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 Apr 2015 Van
Mike Essig
Love is a fascinating subject,
but by no means the only one.
 Apr 2015 Van
Mike Essig
 Apr 2015 Van
Mike Essig
when all my
broken places
ache at once;
I feel
a singular,
kind of joy.
 Apr 2015 Van
If you had told me five months ago that
I would laugh again
And love again
I would have spat in your face
Because how could I possibly ever feel
Again after losing nine precious people to me?

But I am laughing
And loving
And smiling once more
And I think about them yes,
Sometimes I cry
But pain is apart of being alive.

If you had told me four months ago,
That we wouldn't be
I would've rolled my eyes and said
'You must not see the way he looks at me.'

But we are not
We will never be
And I guess that hurt me for a while
But I still smile
And I don't even notice you
Half the time
Because other things
Like happiness are consuming my mind.
And I know that before the school year ends
I will have another
And you will be the last thing on my mind.

If you had told me twelve months ago
Things would be like this now
I would have laughed out loud
Because it couldn't possibly be true?

But it is
I am happy
I have grown
I will
 Apr 2015 Van
I can feel
 Apr 2015 Van
my walls
crumbling down
my reservations
my guards

I can feel
my heart
my mind
my body
my soul
opening up
for you.

I ask myself whether
this is good or bad.

I feel terrified
I am terrified

Of what I feel
For you.
 Apr 2015 Van
Ive never slept so well
before going to sleep
thinking of you

and I guess this
is what Love
feels like

your hoodie
my time
and our lips


and I don't miss
my time
because I know

its safe in your care
just as I am
and you in mine

and I want to
wake up beside

and sleep
with you
 Apr 2015 Van
Rochelle Bourque
The earth trembles,
Trees shake from their vary roots,
A flash cuts through the sky,
Wind carries a grunt of god, himself.

Children crying,
Dogs barking,
Sound can be heard from every direction,
White as paper is everyone's complexion.

Silence follows,
An eerie feeling sets in,
Waiting for another,
Listening carefully.

Is it the end?
Or shall it continue?
Can people finely rest?
Or are we forever doomed?
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