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Did you see her?

Did you admire her?

Did think that she notice you?

Did you believe that she love true?

If that happened, you'd be considered the hero

You will be the king of all people you know

That her beauty makes one opening his eye

And trying not to close it to see her hue

You will say that would not be human body

She doesn't create as other people of moisture

She born to be the queen of the beauty of all persons

and hearts
the man meets his lover must caught her with all his power.
When the moon was coming

I saw the wolf passing

Through the grain slipping

I am in my control staying

I said to myself whispering

Why does this creature like the wolf came?

What is the wolf doing?

Answer me my beautiful kids

I wait and still thinking

Till the wolf came creeping

The ****'s eyes were opening

The wolf came guessing

That he was almost disappearing

He was till slipping

Then he stood looking

The **** was then standing

He lowered the jar watering

The wolf was completely wetting

He ran with fearing

The **** disappeared at a moment

The wolf looked and gazing

The universe was all dark and silent

He dried himself and returned

The **** shouted at all guards

"Thief" there is thief stealing

They came all running

They were surrounding and hunting

Soon his clothes were tearing

He returned with deep feeling

That he can't came and robbing

He said "I was deceiving"

The **** was waking
the guard must open his eyes and get awake through his job
Two two two

One plus one equals two

My parents are also two

My eyes, my ears are two

My legs, my hands are two

Two two two

The clock goes and leads to two

The weather is cold and I slept

The dark is there ,and the fear appeared

I covered my face fearing from ghosts

I got up feeling of that ghosts

I tried to sleep , I saw them here

I cry, I cry ,till see my mother

I pointed at them here and there

I feel with horror and fear

My mother turned the light on

The ghost disappears

Two two two

The weather is good and I eat sweet

I play a lot, the time is passed

I forget to brush teeth

I forget the clean

After days they hurt me and must clean

It is harm, the brush safer
the time   we must get our fun
Do ,do ,do

The baby says "Do"

The cats do, they do

The dogs bark do

The wolves howl do

The lions roar do

The play means do

The all creatures do

The God advices "do"

You must also do

Don't ever stop it

Do not say "that is bad

Comes ever with my luck"

You may do your luck

You do your chance

Look to the baby look!

When he tries to walk

He fails times so that

One feel that he can't walk

He may cry from hurt

Or feeling of frustrate

He tries times and times

As seeing the hope in eyes

Of all around as he tries

Do you see the ants?

They may fail for times

Of transport foods to lands

But they try many times

They can't get frustrate

Or can't ever stop that

They do their hard

To get what they want

Do you see that bird?

When he is gotten from egg

And the feather covers him

He tries to fly over spray

He may fail downword

That he might be killed

The viewer said he can't

Till he could do it

Do you see the calf?

After born, he tries to stand

His mother helps with that

Pity appears over her face

He gets happy and a hand

To be power fear all world

By his scream all are dithered

Do your best

Work very hard

See all around

Read all about

New of science

News that causes

You will be in eyes

You may get hard

You may hear worst

You must not stop

When you do your dream

When you get your wants

All point to you

All want to you

To learn them the do

How to be as you

How to advance their know

All will make you

As the star over the all
to be good must do hurt
There was a dog
hid  after a frog
He hid in a fog
Then he croaked
The dog left one leg
He croaks again
The dog listened again
He left the second
He stood on the two legs
The frog jumped on his back
He  fell at the mud
He got up with anger
But the frog was gone
Did you hear that cat?
Who chased that rat?
The rat saw a statue
He entered that body
The cat has been angry
He tried to be in
His body was not thin
He stuck in strongly
And the rat escaped
Do you see that butterfly?
That boy wanted to catch by
The strong and long trap
He ran and followed there
She learned that she could beat
Her hands and she might die
She stood as a die
He looked with an eye
She suddenly flew at
He feared and dipped
She can be escaped
Think with your mind
Believe in your God
You will be the first
the chase needs a mind and good plane that make one could escape
what pretty day?

that the sun shines here

the moon lights near

stars surrounded them

the world seems wider

the trees become greener

the roses have a brightener

the colors have appeared shiner

the butterflies fly around

the birds sing soft harmony

the heart looks happy

the weather becomes funny

when you are nearly

when you are not far

you make me look younger

you make me looked smarter

and I love all persons

even my enemy that hate me

stay here by my side

stay here don't be away

the time passed as wind

Comes suddenly and goes hurry

Stay with me to see how is the sky

Becomes more blue and clear

Stay with me,

to shut my eyes

And open my ears

To hear the world sings

To see the fishes dance

And the birds come near
the near of you  is wonderful
do you say a word

every time a woman met her husband

looked at his eyes and stayed for a word

he didn't say it, as he has got tired

he went asleep without saying that word

except good night and morning may be good

the woman was pretty, the woman was young

the woman wanted to be heard, she wanted to be fold

when she went a walk, one comes along

he was strange he had a bad heart

his heart filled with hate, his heart like an art

extracting by devil extracting by hard

now the angel went away and the devil brought

the strange went in a hurry and he looked

at her face with an only big smile

he said to her one, two, three, all words

how attractive are you? Why aren't you touched?

How are you walking on foot? you must ride!

Inexpensive car, or high-rank plane in its ride

If they were not, you must ride

A good horse spread wide

If it was not that, you must ride

A strong camel wearing a beautiful dress

Its colors gain from your cheeks red in appearance

And green as yours, the shinning of your eyes

And yellow in above as your hair colors

If it was not there, you must ride

A man who carried you without any pain

He can travel with you, felt with again

Happy, strong eager and you would be his woman

Come with me and you would be heard another

The woman lost her mind, the woman appeared another

The woman had not seen, a strange in her thought

As she heard what she wanted for a time she went blind

She obeyed him and let him ride

They took his car, it was not unlike
everyone needs to see him or herself in the high position. women need fold and great hanks.
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