Will you walk through the daisies with me,
while the moonlight wraps us
in a cold huddle,
making us feel at home?
We can walk barefoot
through the flowers,
while the grass tickles our toes.
We can lay down
and look up at the sky,
while humming your
favourite song.
I can pluck the stars
and sew them into your hair.
I can make you a tiara
out of all the wishes
which the shooting stars carry.
I can lasso the moon
and fix her into your eyes.
I can capture the hush of the night,
and place it in your smile.
We can talk about nothing,
yet everything.
We can be alone
with each other.
We can get lost.
Will you walk through the daisies with me?
Give me your hand, and we can run down the fields, love each other more than the daisies.