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Jeff Lewis Sep 2019

              spilled          some
        on                  the

Floor and
                                               as they lay
                                    ­  surmount
I've    ever     written.

                                 ...and I lay down my pen for a broom.
John Glenn Aug 2019
One kind of forever
that would inherently ****:
creative slowdown,
a writer's block!
took me a very long time to create this piece
Cedric Aug 2019
Motivations burn,
Searing into my ****** mind!
Yet the flame dies down…
Disappearing like a ghost,
Leaving me an empty husk.
A tanka of a flame burning out…
This is going to be the worst poem you’ll ever read.
Because it is written with frustration,
Made during a time when a writer is at loss of words.
This poem is an effect of writer’s block.
No rhymes, no style, no meter.
Just a collection of verses put together
By my mind aching to bleed on paper,
But couldn’t, these thoughts are too scattered…
Too many…
All trying to get out the door at once,
And so the words that are meant to describe them
Can’t go through.
I read my previous poems and I lament
Over the fact that I can’t write the same way again.
This is the worse poem you’ll ever read,
This is the worst poem I ever wrote,
Made entirely from the worst torture for any writer.
Jayantee Khare Aug 2019

Don't feel right to write
Work-life in a balance
To touch a high,
emotions get no chance.

Watching tv
an all new obsession
The poetic journey paused
kept aside the passion.

Hardly read
and paying this cost,
to stay occupied
stay diverted

from the inner self
Whilst lost in my world,
Lost my words...

Undergoing the writer's block ....
Proctor Ehrling Jul 2019
Everything costs money and you never have the time
Want to be an artist, but your poems can't seem to rhyme
Much disputed master of the obscure
Much opposed disrupter of the order
Guess the experiment went wrong
Just because your style is different, won't mean it's gold
Such a working actor
Such an active wreck
"So I think I missed my chance" you foam
Cause you're ageing and your Oscar ain't yet home
Truth be told and lies be laid
Youth eternal, at long once and once again
Too late you find your life a bore
Turning it all back is irresponsible and wrong
Don't beat yourself, cause their ways don't match with yours
You just haven't found that thing to make you less alone
Isolated, mocked and wrongly painted
Bereft, crestfallen, hardly tainted
well listen, i aint a real poet and this one I don't even really remember working on that well, so please be gentle on me.
Hanna C S Jul 2019
Why must your youness be so
Impeccably imperfect,
That I cannot write you justice;
Cannot conjure even a shell of you.

Ever the joker you dance
At the edges of my vision;
Remain uncapturable yet unforgettable,
As I feverishly, fervently fail to
Sketch the shape of you.
My love,
I would slit my wrists with a ballpoint pen,
If only the ink ran a truer colour of you.

Rivers stain paper and corners curl crisp;
My pen runs dry over and over.
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2019
If someone asks
Why don't you write,
Those days?

I can't
Just reply
Genre: Experimental
Author's Note:When he/she asked for a paper
To write a next chapter
Someone gave him/her a filled page
Now tell me
Where and how can he/she write?
abigail j s Jul 2019
i slice my heart with strokes of pen;
blood flows as ink onto the page.
when i share my writings with my friends
they hold my life force in their hands.

words only sputter and spurt;
suddenly it hurts to hurt.
writing exhausts and reading consumes
over my head numbness looms.
words ought to follow each place i go
yet now i find them falling short.
i'm clinging to Your rays of light
fighting paralysis, reaching for Sight.
i wrote this on 30 june. these past few days I've added over 2000 words to my current WIP and several mornings ago my journal entry spanned 4 pages. day by day, creativity is finding her way back.
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