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You gave me your heart
As a gift
You wrapped it
with healing words
and pure intentions
And I couldn’t wait to unwrap it
You gave it to me
Without me ever having to tell you
What I needed
I’m starting to think you know
What I need
More than I do
What you never told me
Was just how precious
Your heart really is
You don’t give things away easily
You don’t give your time
To those that would waste it
You don’t give your energy
To those that don’t deserve it
You don’t give your undivided attention
To those that would rather serve as a distraction
Away from your path
You don’t give things away easily
But you gave me your heart
with out a second thought
and it has made all the difference
in me
Somedays I feel like I’m
Huddled in a corner
staring wide-eyed
At the world passing by
watching me through
Plexiglass walls
and spotlights blaring down
all hours of the day and night
all I have ever wanted was to be natural
An apostle of instinct
Fighting back using the laws
of claw, and gnashing fangs
But instead
I’m met with cattle prods, and steel chains
I’ve learned that the world just doesn’t play fair
I’ve learned that love and loss come with the same price tag
You lose parts of yourself either way
So many people want to take others
out of their habitat
And put them on display
I have spent far too many days
in other people’s possession
and now I am finally breaking free
I just need
That will hold me loosely
Who will let me live free
Who can love me
For being wild
You took a chance
saw my wilted petals,
the people passing by
hearing them say
I was too far gone
and watered me
with your words
you took the time
you trimmed the leaves
you turned the soil
you planted my roots deep
you shone your light
you brought me back to life
Maybe you’ve known me your whole life
Maybe I just met you last night
I just hope I’ll be all you’ll ever need
If I’ve already met you,
I pray that I notice you the moment
You notice me
If our paths have yet to cross
I pray I’m ready for you
And that you are open to all of my possibilities
My insides are full of infinite beginnings and endings
you get to decide how you choose our fate

I just pray that I am ready for surrender
I have held up this sword and shield for so long
I don’t know
what I’m fighting against anymore
I’m afraid I’ve been fighting my demons for so long
That I don’t even remember how the war started
But I promise I’ll fight for you
I’m not sure if I want you to be a warrior
Or a lover
Can it be both?
Can the two swim together in balance,
Or do they battle to the death?
You can come and go as you please
Just promise you won’t do me like the rest
Lately our love has been too much to carry
I don’t know if my habits have
Caused our relationship to look
A little less flattering on me
Or if maybe I’ve just outgrown you
But I feel like we are ripping at the seams
Our talks used to fill me up
Like pockets filled with sweets
But now it feels like
those pockets are flipping inside out
Maybe it’s time to let this go
sew in new seams
And patch up what’s left
of each other
And cut the thread
I gather our memories and tie in it bundles
praying that the harvest
will last me through the winter
maybe this season
I won't be starved
of you
I just want you to know
That if someone asked if you were a good person
I would vouch for you
I’d even make out on the couch with you
Like in high school
And I know you’ll do stupid **** sometimes
But just promise you’ll be my fool
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