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"She looks like the girl that doesn't care
Like someone who just completely ignores everything around her
Like an outsider who simple refuses to notice the world
But secretly ;
she hides in her own little universe
Because she's scared
Of getting hurt
Of hating who she is even more
After showing everyone her scars
Because she knows their  rejection would hurt her even more
So please, handle her with care
Because she may seem a like a lot
Or someone who you will never love
But she's the girl who would listen to your problems at 1:00 and call you to check if you're doing fine
She's the girl who will watch a movie a thousand times even though she hates it,
With out complaining
Because she knows it will make you smile
She's the kind of girl who will cuddle you after a hard day
And make you forget about all of your worries making you smile through the pain
She's the type of girl who would write a love letter
Without even thinking too much about it
So handle her with care,
Because she may seem like someone different
But she is a life-changing experience
That will forever leave a mark in your little world"

Clawing its way out of my soul
Out of the deepest darkest pits
The cruel unnerving voice returns
Making sure I lose my grip

Tearing down my happiness
Taking over my everyday life
An endless stream of negativity
Each word cuts through me like a knife

Your all alone in this world
Your friends have left you for dead
They lied, betrayed and hurt you
Your better off with just me instead

As true as the words seem
Your the one who drove them away
You made me lock down all my emotions
I was happy before you came

Were you really happy tho?
Surrounded by all those "friends"
You knew the truth behind each one
So why did you even pretend?

He's merely speaks the truth
I pretended not to see
I thought maybe if I accepted their faults
Perhaps they could love me for me

So in the end you knew
You blamed it all on me
I was willing to playthe scrape goat
Cause all I wanted was for you to be free

Why does my freedom come at a cost?
Its the cold hard truth of reality
But am I any better off knowing now
Was this really the key?

If not now then when?
Would you continue living a lie
Would you rather have them say it to your face
Then secretly stab you in the back

We both know they wont ***** their hands
Nor will they tarnish their image
Its better being one step ahead
then waiting for them to finish

I'm standing in silence all alone
Watching my friends continue their lies
I've plastered on a fake smile and grin
But all I want to do is cry

Maybe it seems better to be one step ahead
To protect myself from getting hurt
But blocking out the truth and actully being happy
Doesn't sound as bad as being an insecure little introvert

I guess its true
What people say
In situations such as this
The phrase

Ignorance is bliss
Is truly quiet befitting
Is the dark voice in your head really that evil?
  Apr 2018 SafetyWithinWords
Staring into the fire
As the flames crackle and pop
The elegant dance of light
That seems unable to stop

Unleash your deepest secrets
As you sit around the flames
For those who shall surround you
Will soon forget your name

Alcohol and spirits
Fill your body and mind
Though around the bonfire
You will feel yourself unwind

The people here will listen
Strangely they will care
And for some odd reason
Everybody else will share

A peculiar bonding moment
With strangers you just met
What is it about this fire
That makes nobody seem like a threat

No faces to be matched
With the words that they pour out
No contact info exchanged
For this moment will be blacked out

So come sit around the bonfire
And begin to pour out your soul
Because for this fragile moment
Your story can finally be told
What is about bonfire that makes people have such deep talks and feel so calm?
I'm kind of stuck
At least... I think I am
Somewhere between telling everyone I know to *******
And "just please come hold me friend"

Some place in between an uneasy heart and hectic mind

"I'm depressed"
Can't I just say it without having to explain why?
Sometimes I don't even know which reason to choose

Short replies

"You seem like you don't want to talk"

You're right, but I also want to reach out
I want out
I want to let go of everything
And capture it all in my arms

like a fire fly in the palm of restless hands,
Just let me hold on to your light
Atleast, just for tonight

Because I'm feeling stuck.

Hold back the tears
Hide your fears
Keep up that smile
its all going to be fine

Curl into a ball
Safe under the covers
Shield your ears
Close your eyes

The world is scary
The world is dark
But the world is also beautiful
No. Stop. Its an illusion

Don't trust anybody
They will surely leave

Fight for them
But they don't want me
let them go
But then I'm all alone

Surrounded by lies
These people play their games
Loose yourself in the moment
And for a second you can be happy

Take off that blindfold
And you see who's truly there
There's nobody around
Just you
within your own pit of despair

I'm lonely
They all pretend
Its all false, its all fake
Its true isint it?

You dwell in your self pity
You push people away
You dont show your true emotions
Then you still expect them to stay?

So in the end
Who else is fake?
Who else is playing pretend?
Cause surely you can see now
Your just like them
What kind of life is this?
  Apr 2018 SafetyWithinWords

A Red Rose
Represents my Love and Desire
My Admiration, Devotion and respect
The words I can't convey
I love you

A White Rose
To show my purest of thoughts
The gentle innocence of my love
My Hopes of
A New beginning

A Yellow Rose
Symbolising our friendship
The warmth and the joy
The care of when our feelings were

A Pink Rose
Serves as Elegance and Grace
The intoxicating sweetness
The gratitude and appreciation
Thank you

An Orange Rose
Full of passion and energy
Our Pride and Fervor
Delivering a sense of fascination
I'm Proud

A Lavender Rose
Embodies Majesty and splendour
My adoration for you
My Heart full of enchantment
Love at first sight

A Blue Rose
Unachievable by nature
Expresses your mysterious charms
My Desire of the unattainable
I can't have you, But I can't stop thinking about you

A Single Black Rose
As words of my final farewell
The mourning and sadness
Illustrate the death of the relationship
A Tragic love.
  Mar 2018 SafetyWithinWords
Parties are a time to just let go

Put on your heels and just go with the flow

Let the darkness of the night, consume your identity

And let the alcoholic beverages bring you to pure ecstasy

A night of pure bliss filled with drunk teens and friends

Let the beat of the music take you further then you have ever been

Pretend you are different, you can do anything you want

Cause with enough alcohol
There is no need to put up a front

Forget all the consequences that the morning brings

Because for a single night
You are the king

Spread open your wings and soar to the sky

And for a fleeting moment you can forget about your life
Went to a party last night, and I just let go it was so good.
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