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Marie-Niege Sep 2014
My left ear lobe is having an
allergic reaction to the chemicals
of my bullet-studded earring while
my right ear lobe is just fine with the
bow and arrow that's speared through.

My lungs are anaphylactic response to
the silence of your words and the nasal
voice that whinnies out of your throat.

I am not unaware of your sudden decision
to grow out the raven-colored hair out of its
buzzed stage much like how I understand
your need to refuse my query of,
"What are you?"

I admire your commitment to further your
thinkings, the reach of your leaves.

I'd kiss the state flag you have tattooed
on your forearm if it meant getting closer to you.
Ever wanted to know someone so badly that it [almost] started to not matter all at once
I personally
Love food comas;
And cookie periods,
And gumbo
Exclamation marks!
The're the best!
And semicolon pies,
Oh man...
And peach cobbler
They're perfect
With scoops
Of delicious vanilla
Question marks
With a drizzle
Of caramel
Quotation marks,
Oh no!
I'm going
Into an
Anaphylactic shock
From the forward slash
And back slash
Layered lasagna,  
I'm going comatose!
Quick! make me some alphabet soup!
© okpoet
oh my stars May 2017
You will never understand
What it feels like
To lie in bed at night
Not being to think about anything
Apart from the pair of scissors on your desk
Just three metres away.
You will never understand
What it feels like
To be kept alive by one person.
To completely rely on their love
And their very being.
And you will never understand
What it's like to hurt that someone
So much
Because you don't realise you are
Hanging onto the cracks in their foundations.
You are ripping them apart
And you're so self-consumed that
You don't notice them crumbling
Beneath your touch.
You will never know what it's like
To love life with such a passion
That your missed opportunities
Threaten to **** you.
You will never understand
How it is both a blessing a curse
To feel every emotion so deeply.
So purely.
To feel anger pumping through your bloodstream
To feel sadness dragging you to the bottom
To feel joy lifting you of the ground
And excitement bursting through you
Like sunbeams breaking through clouds.
You will never understand
How hard the simplest things are.
How contributing in class makes you sweat.
How him being late sends your heart into anaphylactic shock.
How leaving the house is enough to trigger a panic attack.
You will never understand
The difficulty of loving someone who doesn't notice you.
Because, believe me, no matter how long you live with it,
You will never get used to everyone meaning the world to you,
And you nothing to them.
You will never understand
How challenging it is to exist,
How hard it is to hold on to life.

You will never understand.
And I am so glad you won't.
Satsih Verma May 2018
Night was descending
on the tonsured heads,
terracotta robes,
clasping the palms, hiding the seeds
of earth.

Against a ban on lips
for belonging truly.
Blissful. The squids settle in the weeds
of overbrimming sea of arms.

Blood was red, brown and pale.
oozing from the slit eyes,
soaking the green voices, herbs and sad kisses.
In the death, your name will be engraved on your shoes.

The steps were small
but shadows were very long on the ice.
The stings unflawed, did their job.
Suddenly you go
in anaphylactic shock.
Jacob Sykes Feb 2013
Anaphylactic shock hits like bricks
brings me down to my knees as the penicillin breathes
poison into my veins, nothing remains
of skin but a massive rash, bigger than the career of Johnny Cash
throat is closing up but I don't give a ****
my life is ending anyway, I can't go back to yesterday
in my life just one regret, haven't done one thing yet
missed my chance, nothing lasts
as long as you want, life is just a front
for a clock ticking faster than originally thought
life is too short to not ***** around
life is too short to be cubicly drowned
life is too short to remain on the ground
life is too short not to make yourself proud
Nicki Mngadi Aug 2016
Persecution your honour
I breathe guilt
I bred lies
My suicidal innocent where are you?
Why have you left me hanging?
Truth why have I neglected your malicious teachings?
Have I none left?
Every staggering lie truer than the next
Inert emotions turned me into a female canine i confess
I am your Delilah Samson
Cutting off your strength strand by strand  
Deceitful intent with every touch
Every kiss an Anaphylactic shock it may seem
Pray you say
Pray I said for I am the grim reaper herself
Dressed as an angel of life: A daemon I am
Wear that Armour Goliath
Because as tiny as David maybe he is still capable of turning you into a corpse
Hail oh hail, my sorrowful woes
Drift away from this shipwreck
I, a hypocrite the knight of terror...
Forgive me Lord for I have sin
The sin of lies rocks me on its back, sleepless horror, rescue him Lord
Truth, truth, truth ,truth repetition decays meaning
Floods of sorry cannot erode the stone shape hurt I have imposed upon your child
Toss and turn, toss and turn in Noah’s flood...ark left you broken down
Repent I shall....
Trembling earthquake, forgive myself?
My discerning limbic...
Be mindful, my feelings are a catalyst in this reaction...unchanged
Proven by my cryogenic heart
In this piece i have betrayed the one I love and I admit it.The last stanza is a message from my beloved.....
Poetic T Sep 2019
They think, that I'm like
   a disowned  feline...

Throwing me out first floor

Do I land on my feet...…
               No I land on my ribs,

on my head, only scrapes..

But my ribs are broken like
             a chess board... one wrong move
and its check mate..

I'm dying where I lie...
             choking on the blood of my
             ******* world moves...

But I landed on my wrist...

They'll never catch my broken *******,

   broken slang.

But they knew what a hand held with another
a mangled ******* as I survived another day.

I came back like a bee looking to sting,
                     but the ones who fell out there nest

were stung by another not me..

I'll walk another day.. been stung a few times..
             but I learnt my lesson...

Don't mess with the nest unless you

                want to be in anaphylactic shock of

some random fools words

trying to prove,
                               some insecurity for an abandoned

father figure, that's compensated
by a bullet,
                          and a promise of we got your back.
Ma Cherie Jul 2016
They say one thing leads to another
but I wish that wasn't so
how does One Stop racing
One thought... then the next
They all used to be good and suddenly without warning  they just
turned around
Did a 360
Like I did on that dirt road at 17 thought we were going to die
Laughed afterwards... Adrenaline Junkies but now it makes me want to cry
wondering why I didn't die
From double lung pneumonia or the
anaphylactic shock when I was really young that penicillin
Hydroplaning off the road,
jumping an 8-foot Stonewall and having the car crushed to my chest
No one could see me in the down there
in the rain even my brother drove by
Couldn't breathe but somehow I made my way out with broken ribs down the road to a phone
that's all I remember about that
Endless stories of trauma I wonder if everybody's life is a city of it
like mine
I can only imagine it is
The terrible thing when your fight-or-flight response is all messed up
Looks like more than a Crossroads
Looks like an endless maze
Covered in a murky Haze
I hope I can find my way back though going to be a while...
I know the brain is a miraculous friend
I'm thinking way too much
They say the more intelligent we are
the more difficult it is to recover
so I wish I was less intelligent now
Or at least I could close this Pandora's Box
The memories that go round and round like the car in the parking lot that I kept spinning till it the engine died
I keep wondering if all that was just a dream
like getting thrown from the horse
There's a whole lot more that I got to shove
into a bottle
every time they're inside my mind
and I chuck them out into the ocean
hoping that they smash and burst on the shore and I will return to who I was
once more....
Keep focusing on the fact that there are more good days and bad
Try to look forward instead of looking back try to keep track of what's important
Right now I guess that's me.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Fred Trump taught his sole son Donald to how to steel the leading way into more ***, though no hint given, nor prediction forecast in his growing up years, that would foretell, thru base anaphylactic cronyism, egotistical gall insidious kleptomania call, malodorous Machiavellian offal obnoxious quintessential skullduggery, unfair wicked yikyak zeal to wield selfishness, a mean mogul with brass, who would unstintingly live up to his sir name, and trump every law in the books of jurisprudence
and crass bend avast set of constitutional laws to feed his ferocious fealty to the all might dollar flaunting, fleecing, and flipping  the welfare of those (he deemed must serve him his insatiable hunger) to connive, dictate. and expedite his hell bent assiduity for an empire fit for a King, who felt no aversion to mollycoddle, peddle, and wheedle any zealous contractual obligation (immediately abrogated), and concoct fabrications
vis a vis, a visa versa MasterCard his American Express shun re: the art of the raw FitBit (if necessary browbeating, depriving, forfeiting meting out legally obligated pay (whenever an inconvenient truth awoke in his noggin reneging fiduciary promises (to the risk-taking, moon shining, toiling citizens ala Indian giving per many an unfair deal exuding crass with especial treatment to withhold wages for his (held in check) Polish laborers, who built his city on rock and rolling
stock – so a Starship emblazoned with the outsize ego of an exploiter with no pay to his backbreaking Polish construction motley crue nor even moo cho grassy us for erecting his empire now ranked in the billions of dollars unfairly pointing a finger to berate, dictate and finagle foreigners (illegal immigrants, he would now boot out of this country) to carry out drudgery
with hungry stomachs growling at slave wages, lamentably plodding since any other employer might question their vlsa status, hence anger boils within this generic human enraged that his wealth squeezed from every last drop of said craftsman, now if still alive old and broken men crushed by the mighty self proclaimed dictator of the proletariat, whose hollow being blind sides those he stares down, yet beware all that glitters is not gold!
Larry I Jones Aug 2014
Anaphylactic shock - oh my!!
(Sometimes I'm not sure we're better off in the modern world.)
We separated.
Drifting apart faster than the content held in every breath I took shouting bee sting sized words at your back,

like the pain would cause you to go into anaphylactic shock and you'd realize you were abandoning a boat we didn't even build on purpose.

You said we should drift off too sea and I agreed.
You said we see things differently and I departed those words from your mouth like they weren't the infection pealing away my conscious everyday we drifted.

I cursed at the tidal waves everyday until I realized our arguments were the reason they started.

And each day spawned a new question faster than the hairs that grew on my face.
And each response fastened a quicker end to our adventures.

You said to stop enjoying the water and enjoy me more often.
But you didn't stop to realize I was staring at you the whole time we were just lost in the ocean and our paranoia was getting the better of us.

And every time we kissed the emotion wouldn't stop slipping.
Because in between the cracks of our lips salt water seeped through the very foundation of this building we had left our hearts with.

It was a change of pace and scenery.
They say losing someone hurts.
But the pain comes from the build up.

I wasn't hurting when you steered the boat to land because you were done with the only fish that kept you sane in the sea.
Or because you needed to find more fish on land to appease your desire
Making me the selfish one of this whole thing.

The process that broke me was watching the waves break us apart and thinking we could survive each one.
But the water become too deep.
And knowing our hearts would only grow apart and never stop drifting.
Put an end to my suffering as the tsunami rained down on us and ended our romantic journey.

And since then we never stopped drifting.
Just a glance of you was enough
Rapid serotonin surge giving me great triumph.
Did my heart just skipped a beat
Giving me a premature contractile treat.
Adrenaline galloped into my blood
Spawning multiple contractions that made me look ahead.
The feeling was so deep, that my cerebrum failed to process
lashings of sensory, motor and cognitive chores.
Have waited quite long to say “ I love you”,
But I never knew that my wernicke’s area isn’t giving a cue.
Don’t know how to deal with this,
A shot of ****** may sometimes give me a sigh of bliss
Duplexing happily into morphine, embracing the opioid receptors
It makes a vow to present me a warm flush of euphoria.
Oh my, was I turning blue?
A tint of cyanosis giving him a clue.
Dumbstruck seeing him walking towards me,
I just blabbered ‘are you nuts?’
Reminded by the anaphylactic shock bestowed by peanuts during my infancy.
I have to deal simultaneously with hypoxemia and hypercapnia,
My respiratory muscles giving me a sudden shut down.
And I was choking so hard,
Waking me suddenly from the beautiful dream I had.
Dreams are just the perfect elixir of life,
But in reality, just like opening the Pandora’s  box.
Satsih Verma Mar 2017
In my domain I am the child again
lost in labyrinth of stairways
unable to find my home.

A swarm of bees descends
gives anaphylactic shock
I am dead in my arms.

You carry a dead gorilla
on the makeshift scaffold,
somewhere a female was beating her chest.

Blood on the face of moon
my sobs will not stop
flowing in muddy streaks in pits of tattoos.

Eggs of blue bird were waiting
for the mother to come,
kids were on doormats.

It was always the salt lake.
No body was going to drown
wolves, sharks and men!
Bazl Jul 2018
Your legalese
Is making me sneeze
Eyes start to water
Lungs start to wheeze
An Anaphylactic swarm
Of African bees
You bring me to my knees
With your legalese.
Crooks running the courts.
sandra wyllie Sep 2023
shaking the ground, pitching
his sound just like a tenor. He's making
me wheeze. My lungs are whistling
like a kettle. And of yet, they have

not settled. He's a disease. My liver,
foie gras, black as char, a smoking
cigar. A blocked artery. A growing
malignant tumor spreading around like

a high school rumor. An all-over body rash
with mountainous boils, popping
and making a splash. He’s head lice,
clawing my long golden hair. *******

the blood up there. Here's a fourth
degree burn peeling my skin back
at every turn. He's an anaphylactic shock -
like the hands of a broken clock. I stop.
Gr8Ryzyngz Jul 2019
Just to get out
Holding my breath from
This detrimental fresh air
Inhaling toxicities at
Anaphylactic proportions
When your suicidal thoughts
Are delusions of setting you free
Don't believe the hype through
Golden plated fronts
Weather we live or die
Somewhere every 24hrs
The sun has the ability
To rise and shine or not
And your skies can still be
Any shade of greyish blue you so choose
Fred Trump taught his sole son Donald
how to steal the leading way into more ***,
though no hint given, nor prediction forecast
in his growing up years, that would foretell,
thru base anaphylactic cronyism, egotistical
gall insidious kleptomania call, malodorous

Machiavellian offal obnoxious quintessential
skullduggery, unfair wicked yik yak zeal
to wield selfishness, a mean mogul with brass,
who would unstintingly live up to his surname,
and trump every law in the books of jurisprudence
and crass bend avast set of constitutional laws
to feed his ferocious fealty to the all mighty dollar

flaunting, fleecing, and flipping  the welfare
of those (he deemed must serve him
his insatiable hunger) to connive, dictate,
and expedite his hell bent assiduity,
an empire fit for a King, who felt no aversion
to mollycoddle, peddle, and wheedle

any zealous contractual obligation
(immediately abrogated), and concoct fabrications
vis a vis, a visa versa MasterCard his
American Express shun re: the art of the raw
FitBit (if necessary browbeating, depriving,
forfeiting meting out legally obligated pay

whenever an inconvenient truth awoke
in his noggin reneging fiduciary promises
to the risk-taking, moon shining, toiling citizens
ala Indian giving per many an unfair deal
exuding crass with especial treatment
to withhold wages for his (held in check)

Polish laborers, who built his city on rock and rolling
stock – so a Starship emblazoned with
outsize ego of an exploiter with no pay
to his backbreaking Polish construction
motley crue nor even mucho grassy us
for erecting his empire now ranked in
billions of dollars unfairly pointing a finger

to berate, dictate and finagle foreigners
(illegal immigrants, he would now boot
out of this country) to carry out drudgery
with hungry stomachs growling at slave wages,
lamentably plodding since any other employer
might question their vlsa status, hence anger
boils within this generic human enraged

his wealth squeezed from every last drop
of said craftsman, now if still alive old and
broken men crushed by the mighty
self proclaimed dictator of the proletariat,
whose hollow being blind sides those
he stares down, yet beware all that glitters ain't gold!
Anna Josephine Oct 2020
Hello again, I thought we had spoken about this.
The entering without knocking it knocks me out.  
I want you out, now!
You won't.
You'll hang around until February try killing me in January and give me a break at Christmas.
Like clockwork, you arrive yet every time I'm surprised because there's no way to prepare for what you're like.  
You show no remorse, no shame just a living death, full of hate. That's you.  
Now try telling someone that everything you do is you but not you and on and on it ensues.  
It's deadly, like a supplement of poison that no one sees until you go into anaphylactic shock and maybe just maybe someone will realise who knocked.  
The invisible killer that likes to watch their victims suffer, You just love the suffering.  
Just when I think the antidote is kicking in you slap me again.  
You make my home feel like a prison it's so dark so cold and there's no escape and no one can see you're not home.
Just hoping there's still a home to go to after the war.
Every year you break a little more.
Then when I'm broken I sit waiting, rebuilding, wishing.
Praying you don't knock on my door.
Satsih Verma Sep 2020
When your suffering
drops by, something dies in me.
A cluster of stings-

Brings the anaphylactic
shock.I look at the faces to find
out, how many times god cries.

Don't write me on
your lips like an ephemeral
smoke rising frome the castle.

— The End —