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 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Joanne Chan
Claustrophobia confines me
Noise is muted
Time slows down
The sound of my racing heart fills the air
The world turns like a haunted merry-go-round
And my sight blurs
I gulp in stale air
The smell of mass body odour stings my nose
My palms are sweating
Fellow humans beside me turn into snarling aliens
My body shrieks at me to run
But the ground grabs my feet with clawed fingers
Panic is overwhelming common sense
I am losing my mind
A scream slowly rises to my throat
The doors open
One sigh of relief
And my body gratefully flies out into freedom
Never again
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Joanne Chan
Skulls of fiends hang from trees
Silhouettes of slaughterers slither in the shadows
Ghouls and demons threaten
We’ll **** your soul
Stick thin arms and legs reach out to grab me
Bloated bodies and faces loom too close
I feel myself losing all reasoning
The sane world is disappearing
Black madness is creeping in to the edges of my head
Ready to control me
Yet I have strength
Strength to fight back
And see what is true
The terrifying gore is all gone
Replaced with something a hundred, thousand, trillion times worse
Painful puppets hanging on strings, stereotypes
Beautiful ladies with plastic smiles
Deadly diseases
Real monsters on earth
Killer machines that trigger mass destruction
The horrors of world wars
It all makes me want to weep with hopelessness
Sanity isn’t as fine as it sounds
Maybe I am not free yet
Maybe there is a better world in the distance
There is no reason to fear madness…
We are the very definition of madness.
A place with elves
dwarves, hobbits and men
A place with tales
We hear again and again

A place with adventure
That will never die
A place to laugh
And a place to cry

A place with songs
Of ancient days
Sung by elves
Merry and gay

A place where you hear
The hobbits laughter
Where they live
Happily ever after

Where mountains are filled
With silver and gold
Where the dwarves mine
Mighty and bold

A place with men
In cities of stone
And their great king
Sits on a beautiful throne

A place with lore
To others unknown
A place that I love
A place that's my own

There I live
And there will I die
In middle earth
My heart will lie
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Joanne Chan
Majestic mountains
Protecting the tranquil town
With power and strength
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
This black hole to nowhere
appears underneath me
from out of the blue
just to swallow me whole.

The longer I fall
the less I can see
the faster it gets
before I am consumed
e n  t   i    r     e      l       y
to the darkness.

*I am my own savior, yet I cannot save myself.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Head spinning
Vision tilting
Mind reeling
Stomache heaving

I don't recall my feet leaving the ground
or hopping onto a twisting rollercoaster.
how else would the world be rotating
360 degrees,
all in the same moment?
If this was written with pen, I'd have much fun with the last several lines in the visual arrangement of them.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
The warmness of spring
fills my body
with pure ecstasy.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Even the stars are
not infinite; they too, will
someday fade away.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Over and over again it happens:
Work piling up into massive
vertical structures, threatening to
topple over and smother me.
You'd think I'd have learned by now,
but I have not.
 Jun 2015 Theresa Lie
Why won't time just
s l o w   t h e   *******   d o w n
for once?
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