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647 · Aug 2020
conan gray
Isaac Aug 2020
But I watch your eyes, as she
Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter than a
Blue sky
She's got you
While I die
by conan gray and i think it's beautiful
427 · Aug 2020
Isaac Aug 2020
i have known for years
forgive me for that one day
of single tear
the Lord i believe in
i talk to
i ask for the moon
to brighten you
i try not to bring out a single tear to the person who is special to me.
280 · Oct 2020
Isaac Oct 2020
and if the moon
is still
nowhere near the sun's light
then maybe
there's hope for who
holds onto life
268 · Feb 2022
To my upcoming girlfriend
Isaac Feb 2022
I want you to know that as we begin our relationship, every day will be a new day. Every day, we evolve into people we never imagined ourselves to be.

Every day will be a new day, and the same is true for my love. I don't want to love the same way because I want to give love that is greater than yesterday's love.

To my upcoming girlfriend,

Please take your time.
I have yet to locate you.
And if I do,
That's when I'll begin to believe in magic.
237 · Mar 2021
remember the mornings
Isaac Mar 2021
i remember the mornings where my friends and i would play football out on the field and it would be so cold that the grass started to frost and we would pretend it was snowing.  It was so cold we could only see our foggy breaths and how red our noses were and not being able to speak properly because we were too busy shivering.
210 · Aug 2020
The Sky
Isaac Aug 2020
what goes through your mind when you think about the sky?  Is it the day, night, sunsets or sunrises.

they all have different meanings
they do different things
they have different purposes
and with all those differences
they all remain beautiful
but the beauty is different
And beauty is define differently to
different people.

When i think about the sky
I think about it's beauty
The beauty of the sky is that it remains.

No matter how many sunsets and sunrises occur
No matter how many days and nights pass by
The sky remains.
Painted beautifully different
each night and day by the
God that you believe in.  

When i think about the night sky
I think about
The embodiment of loneliness not only occuring within us on our darkest nights but also on our brightest days.

But remember the sky remains.
Not a single cloud
Nor storm can take the sky away from you
That sky is your soul
Different and pure  

When i think about the sky
I think about how the beauty is altering itself each hour until our eyes are able to see the stars
The stars that i always lose track on whenever i count them
The stars that shine differently
But still remain it's beauty within the sky

When i think about the sky
I think about it's emotion
I think about the fire works we set off every new year and forth of july
Does it hurt ?
Does the sky ever wonder why we set off fire works for the enjoyment of our eyes when in the first place the sky is showing it's stars and yet it is not enough
I see rain as it's tears falling rapidly down on us
I see the wind as it's breath
breathing uncontrollably as it cries
I see the lightning as it's rage
and the thunder as it's pain that we rarely hear for the sky tries to bury its emotion deep down only to cover up pain with the sun that many would love to see for they believe that the sun is the sky's happiness.

As i say this i catch myself gazing far into the night sky
Wondering if it hears me
As i say this i'm admiring the beauty of the sky 10x more than i already do.

And when i look up the sky
I think about you.
Different and pure.

Now tell me
What do you think about the sky?
197 · Aug 2020
to be known
Isaac Aug 2020
being known
is to be
our little details
that are remembered
by our significant other
has never felt so pure
187 · Aug 2020
Isaac Aug 2020
believed that she was rare
only to realize
she's one of a kind
180 · Aug 2020
•carl jung•
Isaac Aug 2020
The word "happiness" would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
this really brings definition out in the world and many have the inability to see it.  by carl jung
Isaac Sep 2020
in the event that love breaks you,
let it break...

your heart will be shaped
and reshaped
but in the end
it will still be yours
-Miles Carter
163 · Aug 2020
8,207 miles
Isaac Aug 2020
just because we're across the
world from eachother
doesn't mean
that the day we meet,
won't come.
have hope
155 · Nov 2020
mind of a child
Isaac Nov 2020
something i tried to do for a while is getting back to the mind of a child..perceiving and appreciating the world in the way a child does.

it's like kids wake up everyday
with this sole purpose on
figuring out
what i can do
today to have a good expierence..
what can i do today
to have a good time

let's be kids again
-miles carter
151 · Aug 2020
Isaac Aug 2020
to be distant
is to be tested on how far love can travel
it is to have immeasurable emotions
It is where
our feelings cannot be explain nor understood by anyone.

to be distant
Is to become love
you...who will see for yourself on how long you can last
love will most definitely not be easy
but as you make your way to happiness
you will start to realize
love is not impossible

To be distant
is for the greatest part of love
it is the greatest part of you.
because distance is no excuse to end a special bond
151 · Sep 2020
a t t i cu s
Isaac Sep 2020
"I don't believe in magic,"
the young boy said,

and the old man smiled,
"You will, when you see her."

- a t t i cu s
and i saw her
Isaac Sep 2020
the difference between something you want and something you love can be illustrated by how you treat a flower
when you want something, you'll take it for yourself
and that flower then exists as an extension of you,
it's beauty measured by how beautiful you'll allow it to be.

but when you love something
you discover an appreciation for everything it is
knowing something so beautiful, so vast, could never belong to you
seeing it's light and knowing it would be selfish to hold it hostage from the world

-miles carter
133 · Sep 2020
hear me
Isaac Sep 2020
the universe can hear
your silent fear

blinded with dark
not a single spark

where do you go
here have my stars
it you bestow
We believe we can't see without light not noticing the stars at night
133 · Aug 2020
and we are sorry
Isaac Aug 2020
everyone: “you changed”

the climate: i know..
***** how our everyday actions affect the climate. I have tried to change bad habits for that maybe even a little change could happen.
129 · Sep 2020
Isaac Sep 2020
she does what excites
emotions sided
believed to be brightened
heart enlightened
119 · Aug 2020
to be the moon
Isaac Aug 2020
is my light not bright enough
for you to see my stars
why hurt my sky
with your fireworks
are my stars not enough
or are they too many
the moon is always looking at us on our darkest nights, but it's so bright our dark nights may not even be as dark as we think it is. i wonder if it feels, everything is life after all.
114 · Sep 2020
Isaac Sep 2020
I see the wind as it's breath
breathing uncontrollably as it cries
I see the lightning as it's rage
and the thunder as it's pain
that we rarely hear
for the sky
tries to bury its emotion deep down only to cover up pain
with the sun
that many would love to see
for they believe
the sun
is the sky's happiness.
decided to take this part from my firsr poem because thise means so much to me
111 · Sep 2020
hi i'm isaac
Isaac Sep 2020
i am obsessed with the sky
mainly at night

i love to stargaze
as soon as the stars appear
until my eyes
can no longer handle being awake

i love long walks until my feet can no longer handle a single step

i love long conversations
until my vocal cords
can no long handle
another vibration
hello i am isaac
96 · Aug 2020
pointless points
Isaac Aug 2020
They said forgive and forget
But how can you forgive
when the pain was given
And how can you forget
when the pain wasn't forgetting
How can u forget
when it's stuck in ur head
How can you forgive
when they'll do it again
know that it is ok to let go and prioritize yourself.
92 · Sep 2020
at least
Isaac Sep 2020
i smile
for i know
atleast we stare up
the same moon
86 · Aug 2020
Isaac Aug 2020
seek discomfort and become extremely weird in life and
that is your extra ordinary
which is extraordinary
83 · Aug 2020
in peices but in peace
Isaac Aug 2020
embodiment of loneliness
for i feel for long

shattered like glass
knew this wasn't going to last

and in time i heal
i may be in pieces
but in peace
shall i feel.
80 · Aug 2020
up there
Isaac Aug 2020
the moon
is so pretty
i hope
she knows
i adore her
79 · Aug 2020
to live another life
Isaac Aug 2020
would be great
maybe not forever
but for a while

for i can feel their pain
for i can feel their joy
for i can feel how their life is

— The End —