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Oct 2017 · 811
my sister isn't property
tRevor gUmede Oct 2017
"Amongst the money, the cars
The shoes and the clothes
Lies ******* ******* *******
And strippers and hoes"

Have i covered it all
Have i covered our down fall
How we lost ourselves
Befor we even began

How we lacked pride
Lost our innovation
Set exploring aside
For ****** presentations

Thats all the music says/shows now
And still you dance along
Cause Sundays you bow
God will surely forgive after all

"He should understand we are humans
Our urges are greater than their consequence
Boys will be boys
Girls are their toys"

Well my sisters aren't property
So address them by their name
I wish them equality
And not be instruments of lust and fame
The media focus on music "mainly Pop and hip hop" doesnt potray our fellow sisters in a dignified light... i get *** sells.. but enough is enough...
Oct 2017 · 378
burnt dreams
tRevor gUmede Oct 2017
what sweet pain i feel
Like  being pierced in the chest
With red hot steel
From something that isn't
And never was real
It lived in my head
And worked in my heart
As old memories fade
New ones shred apart
No tears
As it leaves work in smokes
All ****** functions mob
And panic, everything racing, pumping, no don't, don't leave...
I don't know how I've managed to live
Without it...
Everything stop...
And stare... as the heart burns....
The fire... RAGING... raging
It can never work again
It lived in a dream... now its over
And... dreams will never be
What they once were
chaotic life cycle of love
Aug 2017 · 306
cosmic dancing
tRevor gUmede Aug 2017
I saw the moon skip the night
To see the day
I saw the Sun shine bright
In joy of her stay

I saw them dance in the sky
I saw lost love reunite
Seeing your love after a while
Aug 2017 · 555
Love things
tRevor gUmede Aug 2017
She holds my heart
For reasons i don't know
But she holds my heart
Don't ask me how

I can't remember
Whether i gave it freely
Or out of dispare and anger
Maybe she persuaded kindly
Or forced my hand

Maybe i lost a bet
Then it's on me
Yet she holds my heart
And she says for keeps

I don't mind really
I wish she'd hold it forever
Cause i have hers
And that's all that matter
New to love
Aug 2017 · 329
My excuse
tRevor gUmede Aug 2017
Its all your fault
Why i cant
I try i do
But im locked
To you im sure

I've let you rule over me
Worse cause i dont think
I dow nt think you even know i exist
You tell me about your passed
You show me all those you hurt

I thought I'd be different
I thought you'd let me be
I thought I'd make it work
I thought thats how its done
I thought....
I thought I'd never regret

Enough thinking
Time to act
Enough dreaming
Im over you now
I know you'll always be there

But that doesnt matter now
Cause I'll never let you dictate my life
Not again... not ever

So i declare...
you mean nothing to me
I know you there and i
I'll rest with a peaceful heart
Knowing you dont have the power anymore.
Aug 2017 · 225
Joyful Times
tRevor gUmede Aug 2017
I'd wish you'd stay longer
But i know you cant
I miss you when you not around
So i try to fake your presence
It helps
Cause you actually appear
But not always
So i fake it a lot
Till you arrive

With your gleeful giggles
Your heart racers
Your breath takings
Your blushing stares
Your snoring laughs
And loud movements

But then you go
Quicker than you came
Leaving the awkward huhs
For me to miss you again

I know you cant stay
Cause missing you
Makes your visit worthwhile.
Jun 2016 · 515
I Sheep
tRevor gUmede Jun 2016
I'm a Sheep
I Sheep and I'm proud

I can't live alone
Alone *****
Plus...m Not built like that
M not meant to be
So I flock with my other sheep
I dare you to try get me with squad

I get lost
You gone tell me you don't?
Not once?
Well I do.
Either mentally or physically.
So I follow, though sometimes I lead.
It's easier going with plots already began.
We get further, than starting from humble beginnings.

I keeps my rams on the down low
And my ewes updated
Wherever, However, Whenever
We got that social
And we quick with it

I hear you hate
I see you fronting
I might even taste your envy
I won't react... thats a bad touch
Might give me a bad smell
I'm to have more sense

I does what others do
To learn to be unique
I goes where others went
To find new places
I eat like the rest
To learn new tastes

In short I Sheep
I sheep to be different.
Don't you?
tRevor gUmede Jun 2016
It seems we good at killing
Maybe even the best
But what good ever came from destruction
When had it considered the rest

Violence is nature
Brought by greed, envy and anger
Violence is not courage
Nor will it brought peace
There is a time for outrage
But violence is never the key.

So for hearts filled with fire
Release it in art and and pleasant desires.
Jun 2015 · 449
Fool me
tRevor gUmede Jun 2015
As much as you like
Fool me day and night
Fool me and I'll play along
Your young heart filled with joy
The sound of your voice my favorite song
My strength is nothing to your laugher
I'll forfeit my forever for you whenever
I'd lose a million play fights
To see the corners of your lips take flight
I'll pretend every act you do
To be the newest millionth act I've seen
I'll play the fool to keep you happy
I'll play the fool to keep your innocence clean
All because I love you
Cause that I can never pretend
I hope you get to read this.
Nov 2014 · 281
tRevor gUmede Nov 2014
Hi, are you there?
Can I be heard from here?
Am I perceived in a way that my words are clear?
Though I still feel worse for wear.

I know that in time less will care
It is human to forget
But in my life I swear
Rather I do things than regret

So I step forth to you.
Are you there?
I just want to know you.

I want to live on,
But not without you
Help me get this feeling gone.
Help me love you.
Oct 2014 · 328
Is it ever too late?
tRevor gUmede Oct 2014
Can our realities be so flawed
That all the things we find for life's meaning become bored
It my be just me but it's odd
That we claim to be content with our imperfections
Then turn and compare ones actions to that of a Gods
Creating rules we break
Claiming to learn from our mistakes
Putting the lives of those we love at stake
Yet we say it's to put up the bread and steak on the table
Or it's it just in humans anatomy to live in fables
Is reality so tough that we live through devices and their cables

Are we so demented that we find joy in another persons anguish

I too am not perfect and are a victim of societies boundaries
I have failed some by looking the other way when I was asked for help
By looking the other way when I saw injustice
By not speaking out when the time came
By choosing to not get involved for my own selfish reasons to playing the game

But what then when I need help
When I've been unjust and needed a voice I can say I trust
Is it too late to change our fate
Have we already shut down our heavens gate
Erred so much we could not be forgiven
It may be human though the Divine can not intervene
This is a mess no deity could clean
We could solve this before it's a cold case
So I'll take the first broom and start by my space
Oct 2014 · 441
Hello poetry
tRevor gUmede Oct 2014
Hello poetry
Today I wake and bake with flakes
From the poets tree
Watching the sun's first light as it shines on the mare grazing I know
My heart is free
As I'm reminded that all life's beauty is shared with me

The morning jog though consumed by fog
Allows me to breath
It's that after rain scent from grass and sand
With a hint of lavender and lily pads from the near by dam
My body refuses to walk right by
No, I'm caught in a motionless stance
Shutting down all sensory but smell

As I slowly recover, the fogs potion now worn-off my body meditates to natures Acaphella; cricket snares, birds on soprano and toads on bass
A gorgeous tune at a steady pace
And as I look around I see myself in all of natures face

Today I walk knowing I have been blessed by natures amazing grace
Jun 2014 · 410
just tired
tRevor gUmede Jun 2014
He is done with life
He is done with living and all
He is too tired now
Nothing interests him at all

Surely he can be happy
For that he needs a muse
But people are cruel and fake
And find joy were others see abuse

He has no energy to go on
He is tired and worn out
He feels nothing for no one
No one feels nothing for him

He is tired of life
Nothing interests him at all
Yet he wants to live forever
Forever might break the spell.
May 2014 · 414
tRevor gUmede May 2014
In deep I cry
In deep inside
In deep I'm bound
Deep down I'm found
Cuddling the hounds
With demon errs
And ****** furs
While still I wait
For her a jade
To match those eyes
That played my smile
My heart your prize
Your heart my price
Forever towed
By lust and loath
Non lost nor loved
Nor up above
For her I wait
Not far or long
But here and now
Till death will come
May 2014 · 1.3k
tRevor gUmede May 2014
We want to be loved.
We all do.
No matter how alone
Our hearts aren't made of stone
From loves discomfort
We want the passion and comfort
The heart pains with disappointments
To remind us we human

And that perfection is flawed
Love is flawed
The truer it gets
It's kindly cruel
Selfishly considerate
With all other nothings
It's what the carer is

Love has a shape and size
That only my eye see
It has your shape, your size
That's why I love thee

I do not want your love
For anything from you
But I'll give you my love.
Do it as you please.
It's readable from bottom up too..... I think
Mar 2014 · 410
Born too late
tRevor gUmede Mar 2014
Boy o boy
Why wasn't I born earlier
When life was sweeter without sweets
The days when humans embraced failure
Knowing it showed us more than winning could teach
When apples and oranges were within our reach
And our best shoes were simply our feet
Times when a smile could not be defeated
When resources were free and not depleted
When trade was fair and equal
When we loved our cultures and their rituals
When we sang with harmony
And our voices were more charming
When we spoke ways of monumental peace

Then times changed, and we begged for clemency.
Then life got bitter with all the sweets.
Then winning became everything.
And failure meant you were weak.
Chances of grasping oranges became bleak.
Then only poor people ever showed their feet.
Smiles became fake and pliant.
Resources worn out and extravagant.
Then goods were exchanged for papers and melted rocks.
Then we shamed our ancestry and despised their ways.
Our voices became harsh,
And irritated the ear.
Then mentioning of peace, became somebody's fear.
Mar 2014 · 257
tRevor gUmede Mar 2014
I Understand my actions
Yet do not act.
Judge others kindly,
Judge myself harshly.
Claim no belief,
Though pray in silence.
Time my life,
But live it as if infinite.

Am I true,
Or searching for truth.
Question my soul,
And guide those of others.
Do my fantasies end in a dream?
But then again,
In life, what is a reality?

— The End —