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  May 2020 Bebe
I said
we were amazing
while putting bandages on my cuts
I said
I really loved him
while covering up my bruises
I said
I'm glad he’s happy now
while wiping away my tears
  May 2020 Bebe
there isn't a star
brighter than you
a rose
than your lips
a cloud
than my heart when
you look at me
there isn't a place
that we could go
that could take my eyes
off you
  May 2020 Bebe
A stranger came up to me and said to my face
"I just want to say that you're pretty." My emotions, he tried to persuade

Is that all you got? Is that all you see?
An image that is pleasing and beautiful to your eyes? Is that me?

An object to complement, admire, and then leave behind?
You didn't ask how I am, if I'm okay, or say anything to comfort my mind

I can't stand men...
Because to most of them

I am a shadow of a statue they wish to see
But will never get... I was not created to appease

...Don't get me wrong, it was a sweet compliment, but I would much rather receive it from someone who is of the Lord and means every bit of what he says because he doesn't see an image or an object. BUT A PERSON WHO THEY WILL LOVE AND CHERISH FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT I DO
  May 2020 Bebe
Justyn Huang
I wish people were more like
Stop lights;
You’d never see one glowing
both red and green
Simultaneously, otherwise
there’d be a car crash

And neither would they turn
Completely off, cause then
No one would know how to proceed.

By all means — flirt with me.
But stop sending mixed signals.
Don’t you hate it when people send mixed signals?
  May 2020 Bebe
Infamous one
Noticed that smile
Juicy lips covered in lipstick
Her skirt with heels
Classy a little flirting won't hurt
Flower in her hair beauty everywhere
As her name and number
Once you call hard to let her off the Line
Shes short and petite
you want to know
What she thinks
Her colored eyes
Black hair the right length
Not afraid to express what she thinks
Never change her presences make the day
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