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 Feb 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Walking through the cemetary
I wonder very desperately
why each and every gravestone
lacks the name of the dead soul.

In a cemetery of broken dreams
and people who died too young.
Is a gravestone that reads stoically:

"Here lies the one who once sung
a thousand words every day
and a thousand words every night,
until she sang her last words
and popped a lung."

I can't believe these words I read!
What a tragedy it must be
to die before one
can ever complete the song they love.

Next to that burial site
of the singer with no name,
is another morose stone that reads:

"Here lies the one who took aim
at a thousand targets everyday
and a thousand targets every night
until he finally missed one
and made himself very lame."

I can't comprehend the pain he felt
as he worked so hard
and look where his efforts got him!
He shot himself.

Several concrete slabs down
is another grieving stone
It reads:

"Here lies the one who had sewn
a thousand stiches everyday
and a thousand stitches every night
Until they finally stabbed the needle
right through to the bone."

Why must they hurt more
when trying to fix themselves?
Now the art they created to wear
will never be worn by anyone.

In the cemetary of broken dreams
and people who died too young
are gravestones that share the essence
of who the unnamed soul was.
© Tatiana
 Feb 2018 Kanak Kashyup
you will never be forgotten.
your name twisted into metaphors and colors and distractions will forever
be painted across pages and pages of her favorite brand of notebook,
no matter how many she burns
there will always be one she forgot,
and she will only find it once she had almost forgotten you.
she will find the one Papyrus notebook
and all of your metaphors and colors and disractions will come flooding back,
just like how the ocean in your eyes
flooded her heart all those years ago.
The Birds in the dark love to clap
they do not sing under the shadows,
but revel in their calamity
and clatter throughout the echoes

The Birds in the dark see all,
yet are blind to the sight,
but see everything they want
and stumble upon the branches

The Birds in the dark know best,
they understand the understanding
but search ever so superficially
and do not find the burrowed worm

The Birds in the dark never rest
they flutter 'till the world's end
but never discover land dry,
and remain in the haul of my arc.

The Birds in the dark will die.
Dear bird of the skies

Oh dear bird of the skies
Spread your wings it's time to fly
Do not fear these storms
Rise higher and higher in the sky

Oh dear bird of the skies
Drop by drop the strength gathers
Believe in your heart.. in your soul
Embrace the beautiful feathers

Oh dear bird of the skies
A million people you'll pass by
Never stop, never worry of what they say
They'll always cry seeing you try

Oh dear bird of the skies
You are one of a kind
You'll always be loved
Lock it in your mind

Oh dear bird of the skies
Do not fear to cross the sea
You'll never be alone
Be what you desire to be

Oh dear bird of the skies
Fly to the moon fly to the sun
Do not settle for less
Not until you've won

Oh dear bird of the skies
To you I'll never lie
You were born to be free
You were born to fly

Oh dear bird of the skies
Let hardwork be your drug
and if you feel low in your path
I'll always be there for a hug
Hey dear soul, do not be afraid in your journey of your beautiful dreams. You were not made to walk in the streets, you were born to fly.
The Final Frontier”
Planets, stars, the moon, the sun

Now I won’t write some cliche about how the sun dies every night to let the moon live
Or how the moon only shines because it reflects the sun's light
Or just about how awesome the sun is
and how it keeps us alive

But I will write about how beautiful a full moon is on a cold dark night
So big, you could almost touch it
It is still so far away

Sometimes I see the moon
And burst into tears because
I cannot feel the moon
Only the cold chill of night

The moon is an art piece
You could call him god's masterpiece
Indescribably beautiful

The moon and its power over the ocean
Controlling its tides
Sometimes strong
Sometimes weak
Always present
Its as if the moon and ocean
Have a commitment
That is really forever

The moon- a chunk of the earth
That just strayed
A little too far from home

The moon and his many phases
Yet he is still one in the same

The moon- a contradiction
Hiding away
Before showing his true face

But let me tell you a secret
This isn't about the moon
This is about my heart,
Being four thousand eight hundred and five miles from its home
A whole different country
So far out of reach
A moon, For only my eyes to see
by Arcassin Burnham

I promise to take care of you,
I promise to have a clean plate,
I promise to never forget you,
I promise I will never hate,
And even when your set to frustrate,
You must always never ralate,
To others that hate,

I promise I'm gonna make you smile,
I promise I'm gonna make it right,
I promise to stay for a while,
I promise I'll get a glimpse in sight,
Of the past and how it was,
Everything will be alright,

A promise is a promise,
Thats not always kept,
Lied to your founding Fathers,
When you tried to establish you wealth,
I said,
A promise is a promise,
Thats not always kept,
Lied to your founding Fathers,
When you tried to establish you wealth.
Yeah :(
 Feb 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Lady Grey
Some people make me think of colors

A hue for everyone
Some just ooze it
In the way they talk
And laugh
And walk

When they’re happy,
They turn brighter
And glow

When they’re sad,
They dim
And fade

But no matter their mood
Or state of mind,
Everyone paints whatever room they’re in
With their beautiful colors
 Feb 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Jake B
My heart is full of blood
nothing less
nothing more.
 Feb 2018 Kanak Kashyup
Why are we confident
In the sea of people
But drown
In the drops of intimacy
aren’t you tired of looking for love?
aren’t you tired of waiting for it?
the love like a movie like a song like a story like a dream like a poem?
aren't you tired?
isn’t your hope weary?
and, don’t you see?
love has always been here,
the love you crave,
the love like a movie like a song like a story like a dream like a poem
love like a river like a waterfall like an ocean
love like this morning like this breath like this moment?
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