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There was a party
The ****, the lion, the sparrow, the hen, the deer, the bear and the elephant.
All gathered at the **** house to celebrate with his birthday .The **** asked them to sing a song.
The elephant says: you are the best
You don't make the worst
You wake the people early
To do their works fairly
You don't go away
You keep your eggs Till they become hens
The deer says: I am beautiful
My eyes are bagful
I see you more helpful
You wake the farmer early
To go to the farm and work happily
You are the best you are the lovely
The Sparrow says: we all wake early
Before the sun comes morning
And say to the living
As we say the day going
And the sun comes dawning
Salute the prince of waking
The fox says: I can mock every one
And you can't mocked easily
I go to see the best one
You are him fairly
I love you calling
Till the creature feeling the peace safely
The war is not her surly
The lion says: I am the king of the jungle
I govern the jungle with fair
No one can do unfair
He will be punished surly
You must greet the majesty
The prince of waking early
I wear you the crown of ordinary
All the crowds shout and say
We must celebrate
We must make a feast
We have to salute the prince
Dearest the hero of peace
You woke up only the beast on the earth
If you go east or west
You hair him saying cocococoo
celebrate with your friends s very good.
If you want to be happy

You must not be so fuzzy and have so  smiley

Your spirit must be highly

See your enemy like ugly and they may be rashly

You must sacrifice for your lovely

And give the price your heart only

You must be by your lover only

Be happy when he" she "is happy

And not so sad the love be bad

You will soon lost your temper

And so you didn't find your lover
sacrifice to your love
There was a dreamer boy who dreams a lot and does nothing. He plays also when the boy had a pre-examine,
When he entered the pre-examine, he failed. He sang
As this
I dream to be a butterfly
Go everywhere and fly
See beautiful colors at my eye
Smell good odor thing in the weather
See smart thing everywhere
Amuse with time with a fly in the atmosphere
I dream to be a bee
Travel in places and see
Good flower and immediately be
On it to **** nectar with happy
To convert soon in my abdomen to into honey
That makes all nature good and happy
I want to be a whale
Swim in deep and see all
The swimmers in deep and call
At them as I am stronger than all
Her sister heard him and said
Be Butterfly, bee, and whale
That's good but the best, I see
To be a human as you are?
Study hard, to get the dream actual in a way
Help the weak, be clever is the happy
Get a good chance and have a high degree
Make you famous over the all
They the woman, the boy and the girl say
We must work hard
We must make the heart
Of our nation above the land
In all fields, fly in the sky
As sky get up over and high
See the others on the earth
As stunts and our nation is giant
It must be eternalized and be grand
By science, by faith and by working hard
The boy leaves the dream and the play and studies hard
for who dream to be good ,must do they effort
I was an egg

Then converted to caterpillar

Then becomes a full


As human world

Some of us good

Other makes the world

Goes to be worst

When I come

The sign of spring

Puts its hand

I come with flowers

Open everywhere

The sun shines

The birds appear

The cold gathers

Its clothes

And disappears

For some months

Then return again

My life is short

But I make it good

My wings have colors

To spread the happy

To hide from enemy

As I look like flower

But I can fly

High, high and higher

The good of us

Like the silk worm

They sacrifice themselves

To get evaluate clothes

, the second is the beauty

Who spread the funny.

The worst are cotton worms

Who eats the flowers

Destroy the crops

Getting the farmers

Sad in their times

How we get silk

I will explain

On the following time
life the circle f advanced
The heart is twisted

Like a dancer did

When one heard

A melody

Telling something important

Showing the heart interesting

In hearing a talent


A bout deathless love

Giving and sacrifice

As the heart may advise

To share your love

In inner heart without fear

That is not enough

Giving a dream

In rosy

Your eyes are opening

They are not closing

Or even doing

As the lover near

By your side

Telling a proud

That is found

By meeting

By eye

There are no eyes

As many are tided

Room four eyes

Those are showing

Into one is observing

Into one I known

Heart and eye

Whose eye?

The two lovers saying

They are swearing

That belongs


They are true

The love must do

Tie them and go

In the race of life

The feeling is appeared

In lips when they say

When they smile in way

Of shiny

There may be some fault

Or saying wrong

But they return in fast

Saying in frank


The mind know

The heart go

In green valley

To share the rosy

And dancing with fly

Around the world

Telling the talent

The love is important

If it is clear

Ending, no beginning

With holy tie

That is only


When one says

The angels go in ways

Spreading roses in away

To show the smart tie

And slow the time way

To give the love amusing

In tie

The morning will stay

The nights go away

The willing increases

The heart flame appears

Trying to get calmness

By sharing calm of heart

Another and say

That is my desire

That is my love

Who will give

The mean of life

For only

Long way
the love is like a garden
They said to him
Why do you love her?
He said in short
Can plants live without water?
Can flies fly without air?
Can you see roses without admire?
Can you smell the good without feel?
Can heart pump without share?
Every limb in body to make sure
The live will not go without her”
There was a princess
Soldier loved in confidence
That he will not tell her
She will certainly refuse and dismiss
Or send him inmate without late
The king was going
To face enemy coming
To occupy his land
The soldiers got stood
The king trained hard
As he knew the enemy is strong
The battle began
The king fought well
The winds do not blow up
As the ships desire to go
The king was beaten
The king was gone
He was dead, he was killed
The soldiers returned with taste
The taste was acrid
They were torn
Their selves were torn
Also their cloths
She was as a ghost
She met him
She caught and shook
She cried and said
“Save my kingdom
Save my soul”
He bowed and agreed
He hid somewhere
He collected the rest
He cried and said
The princess became slave
We must get her save
We will swear at that
To return her freedom”
They agreed and started
They collected and attacked
They fought as one heart
They fought as you heard
He was in front
He said he talked
To the soul that coming
Of king and telling
‘’Fight my sons as solid
Fight more than you could!
Our kingdom must be free”
The soldiers got ready
When the sun raised
The enemy walked straight
Toward the kingdom to occupy
The soldiers downed
They waited tell the hot
Of weather spread its wings
The sweats were ascended
More than rain coming
love changes the bad things
Someone called about the success
Why is it so wide and not nearest?
Someone cried as he fell down
He said frustrate is knowing only me
Can’t go wide, can’t forget me
He visited me every time, every moment at day
And smiled with a yellow smile as he knew he bothered me
But he didn’t say, he greeted and put an arrow
Of his aim to fall me at low bottom
When I scream, he laughs says he wants to look me
To see my face when I didn’t get my aim
The failure is bad and its taste gets the same
No one could help except my God
Except power to dismiss that worst
To look smile as nothing has occurred
To get him anger to fill his spirit
Of frustrate feeling as he wishes in his dream
Dream at a wake, at sleep you win the game
And the frustrate was filled by frustrate and they will gain
Fight, but a way of my way
the frustrate makes one can't think will
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