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  Apr 2020 Bebe
Mitch Prax
Sometimes stars explode
and leave behind the most
beautiful nebulae in the universe-
but that is one in a billion.
Somehow you create a nebula
with every touch,
and every word.
So what does that make you?
Bebe Apr 2020
Don’t go







Lost !
She is not just shy she has so much she don’t want to tell you
Bebe Apr 2020
She is your worst nightmares
She is your best  hell

She is your heaven
But she is your worst   angle

she is the god of the devil .

She is  just another abandoned soul
Heaven shut her  out
Long ago .
When people are around she is good but behind close doors she is something a different something you won’t think she is capable of being !
Bebe Apr 2020
So the rest set there and watch her fall in love
With the worst demon ,
Nobody told her she will pay the  price
Was  she wrong for falling in love  ?

How dare he promised her the world
The world of hell .
How dare he feed her soul  to the god of  all evil and walked a way like everything was fine .

But she is all
Because she loved the demon

Let her enjoy the blessings of silence .
She fell in love with a wrong guy he is a bad boy but she  loves him anyways!

— The End —