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 Sep 2017 Tessa Marie
I do not want to be your echo

saying everything in repeat

I want to be your voice

saying the things that should be
voice out the truth...
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
He doesn't see past the horizon of his life
He doesn't indulge in the myth of the hereafter
He doesn't believe he is worthy of such a notion
He doesn't make it a habit to put pen to paper

But with her...

He envisions the future like he's lived it before
He sings of his plans that span several lifetimes
He romanticises his thoughts as soon as they're conceived
He converses in paintings and writes only in rhymes
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
Dhaara T
You've been away, a while
I didn't miss you
You promised to stay
But I didn't kiss you

You held my hand
and my neck too
Hello again, you return every while
Why do you?

After all the lows
You've put me through
You still think you'll win
You have no clue!

I listen to my heart
But to my mind too
I listen to my soul
To ME, not to you
"You're just a voice in my head. You don't control me."...I wish (and hope) everyone fighting depression sees this, understands that there is always a way out. You have the power, even if you don't see it yet, but I hope you do, and soon! <3
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
By the ones
I remember the most
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
Dhaara T
You think you're special
Special, you are, my dear
Look in the mirror,
You're one in a million
You have two eyes, a nose
Oh, and a mouth too
That spits venomous fire
Onto every soul that disregards
The beauty of your mind
The logic they cannot find
In your thoughts and your speech
But, oh, how you mind
Everything that makes sense to you, is beautiful
And all that fails to, non-sensical
Of course, you're one in a million
A copy-paste of a different kind
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
Max Vale
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
Max Vale
I believe in miracles,
The reality and the dreams.
Of the people who dream and wonder,
If the world could be born anew.
What would you change if you could start again?
 Jan 2017 Tessa Marie
If you go slow, you'll feel
How my body reacts
To your gentle touches.

If you close your eyes,
You'll feel my back arch
And the shivers on my skin.

My moans are softer,
But even more desperate.
I beg for more tenderness.

Fast is physically good
For you, but gentle
Is emotional for me.
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