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would it be a cruel joke
for me to ask you
*how you're doing?
// babe, misery loves company //
When the earth quakes
Even the sea is not safe
Death lurks around every turn and caves

When the aged curses
Beware, even a tree on a bank withers
Even the most eloquent stutters

When a child cries
The heavens is summoned
And all the earth is cautioned

When humanity falters
And yet lack the humanity to admit same
Beware for we are just at the bend before our shame.

Make the mistakes then
Just don't make excuses for them
Just scurry and scout for the lesson therein.
His smile has rained over my ribcage
where inside rests a soil field
for him to grow hundreds of red tulips
as red as my kiss to his sweet lips
and they've been blocking my breathing
each time he tells me that he's leaving
or simply return to me and staying
so I pluck them all and start counting
one and two and three
does he loves me not?
or does he loves me?
until teardrop falls and I cannot see
cause it always ends up with him
not loving me
I heard of this poem that’s circling the universe
It’s known to be trending faster than the speed of light
With words of encouragements and positive feedback
each verse represents life, hope , truth and hope.

Its poetic use of words is organic, it unblock
release and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit
That poem was the last thing you remember
Leaving you with a clutter-free peaceful mind

Who?  Why?  How?  What!

*Sunna Shelley Wong said, “At every moment in a life or in a poem, the formal choice is between answering to that which is alive, or attempting to enslave it.”

Ink runs from the corners of my mouth.
There is no happiness like mine.
I have been eating poetry.

From "Eating Poetry
you're blue,
i'm red*

& purple is my favorite color
// ajeeb rangaan di tu hai bari; lage alag hi jahaan di //
I just wanna let you know
That I want you back
That I can do everything
Just to be with you again

Im sorry if I looked back
I didn't know
I am sorry Eurydice
I wasted the chance

Now that you're gone, forever
I'll just pluck my lyre
And sing a sad song
Until we'll meet again

In the underworld
Wait for me my love
my life, my Eurydice
Orpheus. <3
You are you-
I am me, but
If you were me, and
I were you-
Who then, would we be?

copyright: richard riddle: August 09, 2015

(if you want to "win friends and influence people", don't write stuff like this.)
cold pavements heard
my heart's song when
you waved a hand and made
music out of the raindrops

the green umbrella you held was
witness to the smile i can't help
when you laid out an arm and
pulled this fool closer

and alas, in that moment you
looked, i learned why the clouds
have been crying. they were robbed of
their stars and put in your eyes

but rains stop and songs end
and the umbrella you left,
i wish i could leave on a bus seat

green umbrella, he won't be back
the rain has gone, let me drop you
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