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Thank God*
         I decided
The last line from my poem "Loaded Gun" on my other account.
I am frozen
holds me within her grasp
fill my heart
Am I worthy?
deserving of...
is it love
or acceptance
as fear whispers
to me
telling me
yes, telling me
you are not worth it.....
Is it that bad to desire love?
To desire to be desired.
For one person out of the 7 billion on earth.
Just one to NEED you.

Isn't it bad to desire love?
When a girl who gives the world her all.
She feels lost and afraid.
That lost little girl just needs love.

Why is it so bad to fear?
This little girl...
She stands too tall and resolute.
Until darkness falls.

Why is fear a weakness?
This girl is afraid to admit, she's scared of the dark.
But it isn't the monsters outside.
It's the monsters in her head.

Why does everyone have to keep strong?
This little girl...
She only wants a home.
She only wants love.

Isn't it sad when one feels alone?
This little girl has plenty of friends...
But still feels so empty.
Friendship isn't love, caring isn't love.

Why is it so hard to love a broken girl?
This little girl would do anything to feel loved once again.
She would walk to the ends of the earth.
Just to feel that warm embrace of a lover's arms.

To be the object of one's affection.
The little girl's one dying wish.
This little girl has walked through battlefields.
Just looking for a loving embrace.

She's experienced tastes.
And now she's hooked.
Her drug is love.
And now she's going through withdraws

She just want's to be high on love again...
Is that too much for me to ask for?
I'm back. So since I can't write "happy" poetry well, I'll only write when tears are streaming down my cheeks. So that is the cause of my lacking in writing.
When she said she wouldn't leave me,
Her words reflected love and affection.
But when,
she finally did,
I realized,
That I was nothing more to her,
Than her favorite pass-time.

She left me broken,
She left me disheartened,
I couldn't explain the situation,
I couldn't control my feelings.
Nights were spent crying,
And days were spent dreaming.

My heart turned stone,
But it was once made of gold.
Is it alchemy,
Or just a sense of perfidy?

The days are already bygone,
But my soul still feels scattered all along.
Small pieces of it calling out in disorder,
Waiting long enough to be put in order.

I will try my best,
To move on,
To forget.
I can force my mind to that,
But who knows about this stubborn heart.
Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I was going to ask you for advice,
but you're the one who's causing my pain.
Blurry picture memories
Of long forgotten days
Trying to make out whats portrayed
Those short few years
Like centuries
Left with cloudy souvenirs
Wondering when you truly left
And patched me up
With foggy photographs
To fill this hole inside my chest
overload of senses like a hurricane
this town has never seen before
and i’m pleading for a sweet release
but no one tastes quite as sweet as you
(nor as bitter for that matter)
memories contaminating my dreams
and there’s smoke in my halls everyday now
as i light fires,
attempting to cleanse the air around me
from everything that breathes you
and i’ve cut myself more than once
on the sharp opinions you left me with
i wish you hadn’t said you still loved me
so that all the dim uncertainties
would not have built homes around my heart
feeding on my soft spots like it’s an occupation
building weight on my chest
inciting panic, though i have
plenty of that already
forbidden love like a ******* dramatic play
and you’ve left a light in your window
that i simply cannot keep
i’ll sing you sonnets as long as you live
but distance is a murderer in the quietest of ways
and i’m still digging through the dirt with my bare hands
hoping for a salve to the wounds we’ve self inflicted
and maybe with time the pain will subside
but you’re planted deeper than either of us could have expected
uprooting you would be the death of me
so i’ll settle for silent days and sleepless nights
ebbing aches in my bones as every inch
of me longs for you
and i’ll hope that every time your hand reaches out for something
it shakes slightly
wishing it was reaching out for me.

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