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If I was standing on the edge
With one foot hanging off....
What would you say to talk me down?

Your meant to be
Your special to me
Your perfect in every way
Please don’t step off
Please just stay

I’ll be your shoulder
For you to cry your tears
I will always be with you
Forever and always
For all of our years

Stay humble
Stay strong
Stay you

Don’t ever forget who you are
Your future is bright
You will go far

Come down from the edge
You don’t understand how special you are
I will always have your back
Please don’t leave me
I don’t want to look up and see you in the sky
Shining bright as a star....
I wrote this for all the suicides that have been happening around the world. We need to be there for one another and help them off the edge before it’s to late.
  May 2018 SafetyWithinWords
In the heat of the moment
We do things LOUD
We do things BOLD
We do things C R A Z Y

In the heat of the moment
You forget who you are
You forget who you love
You forget about the world

In the heat of the moment
You don't stop to Think
You don't stop to wonder
You don't stop to worry

In the heat of the moment
When two hearts beat as one
It is in that final moment
When you know the devil has WON
We do stupid things in the heat of the moment
  May 2018 SafetyWithinWords
Hey Mr, Could you tell me
Whats the best way to die?
There are so many different reasons
I don't know which one to try

Should I, Slit my wrists in a vertical direction
Watch the blood drip down, As a desperate need for affection
The blood draining from my body to surround me in a crimson red, would I finally then feel happiness spread

Should I, Overdose on drugs? Illegal or Prescription?
Feel the nausea and vomiting decay my body, As nobody ever listened.

Should I, Drown myself in the bathtub? Or the pool to make it public
The crushing pressure of my lungs collapsing, As if i am absolutely nothing. A burning feeling will spread through my chest as if I am to burst
But dont look down into the depth cause surely you'll feel worse

Should I, Step onto the highway? With all the cars at top speed
Allow the pain of my bones breaking, As I only wanted to be needed
The impact could still render me alive, But in a world of agonising pain, then everything I had done will surely be in vain

Should I, Light myself on fire? Or torch me and my home
Let the searing flesh melt off of me, As I was always left alone
They will hear my screams for miles to come, but know that it was me
As my charred corpse will remain, forever left unseen

Should I, Hang myself in the closet? Let my mother find me dead
Feel the tightening rope cut short my breath, As nobody heard what I said. My limp blue body will dangle down with a note left by my bed

Should I, Jump off a high building? A tall place with strong winds
For a moment I can fly away, before I splatter across the ground leaving nothing but my outline and some red

Should I, Shoot myself in the head? Allow myself to pull the trigger
A gunshot will echo, I'll fall to the ground, Then I would finally be dead.
I wouldn't feel a single thing just the hurt of those before me
It would be instant and over in a second, that way their tears wont bore me

So Mr, Could you tell me
The best way that I can die?
You've played this game before
So hurry there is no need to lie

Hey Mr,
Its not like you actually care
Whether I personally live or die
So hurry up and tell me
As he's waiting for me in the afterlife
What is the best way to die?
  Apr 2018 SafetyWithinWords

You would think I would learn my lesson
That I wouldn't be such a fool
You would think after the first time
That I would know and follow the rules

You would think that a heart like mine
So tormented and broke
You would think that a boy like him
Wouldn't take it as such a joke

You would think that the friends around me
Would learn not to be so fake
You would think that I would figure out
That I can't change a snake

You would think things will change
We will become more mature
You would think that high school drama
Is something anyone can endure

You would think that since I am a child
My opinion are completely invalid
You would think that as a full grown adult
That everything you say is valid

You would think that as the years fly by
We could learn to love one another
You would think that as the world moves on
We wouldn't care about skin colour

You would think that since its been so long
That women have equal rights
You would think that with all the new changes
That the LGBT could finally sleep at night

You would think that due to the history of the world
That we wouldn't have bloodshed or war
You would think that we would learn more morals
that young girls wouldn't be labeled as ******

You would think that since everything we've been through
No matter how big or how small
You would think that since our world is so advanced
That we wouldn't build up such walls

But its clear to me that our world hasn't changed
We haven't learnt at all
But we all pretend things are different now
Because we simply don't want to fall

You Would Think That
  Apr 2018 SafetyWithinWords

You're playing a game
A dangerous one at that
You're trying to hurt me
But we simply cant have that

You're trying to play it cool
Attempting to pull the strings
Turning everyone against me
But its clear you cant be king

Everyone knows wiser
Their loyalty stands with me
So watching you "wrek" my life, is quite amusing I believe
Cause in the end I know the game,
But you're still quite naive

I'll sit back and watch
Leaving my cards perfectly clean
Giving you nothing to do or say against me
But it appears you're far too keen

No war is ever won
when one is blinded by rage
Its clear you've become your own demise
Trapping yourself within a stone cold cage

All you're assassination plans have failed
Trying to tear me from my friends

she hates you
He knows the truth
I'll reveal to them your lies

I make my move, and plan it well
By being straight forward and honest
I reassure them, express my feelings
Leaving with I love you and a promise

Each word becomes undone
You're tarnishing your own image
I want to start ****
You said, but even your friends think there is a limit

Informing me of you're plan
Their looking at you with pity filled eyes
The more you struggle the more you do
The more they loosen their ties from you

So please calm down, and step aside
I don't want to be responsible for your anymore of those tears you cry

You've hidden a rat within my midst
I know full well who it
So to that rat, I do understand
But its about time you Quit

So in this game of love and war
Where all things are fair
I believe that you should stop yourself
Otherwise beware
What are they trying to do?
Can't they see that the more they try and hurt me the more its just backfiring upon themselves?
At First you seemed different from all the rest
You really had me intrigued
But under the surface
Way down deep
I found the real you
I guess we just were't meant to be
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