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6.8k · Jun 2014
tiaamaariaa Jun 2014
The feeling of being trapped
Trapped in this world
This school,
Trapped in my mind.
There is no escape.
Learn, learn, learn
It is so hard to breath.
Nobody sees,
Sees how it is,
How I am,
How hard it is to concentrate.
When you hear all these voices
"Do better!"
"Don't stress"
"It's easy"
"Think of your future"
My future seems to be a blur,
I have no way of escaping,
To reality
6.7k · Aug 2013
means nothing
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
three words
means two lips
means hands everywhere
means a lot
n o t
r e a l
I have strong feelings about fwb, and how im against it. but here I am, being fwb with someone. and not even caring.
6.2k · Jan 2015
tiaamaariaa Jan 2015
I'm numb
Everything around me doesn't feel real
Everyone around me doesn't feel real
I'm so extremely exhausted of everything that I have no clue how much longer I can take
It's hard to believe that "It gets better"
I'm numb
I'm tired
I just want to be gone
3.4k · Jun 2014
The sky
tiaamaariaa Jun 2014
I have an obsession with the sky
The way the sun shines through the clouds
The sun is so bright
Making everything light up
I have an obsession with the sky
Simply because it is limitless
Once you go up there is no stopping
I stare up there everyday
Wishing I could go up
Get away from down here
I have an obsession with the sky
Because it is my escape
3.0k · Oct 2013
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
Thoughts take over
Tears fall down my face
"I'm doing it again, I don't know what to me!"
"Just try to forget about what's bothering you!
"Its not that easy"
"Well stop what you're doing! It doesn't make things better"
"To me it does.."
"I find what you're doing nasty and pointless,just do something to get you're mind off of it. Talk to someone!"
(I'm trying to talk to you but you find what I'm doing nasty..thanks for the help)
"I stopped"
"Good,don't do it again"
I can't promise that..
Just a conversation I had with someone earlier..
2.6k · Aug 2013
I hate it.
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
some days I watch those tv shows or movies that have some cute but sappy love story in it. I always think to myself, I wish that could happen to me. for my relationships to be perfect. I realized relationships arent perfect at all! everyeone argues, and disagrees. everyone has some issue, but usually couples are able to fix that. there is always the "i guess it was meant to be" or " theres other fish in the sea" I feel like I have said those lines way too much for a 14 year old. I think back at all my relationships and even though I say I regret some, i shouldnt because at the time that person made me feel happy, special, and just made me feel good. I think back at my relationships and they were horrible. They were horrible because of me. I was the problem. The horrible problem. Im not pretty enough. Not skinny enough. Dont talk that much. Well sorry I have acne, like to eat and very shy. Im trying to work on those things and I guess no one is able to see that. I think about my past relationships and go through them one by one. part by part. to see why it ended, why that person couldnt be my soul mate. some were that we hardly talked, it was awkward, he liked other(better) girls, I just wasnt good enough. Most of them was my fault. I've been through the dumbest relationship problems, and now its effecting me. now it is really getting to me, and I truly wish I could go back in the past to fix everything. To fix my broken heart. To not put it out there so much so it could get hurt. I think about my relationships in the past and then I look back at that one. The only one who I liked through everything. who never left my side either we were together or best friends. the one who had issues himself but still put me first. who made me feel like a better person, and the most beautiful. the one i trusted the most and couldnt live without. where is he now? he is off, doing his own thing, moved on. why do i still think about him? because I love him. i love him so much, no matter what. He knows. Nothing has happened for about a year now, and Im guessing nothing else will. He'll be over at his school, dealing with his own problems, with his best friend. Me at my own school, trying to deal with everything happening around me.Now because all of these dumb relationships, I just try to find someone who doesnt care about all of that and just likes me now. doesnt like me for love and relationship, but likes me for what i do. I can flirt, talk and kiss him all he wants. both of us missing two different people and since we're not able to see them we just use each other for what we want. I hate to say it. to say that im friends with benefits with someone, but its just come to that. i hate to acknoledge it. to acknowledge that my first love has moved on, and im just here, slowly getting away.
Overthinking again.. not going too well :/
1.9k · Jan 2014
Not easy
tiaamaariaa Jan 2014
It is so easy to say "I will stop"
But when you actually try to,
It is so much harder.
So hard to not go rely on something during your bad times,
That makes you escape things for just a little bit.
Gives you a relief like this is the only thing that can save you,
Which at the time ,
It is the only thing .
Always thinking about it,
And wanting it
And just wishing you could do it
Every hour
Just wishing that you were able to escape everything  with this
One piece of metal.
And during the time that you are
People are around you saying
"You can do it"
"You are strong"
"Do other things"
But it isn't that easy!
Not many people get that..
Went from 23 days right back to 0..
Just couldn't do it anymore
1.6k · Jul 2013
i need you
tiaamaariaa Jul 2013
i need you
i need you now
the only one who understood
the only one who stayed
things might have changed
but i still love you.
1.6k · Feb 2015
tiaamaariaa Feb 2015
1.3k · Dec 2013
I'm done
tiaamaariaa Dec 2013
I just want to die
I could never **** myself but honestly I don't want to live anymore and I could careless if I did die. I used to be scared of death but I guess once you have reached rock bottom you realize that you just don't want to live in this cruel world anymore. I have reached rock bottom, I have Hit an all time low. I have to cut myself to feel better! That means something, I don't know how to handle my own emotions anymore, I can't go a day without feeling in a bad mood no matter where I am or who I'm with. I could be with my best friend and having fun whatever, but all of a sudden I get in a bad mood, I just wanna cry and feel better. I know I overthink too much because I feel like I annoy people with this too much and  that they are just getting bothered by it and want me to just get better so I stop bothering them about it. I wanna get better, that is all I'm asking for, is getting better and knowing that my life won't be as miserable as I think it will be. I dont want to go on meds, I don't want to cut everytime I feel down.. I just want this mood to go away, but my overthinking about all my stupid flaws on how I'm so ugly and fat and that I have no ambition in life and how no guy could ever like me because of all these things, doesn't make things easier. And no one can make me feel different about them either which is really hard. My life isn't bad.. Which makes no sense why this is happening to me, I just need to find out the reason. It so hard to, no one gets that, my mom thinks that I know the reason but just not saying it, why wouldn't I say it?! I want to get better, does no one realize that. Just because I'm not able to stop cutting for a long time does not mean I don't want to get better, it just means I'm not as strong as I thought I was. Just because I don't wanna go to counselling every week doesn't mean I don't want help I just don't want to talk to a different person everytime and just hear the same things over and over again. I just want to get better and tbh at this rate , I don't think I will be.. So I just wanna die and not many people will care anyways .
1.3k · May 2014
I hate people
tiaamaariaa May 2014
I love people
They can be so welcoming
Letting you into their lives
Showing you the crooks and crannies of everything inside
Making you feel like you are the most special person
To be seeing all of this
But then again they can turn around
And shut you out
Tell you to never come back
Because they don't like you
Making you believe you are not worthy
to see anymore
It's rude in a way
So I guess I hate people
1.2k · Apr 2015
My World
tiaamaariaa Apr 2015
You are my world
You are the clear sky and flowing clouds
You are the loud thunder and pouring rain
You are the growing flowers and flying birds
You are the dying trees and broken branches
You are the breathtaking sunrises and beautiful sunsets
You are the dry deserts and stormy seas
You are everything around me
You are my world
1.1k · May 2014
I gave you my all
tiaamaariaa May 2014
I gave you my all that day
My heart
And my soul
The one thing many people wait to do until they are much older
We had a connection
Which you could feel through your fingertips
And every time you touched me
It was electricity
Electricity through our skin
Through our veins
It was electricity of our love
I gave you my all that day
And now that's thrown away
It may have happened fast
It may have happened where no one would expect
But it was still special
In our hearts
How do you give up something like that..
How do you break up with someone knowing they gave you their all
How at 15 years old did you not realize that was so special to me
I did not regret it
I still don't regret it
But maybe,
Just maybe,
You could've stuck around a little longer with me
I gave you my all that day
*** is such a weird thing
1.0k · Jul 2013
im sorry that I care
tiaamaariaa Jul 2013
never felt what you're going through
but im trying to help
you always help me
its my turn to help you
sorry i give bad advice
sorry im not much help
but unlike others
i do care
i care about you
i care about what you do
i care about everything that has to do with you
and if me saying
"wow, im sorry, i know im not much help, but lets just get away from here"
isnt enough
then im sorry.
971 · Mar 2014
In love with you
tiaamaariaa Mar 2014
I could stare at you all day
Just watching your ****** expressions
The way you get so into what you are doing
The way your eyebrows  scrunch up when you are confused
The way you lick your lips
And even the way your eyes glisten when you are watching me
I could never get tired of staring at you either
Makes me feel like I know you better, understand you better
You make me so happy
You don't judge me
I think I might be
In love with you
02/07/2014 J.B.
955 · Aug 2013
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
I think I should stop picking out all my flaws
because that is what breaks me down.
I think I should stop picking out all my flaws
because that is what ruins me.
I have cute freckles,
but lots of acne.
I have some nice curves,
but I am fat.
I have nice nails,
but my hands are chubby.
I think I should stop picking out all my flaws,
but that is impossible
926 · Nov 2013
tiaamaariaa Nov 2013
I feel like I'm drowning..
drowning in my own sorrow.
the waves are too harsh
pushing me back
lower and lower
til' I drown
drown in my sorrow
my sadness
choking on all the hurtful words
burning sensations of the scars
the sorrow filling up in my lungs
I can't breathe!
I want to cut so bad
I feel so sad
someone please help me
915 · May 2014
what is life?
tiaamaariaa May 2014
what is life?
are we actually all living?
we all have this planned life we want to have;
finish school,
have a good job,
get married,
have kids,
grow old,
then die.
Its a routine,
designed for us to live
a "happy life"
how many of us are actually happy
how many people can truthfully say
"I'm happy and I love my life."
not many, I'm sure.
We all say to make the best of things
to live in the present.
you only live once,
take risks and never regret anything you do.
But some people, are just tired
tired of taking risks and it ending badly
having to regret things they have done,
since it changed them drastically.
I say that we should try to live life as much as we can,
we could die any moment,
and as much of us are sad a lot, or say
"I wanna die."
Only some truly mean it.
This isn't living,
its surviving.
Had many thoughts coming to me all at once..
830 · Aug 2013
sad but true
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
I guess I'm just obsessed with listening to
sad music late at night.
Helps the tears come down.
Helps the thoughts to take over.
Helps me feel worse about myself.
Good going, Tia. Just making things worse for yourself.
818 · Oct 2013
to embrace
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
Kissing someone is magical
Its like your lips have a mind of their own
When becoming closer to the other person
Your lips scream and crave for them
Making it harder to resist
Once you've touched the other person
Your lips start to get excited
Moving like crazy
Your tongue wants some action
And joins the fun
Its all just a globbery mess from all your saliva but
No one cares
Because your lips
And tongue
And their lips
And tongue
Are too excited to stop
That's when our bodies get out of control...
Just thinking about earlier&how; much I loved it
739 · Aug 2013
starting over
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
im having a fresh start
starting everything over.

forget about the past
from the horrible mistakes
and terrible heart aches

the crying over dumb relationships
end with one kiss from your soft lips

I've realized im not a ****
im not  a *****
im just a girl who likes lots of boys

no more dating
no more hating

I will live how I want to.
listen to my friends whenever im blue.

im having a fresh start.
starting everything over.
not really a poem, just need to get it out there that I've realized my mistakes and now I want to change that.
735 · Sep 2013
tiaamaariaa Sep 2013
This is horrible.
How could I not stop myself from kissing you?

I got my unanswered questions
I love that.
But this is horrible.

Horrible how I fell back in your arms
Horrible how I can't stop myself
696 · Oct 2013
through my mood
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
someone who can take care of me,
through all these emotions,
like the rough and calm waves of the ocean.
through thick and thin,
before my head starts to spin.
see me at my worst
and be able to take care.
care of me and my fragile skin
not be annoyed from my mood swings
and give my heart wings.
688 · Nov 2013
tiaamaariaa Nov 2013
mind going blank
no thoughts
no feelings
just numb
all around
staring off into space
not controlling my body
everything is gone
and over.
not very good, but just wanted to get out what I've been feeling like lately.
673 · Sep 2013
Psychosomatic Illness
tiaamaariaa Sep 2013
Psychosomatic Illness  

1.  Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.
2.  Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, and the body on the mind, especially with respect to disease

a.k.a. thinking I am mentally sick can actually make me become mentally and physically sick.

is this what has been happening this whole time..
669 · Oct 2013
someone new.
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
I don't want to fall for you just yet

I don't know if I'm ready to put all my trust into someone
someone new.

I don't know if I'm ready to open up my heart and soul to someone
someone new.

I don't know if I'm ready to deal with another heartbreak because of someone

Someone new that likes me
667 · Jul 2013
tiaamaariaa Jul 2013
Why do I feel like this,
like i've lost all my bliss.
To tired to talk,
and just wanting to walk.
Wanting to walk all the way down,
down to the ground, where no one can see ;
all of this pain inside of me.
I know I should feel more alive,
And that this society is so easy to survive,
but I'm not able to fake something that is not there,
to fake that everyone loves you with care.
People say to let yourself be who you want to be,
but if there are friends holding you back,you aren't able to see..
The chances you miss out on,
and the regrets you make.
Are just things to put you down, and feel like you're about to break.
Don't let pain blur your sight,
while you take this journey of a wild flight.
tiaamaariaa Feb 2014
Do you ever think that maybe there is someone out there for you?
Someone you are going to spend your whole life with.
Someone who will love and cherish you with all their heart ,
And you may not even know It but they just know you are the person for them
You are their soulmate
And it may take awhile for you to realize that they are your
Soulmate too
It may take awhile for you to realize the little things they do like
Holding the door open for you
Buying you a hot chocolate with little marshmallows just the way you like It
Maybe even singing that song you love extra loud while you two dance and dance and dance
It could be the way they mock the way you talk just to make you laugh
Or even play with your hair until you fall asleep.
Takes time for someone to know how special those things are,
How much love is put into them
When you do figure these things out,
You have probably moved on to someone else..
Not knowing what you had right infront of you
645 · Aug 2013
that moment
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
if i could just see you for one day
a whole day to see your face
what would i say?
would i tell you how i think about you day by day?
or how you always made me feel like i was in the right place.
would i tell you how i compare everyone to you
and its so hard to go through
would i tell you how my body and heart aches
because of all of those dumb mistakes
would i tell you that i thought you were the finest
bringing my emotions to a high with your kindness
would i tell you that i know i wouldnt be able to funtion without you in my life
i've even dreamt about being your wife
all of these things i want to tell
but here i am back in my shell
back in where im too scared
very unprepared
while my lips spread apart
i say"maybe we can have a fresh start"
638 · Aug 2013
cant deal with it
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
i dont get why people talk to me? im so anti social. i may be nice or friendly, but once i think we're good friends and i try to hang out with just me& you or just text you, i know you'd rather be doing something else then talking to me because i **** conversations. i'd rather sit by myself then have to carry on a conversation. i dont have any ambition, i've made so many mistakes. i try to make things right but nothing works. no talent, no grace. i dont get why people call me their friends or enjoy talking to me, because i wouldnt. yes, some nights i need that 1 person to just talk to, but even though i hate messaging first, i still do it. even though i know the conversation wont last long after that, i still continue to press send. the dumb stuff i've done and been through is crazy. im not surprised how i lost a ton of friends. i feel like everything needs to be about me, some histrionic **** thats what it is. i cant deal with this. now that i know, it actually bothers me even more.
another rant..
637 · Sep 2013
tiaamaariaa Sep 2013
parents don't understand what society is like nowadays.
the hypocrites
the back stabbers
the way people treat each other is horrible
I actually want to cry thinking about it all
school in 2 days, and I am STRESSING OUT!
622 · Jul 2014
9000 thoughts
tiaamaariaa Jul 2014
I lay here with 9,000 thoughts going through my head
I lay here with 1 thousand thoughts about school and my grades.
The number of bad grades and the times I've made honour roll.
I lay here with 2 thousand thoughts about my friends and their lives.
The ones who have stayed and made my life 10x more exciting
I lay here with 3 thousand thoughts about my future and how it will turn out.
The amount of things I will be able to accomplish and the things I will learn.
I lay here with 2 thousand thoughts about my family and how much they have impacted me
The amount of love being brought Into my life because of them.
I lay here with 1 thousand thoughts about you and our story
The memories we created and the times we shared
I lay here with 9,000 thoughts
And they are all keeping me up at night.
Felt like I hadn't written in a while, so I just came up with a little something.
621 · Apr 2015
One Individual
tiaamaariaa Apr 2015
Sometimes in life you need that one individual
Who will make you laugh and catch you when you fall
It will seem like it's a miracle
Because they will be able to heal all
This one individual will become your light
You'll rely on it for everything
In your eyes, they'll be so bright
But for others it might sting
You'll share a love that's like no other
Creating beautiful moments
That you will cherish forever
Many people may despise the sparks you're creating
Or not understand
But just ignore all the hating
Because you'll have each other's hand
Sometimes in life you need a little love
To keep you going through the day
Just wait on that one person
Things will eventually be okay
Kind of rambling.. I don't know if it makes sense
619 · Aug 2013
what do you do?
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
what do you do when you find out
your first love,
the one you love
doesn't love you anymore.

what do you do when you find out
that boy that cares about you so much
way too much,
does it to every other girl.

what do you do when you find out
the ones you think love you,
cherish you
just pretend to get what they want.

what do you do when you realize,
how stupid you were
how very stupid
to fall for such bad boys.

615 · Jun 2015
Here's to the kids
tiaamaariaa Jun 2015
Here's to the kids who are hurting right now
Who cry themselves to sleep
And hide under the blankets so their parents don't hear them weep
Here's to the kids who's dreams have been crushed
Who have such high goals
And have been shut down by evil souls
Here's to the kids who try their hardest everyday
Who are motivated and strong
And get told their futures won't be that long
Here's to the kids who put on a smile
Who always look at the bright side
And get put into the dark to hide
Here's to kids who are scared for tomorrow
Who are confused about their life
And turn to a knife
Everything will be okay
Don't listen to other's put downs
Stay strong
Not sure what I was trying to get at
607 · Jan 2014
Your love
tiaamaariaa Jan 2014
Waking up in the middle of the night
And you on my mind
Is dangerous
My emotions go everywhere
Overthinking everything that we have overcome
And the one thing that sticks in my mind is that one day
That one day we met up after the breakup
After summer time
That one day where we both missed each other
And you thought you could get a second chance
That day made me realize something
Something that I knew before but had forgotten
Your love
Your sweetness, your hugs, your kisses, the way you make fun of the things I say just so I will get irritated and hit you and you will
Just kiss me !
And it would be so cute
I realized that you always let me talk and try to understand what I'm saying
I realized how much you cared about me
And when I was realizing all of this,
I realized that I never wish we broke up in the first place.
602 · Sep 2013
its okay
tiaamaariaa Sep 2013
I let it all out to a stranger tonight..
its helpful.
there are more tears
that's okay.
593 · Sep 2013
The tears I held in
tiaamaariaa Sep 2013
cried so much last night
over 2 hours
in my room.
lips quivering trying to stop it
closing my eyes
trying soo hard.
sister walks in
starts talking
I do one shake of the head and there it is..
the tears.
the tears that have been held in for too long
the tears that started for no reason
trickling down my face
forcing myself to smile
makes it worse
people saying "I hope you feel better"
makes it worse
so close to balling my eyes out in 2 of
my classes
held it all in.
just keep telling myself
"Keep it in.."
Its okay to not be okay
591 · Aug 2013
dont want to go back
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
on  Wednesday I have to go to school for pre-registration
I just want to
shoot myself
seeing all those people again.
happy smiles on their faces
having to face those certain people I happily avoided all summer
I find out whos in my classes
I find out who I will be sitting next to while being taught a lesson
school really brings me stress
just knowing I have to deal with all the judgement all over again is torture
it wouldn't be so bad if there was no one there
this generation is horrible
criticising everything you do!
no wonder some people avoid going to school some mornings.
I would too.
school is in 2 weeks..
582 · Oct 2013
I dont know anymore
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
feels like this whole week I have been like this
what is going on...
577 · Aug 2013
my life.
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
theres love in my eyes that no one is able to see, i dont think anyone is able to see the despaire i have inside of me i try and try to  let it out but nothing works except crying just balling my eyes out it feels better like im refreshing my screen, or talking to  people who are actually there to help, with helpful words that help with the tears just makes me feel better in the end i dont know how to explain the feeling to certain people because a lot of them dont understand it maybe i just feel the need for attention so im forcing myself to feel like this..i have no idea. those thoughts i have of "i wish i was sick or hurt so people would notice me or see me or at least pretend to be my friends" i hate the fact that some days i can be off in my own world in this mood that just sweeps over me and starts tearing me apart piece by piece and then i just sit there in silence eating my lunch with friends all around laughing and smiling and having a good time or even a bad day but they seem to make themselves happy again with a fake smile that almost everyone brings along with them. but instead i forgot mine and i just sit there thinking of all the things, maybe thinking of that stupidness that i want myself hurt so people would notice me more, or  just maybe people will notice how i look today and they'll ask or wonder and i'll be able to tell them all about it and they can help or relate or just say a few words to put a smile on my face. but then the fear comes back..the fear of what if they dont care? what if they get annoyed..that big fear too its like how do i get the attention i want when its hard to . i think now i should nust continue getting all the help and advice and support i need from friends because thats the only thing going to help me keep going.
just a little inside into my life.
567 · Nov 2014
Are you?
tiaamaariaa Nov 2014
Are you able to change someone like me?
Someone who is so damaged it hurts to move.
Someone who is so sad it's tiring to smile.
Are you able to love someone like me?
Someone who is so tired of everything around her
Someone who is so anxious to continue life
Are you able to pick up all the pieces?
Are you willing to put them back together ?
Are you capable of living with a damaged soul?
I didn't think so..
563 · Jul 2013
something wonderful
tiaamaariaa Jul 2013
the breeze outside
makes me just want to ride
ride all the way up into the sky
where there is no need to cry
stand on a cloud
feeling proud
the accomplishments
and prizes
the wonderful surprises
the happiness i need to embrace
brings a grin to my face
light mist from the air comes down on me
making my body feel so free
i move onwards to the joyful times
and laughable signs
overlooking this life i've created
those times i waited
got frustrated
paid off into something wonderful
561 · Oct 2013
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
forcing that smile throughout the day
once I get home
the tears pour
pour like a waterfall
how am I able to cope
I want to go elope
off somewhere
where no one can find me
where no one is
let me leave
let me escape from all this
im dying here
dying inside this world
I want help
I need help..
I don't want to be here anymore..
HELP ME! :'(
554 · Oct 2013
thank you so much for that.
tiaamaariaa Oct 2013
you honestly make me feel amazing
I tell you what I do when I break down,
and you don't judge.
You told me that you would always be here and that you'll help me get through this step by step
thank you so much for that.
It is making me more confident that I will get better.
You are the one who told me to actually get help
and I did!
thank you so much for that.
I know for a fact that you will help me get through everything and you will
catch me when I fall.
We will be there for each other
thank you so much for that
536 · Dec 2013
feeling wanted
tiaamaariaa Dec 2013
being used so much
I melt every time I feel your touch
it is hard to resist
when I feel so wanted
in your arms you are holding me
I wish we never started
this needs to stop.
521 · Aug 2013
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
one of those nights I lay here wide awake
where everything just aches
thinking about the world
and all of its mysterious questions
lately its like everything swirled
into new directions.
not enjoying the change
its all too strange.
making my view not very lovely
when things used to be seen so beautifully
now its all dull and grey,
a blur, even on the best of days.
a smile appears quite often,
fake or real,
its important
to know how I feel.
520 · Jul 2014
tiaamaariaa Jul 2014
The tears are starting to hurt
Starting to burn
As they roll down my face
Thinking of you
Is what leaves me like this
At midnight
Every single evening
Just hoping I can have you again
Even when I know it's impossible
Impossible for things to be good for me
For things to ever go my way
518 · Aug 2013
My savior
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
why does it hurt so much?
I guess its the feeling of
being alone again.
not being able to see a happy face
a face of someone I adore
I adore so much that I do so much to impress
all for what?
a hug
a kiss
a few laughs
or the fact that , his
are the only thing that makes me feel
most of all..
plans just got ruined for me to see someone, and i'm not  taking it very well :$
507 · Oct 2014
Does love overpower when..
tiaamaariaa Oct 2014
My eyes lit up like an entire city when you walked through those doors
I have never seen someone so amazing before
I could not believe that I was all yours
I knew I couldn't lose you because we had swore.
To have and to hold each other's hands
Through thick and thin and all of it within
We have been brought together with these metal bands
But back to reality, I realized my life took a spin
There was no more " I love you" at night
While I laid there alone waiting
I was hoping to wake up and your face be in my sight.
Because this whole time I've been debating
Does love overpower
When it isn't right anymore
Not sure what I was writing about
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