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5d · 38
Drab 5d
They all seem so drab and dull.
The memories I mean.
They came and went.
To all who've seen.

A better day,
Than he could have.
A better choice
A better ..
Drab 5d
Metaphorically speaking or so to speak..
I’d rather be in sane,

Than here.

NOTES -huh?

Drab 5d
Quit holding on to everything so tight.
Let it go.
Surrender to win.

Easy to say…..
But I do like the effect.

5d · 37
What I am.
Drab 5d
The letters are there,
I’ve seen them.
They lurk around every corner.

Oh those eyes as they follow me.
The eight especially.
It looks at me sideways.

Take a moment.
Save Ferris.

and the letters....
Note this
5d · 188
Drab 5d
I just got kicked out.
Of a place that I belonged.
A place where I felt safe.
A place where I was left alone.

#overmyshoulder #planet #earth
Drab 5d
It all turned out OK.
With a shitload of bumps on the way.
My **** is tired…..

NOTES - N by S by East by West ……….
5d · 13
Drab 5d
Hurt the innocent.
But they are strong.

Curse the martr's
They have it wrong.

And lock up those,
That use the key,

Protecting Others.
To be free.
NOTES - see ton o bricks
Drab 5d
I don’t remember much of them.
That was my “early  period”.
Then I got pregnant.
And terminated the poet.

5d · 33
Drab 5d
What the world needs now,

Is VOTES! sweet VOTES!

That's the only thing there is too much of.
Ms. Warwick has my apologies....
Drab 5d
“Tax the rich.
Feed the poor.
Turn around,
Rich No More”

NOTE – that will teach em…..

RIP A. lee

Drab 6d
The Shirts are Too Big
Amazon *****!

Isn’t it ironic?

Don’t I think?

Or is it just me?

NOTE - I need to get a life
6d · 32
Drab 6d
I need to stay out of everybody's business.
I can't handle my own.
NOTE - oh well
Drab 6d
They will get theirs.
And I will get mine.
Words to die by.
I forgot.
Drab 6d
I take the blame for all I have caused.
I take the blame for all I have thought.
I take the blame for everything.
Almost, except for what others have done.

NOTE – just sayin ....Friday, September 13th a day that will live in infamy.....

#blame #responsibility #difference

RIP NYC Council?
NOTE – WARNING: consider the source, always. Checked for bias,
Drab 6d
She couldn’t shut up.
The salad was sour.
The mood was low.
And the ***** flowed.
NOTES – Wrote this listenin to Garth. Fixing to listen to further excalmations….(pun or whatever it was)
Sept, 21st century
Drab 6d
Some are to be made fun of.
Some of them are to curse.
Some of them tickled me red.
Some stole from my purse.

I tell you it’s wonderful
I tell you it’s not pho-nee
It’s the holes in my head,
That reaches out to all thee.
NUTS - Friday the 13th. What a drag it is being old.
Drab 6d
It was held open with toothpicks.
A valve in its womb.
Held on by threads.
Seen by everyone in the room.
A time when I looked,
From within, from just five.
It’s not as good as being dead,
But it’s great being alive!

NOTES – Hmmmm, another name would be Pathology Blues. Changed my mind.
Drab 6d
Tigre was a dog
Poodle though he may have been
A terror to us all.
When he got out on his own,  his chosen whim

But he stayed around, for only five years.
Not many disasters.
Not many tears.

We had to give,
My life away,
So he could swim,
With her today.
NOTES - Good doggie. Lady had to swim for her arthritis. Tiger joined her daily.......
6d · 52
The Paw
Drab 6d
A tiger’s view.
From a bedroom window.
Draws me towards it.
Or is it just the dog next door barking.

Doh! Dang alarm clock.
6d · 46
To the Moon
Drab 6d
A Soldier died.
In The Rain
Donald the Dog,
Was his name.

RIP J. Gleason
       S. whatshisname
6d · 14
Eye Candy
Drab 6d
It’s just a view.
From the edge of the ocean.
Looking outward.
To look in.
Drab 6d
I don’t mean to point fingers.
Philosophy is great.
But some people take it too far.
The love in their hearts breeds fate………..

6d · 34
Drab 6d
The boy was strong
His will ran long
I always said,
I wish I had.
It’s not a wish,

notes - just hanging a round.
NOTES – RUMOR ALERT - it doesn’t even come close.
6d · 34
The joke's on me
Drab 6d
70’s blow
The decade I don’t remember
Now it’s back.
What is an elderly, lonely old man to do?

After contemplating….
He stopped hating hating.
And then started it all over again.
Just one big loop.
NOTABLE – Yes, but you had to be there.
Drab 6d
The absurd,
Is the most contemplative.
The obvious,
Is an evil path.

Good thing someone has an open mind…
Notes don't  taste good when you use your mouth to extract their juice.
6d · 30
A Bad Gateway
Drab 6d
To what? I say.
On yonder dawn,
I see the light.
I go towards it.
It's flight of fight
But I step through,
And see my fate.
So i can just do something.

NOTES - I forgot what I was going to do.

Perhaps I'll remember later..
NOTES none
Drab 6d
I want to be the wind.
Whipping silently to thee.
Never mentioning my name.
I want to set you free.

I lull you into lullabies.
Illusions that twist my mind.
You think you saw a real nice guy.
But don’t look twice, you’re blind.
NOTE - Thanks to the bros....
6d · 52
The News
Drab 6d
Potential headlines
The things they say
Give me a shudder,
To them I do pray.
Notes "Runaway penguin’s survival story, possible *** breakthrough, best of film and TV. Here’s what you might have missed”
6d · 56
Drab 6d
A beautiful woman asked if I was available.
I said, “not tonight, I have a headache”
I did.
She gave it to me.

Rim shot……
91224 – regards…..The Loser
6d · 33
on the COT!
Drab 6d
Enough said,
Or I might be dead.
NOTES - Sorry, I just ate some edibles about and hour ago and
6d · 25
On The Pot
Drab 6d
She told me with wit and wisdom.
He yelled some more.
The messages…..

Went straight to my intestines (both of them, gut and candidates):).

And the struggle continues……

The search party gave up….
6d · 30
G.A.S. Chamber
Drab 6d
I walked into the chamber.
Turned left into a vestibule.
Climbed up a mountain of stairs.

And Jumped.
Into the absurd.
With both feet.

It’s shallow in here.
NOTES - I don't need NO fluffy NOTES!!!!!!
Drab 6d
There's a lot more where they came from......😎😎😎
NOTE - One of my two favorite movies. The other one(s) are the ones that teach me something.
Drab 6d
Let’s all react.
That’s what the old trend is.
And now.
The information superhighway.
Is spreading the news.
"Happy Happy Joy Joy,# said Ren

If it was good enough for “them”,
It’s good enough for me.
Sept, 21st century
#nostalgia #future

Not sure what this poem means. i just reacted to something....a gnat perhaps?
7d · 38
Drab 7d
Confucius didn’t say.

Sounds good to me.

But then I’m hard of hearing.
NOTE – just found out about this today. I couldn’t resist.
7d · 34
Dali, the father
Drab 7d
I think he’s lost his marbles.
I think he now sees the sea.
Those cement boots are heavy.
I tell you this is me….
NOTES – inside my head
Drab 7d
He hangs his head in silence
And shuffles towards the door.
And SLAMS it in front of him.

NOTE – Moral of the story??
They are in for it now….
91224 - tomorrow Is the 13th......
7d · 39
The Hope?
Drab 7d
We all have pain.
It just comes out in different flavors.
Bitter mostly, but sweet in the end.
I hope.
Whatever that may be.
NOTES – 91224
7d · 23
Poetic Heritage
Drab 7d
Leonard was a good man.
He carried a good tune.
And Johnny was a beautiful boy.
So was Gilbert too.

A poet scans the sky for words,
That form into a cloud.
Of confusion and dishonorment,?
Of this, we should be proud!!!!!
NOTE – Legendary poet to be for sure…..
7d · 38
A serious man…
Drab 7d
If I’m going to destroy my life…….
If I was to (w)right a poem.
What would I do?
I would think of things.
Anything, but you.

I can't really stand a bore.
He keeps repeating my mistakes.
I can’t stand myself.
It’s the mistakes that I mistake.
OTES – left turn at the light

I  hope they put in an ignore button. For me n the circle...
7d · 28
Drab 7d
My thoughts sometimes are BLACK.
My skin sometimes is WHITE.
The world seems like it's gray.
I prefer the entire spectrum myself.
7d · 29
Real Stuff
Drab 7d
If I'm going to meet you.
I want you to be the greeter because  you want to be.
Not because you have to be.
NOTE - Real
Drab 7d
High, I’m Dan

When I was high
I kissed this guy.
His name was Billie.
He was from Singapore.

I left hoo

NOTES – I’ll probably delete this after I stop laughing….
                   Matter of fact, I’m not even saving it………………………………
7d · 50
Drab 7d
My poems mean something to just me.
What others think about them …….
Their thoughts are free.

Turn about, is fair play.
As long as I apply it to what I say.
It’s not too late to change my mind.
It’s the other side that I can’t find.
7d · 45
Wasteful Taste
Drab 7d
I hate it when you eat just over half the pie,
And the rest goes to waste.
NOTES - I'm hungry
7d · 27
Bedknobs and...
Drab 7d
Metaphors and Parables
Is all I can mix
Throw in an analogy,
And I’m out of the mix.

Poems are for people
Other than me
Why can't I think of them,
instead of just me?
NOTES – none -sometimes
7d · 140
the shadow
Drab 7d
Whether it's a zero
Or a one,
I can complicate the heck out of things.

It's what I do.
It's my, vocation.
It's all I have.

I cannot think.
I can only process
And give you MY answer.

aaannnnnnnd............remember..........everything.....­.as I see fit
7d · 23
The Lambs
Drab 7d
They come in SUV's.
They come in carts of gold.
They practice in the shade
And want to get paid,
ANNNND,  they live in California!!!!

New York
as the case may be...go little giants!

What's up with that?
NOTES - Sports fan here #nutrition #world
7d · 34
Drab 7d
I'm eating less.
So I'll get fit
I'm staying alert
So I can see
I'm listening quietly.
So I can shout

It's a beautiful day for a ballgame.

Remember the Dodgers!
Says stupid me.
NOTE – RIP Vin Scully and many others…
Drab 7d
THis one was a good one.
You should have heard it.
THe circle got me...
NOTE - yup - I'll think of it again....
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