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 Apr 2015 Van
Iris Nyx
Better Life
 Apr 2015 Van
Iris Nyx
She dreams in color.
She dreams in red?
The only dreams I seem to have
are ones where I have cried and bled

But those dreams are not dreams at all
It seems
They are the very air I breathe
The very life I live
in the messy words I scrawl

My dreams are the fulfilled
I dream in red
I dream in blue

I dream in new

And those dreams where warmth is internal
Where the sun shines in every crevice
Where smiles exist and
Where I am no loner nocturnal

Those are the dreams
Ah yes
those are the ones
 Apr 2015 Van
you deserve someone who will stay up all night with you until everything is alright and you can finally close your eyes
you deserve someone who'll make you brewed coffee in the morning and won't need to ask you if you're doing fine
because they know you better than anyone else, including yourself.
you deserve to be kissed every single day
every hour and every chance
you deserve food and pillow fights 3am
and someone who will hold you so tight you'll be able to see the stars and galaxies no one has ever seen before
you deserve the kind of love that'll make your voice sound softer over the phone speaker when it's late at night and your roommate is asleep
you deserve the kind of love that'll keep you warm on days when the sun is hidden and snow is falling
you deserve every kind of love
you deserve someone who'll love you better than I ever could
 Apr 2015 Van
Jackie Andary
On the outside, I am strong
I can smile at strangers
I can laugh with my friends
I can enjoy the breeze on a summer day
Everything is okay
But sometimes
There are cracks in my foundation
I can cry in the blink of an eye
I doubt those who I used to trust
I don't want to live anymore
On the inside, I am broken
Read forward or backward
 Apr 2015 Van
Jules Margaret
His chest rising and falling
That is all that I can look at
The bed is in the middle of the room
The center of attention

I have been waiting, anticipating, praying
to escape this dark room
where the only sounds are his breathing and
the consistent beeping that let’s me know he is still here.

I’m stuck. Motionless. Blank.
The sun from the window tells me to come alive
I can’t. It’s too hard.
He stirs and I stay put

I look to the side table
Those ******* flowers
smiling at me
So out of place
RIP dad.
 Apr 2015 Van
 Apr 2015 Van
It's past midnight and my head is full of you.

The things you say
and hate
and like
and worry about,

the conversations we have had
and the ones I want,

the way you smile
and mock me
and laugh
and tease,

the habits you have of hidden insecurity
and lapsing into other languages
and talking low and fast,

even the way you sound when you have a cold
and your voice is slightly off.

I am in love with all of it.

I haven't thought about anything else for hours.
Something I wrote for someone who won't read it.
 Apr 2015 Van
Awesome Annie
 Apr 2015 Van
Awesome Annie
I reach
       arms stretched
welcoming them into my bed.

Lips on skin
        I taste and touch
eagerly spreading long legs.

Our body's collide
    Show me my worth
what do I know of my value?

I need so much...
    emotional pushed away
only physical as they enter me.

Rough and wanted
skin set fire
     I like it when it hurts.

Release granted
they always stare the same
    wide eyes on my face.

Hush your pretty mouth
they always say before they go
      kissing swollen lips.

Just another indent
another man to call me beautiful
    another mark on a once pure soul.
 Apr 2015 Van
Twilight Smile
 Apr 2015 Van

Starlit whispers
woven through sunset auras
upon a moonglow butterfly’s wings,
enchant the horizon
in uttered silhouettes
cascading ‘neath quivering heavens

As fireflies dance
creating flickering constellations
on a canvas painted
in evergreen breeze promises
and magnolia longings,
effervescent dreamscapes beckon

I follow silently,
gazing into the soft light
of yellow Jasmine’s reflective forevers,
breathing in fragrances
of a beauty that can only bloom
*within your twilight smile
 Apr 2015 Van
Arlo Disarray
From opposite sides of the country, they both scream into the air
"I ******* love you, darling! And I know that you're out there!"

The wind selfishly eats their voice right as it leaves their tongues
Their echoes dissipate more quickly than the smoke from in their lungs

Their magnets then push them even further apart
She bottles her tears as he locks up his heart
Sitting with their backs turned from across the cruel planet
They try not to take what they both have for granted

But they keep throwing stones at the moon, spewing secrets in the seas
They keep tossing their tears in the sky and flicking their blood on the trees

Screaming their doubts to the clouds, and spreading their ugly disease

But it is no use
because in the end
when their eyes open
they'll always be alone

...left with words like these
 Apr 2015 Van
I won't fall in love with you for the way your hair cascades your shoulders
I won't get hooked on the way your body sways when you walk
And I won't focus on the small flaws that society highlights every day

I am not your average person
I'm an *******, a ****
Sometimes I don't think ahead
I've gotten myself into unsettling situations
And I tend to be self-destructive

But love terrifies me, it intimidates my self control
Because when I fall in love with you
It will be with the way your eyes glow when you speak
The beautiful chime of your voice when you answer the phone
The way my arms fit perfectly around you as you lean into me

I'll fall in love with the way we understand one another
And with the fear that consumes me
As I contemplate why someone as wonderful as you
Whose "flaws" I'll fall more in love with every day
Chose my broken soul
To make you feel whole.
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