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Ken Pepiton May 2023
Believe the monkey with the gun is not real reason to run.

Stand your ground,
and turn around, and cast a long shadow, as the sun goes down,

the life worth living lay still in the shade coming the other way,
as these rocks I live on glow a certain Baja rosy hue, impressive,
the way
peace remains, on rocks you return to often.

Choosing between long or short for the finale in the thousand
Dime Poems and Novel Mind Tuning Forks I have left here,
at this place in cyberspace where gifted witnesses of life,
appear to soar,
like eagles gathering to feast, while each leave a carcass,
some where, for late comers,
near the end. F' Art, art made by… I cannot imagine what,
could wish it otherwise, joy, empty or full, pulling in, or spewing
or spilling, all along the brim of our shared existance,

in these most interesting times, when no day is long enough,
and sleep is welcome, any time.
This makes 999 to find not bad gateways to the most encouraging group of artistic odd ***** I have ever taken lessons from. The last in the Thousand, is a chapter in the first of Ten or More, proetry novels or mental water parks.
It may take a lost hour to read, and feed many little birds.
Daniel Tabone Apr 2016
The day is over,
The sweat is dry,
Eyelids won’t open,
I cannot try;

My back is aching,
And my feet burn,
Driving back home,
Look what I earn;

The day is over,
The air is cool,
And I remember,
I still have school;

aniket nikhade Jan 2016
A moment in time will come when everything will fall in it’s place, everything getting worked out.
Something was thought of,
upon which something was planned.
Keeping in mind to achieve the same,
a moment in time passed by when desire made it's way into the mindset.

Unpredictable are the ways of life in a life that at times seems to be strange,
but it’s life,
since life continues on it’s own like before.

Life continues with a combination of what was thought and planned against all that is going on in the mind
Accept the truth and fact of life, definitely life will then become easy
As simple as it seems to be what seems to be simple is not that simple
Never has it been so simple to accept the fact that a mistake has happened in life.

In one way or the other,
in whatever possible way,
always there are ways to avoid mistakes in life and in order to do so also presence of mind is needed.

Subconscious mind needs to be aware of the fact that something similar has happened before
Be prepared for the fact that a mistake on similar grounds has happened before
Once the subconscious mind indicates that something is going to go wrong,
probably then it’s time to take the next step slowly, but surely.

An intuition of mind can come into effect only when properly guided and supported by experience from prior
When the right moment of time is striked upon,
time now is to take the next step,
perhaps previous experience proves to be useful in deciding how to move ahead.

Efforts get their due value and importance when experience guides and supports the efforts that have been made from time to time
It’s important to know all that is going on in the outside world and also all that is being going on inside the mind of an individual.

Along with practice comes experience and along with experience comes the ability to foresee the future
At this junction it’s important to decide and keep in mind that every step taken from now onwards towards the future is taken in the right direction with utmost care

Possibly all the mistakes that might happen from now onwards are new ones,
once decided,  
then this will definitely enrich the experience to built a future according to what was thought and planned before.
Till this moment in time comes it’s time to make sure that efforts are been made to get the desired results.
aniket nikhade Oct 2015
After a period of day or two everything will get worked out
Everything will fall in it’s proper place
Add to it a few more days
Hope does not fade away all of a sudden
Life continues
As per what was thought
As per what was planned
As per what was initially expected from the present
Life continues.

Engaged is the mind
Engaged in thoughts of own
Occupied with thoughts of own
At one point or another
At some point of time
Something or other, some sort of a thing goes on in the mind
There is always something that goes on in the mind

If not this, then something better
Some other thing
If this is possible, then definitely something much better might still be possible
Life continues with endless thoughts and countless number of possibilities.

As and when a turn is taken
Doubts are raised
Questions are asked
Despite of all the turn of events in life, life still continues.

It's always better to be a part of an interaction that takes place in the mind
Better debate
Better discuss and then decide the proper line of action to be taken.

Winning and losing has always been part of the game
It's part of life
With every win there is a boost to the level of confidence
With every loss there is a question mark raised
Level of experience is questioned after suffering a loss.

Still it’s better to participate
By doing so, a hope for the desired result gets a raise
No point in waiting for some sort of a miracle to happen.
Miracles do happen, but only when you dream
In life it's always hope and passion
Never give up on anything in your life
Always hope for better
Always pursue your passion because dreams, desire and passion are part of everyone's life.

— The End —