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Erin Riley Apr 2020
is a present
could never
give and
could never
take away.
Thomas W Case Apr 2020
There’s nothing like a
writer when he hits
his stride.
He’s like a horse in the
thundering to the
finish line.
He’s like a dog in
a fight that has his
opponent by the throat .

He is hope for the
He’s the lock on
the door.
He’s the power in
the ****.
He’s the fossil in  
the rock.

When he pounds out the
word and the line,
he’s like a lion roaming
the Serengeti, or like
the guy with
the whip and
the chair that
makes the silly looking
circus bear do what
he wants.

He’s the snow on
Christmas morning.
He’s the heart in
the newborn baby.
He’s the master and
the world’s his slave.
He’s the force that
makes the river flow.
He’s the tree for
the monkey
he is dope for
the ******.
He is wisdom for the flunky.

He is Don Quixote to
Dulcinea and
Peter to Christ.
He is wings for the
Dodo bird and
claws for the cat.
He’s the rage in the night.
He’s the first light of sunrise.
He’s the dew on the grass
he’s the sail and the
mass on an unsinkable boat.

It’s unthinkable that he would  
do anything else but
He is sight for the  
blind man, he’s a tongue for
the dumb.
He’s a throne for the king.
He’s what makes the robins
sing at the first sight
of spring.

He’s the ring in the bell.
He’s cold water in hell.
He’s the fire, not the smoke.
He’s the castle not
the mote.
He’s the forest
the trees.
He’s the bumble in  
the bees.
He’s the rumble from the seas.
He is life not death.
He’s the pulse and
the breath.

He’s the makeup on a clown.
He is sound for
the deaf.
He is  
bereft of nothing when
sun sets.
Vampirecadence Apr 2020
If night would've been a girl,
I would've married her.
Night is beautiful,
don't look at her darkness, inside her,
it's her beauty that only those can see
who have sat with her.

I can see how pretty she gets
the darker she gets,
I have touched her
and she touched me too,
I have listened her
and she listened me too.

She made me hers
and I made her mine.
She made me feel I'm not alone
as she let me accompany her.
I love the way she stares at me
like I'm only hers.

- shivamrealmyself
NIGHT - 3:33 AM - 3:44 AM
Erin Riley Apr 2020
I should’ve
your sweet
before it
turned bitter.
What I would do
for one more
Erin Riley Apr 2020
may try to
chime in,
but you’re
the only
one who
can dance
to your
Dez Apr 2020
Reach but you shall not attain
The glory of a great writer
Never will I gain
For I write but I am not a writer
So I only feign
And now I weep for I can not be a writer
All my work is mundane
But I desire to be a writer
And will continue to go through the pain
Though I will never reach the hight’s of a writer
I will go until I wane though all call me insane
All to be a writer
All to be a writer
I write but I am not a writer
Ann B Apr 2020
Her spilled thoughts have not
cups that runneth over, but
a  pen on pursuit.
Erin Riley Apr 2020
Half full,
or half empty—
to be broken
and not know
what broke you
is a shattering
Ndeego McDaniels Apr 2020
I want to inscribe this piece with a red ink like the blood
For I want people to know that I scribbled it from the depths of my heart
Perhaps, they must discern the sacrifices that I make to mix these words into a cup like tea

Or, let me write this piece with a black ink like the crab’s blood
For they must know that this came from the beliefs of a black man with history, values and culture to protect. Alas, someone must be willing to tell our story the way it was, is and will be
For western civilisations have wiped away the classics of our time embossed and engraved on our hearts across the sea

Or let me write these few words with the blue ink like we used to,
For people reading this must know, like blue is to the sky,
My writings cover the entirety of the human race.
Wait, let me brew fine words from the lexicons of the old, for within their thoughts lies philosophies and secret elixir of life, immortality of the tongue.

Wait, let me write this piece with the utmost level of sagacity, prudence and wisdom, for my children must grow to appreciate my intellect.
I wish this piece  brings  some plagues to my desk, and a travelling ticket to roam the world
So where and how should I start?

Wait, I must make sure these arguments do not offend the big men and the highest
For they clench the keys to my door of no return
Wait, let me write about the contemporary issues in town, the trending news that all are discussing, for that will sell fast and put some few bugs in my pocket
Wait, let me read wide and re-examine my dictions, for issues of copyright and plagiarism can cost me my lifetime savings.

Wait, I must examine when and how I place my metaphors, ironies and oxymorons to fit in this piece, for literature students must study my works too.
Wait, when the power comes back, prompt me, for I did not save the last paragraph I just typed.

From the chest of a writer, comes the greatest dilemma of life, like Nelly or Kelly.
Words that are sharp and powerful to divide the flesh from the bones. Within the chest are graving issues of national consent, issues that matters the most.
From the chest of a writer lingers the verdicts of our time. Words that can make or unmake a nation.
Arguments that have the potency to divide and unite the entire universe.  Peace and War.
Erin Riley Apr 2020
When I go outside, the earth, my mother always tells me:

Your petals may fall,
some days you’ll wither,
but you are a growing flower;
one whose beauty is out of the picture.
Don’t forget to look up, or down,
dig your feet into my ground.
I am always here,
watering your wounds
and rooting for your smile
to be in full bloom.
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