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It'd be nice
if you could
stay a while

But I know
that with time
you'll leave

your company
makes me smile

And that's all
you'll ever need
to give.
 Dec 2014 Victoriaaa
 Dec 2014 Victoriaaa
She comes into class with nothing but a frown,
I have noticed since Monday she has been down.
I see in her eyes that she is real hurt,
He starts off her day by saying she is dirt.
I look into her eyes as they start to swell,
I want to give her a hug but there goes the bell.
I did not know it was her last day,
I have always wished she could stay.
She walks down the hall minding her own business,
they kick and punch her,
and I am the only witness.
She whispers in my ear saying not to tell,
as she quickly murmurs it would just be hell.
She reassuringly says this will soon be over,
just like her poor old dog Grover.
As she gets to her house,
she is as quiet as a mouse.
She grabs as many pill bottles,
finds the sharpest knife,
then quickly but quietly,
enters the bathroom to end her own life.
I remember I wrote this poem as I had a knife in my hand sitting in a small pool of my own blood. Suicide is not the answer, it gets better trust me!
 Dec 2014 Victoriaaa
erin barton
like how i lock the bathroom door
when i'm the only one home
like how i run my tongue over
cuts at the roof of my mouth
like how i drop my front hand
when i'm boxing
like how i fold down pages
of a book
like how i turn off plug sockets
when nothing's plugged in
like how i bite my nails
how i slouch
how i run my fingers over old scars
like how i reach out for you
even though you're gone
Please don't forget me, don't make me your past
I know time is fleeting, time is moving too fast...
Every second of everyday I'm a prisoner thinking about you
What could have been, what should have been, if only we knew...

Don't make me an old memory that you ignore everyday
Because time keeps on ticking and I might fade away...
I'm stuck in the past and you and me are turning to dust
I've lost all my freedom and we are beginning to rust...

So before we wither and before you lock me into your past
Please know that behind these bars, I have only one thing to ask...
Don't forget me, don't forget all the things in the past
Because I'm a prisoner of time and time is moving too fast...
What does it mean
To grow older
Are we gaining
Our best years
Or losing them?
 Sep 2014 Victoriaaa
Tyler Durden
Did you ever
Think on behalf of my feelings
Next time
Think of how selfish you are
When you say
I love you.

— The End —