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Apr 2020 · 2.1k
When you cross my mind
Oupa Gedion Apr 2020
Another day in quarantine not sure how many days left now, I've mainly been giving most of my writing time to the short novel and for a moment there when I was describing how one of the characters looked like I thought of you how your voice is like a sweet melody that one needs after a hard day, how your eyes are as comforting as a toddlers hug, how your smile brings the same amount of warmth as the sun peeking through the clouds of a rainy day, how your presence is enough to wash away any negativity brought on by the world leaving a person feeling blessed like God placing his hand upon one, with that I realized how much of you this world needs, a person who by just being themselves brings joy to others without pretending or expecting something in return, and for the millionth time you're one gorgeous woman and till my last breath you will forever be.
Apr 2019 · 1.7k
Oupa Gedion Apr 2019

One word.
Nine letters.
By now I've told you countless times in so many different ways of how beautiful you are, and yet I don't feel I told you enough.

Thing is your beauty isn't just about your face or breathtaking body or your heart melting voice or your soul filling touch, nah it's way beyond that, it's hard to put in words because simply there's not enough words to do justice to it.

You see your beauty cannot only be seen but felt, it's as radiating as the sun coming out from the clouds after a rainy day, it's as comforting as getting a hug from a friend after hectic day, it's as warm as that first cup of hot beverage in the morning but mostly it is just a blessing to the eyes of those that witness it.

To me when I say you're beautiful I'm referring to more than that in which you see in the mirror everyday but something deeper, so till the day a new word is that can truly define beauty beyond words I'll just settle for AmazGorgeTifull.
Apr 2018 · 623
We Differ.
Oupa Gedion Apr 2018
He ‎got blamed for mistakes he never did.

He isn't trusted for breaking promises he never made.

His honest words are clouded by lies he never told. His caring actions are seen as feeding a guilty conscious for something he never did...

But of course they say guys have it easy though we are constantly fighting a battle that wasn't started by us and regardless of the amount of effort we put in it to show different we are it can never be enough.
Feb 2018 · 516
"Let's jump together"
Oupa Gedion Feb 2018
She was standing at the edge of the abyss looking down at endless darkness beneath her feet, cold air kissing her cheeks,  she took a step back and looked at the sky to see  his face smiling back at her,

"Why am I here? "

she asked gently but‎ the face faded revealing a clear sky and a voice softly replied "take the leap" she had goosebumps feeling how close to her ear the voice was,

"I'm scared "

she said "I don't know what's down there, who's going to catch me?" the air calmed and there was silence, she looked around and saw nothing but never ending rocky plains  and the dark abyss in front of her, "that's where you're wrong " the voice startled her "with falling in love you don't  need someone to catch you, you simply keep falling deeper and deeper it's only when you can see the ground that you need to worry, but should you find someone whose heart and soul is one never ending free fall into the unknown, I suggest you jump" she frowned

"but it's dark down there"

the air around her was getting warmer, her skin now back to its natural smoothness "I can't show you love but I can make you feel it, by letting go of your fears and letting Hope, Faith and Courage fill your heart you will find tranquility the deeper you go but should you carry on being fearful of what could go wrong and making up scenarios you will create your own heartbreak, remember you're falling in the deep dark, you can be friends with the darkness or it could be your worst enemy but it will be your own doing because the dark does nothing but show you what you think for yourself" she stepped forward and looked down again, then she closed her eyes and......

"I'm still kinda waiting for an answer" he said with an engagement ring in his hands while down on one knee  his words returned her from her divination and she realised she her boyfriend of three years is on his knee waiting for her response, she looked him in the eyes and said

"Let's jump together"
I wonder what will go through her mind when I propose
Feb 2018 · 444
I am here
Oupa Gedion Feb 2018
Babe whenever you feel like giving up and letting go remember how important you are to me and everyone that cares about you,

It's because of you that I wake up happy because I  have you in my life

It's because of the love you show me that keeps us going,

I know you get lonely sometimes and my words can't be enough to fill that emptiness that needs us to hold each other, but please remember no matter how big the distance is my heart,  soul and mind are always with you,

I can't tell you what love is because there are no words to describe it, but I can you that my love for you is knowing that my heart beats only because yours is beating,  my eyes open every morning looking to see you first before anything else, my hands stretch out hoping to find you laying next to me and bring you closer to me, and my mouth only wishes to say only three words before saying anything else and that is "I love you"
I miss her so much.
Jan 2018 · 507
My Wallpaper
Oupa Gedion Jan 2018
Even on my worst days when all hope seems lost, by just simply unlocking my phone, and seeing her Beautiful smile everything within me becomes at peace, she brightens the darkest of my days, she gives me hope that there's more to life than whatever issue I'm dealing with, she's the reasons I look forward to waking up the next day, it's because of her by just doing nothing apart from being her Beautiful self that my world has meaning.

I hope to be with you now and forever until we are the cupids that help others souls fall in love in the heavens.
I seldom feel blue
Dec 2017 · 412
Oupa Gedion Dec 2017
Beauty personified is what you are in my eyes, everything that makes you who you are is nothing short of amazing, in a world that's filled with angels you're a Star among all, your radiance that is spread through your smile, your voice, your scent, your eyes and your soft touch brings light to my world. There is a lot one can say after being in your heartwarming presence and with all of those words only one can be used to describe you perfectly and that word being "Beautiful".
I wrote this to her after our date.
Nov 2017 · 470
Did you know?
Oupa Gedion Nov 2017
Did you know that you're the luckiest person in the world, you are blessed enough to see the most beautiful person everyday before anyone can, that woman who is amazing, loving, caring, smart, ****, intelligent, mesmerising and soulful, I wonder everyday how your eyes glow up when you see her because she exist in your everyday mirror.
Nov 2017 · 1.0k
She asked "why me?"
Oupa Gedion Nov 2017
Because you're the one I've been waiting for. The strongest, outspoken, funny, gorgeous woman I've ever met.

There's just not enough words I can use to describe how you make me feel,  let alone how I feel about you.

I won't lie to you and say I can't live without you but I can honestly say with each passing moment of my life I look forward to our next encounter.

I love how amazing you are by just being who you are, you don't pretend to be anything else because you know your true self is a gift to this world.

A person with heart problems would have died by know if their heart was beating as fast as mine within your presence.

Do I love you?  I believe so Yes. Whether you choose to believe me or not, you made my day everyday each time I saw you, even when it was just for a brief moment regardless of whether we speak to each other or not, just the fact that I saw you was enough to shed light on my day.

I want you to be a part of my life, I can't promise you a smooth sailing ride to happily ever after but I can promise you Loyalty, Respect, Support, Kindness, Humour and most Love.
Nov 2017 · 517
Ever since we met.
Oupa Gedion Nov 2017
Of everything I want to be in the world, being your Boyfriend, Your Man, Your Husband, Your Pillar of Strength and The person you can rely on has been my dream since the day we met.

I don't remember a day when I haven't seen myself being married to you or just holding your hand while facing the most difficult challenge earth could throw at us.

You're such an amazing person, you're strong, caring, loving, giving, beautiful, gorgeous, understanding, mature, open and precious person I've ever met you are the one person I've ever imagined dating and marrying.

— The End —