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At the end of the day I am always the one in pains
The one crying
I am that lady who would prefer your lies than to get hurt by your truth
then when I find out about the truth I get mad at you for hiding it from me : I get hurt ... Yet I know I deserve better
I know the is a guy out there who know too much but not as much as he can hurt me
I think I have been pouring my affection on the wrong tree
and he has grown to always make me cry
I feel like am coursed... Cause though I know how much I am worth
Though you treat me ill
hurtful and cruel
My heart changes its destiny
I always cling back to you
I still follow my blind heart to your path
**** me to stop loving you cause
My blind heart will pull me towards you
I think that I am too Emotion to be in this body
I wrote in a female version of myself
What a fool am I to think a girl like you would ever love a guy like me?

I have nothing to attract your flawlessness.

All i can do is write out my feelings...

Telling them makes me feel jobless

Though no amount of words can tell how much I love you,

No amount of words can make you love me ;
Even a quarter of how much love I have for you

I want your love so bad...
Such that
I'll work for it

But does that count?

Does that even matter to you?

It really hurts...
But wait : are you even listening?

I am willing to learn another language...

I am willing to walk miles...

I am willing...
To speak in the tongue of love
I'll do it -

If at all there is a thing like "the tongue of love"

I will give my all to make you love me

Cry on my midnight candle...
Make wishes on all the stars by night ...

Even on the moon if it could grant them and I'll do same to the sun by day

I'll do anything


I am a "sucker for your love"

And I know it...
Who can relate... Loving someone who will never feel the same
"I wanna take this day out for you".

Once I made that decision I ran out of ideas.

Should I just tell you I love you very much?

Should I write my heart out?

No I should work harder?

I should catch your heart without chasing it
I should wait for you
But how long?
How much more time?
What do I do now? that I am lost!
Almost frustrated,
I should think about you?
I should think more about you...
Perhaps thinking about you have become my solution to many other problems
But will thinking bout you solve this issue?
This particular issue of me and you
This issue of you and I
I mean the issue of loving you beyond the number that represents the total stars in the sky
Nor that which represent the waters of the ocean
The issue or "troublem" of not being able to know if you have feelings for me
I mean the trouble of not understanding if you can love someone with such small heart as I have
Maybe its not big a problem after all.
Just maybe I should be patient?
Oh okay maybes I should wait
Wait a little longer
Just a little
Little yet longer
Maybe I should wait
How Long
Just How Long
Waiting for love from probably the wrong person
I realized I was wrong,Wrong to have told you my feelings
Wrong to make you know how I thought about you
Wrong all the while for even hoping
It's a very bad thing I told you
Cause now we are universe apart
The greatest pain to love and not loved back
My soul separates from my being when you are not with me
when you hug another my heart faints, falling deep down my guts
something start stopping me from breathing

I can't think straight at any given time
I am volatile to my own expressions
My emotions can not be contained within me

My mind needs to be set off from my deepest worries
Somethings jealousy can **** a man, Most especially an insecure  man
Don't be surprise when I come
                                                    with you wedding dress
                                             cause each time I hugged you,
                                                 I took your measurement.
Every time I look at your picture, I can't believe you left me.
It breaks more than just my heart that you are gone.
This is more than a heartache

Though to the world you were just a person but to me you have always been the world
I miss you, The biggest void in my soul has been created by you
I loved you with every fluid in my being
Yours Affected

Did she die?
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