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Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Another win, another celebration.
Fifteen world championships
That’s inspiration.

But are you ready? For the beast?
Because rumors are swirling
That he’s been released.

Four men are the least of your worries,
Because you’re about to be interrupted
On this golden journey.

You've defeated him once before,
But he is no longer weak.
As he is much stronger
Since he defeated the deadman's streak.

Now he’s coming for you,
And your championship.
It’s not so much another run,
But for the pain he loves to inflict.

So forget Mr. Money in the Bank,
And the four other gladiators.  
Enjoy your title run now, Cena.
Because Brock Lesnar is an annihilator
This poem is about professional wrestler John Cena winning his fifteenth world championship (which is pretty much a big deal) and the obstacles he is rumored to be facing after the next pay per view. I am a HUGE pro wrestling fan and I've been writing a lot of pro wrestling poems lately. I actually don't think this one is that bad.
into the smiting
sky tense

tree      leaps
                  a stiffened exquisite

wait the sweet
annihilation of swift

i make me stern against
your charming strength

O haste
drawing into you my enchanting
Xan Abyss Apr 2018
I am the Great Connector
I was born to unite The Horde
I am the Great Collector
Of souls felled by my Axensword
They all call me subhuman
And revile me as a beast
But they do the same to you and
For that they'll pay the price
(No Peace)

We are strong, We are brave
Though they wish to see us caged
We are wild and Untamed
And we will never live as slaves

Conquerors, We Are One!
Same blood in different skins
At last you'll see, when the victor is me
I am the Lord of our Kin
Wastelanders, Join the March
The World will burn as we sing
When the battle is won, I'll announce to everyone
"I am the Ogre King!"

I am the Great Divider
I was born to brew up storms
I am the Annihilator
My path was forged in war
My reign began in chaos
In Bloodshed, so it ends
All this Strife has nearly left me with
No Kingdom to Defend

We are Violent and Enraged
Now that we have been Betrayed
There are Consequences Grave
For Manipulated Faith

Revolution, it has come!
Same blood but different sins
The Empire Falls
And all Hear the Call
For A New Order to Begin
Decapitate the Tyrants
& Slaughter those who Resist
When the battle is won,
At the top of my lungs, I'll cry
"Long Live the Ogre King!"

I am the Great Destroyer
The Throne is mine to take
I will be king at any cost
Dead nations in my wake
I am the Great Conniver
With Sinister Designs
Never cared how much is Lost
So long as what is Left is Mine

We are rabid and insane
From lives of misery and pain
Now that the world's ablaze
We fall into our cages

These Horrors have just begun
Same gore from separate veins
What have we done,
To our daughters and sons?
A History Bloodstained!
We threw our lives into this war,
And lost more than we gave
When the killing is done,
I'll tell everyone,
"The Ogre King is slain!"

Now Our Planet is a Grave!

"The Ogre King is Slain,
Long Live the Ogre King,
I Am
The Ogre King!"
Lately I've been inspired by the goings-on in my tumultuous homeland to start writing Epic Fantasy lyrics that double as political protest songs.
ECKate Dec 2013
so greed took mankind

with genetics
decomposed from the inside
a sick thought, I thoughts.
... inhale your doom, I thought. change your ways, you ought, I thought.
choke the carcinoma cells.
knee swells, Capricorn.
better go later for assurance of;
talk to those doctors;feed your own lies,
only to discover
them being drunk off of disguise.
sick conditioned,
The words definition, domestication
of everything

gratitude gratitude to Pavlov, whose name capitalizes;  
a way of nature
creature creator, part of the world's annihilator.

cousin to eugenics we have cosmetics, anesthetics for the mind.
a nice golden walkway for mankind.
inevitably so, We herd along, too dumb to fight what we refuse to know.

Ignorance, etiquette, silence; rhyme.
herbal healing humans; survive.

© 2015 Kate Volk
Gypsy Bard Oct 2014
A fresh page,  
Ripe to ****,  
To fill with  
Thoughts, emotions, rage  

A lot of poets  
are egotistical wankers  
who think they  
can write,  
but can't.  

I hate reading poetry,  
I love my poetry,  
Am I a narcissist?  
I hope not.  
I don't like narcissists.  

I can't write,  
What am I thinking?  
'Sometimes life is not a  
Cake walk served up  
On a silver spoon'  
Don't write poetry, Josh.  
You can't do it...  

I'm not a poet.  
I listen to baby  
**** metal and  
Watch My  
Little Pony -  
I have long hair and  
I like rainbows.  

The sticky-note on  
my wall says:  
"Bah! Stanzas!"  
Another one says  
"Welcome to the  
Honorary Magical  
Unicorn Squad"  

I started writing  
with intent,  
I defenestrated it,  
It is on the ground  
outside my window.  
I should go pick it up.  
I mean...  
It is cold outside.  

I don't know...  
You just have to  
let intent die and  
go with words  
that don't rhyme  
and express emotion,  

I'm not poetrying,  
right now.  
I'm talking to a  
red notebook, with  
thoughts reading  
'I must show this to  
my brother and post  
this on a site with
people I don't know  
that will hopefully  
'upvote' my poem'  
It feels good  
not to be deep,  
To just turn my  
brain off and  
Write because what  
the **** else am  I
gonna do at  
3'o'clock in the morning  
on Sunday.  

I'm a 13 year  
old boy, I probably  
will be whisked off  
to church with my  
mother at 7 am.  
I have a party  
today I need  
to go to.  

The boy I have  
a crush on will be  
there, and so will  
alcohol, so you  
know what that means.  

Oh god,  
That sound manipulative...  
What the ****, Josh.  

Today I wrote  
something that was  
a couple tiers above  
Infant Annihilator lyrics.  
About ****** newborns,  
Why didn't I  

I described very  
vividly what I thought  
would happen in that  
situation with  
everything too,  
Including the baby's  
internal organs,  

I don't like my  
I'm a coltcuddler,  
I'm a furry  
I think about  
My Little Pony and  
Asian businessmen  
who teleport instead  
of taking the bus to  

My friend went  
to the school  
dance as Gamzee  
Or someone else.  
She's in some weird  
fandom... But I can't judge.  
I went as a rainbow  

I can't come out as  
Bisexual her or else  
some **** redneck  
kid will want my  
*** and head  
on a post on his lawn  

******* Josh...  
Why couldn't you  
have been born  
a bisexual girl...  
Everyone likes  
bisexual girls.  

Don't tell anyone...  
But I like the  
way I look when  
I'm dressed as a  
girl. I'm being  
a drag queen for  
Halloween, and my  
friend, Kady, did my  
makeup for practice.  
I am beautiful as a girl.

There's this boy  
In the high school  
who dresses up as  
a girl, but isn't gay.
His name is 'Kailee'  
He is beautiful.

They played 'Come on Eileen'  
at the school dance. Kady  
and her friend, Trinity, were  
doing the Patrick and Sam  
dance from 'The Perks Of Being  
a Wallflower' I was supposed  
to be charlie but  
they stopped the music  
before I was supposed  
to come in...  
**** Commies...  

Some of you have  
stopped reading.  
Some at 'Baby ****'  
Some at 13 year old boy'  
Some at 'Boy I have
a crush'  
**** everyone who  
stop reading  

You shouldn't *******.  
You shouldn't read ****.  
You should stop being  
such a little whiny  
pathetic brat.  
I hate myself  

"Give up on your  
dreams, kiddo,"  
Don't hang in there.  
You stupid ****.  

I want to write a book,  
Call it 'The Raft'  
About a girl  
named 'V' and  
a boy named  

Isaac is a real person.  
I loved him.  
He didn't love me.  
I cried.  
He didn't comfort me,  
He was home  
I was home  
It was 11 at  
night on a  
school night.  

I read a lot of  
gay ****.  
The best  
story was  
a scotch on the rocks.  
Scotch blows,  
Gets ******,  
And gets a boyfriend.  

I want a boyfriend,  
I just don't think  
Austin is gay or  
I hope he is...
kenye Oct 2013
Everyone's out to outdo everyone else
It's not even about meaning anymore
It's how much press coverage it gets
Whoever makes them "just" statistics
And there's no fantasy draft yet

Somewhere alone in his dark place
Ruminating his environment
Some bedwetting, fire starting, animal abuser
Infantilized by the hatred of maternal instincts
Projected on him

He likes the way she hurts him
She abuses open hand words
or clenched up fists of embarrassment
It just fuels his homicidal tendencies
His brains on the hate frequency
And he's ready to let the fantasy slip

Home is where the heartless host
absence of emotional ghosts
the boy
the man
the monster

He lost it

Family annihilator,
He took his mother out last
So she'd suffer through
the destruction of the *******
Her wasted wish
of abortion'd children.

This was before the news vans
This was before the first respondents
This was before the society outlash

Back to him alone in a dark place
In the depths of his disturbing mind
He sets higher stakes.
I wrote most of this after taking a course in Criminal Psychology. I noticed a pattern with a lot of serial killers having troubled relationships with their mothers. It's an interesting dynamic, the absence of nurturing is very detrimental to the development of the psyche in children. This is probably my darkest work, I thought no better time than to post it than before Halloween.
S Olson Feb 2018
a dimple of great sadness yawns wide,
a timid fawn, eyes and ears small pearls

and it exists only in my body, mourning
lethargy. morning becomes lethargy,
a heavy predator. without commander
or command, it commences. flowering
into living sleep, i obey, when it beckons

primordially. the sky’s cerulean fingers
all sag. backwardly, blossoming
into muteness, all color
is fed to the inescapable

darkness. hand-fed inwardly, it is a gaping
thirst in the sea of unquenchable
hunger. i do not love it; it mimics

moonlight. the limpid doe,
a crystalline annihilator,

havocs the flower
to furlough the meadow
into the silence,
and into the black.
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019
What Will Happen If

The Human specie disappeared

The earth will still revolve around its axis
Causing day and night on its surface
The planet will still elliptically circle the sun
Causing the seasons, life's nourishment
The rain will still fall, and the rivers flow
The plants will still grow and fruit and flower
The birds will still sing, and the insects hum
Mammals and the animals will still roam amid
The forests that will still lushly cover the land
The oceans, where the life began, will churn
Continuing with its amazing eco system
Of abundant blue green algae, krill and coral
Teaming with microbes, fish and mammals
Life will continue to evolve with each passing day
Causing birth and rebirth and survival above all
And upon extinction of one, others will be born

Alas! The annihilator, we humans are still here
decompoetry Aug 2010
They sat on the stoop,
on the rooftop,
on the grass.
They watched,
they saw,
they turned away
in disgust
and disarray;
vowed never to see,
but to be.

Ideas sprayed on parchment:
plans for the future,
true ideals
fit to last.
It was their turn
to undo the past.

They would create change,
destroy order,
and recycle the entrails
into a revolution,
one that would have an outcome;
an outcome not of the worst
but of the best.
They’d pierce straight through
this vanilla-stained vest.

They looked in each others' eyes
and smiled at what they saw,
for within each pupil
glowed a fire;
a fire of the downfall
and revival
of this world
they've come to know
and hate.

They knew one day soon
their hatred would spin
and move in the other direction;
the direction of light,
of true happiness
and peace.
The soothing sparks
rocketing from their eyes
convinced them so.

They knew they would succeed,
unlike others who have tried,
they knew how to win,
knew not to try
but to do.
They would release
their envisioned paradise
from their grasp
and upon the oblivious.

But as they grew older
an event occurred
that would cause a change,
a change that would make sure
to reject any other,
a change that would be the annihilator
of their dystopic utopia.

A small occurrence,
a brick thrown
shatters through the window,
triggers a false realization.
The shards succumb them
into the seducing
sepulchral-inducing cage
that keeps them bookmarked
to the same opening page.

Vents crack,
in pours the fog.
The mist once loved,
now loathed,
seeps through the fracture,
smothers their hope,
breathes their air,
air they used to dream,
now nothing more than a theme.

Fear drags them down
like the others,
devours wonders of the unknown,
slashes at their flesh,
shrieks of monotone,
visions escape from the wound,
wounds of which sealed
with reminders of the failed,
never to be reopened,
their appetite remains forever lost.

Now they walk
back and forth,
forth and back,
hands in pockets,
shoulders shrugged.
What's the time?
They've lost track.
All watches are smashed,
big hand frozen on yesterday.

They are the lost,
previous dreams forgotten,
left in the rain,
drifted away
down the drain,
never to regain
their once beloved ambition.
Instead they gather
gritty ammunition
and float towards
certainty, the predictability
of a future that ceases in a puddle.
They are the lost.
J M Surgent Feb 2012
I am
A breaker of hearts,
An annihilator of love
A wordsmith in his own mind,
Someone who thinks they’re always right.

I am
Desirable in theory,
Not recognized in society
Quiet in the ways of my life
Someone who you’ll forget in two days time.

I am
A man of music, or was for one life
An artist of some unknown kind.
A capturer of light and moments within
A sealed vault of poetic emotion

I am
The person looking at the stars
The person counting the clouds
The person you walk right by.
The person who’s ready now.
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i think: come(unthink)music
carelessmusic softly lilting the
swept downy fiber, falling, flakes
come steeply, arrive on comely ears,
the nuisance of thy waft gentle exactly
and the bodies


met of muscles many in sweetness
honey one, long strain of thy cords
envelopes the snug sound of your


as a raspberry pursed between
lips, fruitmouth,

your fragrant
hand is the most articulate violence

           the most unthink


the most ear full cringe of lewdness
(dear, the smart vastness of your
naked sigh is a murdering song
comes from paired lips, and single throat

         annihilator sound



Jeffrey Pua Nov 2015
Count, my friend. Make them count.
Limit your words to ten, or less,
As though to conceal a panorama
Of thoughts inside a dreamcatcher,
Or the stars to a wallflower, I wonder,
If you infuse all flavors that there is, altogether,
On her doubled lip of plum, the herbs of your country,
An Asia of spices squandering her mouth,
Will she smile? Hunger is key
To her heart. Use it.

Rhyme, my friend, toy with the galaxies,
Unleash the behavior of a predator, an annihilator,
Ready to swallow the moon for her love,
And burn the Venuses of the Universe,
Her doubts, her insecurities.

Blind her with the imagery of love, her true self,
For love is blind, and is yet to see the light
That she emanates. My friend, flatter her
With the colors she was deprived of.

And then, slowly, unbridle your soul, your spirit,
The white mares of your chariot. I say, set foot
To your heart, my friend, and set your self free.
The constraint of words is the constraint
Of affection. It is to chain the Divine
To the old, old pillars of ambiguities.
     Remember that.

For it is with an I love you
That you write the poem of love, my friend,
     On her wrists, waist, her chest.

          Now, tell her that.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Nothing could mitigate the woes
Of a being suffering in death throes
The ones around may feel a little pain
Going through an end never happens again!
When blood spills from the nose
The predator looms large and close
Standing there in helpless agony
You witness the messing up of all harmony!
While creating life God plays an animator
In destroying it the ultimate annihilator
Leaving us to know it time and again
The game we are in ends in a blind lane!
jolly Jul 2021
They want to tell you that the evil that I fall asleep begrudgingly with is the same that every single one like me is bludgeoning the innocent with,
I am not afraid to say it, I am not the victim,
I will stay awake for days until there's no more skin to pick from,
I'll sew shut the mouths of every infant to quiet every winter,
every mother will resent her womb, a fruitless wound within her
****** every father with these wide, arresting ****** eyes
and hips that move on their first ride enthusiastic like a child,
so certain in his mind with every ****** the ways that he'll betray her,
in a rabid fit of lust becomes a family annihilator

They want to tell you that the evil I resent that resides in me is the same as all the rest they deem as accidents
but it takes a heart of pure love and hatred to swim above the surface with a millstone round your neck
Lizz Hunt Apr 2017
I want to glow in the way that a burning house does       but
I'm afraid to lose my foundations;
I've kicked them out from beneath myself so many times that I've stopped blaming god and since then, also, stopped asking him

who wants to be the pacifist that allows rot to turn to decay? I want to be the annihilator that turns lust into impassioned regret.
I will announce in the hour of concession every ill thought I've held, turned to glass beneath the pressure of my own resistance

I am powerless to act upon my desires,
I am sick in the same ways that i am well
Josh Anderson Aug 2015
surely that was a demon
that stood at the gates to our town
reeking horrible noxious odors
the rancid body bubbling
darting eyes filled with avarice
and jaws grinning, panting, consuming
hindsight screams to shut it out
leave the town in sanctuary
but tar glimmered gold in that moment
and in that myobic blink
the gates were flung open by greed
but what entered was endless hunger
death left uncounted in wake
this creature of sludge oozes on
ravaging without regard or care
in this town of simple folks
where we embrace our visitors
without the casting of prejudice
since the ancient days of myth
many gods and earthly spirits
have paid patronage to our quaint town
we celebrate with great joy
the whims of each visitor god
and we accept their gifts gratefully
but this god brings about death
its hunger rages unshaken
it smothers and constricts indistinct
the people must all be blind
to drink and cheer on merrily
while the toxic creature grows immense
it gives nothing but sickness
but I’ve never seen such worship
laurels left to rot on the putrid beast
and people brought to their knees
out of their frenzied devotion
to this annihilator of life
this must surely be our end
jumping into the wretched maw
like a moth dashes itself to flame
one day all life will be dead
consumed by this malignant god
when the whole world is wrapped in plastic
This is a cynical mirror of "See The World"
David R Jun 2021
rat-a-tat-tat, the metal annihilator
taught our ears its foreign tongue,
in the hands of violator
takka takka's sung

sowing death and violation
hungry for the mutilation
of a child, of a nation,
brat-a-tat spells termination

it was the third primordial sinning,
first was greed, then came envy,
as long as greed 'n envy's winning,
third is sure to make his entry

bloodshed with green mama, jealousy,
goaded by lust, spouse, father, king,
as one, begetters with their progeny,
takka takka sing

altogether, takka takka takka,
baby, child, mamma 'n pappa,
in the name of Phi Theta Kappa
takka takka sing
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R May 2022
sometimes i yearn to sing with the stars
to be one with Jupiter, Venus 'n Mars
to scale the heavens, make my voice heard,
to soar ever upwards, on feathers of bird,
to join in the song of orange-tipped rays
that shine over Earth at start of new days
to bathe in the light of Eternal's blue gown
and sew for Him words He can wear as a crown

and at once i am there, in the heavens above,
in the waves and the currents of outpour of love,
dancing among stars of burning white fire
circling with angels of purest desire
the existence of self dissolved in the ether
the soul's divine rest with the Earth far beneath her
spirit at rest in the ***** of Source
in loving embrace of benevolent Force
Mind of the Father and Womb of the Mother,
Arms of my Friend, breath of my Lover

there i forget all the pain and the sorrow
the worry, the fear, the concern of the morrow,
i forget to beseech, to implore and to pray
to scream and to shout, to beg and to say
"Make the world better, that man and beast
not prey on each other, on their downfall not feast,
that each live in harmony as sister and brother
with regard and care and concern for the other,
that there be an end to the senseless warfare,
that breeds on pride, that sows despair,"
To plead, "put a kibosh on the metal annihilator,
the blaster, the bomb, the knife of executioner,
that seeds of pure kindness should sprout and proliferate
heal minds of the mindless and hearts of the ingrates."

i forget to pray, to roar "it's enough!
all the death, all the sickness, all the hurt thereof",
for there in heaven there is only love
there's no mention of pain in the heavens above.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#benevolent, kibosh
Travis Green Jun 2022
He coaxed me
Into his magicalness
Lawless, secret hotness
Cosmic carnivorous erotica
Insatiable, relishable moments
Awash with even stronger
And carnal delectation

He was pure and reckless
Heartbreakingly amorous
A fiery captivating sensation
Profoundly potent and dopacetic
I rushed into exhilaratingly
Hot juicy hours with him
Thick with deep fevered sweetness

Rampant radiant sensations spread abroad
So hungry and crazed
So wild on a sexually
Striking kryptonite
He ruled my inner world
Stole away my creativeness
Replaced it with something
Much greater than before

He navigated the sensational scintillating pages
Of my tasty naked formation
Demonstrated his amazingness
Breathed passionately
All over my sweet ****** flesh
As I lied on his hard, savage chest

I stroked his thick, rigid, and veined shaft
Exalted in its hotness and solidness
Its slick glistening architecture
While he caressed my bright bodacious cakes
I gazed into his penetrating hazel eyes
And I knew I had hit the jackpot

He enamored me in a deep way
Had me stroking and deepthroating
His heavily heavenly snake
Checking it out painstakingly
Choking on it, controlling my flow
Feeling him grow explosively in my mouth

I was bound to him
On an incredible eclectic expressway
To the deepest depths of deliciously
Inexpressible ecstasy
Speechless blissful bewitchment
Mystic and triumphant wonders
All over an extraordinarily seductive man

I smoked his enormously long, strong cigar
Immersed myself in its fresh, sensuous fragrance
Felt its top-notch chocolate thunder
Allowed my hands to dance
Upon the delectable velvet surface
Kissed all around it
Caressed it slow and fast
With soulful poetry in magical motion

I performed stellar hot tricks
With my thick ***** lips
Gave him a wild, rushing rise
Had his highly aroused eyes shifting everywhere
Submerged in my rare red-hot queerness
Forever and ever, never will I ever
Turn away from his perfectness
I gave him what he needed
What his thickness called for

I was his fresh-faced, rosy nurse
Attentive, authentic, and competent
I permeated his headspace
With constant, loving affection
Showed him how much I feened
For his damaging exhilarating annihilator
I sunk into every sumptuous chunky inch
While he kissed and squeezed
My bare incandescent busties
And bit my lovable nuzzleable nips

He took me to spectacularly unmappable places
The more I delved into his turgescence
Overly burning for his immersiveness
His firm, fervent freshness
He lit up my gayness
Teased and thrilled me deeply
Had me lost in another world
Within another world
Where he was greatly flirtatious with me

I rocked his machoness
Made him hold me so tightly
As he groaned out loud
“****, I feel it coming. Get ready.”
I worked his immense ten-inch python
Cherished and caressed it
Massaged his heavy sack

I sped up my stroke game
As he expelled hot sticky
Man syrup all over his
Slick, silky chest and abs
He reached out to kiss me
And smiled ever so magically
Carolyn Diana Jan 2021
Pain is like the parasite
latched to your endless gut
constantly stabbing
the acrid recollections of time

You can slit to bleed open
leaving you wounded
How many more times
will you dig the same grave?
And each time
one less sensation
until you finally decide to sit with it
and absume

So are my poems
dipped in glorious words
and cast to bottomless pit

Despite my perfection portrayal
my mumma smelt
the cloaked darkness
dripping from my lethiferous eyes
She brewed a potion of nepthene
tried to uproot them all

She grew weary
and now worships the dark
Could I blame her?
I wish I was the Lucida
she hoped for

The person that I am
I've been sown weeds of all kinds,
I've been gone for long
all that remains
the forlorn shadows and dust
And lo, I scribble
epitaphs of my demons in disguise

So before you weigh the depth
and wonder why
Before you happen to woe my
crestfallen poems and
kiss my broken wings
I've become an annihilator.
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2018
The aggressor
is a self-hater
takes on others
he is his own annihilator.
Travis Green Oct 2023
I wanna peel off
His dapper outfit
Grip his prominent hips
Embrace amorously
Take in his handsomely
Scintillating manliness

Feel his superb ****** hair
Stare into his mesmeric peepers
So appealing to me
So pleasing to taste
Escape into his
Dreamland playground

Astound me with his ****** energy
Devoured by desire
Feel his flaming fire
His high-powered pulling power
Put his mouth and fingers
On my titanic mangoes
My throbbing tips

Send energetic electric currents
Through my curvy structure
Sign his name on my private parts
Make me moan loudly
When he dives into me
With his monstrous shaft

Make me feel his uncontrollable dopeness
Press his hot, strong body against mine
I can’t resist the feeling
When he thrusts deeply into my guts
Fill me with his sizzling heat

Make me weak in the knees
Tilt my head back against him
Let him caress every inch of me
Give me an unbelievable thrill
Plant wet, sloppy kisses
All over my fine, lithe physique

Feel his tantalizing thugness
Like butterscotch sands
Like verdant grasslands
Flood through my existence
Swirl his tongue on my blue-ribbon buns

Open the gate to my gay world
Make me succumb to the galvanizing power
Of his anaconda annihilator
Make me feel his hurricane
Of high-octane fiery delight

Cover me in his perfection
Paint his artistic creation
All over the surface
Of my unblemished brown skin
Make me have earth-shattering *******

Incapable of controlling myself
Feeling his nails dig into my back
**** me deep and hard
Spank my bounteous, mind-blowing ***
Make me shout in excitement

Completely blissed out
Move my earth
Stroke me from head to toe
Make me glow like a rose sunset
Like a copper coast

Take control of me
Pull me closer to him
To be perpetually possessed
By his impressively photogenic showiness
Coated in his creamy sweet pole milk
1928 year before the depression was great relate to the faith
People standing in long lines behind waiting for grinds
Government pension replica deja demons culprit footprints
Back to the times of now tell me about oooh child still smile
Amongst chaos drugs guns and blues being tossed loss
Never value happiness over clever levers still tryna sever
My self between the real and the fake shield of mass appeal
Yo the enemies is real holding ****** bullets to seal
Ya mind ya stuck on stupid heed to the words that grill
Everyday steels tossed in the heat of the feel standing still
On shaky ground looking above the grounds space ship bound
Glistens for the silent voice that's quick to gossip sounds
Instinct set to blink every time a flash a blink I sink
Deeper than the black holes spacing portals out grows
My mental embryo now it's a growing cycle homicidal
Tendencies leeching to be fatal from the birth of my cradle
Grave no longer saved Jesus aint coming back on a slave
Ship words encrypt every bar is hitting like a solar eclipse

Lyrical vulture die for the culture violence erupt ultra
Emcee verbal creator stylist annihilator playa haters
Get played like Vega slashed with the half hockey mask
Casey can't replace me been a representative for the 90s
Rewind me see the whole hip.hop family in me
Could even make a jewel shine on the mud wipe out the cruds
**** a judge who gotta problem with the colors of fudge
Ultimate grudge guilt sludge
Filling over the earths past ***** soils wars of spoils
Devils punchbowl still got a hole of alotta unchained souls
Waiting be free wicked elites tryna recast slavery amazingly
I bumped the bee **** the fee I embrace in my own tai chi
Rapid energy photosynthesis plant base rebirth of genesis
Got demons fearing this yo are you hearing this vinyl's crisp
Could even hear cotton hiss off the winds **** minds abyss
Deeper than an infactauted kiss but most critics will diss this
Must be dreaming like Chris deep as Hitchcock suspense
Run to the bench as I pinch fools playin' mo' foul than Mr Grinch
Ken Pepiton Mar 2020
Yeah. We got a course.
We tied a knot around our knacks and

threw away the keys, mixed all our metaphorical

nanobot thoughts re
and pieces of sound forming words on rock, a sign.

-- we have such rocks, I can show you, on my phone.
-- I went there, when I buried my brother, in a pauper grave.
un marked, like Cochise, in cowboy movies.

What's a cowboy movie, grandpa?

Those were used, used to, teach us not to lie and cheat and steal.

But a few among us were chosen, marked with kneckerchiefs,

mine was pinksilk,as I recall the shame and feel the blush
on the face of a child,

like a slap, exactly
like a slap, so you read this story after good at games grandpa

releases the forget me not spell embodied in my grand intention.

I was going to tell stories on the radio and fiddle and yodel
and square dance with the actual little red headed girl

none of which makes any sense, so I yodel and laugh at the fact

I am alive
at this moment in history and I can in fact hold the wind in my fist.

Mymetalmental fist of reason - logos in greek, I hear soul spirit daemon
fist of the being kind who trouble their own house and

survive to inherit the wind. Life is not boring after that.

But the rapids in rivers of reasons to believe are no danger to the fluent
substance of things hoped for, annihilator of things we dread.

I said I was good in this game. There is no making of evil here, we have

make overs and do overs ad infun items, grammerly is dis-allowed,

but, if I were your age, I would take a chance on gramps, experience wise,
punctuation makes the habakkuk habit easier, but limiting

Some of these early adapters... Usenetshit and vacuum tubes for transisters,

the code is gold. Axiomatic as all get out.But no empty space

--- really. Test me, if you felt like life was this scary when this story started;

how scary is it now?

{thread breaks 844 whatever hello sir im calling on a recordeline on belaf of president trump}
Enjoying the terror in a crazy old coot frame of mind.
Dada Olowo Eyo Mar 2020
It's all comers thriving port,
Where receives all questionable sort,
The white Jesus, blond, blue eyed,
And the point where freedom died;

First came an American man with suspicious payload,
But caught by the eagle eye of an Amazon bold,
Whereas Adadevoh gave her life, to save hundreds of millions,
Ebola disease had no qualms

Just as we thought this too shall pass,
An Italian man skips our terrible defenses,
Who knows how far he had transmitted,
The deadly Wuhan China Corona Virus;

Codenamed COVID19,
The potential annihilator has arrived,
Coconut heads responsible for early detection,
Obviously busy enjoying some unwarranted vacation;

And as the many have taken to prayers,
To ward off evil from their areas,
The charge is to ruling class,
To not confirm theirs is the true natured ***.

How did the Italian man gain entry since the 25th of February only to be found on the 27th of February?

Questions are being asked, but are they the right ones?
It is rightly clear that a bio warfare payload can be delivered into the heart of the most populous black country on earth. Zero defenses.

While the one percent political elite continue to enjoy splurges of affluence at the detriment of the ninety nine percent impoverished ones, it is the prayer of ordinary Nigerians that such tragedies occasionally, if not regularly, visit the architects of their miseries and misfortunes.
Travis Green Oct 2023
My smoldering macho Romeo
My sultry, smooth stud
He is so seductively stunning
So wickedly delicious to see and feel
I have red-hot, sparkling dreams of him
Having adventurous, and amorous encounters with me

Keep me inebriated by infatuation
Take a bite out of my flesh
Like cinnamon-sugar French toast
Like hauntingly delicious pretzels
Hypnotize me with his riveting tourmaline eyes

Give me a tingling sensation
Be my irreplaceable inspiration
My relaxing destination
That’s so breathtaking
To take in forever and a day

He makes my heart race
When he embraces me lovingly
Such assertive allure
That lures me into his majestic realm
I adore his glorious ****** form
Of heart-thrilling enchantment

I bask in his breezy personality
His passionate sensuality
His remarkably rare splashiness
I am so lost in his delicious, vigorous architecture
He is so exquisitely made

A mouthgasm of epic proportions
That has me falling deeper than ever
Into his enchanted kingdom
Of enamoring manliness
A powerful musical creation
That moves me deeply

A sinuous, sensual sweetness
That surfaces in my consciousness
I yearn to worship his spectacular world
Share earth-shattering kisses
That makes me catch fire out of nowhere

Conquer my heart
Rock me down
Have hard-hitting, sizzling ******* with me
Leave my legs shaking
So fascinated with his indomitable abdominal annihilator
Travis Green Oct 2023
When I look at him
He is everything that shimmers
Like a dreamlike scene
Like the serene seaside
Like emerald pristine waters

The most monumentally
Magnificent lover man
That advances me closer
To his firm stellar world
Of unparalleled enchantingness

My hypnotic hazel-eyed charmer
My sweet, sizzling studmuffin
Everything about him is
So tantalizingly yummy
So swagged out
So flashily manly

I love marveling
At his astonishingly
Enthralling machoness
Delight in his manly prowess
Overpowered by his high-powered desirableness

His delectable lips are
So lickable and kissable
His bewitching beard
Blows my mind
His hypnotically superb immersivity
Enters into my consciousness

Has me so hot on his masculine world
Taste him like a butterscotch-flavored dessert
Like chewy caramel chocolate candy
I wanna walk into his chamber
Feel ignited infatuation
For his devilishly handsome majesticness

Bask in the way his splashiness
Swaggers into my system
And attracts my attention
His criminally dreamy masculinity
Has me flying high
Into electrifying ecstasy

I crave blazing hot ******* with him
Go at it for hours
Devour me, take his time with me
Rob me of speech
Make me scream intensely

Make me blossom
Like bountiful mountains
Keep me on fire
Drive deep into my tight sweetness
With his amazing ab annihilator

Shake my creation
Clasp my coffee-colored chesticles
Pleasure my ***** *******
Rap with my gay world
Unlock the key to my heart

Knock my socks off
Have his way with me
Make me feel every slamming sensation
Feel my body vibrating
Sprayed with his warm, salty man jam

— The End —