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 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Ezra Pound
When I carefully consider the curious habits of dogs
I am compelled to conclude
That man is the superior animal.

When I consider the curious habits of man
I confess, my friend, I am puzzled.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
I forgot how much I loved this life
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
thank You for loving me
thank You for never turning away when i did
thank You for never giving up when i walked away from You
and convinced myself that it’s alright, that i’m alright,
even when i woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest
and everyday was a struggle just trying to breathe without You

thank You for Your faithfulness
thank You for Your grace
thank You for Your presence surrounding me
even when i did nothing but spit on Your face
and curse Your Name behind closed doors where i thought nobody could see,
but come Sunday and i put on my best dress
and pretended to worship.

thank You for Your patience;
You patiently searched for me in ***** alleyways where You didn’t belong
where the enemy stripped me of my clothes and dressed me in shame
chained my feet
and told me lies after lies after lies
and how i believed him.

i sold my soul to sin and i thought i was shackled for life
but You came to me
and bought me with the blood of Christ
the price for my life was the death of Your Son,
and You said, “so be it, I will send Him.”

i can never thank You enough.

i will never fathom the depth of Your love,
how You sent Your Beloved to die
for someone so undeserving,
for a people like us.

thank You for Your love,
thank You,
thank You,
thank You.

my life is a gift for You alone, Savior King.

oh i can see it now, i can see the love in Your eyes
i can see it. i can see it.

thank You.

thank You.

thank You.
my heart is full
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
i have to tell you

the thought of losing you
makes my stomach turn
my fingers tremble
and my chest ache with waves
of pain

because i've never wanted
anyone more
in my entire life
and it scares me that you have me
right in the palm of your hand

promise me you'll stay
unlike the others

promise me
you won't change your mind

promise me
that your promises
won't be bent
by passing time

that i am more than just a passing fancy
that you'd get bored of then leave
once someone with a prettier face
comes around knocking at your door

because you're starting to feel
like home

and nothing terrifies me more.
stay with me
There was a little girl,
innocent and pure.
Once she let a boy inside,
And he became her fear.
She runs from all the promises, runs from all the lies.
Runs from the one who hurt her most.
Who killed the girl inside.
Her heart is now in pieces, blood dripping on the floor.
Her mind tells her to end it,
And her soul screams to cut more.
Now we're at her funeral,
may her body rest in peace.
That little girl hung herself
until she couldn't breathe.
You had me with your words
Then left me without a **word
Time is such a treasure 
That's quicker lost than found
And when it's gone you search again
For whatever's left around

A second seems like nothing 
When you have plenty to spare 
You never learn to value them
Until they just aren't there

A minute isn't that much more
So you toss them left and right 
And then you're scrambling to find
Enough for one more night 

An hour can be wasted 
As easily as breath or speech 
But when you have to count them down
You learn to make the most of each 

In the end I find it easier 
To always value time 
To cherish every single second 
Of every moment that you're mine
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
"you're a thief."
she exclaimed
the boy smiled,
a teasing wicked smile
the girl huffed
"you stole."
"what did i steal?"
"you stole...
my heart
and everything
in between"
the girl mumbled
tears being to
***** her piercing
the boy nodded
"i guess i will
steal something else."
the girl cringed,
afraid of his answer
"our relationship."
and he picked up
their relationship
and dropped it.
kisses vanished
love faded
a heart shattered
thoughts drifted off
glances evaporated
smiles cracked
tears fell
hope disappeared
a friendship expired
and everything
in between
this poem is about a boy breaking up with a girl if you couldn't tell :)
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Joanne Chan
A lone voice calls out
Never reaching the stars
Left floating in frigid space
On a blind, infinite journey

Nearby are others
Insults are constant gifts
Thrown like red meteorites
And suffocating nebulas

Even the cruel pain
Ripping mercilessly
A black hole ******* souls in
Ruthless strength conquers everything
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