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What would it be
If society
Stopped tolerating needless conflict
With a collective
To all those little
***** fuckas
Let the school bell be rang
On pinky punks
And their yang
Pink jelly beans
Kinda don't like your taste
Not sure what flavor
You're supposed to be
Maybe generic Barbie?
Don't take this personal
Still very cute
Someone loves you
I don't enjoy the taste of
I stood still and I waited
I listened, I heard
A melodic symphony
Like a bird, but with words
The message was relayed
Acted out and portrayed
In an unusual manner
With clear genius displayed
It gave me the goosebumps
By what all was said
About massive struggles
To feel alive before dead
I was moved, but unwarned
For the performance at hand
To be swept away
By a young British man?
Captivating and impressive
With just his voice and a guitar
Shedding light on his illness
By exposing all of his scars
He’s a vessel to carry
Innovation; through tunes
Attacking each topic
That help heal opened wounds
Things in the present
Or through memories shared
Expressing raw emotion
When most would be scared
The talent oozing, exuding
With every pluck of each string
I’m immersed, baring witness
Watching an angel earn wings
Above party
Above caste
Above station
Above place
Above state
Above nation
Above riches
Above race

And the reasons
And excuses
And the grief
And the shame
And the guilt
And the sanctions
And the blood
And the stain

Beyond language
Beyond history
Beyond reason
Beyond fate
Beyond now
Beyond later
Beyond love
—beyond hate

(The New Room: June, 2023)
Sometimes when I'm tired,
I'll think that I don't want to exist
This life is suffering, striving,
And why should I continue
I hate the life I've made.

But there are other things
There are dreams
There is presence
There is support
There is beauty

When I'm in these things,
I don't think life is suffering.
I think issues can be managed
I don't think, really.
I just love.
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
This is my final goodbye
It's hard for me to see you walking by with that other guy
Even though your heart didn't feel the same way
but I'm glad you brought me joy
Time kept moving forward
but I kept standing still
Waiting for you to feel the same way
but I guess such things only happen in dreams
So, that's why this is my final goodbye to you
It's time for me to move along with time
and say goodbye to this bittersweet dream that kept me tied
(  tusent selen siczen in dem himelrich uff einer nadel spicz * )

no don't ask me
how many
let's just say...a lot

angels dancing on
a pin or on a needle's point
doing their angel thing

now swing
now the Charleston
now a Black Bottom

"Oi! Angels! No!
Keep it quiet
for Heaven's sake

but would they
listen  - oh no

making it impossible
for me to try to thread
this &@%/ needle

oh God now
they're dancing
the Can-Can...again

"Dónall son. . ."
me poor auld Mam pleads
"...that needle threaded yet?"

"I'm working on it Mam
I'm working on it!"
the angels snigger at my efforts

"Ok..let's begin then
that's one. . .
. . .a million and one!"

me Man snatches
the needle from me
"Oh give it here son!"

she licks the end
of the bright red

passes it through
the eye of
the needle

a million and two
angels fall from its point
answering this needless question


James Franklin has raised the scholarly issue, and mentions that there is a 17th-century reference in William Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants (1637), where he accuses unnamed scholastics of debating "whether a Million of Angels may not fit upon a Needle's point?"This is earlier than a reference in the 1678 The True Intellectual System Of The Universe by Ralph Cudworth.

Helen S. Lang, author of Aristotle's Physics and its Medieval Varieties (1992), says

The question of how many angels can dance on the point of a needle, or the head of a pin, is often attributed to 'late medieval writers'.... In point of fact, the question has never been found in this form….

Peter Harrison (2016) has suggested that the first reference to angels dancing on a needle's point occurs in an expository work by the English divine, William Sclater (1575–1626) in his An exposition with notes upon the first Epistle to the Thessalonians (1619),

Sclater claimed that scholastic philosophers occupied themselves with such pointless questions as whether angels "did occupie a place; and so, whether many might be in one place at one time; and how many might sit on a Needles point; and six hundred such like needlesse points."

Harrison proposes that the reason an English writer first introduced the "needle’s point" into a critique of medieval angelology is that it makes for a pun on "needless point".

A letter written to The Times in 1975 identified a close parallel in a 14th-century mystical text, the Swester Katrei.

However, the reference is to souls sitting on a needle:

tusent selen siczen in dem himelrich uff einer nadel spicz *
— "in heaven a thousand souls can sit on the point of a needle."
between my toes
in my shoes
up my nose
tossed in spaghetti hair

in my red beach towel
on my plastic chair
itching me
in my underwear

smells of ocean
taste of salt
in slow-motion
the world just melts

in my car seat
drizzling pelts
sprayed on the Persian rug
between the bedroom sheets

in my coffee mug??
beneath my feet
now the gritty crunching
between my teeth
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