow Queen of the Fall

Gather, Gather for the feast

Deliver us in beauty from our fatal quest to meaning!

White Queen, shoot it straight

White Queen, here we go again round that morning spear

“Marzia can you hear ! Can you feel !”

“Yes, but she didn’t respond me, I can see, I can see ! I’ve closed my eyes”

“Butter Queen! Take me in your depths,
Sliding down the road of consciousness with you.”

“Have you taken my chocolates, she said.”

“I am doing it, from the Everest Pinpoint”

-Echoes are chiming like morning haze-

“Mi scopia il culo!”

“White Queen, Come take my pain away.”

How come you taste so good, Jagger told me

-She ‘s always been sugary-

“We’ve eaten the hours, but they’re vomishing us, said she”

“How can it be only monkeys climb my tree”

“I know what it’s like to be alive.”

“Silence !”

“Silence !”

Silence indeed was falling back, featherlike

Pillowfully painting, pillowfully painting, pillowfully painting...

“I must leave”
     Eyes, ceiling, glue. Blue eyes, blond hair. Italia first.
     Eyes, sealing, girl. Blue eyed, blond waves. Italian flesh.

“I know what it’s like to be left”            
      High sea, reel blue. Blue eyes, blond hair. Weaver thirst.
      Bye thee, healing pearl. Blue heart, blond days. Happens fast.

    Six hundred and eighty two lambs
             for October the sixth

                  Come by at three, come by at three

                                                         ­                                                I left without me
To the people of Night
TLPrince Apr 2020
Louise is still in bed.
     It is almost eleven, Louise lies in her bed.
     She lies, entangled in the multiple blankets that shape with lights and shades the delicate curves of her body.
     Her hair flows softly on the pillow where they lay.
     One of her leg, skinny but still forceful is spread out of the warm shield of the covers : A white arrow against the crimson mattress, and her smell fulfills the room.
    It is a drunk sensation, that smell, like a rough rush of desire as a perfume.

    Her white complexion distinguished itself clearly on the brass pillow, her sleek blond hair shining, her head hangs slightly on the left and she wears a dreamy face. And again that heady smell of her.
    A man has taken his clothes and escaped by the window a few minutes ago, or more. The sound of a ragman praying in the distance is still ringing through.
    The window open wide allows the breeze in, throwing the red curtains billowing. The chill is there too, engaged in a mighty fight against the protection of the blankets. The sun is pouring like burning coal inside, all of gold and beams.
    The flowered wallpaper, yellowish now due to the ages’ action, emanates a soft warmth ; an old lady has just sneezed somewhere ; the picture of the madonna peers quietly over the room, all over the big brass bed, half-drowned in a vivid light.Oh, and that unwearable smell likewise a goddess body, entrancing.
     Louise, she’s just near, she moves, rolling tenderly on her side, in an endless struggle against the reawakening. Stretching a leg now, crunching on herself then, the mouth slightly open ; a sugary breath blows between her ivory teeth.
     The bed seems too big for her, she could have shrunk during the wild blazing nighttime, though I doubt it.
     The murmur of the blankets rippling can be heard to the advert ear. The sandman is on a beach in Florida now : only the defense of her fragile eyelids remains. A deck of cards has been scattered on the floor, the jack of hearts swimming flat in a pool of hopes.
     Outside, across Greenwich Village, nobody can guess that baby isn’t blessed, but that’s all our fate too. A man is sliding, a hat on his eye, round the corner of the avenue, God knows he paid some dues but now it makes it only seem so cruel.
    The lamppost mule is holding up the skies, folding upon the world, that makes the dogs bark but they are only dogs, remember it.
     What if Mona Lisa was not smiling and the Chineses were blind ? The highway happy, and the rumbling thunder shivering ? Like a roar, those questions still echo in the air, but she does not care, just like a little girl.
     Her pearly fingers run across her face, through her hair and down her eyes. She bridges languorishly her back to the ceiling and falls back featherlike, lying now straight.
     Two spotlights of blue and mist opened, staring at the ceiling, the dreadful ceiling. Images of past and future, of lovers and crooks swirling in front of her : she’s awake.
     A fat budgie sings like silence from a corroded cage in the darkened corner ; A bra and a shirt hang from it but no one really cares. The rumbling of the crowds, the soundtrack of our life. A tree near the window shatters the blinding light that bursts in the room. And that smell… it’s so hard to get on.
     Likewise the leopard, she stands out her nest, softly, without any noise and with great grace. She grabs a shirt that she let on her shoulders floating to her hips, to protect the body from the haunting chill, and she strikes the fat budgie.
    The floor it is cold, she walks, she floats on her tiptoes to the window ; as she walks, the sunshine draw ghosts of valleys, hills and forests upon her flesh. Dignity is carved in her features, meanwhile the spirit of sensuality howls in the bones of her face.
    A strand of hair taunts her eye as her mane seems to follow every breath, every pace she takes, timelessly. She removes that strand arrogantly. An eternity had just passed when she arrived at the window, an eternity of elegance that no school can ever teach, that no one can ever learn.
   She stands, framed by the pouring light, bathed in clarity, like an angel on the window ledge. A restless memory of him has disappeared : she said she was called Johanna yesterday, she said  she would never forget, neither of them believed it, she said watery words, she spoke from her watery lips, once. The egyptians pretended that every new day was a new world, she’s not egyptian. Still she does not feel yesterday anymore. She just stands there, framed by the pouring light, the beauty of the world and the beauty of my lover so entwined,  an oblivion conquers our minds.
     She looks but does not see ; She listens but does not hear ; she exists, she does not live and she spends a lifelong while at those window. Greenwich Village, the green and gold and brown and grey daytime light and tree and street. The shirt dancing on her sides, she smiles mirthful, her shiny eyes seem to encompass the whole universe in a sight, or two. She is present, she is here, she is her. Like she never done before…
    Maybe she has stood the trial of time at this window, carved in an instant of perfection, maybe she is flying with the doves by now, heading for the gates of Eden, maybe, she has jumped…anyway.
Oh, and that smell of her, is now all that remains.

— The End —